Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1121 Public Judgment Conference

Chapter 1121 Public Judgment Conference
Park Deok-hwan just disappeared on the stage of history, like a meteor across the sky, disappearing in the vigorous era of entrepreneurship.He was not deliberately erased.Historians of later generations, even without the special permission of the "Ministry of Truth", can check his final result in the public archives of the Cheka and the Arbitration Tribunal: he was sentenced to lifelong hard labor for corruption and a relatively large amount of crime.The records in the archives go only so far.If he is interested in continuing to inquire about the whereabouts of this person, he must apply to the Ministry of Truth for a medium-level file inquiry permit.Then he can inquire from the vast files that in the fourth year after Pu Dehuan became a long list of numbers, a death certificate issued by the Special Labor Department of Hongji Coal Mine, the cause of death: "accident".

However, at that time, Park Duk-hwan's arrest and trial caused a great sensation in Jeju.This very popular former official servant, the Australian "bow and arrow official", was exposed to have collected a lot of bribes and committed major corruption.

Taking this as an opportunity, a group of public servants and local businessmen related to this were successively arrested from the relationship around Pu Dehuan.A vigorous anti-corruption campaign was launched.

Because there is no official court here in Jeju Island, there is only a military court-this military court is not composed of soldiers.Rather, the arbitral tribunal is mostly managed by the military in order to cope with the lack of local institutions during the expansion stage.There are few naturalized civilian cadres who have received legal training and many times it is a compromise model made in an environment where local conditions are ever-changing.

When it comes to the laws cited, the arbitral tribunal generally has statutes or precedents that follow the rules. If not, the elders who act as judges can follow the authority. As for which law to use, it is up to them.

From the perspective of "ruling the country by law," such a legal system is extremely crude.Therefore, the arbitral tribunal has issued a notice: they are organizing two groups, which will soon conduct research on Jeju Island and Taiwan Island, and start to formulate the "Basic Law" of the two places.

Nangong Wudi temporarily acted as the president of the judge and signed the judgments in batches.According to the relevant recommendations of the arbitral tribunal, there are only two types of judgments related to corruption cases: several years of hard labor and confiscation of all property.Except for Park Duk-hwan, most of the people involved in the case were sentenced to more than three years of hard labor.Those who were sentenced to hard labor were all sent to serve in Taiwan, Hainan and even Vietnam, regardless of the year.For those who committed very minor crimes, their property would be confiscated, and then they would stay in the local area and form a "punishment team" to serve indefinitely.

In order to reveal the significance of this campaign, "Jeju Shimbun" not only launched a special account on the case, but also held an exhibition of anti-corruption achievements in the academy.

Feng Zongze felt that these "stolen goods" were really shabby.The accumulative total of silver and copper coins copied from Pu Dehuan's mansion is less than 50 taels, and more than a dozen pieces of silk and satin.Other cotton cloths, furniture, rice, salt... There are all kinds of daily necessities, even miso.

"Is this considered stolen goods?" Feng Zongze looked around and couldn't help but comment, "Is this the thing? At least Zhang Chengxue should be tied up and put here. I think she's worth a little money."

"When a group of people are about to starve to death, those who have enough to eat are the rich and powerful. Corruption or corruption depends on the overall material level." Nangong Wudi said, "Don't say that Jeju Island is a border county of the Li Dynasty, it is the Li Dynasty. How much wealth can the rich and powerful of the dynasty have? Haven’t you been to South Korea and visited that palace? That house in Daming is only at the level of a middle-class landlord’s compound in an underdeveloped area. You can’t say that people are not worthy of living in it It's called the Great King of Korea."

"That's right, I just feel shivering." Feng Zongze said.

"We feel shivering, but the people of Li Chao feel very rich." Nangong Wudi looked at his watch and asked in a low voice, "Is the action about to start?"

"Start on time." Feng Zongze also replied in a low voice, "Xue Wei Ni said that he has made all the preparations."

Nangong Wudi didn't say anything, and the two returned to the prison camp.A new command post has been set up here-the Jeju Island Security Strengthening Movement will issue the first order from here.

The Jeju law and order strengthening campaign was formulated by Xue Ziliang himself, and all the resources of the Senate in Jeju, regardless of the army, navy or civil affairs system, were all deployed and used by him.

However, Xue Ziliang is very aware of the "hobbies" of the Senate - they will not appreciate it without a vigorous mass movement.So he handed over this work to Feng Zongze to handle.

