Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1110 Naturalization of the whole island

Chapter 1110 Naturalization of the whole island
"At the beginning we only had 500 people, so don't we also manage Hainan Island now?" Zhu Mingxia said, "Don't worry. When there are more immigrants in Shandong, it will all be ours."

"That's right, the three companies of township warriors you brought can at least replace part of the Japanese security forces' garrison tasks." Nangong Wudi said, "But they don't have hot weapons, and at most they are at the same level as the security forces."

"Where's the cavalry and supply training team?" Zhu Mingxia remembered that these troops had already moved to Jeju Island.There are hundreds of people.

"They are all under the orders of Nick, and I can't interfere at all." The cavalry training team and the logistics training team transported from Hainan Island are busy with horse breeding business every day except for training.

Nick took over the stables outside Jeju City, the stables in the three cities and nine towns and some nearby official horse farms, and the number of horses in his hands expanded to more than 3000.In order to identify, treat, breed and raise these horses, he not only occupied most of the people from the two teaching teams, but also used a lot of people from the local fence army and horse-breeding officials and servants, and he kept calling for help. not enough.

"...Nick is looking for someone from me every day now. He is very dissatisfied with the locals - he doesn't understand what he said. If he wants my soldiers to be soldiers, at least he must be a naturalized citizen of the Land Reclamation Squadron. what."

Don't look at Nangong Wudi's aggrieved words, in fact, Nick occupied these troops willingly.As for the reason, it was because he also expected to see the mighty cavalry as soon as possible.Ever since a dozen ex-horse warriors from the Japanese security army company were equipped with horses and upgraded to cavalry guards, Nangong Wudi has fallen in love with the feeling of being surrounded by cavalry—if people, horses, and uniforms and weapons A little more majestic and gorgeous will be more handsome.

In this way, the military strength is indeed a bit weak.The troops in Nangong Wudi's hands are small and miscellaneous.He has all kinds of troops in his hands, but in fact they are mainly auxiliary troops and logistics troops.Except for the two teaching teams, the engineering company is the only one that can be used.But the engineer company also serves as the core construction team for many construction jobs.

There are only two infantry companies and one Japanese security company that can really be used in combat troops.As for the navy's troops, they are basically unusable-the ships of the Second Fleet frequently travel between Jeju and Shandong, and the sailors' physical strength is exhausted, so it is difficult to spare troops for land use.

If it weren't for the Jeju Land Reclamation United Team that was sent to undertake a considerable part of the local defense work, the Jeju Island Detachment would not even be able to complete the task of occupying points and defending the line.

It is precisely because of the lack of troops on Jeju Island that Zhu Mingxia transported 300 Xiangyong from Shandong.With these [-] people, a considerable part of the garrison work can be undertaken, and the troops can be liberated to carry out mobile operations against inland areas.

Although Zhu Mingxia didn't care about political work and it was his first visit to Jeju Island, he had some understanding of the situation on the island through the compilation of information on Jeju Island sent every week.

The upcoming Jeju Political Conference is actually a meeting that requires all forces on the island to surrender completely and express their sincerity. Any forces that show that they cannot satisfy the Senate will be eradicated later.

This point, I am afraid that many powerful people on the island know it well, so although the situation is calm at the moment, it will fall into fierce turmoil as soon as the meeting is over.The next step is to carry out security warfare according to the situation and eradicate "hostile forces" and "instability factors".

However, in the secret order given to the Jeju Island Front Committee by the Planning Institute and the Civil Affairs People's Committee, Jeju Island will fully implement the "combination of villages and villages" when the "time is ripe" in the future.This is based on the fact that most of the local people are tenants, shepherd slaves and official servants, and the population density is very low.

Except for a very small number of merchants in Jeju Island, almost no one among the lower class civilians has any property or land, and the integration of villages will not encounter much resistance.As for the landlords and herdsmen, naturally they will not be allowed to continue to exist.

According to the reconnaissance work carried out by the special investigation team in Jeju Island in the past few months, the front committee of Jeju Island has roughly figured out the various residential areas on the island, and then calculated according to the scale of each residential area and the information obtained from the prison camp. The actual total population of the island is about 3000.

At present, [-] Shandong refugees have been transported to Jeju Island, and more will be transported in the future.Although most of the population will be transferred to Taiwan and Hainan Island after the purification is completed, a considerable number of people will remain on the island, forming the basis for the rule of the Senate on the island.

Prior to this, the Beishang detachment must ensure that it completely subdues and eradicates all forces on the island that hinder the "naturalization" of the island.According to a plan that is still under discussion: to transport some of the Korean people on the island to Taiwan and Hainan Island, so as to speed up their "naturalization" process, but it has not been officially approved because of the problem of transport capacity to the south.

Zhu Mingxia and Nangong Wudi discussed the adjustment plan of the troops. Before the meeting, he had to prepare enough mobile troops: at least one complete infantry company and some infantry were ready to go to battle at any time.The Japanese security forces even have to go into battle depending on the situation.

Although the newly formed white horse troops are not very effective in combat, they are familiar with the local conditions and can act as guides and translators.

In this way, it seems that the total force is generally enough.After all, Jeju Island is not as complicated as Hainan Island in terms of size, geographical environment or social conditions.Moreover, the policy of "naturalization" throughout the island has greatly reduced the workload of political work.After the villages are merged, you can "educate" whatever you want.

"How many cavalry can Nick call out?"

"The cavalry teaching team can probably dispatch a company, but the cavalry teaching team has many recruits and few veterans, so I'm afraid it won't be of much use."

Most of the veterans in the cavalry teaching team served as scout cavalry in Shandong. There were not many personnel on Jeju Island who could perform combat missions, and these people had to serve as coaches for horses and soldiers.

Zhu Mingxia said: "It doesn't matter. Most of them are stationed outside Jeju City now, and they can be used as a garrison. In addition to the newly arrived Shandong Security Army Company, all the Japanese security forces can be drawn out as a reserve team—I heard that they still have Pretty good at fighting?"

"It's true that I can fight well. I don't like to use rifles, but I fell in love with white soldiers..." Nangong Wudi said with a sigh, "It's a pity that the best fighter is useless. Although he has one life left, he can't serve as a soldier anymore."

"If you can't be a soldier, you can do other things. Those who have shed blood for us are all training targets." Zhu Mingxia looked at his watch, "Come on, let's go see Lao Feng. See how his preparations for the meeting are going."

Zhu Mingxia waited for a long time in the conference room of the prison camp before he arrived at Feng Zongze and Xue Ziliang. The two exchanged views on the situation and work on Jeju Island, and discussed the next step of work. Seeing that it was getting late, Feng Zongze hosted a banquet to entertain them.

"You've had a hard time on that island these days—you should eat dry food every day."

"Fortunately, there is no shortage of meat, but there is no vegetables." Zhu Mingxia ate the dried shrimps and fried cabbage, "Why didn't you get some kimchi? It's sour and spicy, it goes well with rice."

"Who else is growing red peppers in East Asia these days besides us?" Feng Zongze laughed, "There are non-spicy kimchi, I thought you weren't interested..."

"I'm really not interested, do you have any kind?"

"Let's wait for spring. There are also potatoes, garlic and citrus." Feng Zongze was in high spirits. 10 people will not be a problem. As for citrus and garlic are famous products in Jeju, the quality will be very good.”

"I've also wanted to eat potatoes for a long time." Zhu Mingxia said.Hainan Island is not suitable for growing potatoes. They are only grown on a small scale in Wu Nanhai's farm.

"By the way, how do you arrange the group of life secretaries you brought? I think there are quite a few..." Feng Zongze laughed lewdly, "Is it near water..."

"Damn... how can I do things that are unorganized and undisciplined?" Zhu Mingxia disagrees, "They are all talents I specially discovered. The number of days they are quarantined in Shandong is not enough. You just need to arrange someone to clean them. Then alone Find a place to settle—”

"I know, I know. I must find a place very close to the prison camp..." Feng Zongze put on a subtle smile of "I understand everything, you don't need to say more".

"Don't think about it wrong," Zhu Mingxia smiled, "It's not that it's closer to the prison camp, but it's better to be in the prison camp——I have things to communicate with them frequently."

In this way, the members of Liu's troupe were arranged in an official courtyard next to the prison camp.There are female Korean support staff guarding the courtyard. Not only are they not allowed to go out, but they are also not allowed to talk to each other unless the chief is present.

Liu Yisi with a shaved head—that is, Liu Shi, the former moderator of the theater troupe, is staring at Zhu Mingxia's laptop. She is used to this strange thing now, and the aerobics music "Youth Charm" is playing on the computer.The Australian head assigned this task yesterday, and she was asked to listen to this music over and over again until she was able to play it.This music is completely different from the music she has been exposed to before. In addition to instruments such as zither, flute, and cymbals, there are also some instruments that she has never been exposed to.The melody was even more unfamiliar - it sounded like noise to her.

She carefully asked Zhu Mingxia what kind of musical instrument it was, and Zhu Mingxia told her that these musical instruments just need to find similar ones to replace them.

This is Zhu Mingxia's private plan. He wants to train a group of maids who can dance aerobics, a group of maids who can remind the elders of the old time and space, a group of maids with more modern aesthetics, and a group of maids who can become rugby babies. maid.He can teach basic movements and routines, and he can also arrange some simple movements. No matter how complicated it is, he needs a laptop. He has a lot of videos taken during competitions and training on his computer.

(End of this chapter)

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