Feng Zongze and Nangong Wudi went deep into various departments separately, and conveyed the order to carry out the security strengthening campaign to the various agricultural reclamation squadrons, Shandong Xiangyong, the Japanese security forces, the White Horse Team, and the North Korean Fenggong Team.Movements soon spread throughout Jeju City.

The beginning of the movement was a huge "public trial".A high platform was set up in front of the prison camp, and the members of the White Horse Team held sticks to order the order, and the Japanese security forces unsheathed their knives one by one.All the people in the city, no matter men, women, old or young, as long as they can walk, all must participate.In addition to the local people, some Shandong immigrants and members of the agricultural reclamation team also came to participate.The whole square and the streets were packed.

Feng Zongze wanted to "make it big", so he did not hesitate to use loudspeakers, and specially equipped translators for simultaneous interpretation: Although the audience of the public trial is mainly local people, we should also remind Shandong immigrants.

Amidst the roar of mountains and tsunami, a group of "rebels" headed by Zhao Minggui and Zhang Chengxue were brought out for public trial.Their crimes have been announced in advance, and the evidence has been released, emphasizing that these saboteurs organized sabotage activities such as arson and poisoning-this is different from ordinary sabotage, it is an indiscriminate and indiscriminate attack, a typical "terrorist attack". activities", which can easily arouse the fear and hatred of ordinary people.

Nangong Wudi continued to point the finger at Master Jin and Li Chao. "Fear"-"hatred", Li Chao, who was originally an "orthodox court", became an "enemy", and the people turned their fear of being hurt into endless hatred-not to mention that the Korean people on the island did not have a good impression of Li Chao Many people were exiled prisoners and official slaves.Under the echo of Nangong Wudi's continuous roaring and questioning, and the response of the Guihuamin propagandists hiding in the crowd, the aroused hatred broke out, and slogans came and went.

Zhao Minggui's face was ashen-he was speechless, even in a state of physical and mental collapse in the face of the Political Security Bureau's "boiling eagle" interrogation, he did not have such fear: the people in the audience gritted their teeth one by one, as if To tear him alive.Although the officials of the "Da Song" did not tell him to kneel down, his legs were already limp as mud.Only by the support of two members of the White Horse team did he not fall down.

In contrast, Zhang Chengxue was much calmer. Her face was pale, and she tried to yell several times, but every time she opened her mouth, she was overwhelmed by the roar organized by the Guihuamin propagandists. Several times in succession, she I finally knew that my last counterattack was futile.

The other prisoners knew that a catastrophe was imminent, and they all fell limp on the ground, unable to speak, and some even poured out urine and feces.Just when Nangong Wudi was about to announce the verdict, Zhang Chengxue took advantage of the unawareness of the female white horse team member who grabbed her arm, and bit her hard.

This time, without the encouragement of the propagandists, the people who had already been provoked to red eyes shouted together: "Kill her!" The crowd even started to rush to the side of the stage.The White Horse Team and the Japanese Security Force hurriedly suppressed the crowd to prevent the crowd from rushing up.

Zhang Chengxue struggled like crazy on the stage, the two female team members couldn't hold her down at all, so two male team members quickly came up and held her tightly.A hemp ball was also stuffed into his mouth.

Nangong Wudi admired Zhang Chengxue's reaction very much - this is really the best embodiment of "dying struggle".Immediately he stood up and began to deliver the sentence.

"In the name of the Senate and the people, the judgments of the Jeju 3.15 and 3.20 conspiracy cases are as follows—"

The army drums beat suddenly, and the square fell silent.

Nangong Wudi paused deliberately in order to make his judgment impressive.

"... Zhao Minggui, death sentence!"

"... Zhang Chengxue, death penalty!"


He read the verdicts one by one.Thirteen people under Zhao Minggui were sentenced to death for organizing, responding, harboring, and contacting "rebels" in the city; another 13 "righteous soldiers" who sneaked into the city and planned to set fire to poison were also sentenced to death.

The rest of the involved persons were sentenced to different hard labor.All property of the persons involved was confiscated.As a result, except for a few small and micro businesses in Jeju City, large-scale private handicrafts and commercial activities no longer exist.

The "behind the scenes" revealed during the trial: Jin Wanyi, Huang Yunyu and several local herdsmen and landlords were sentenced to death in absentia and all their property was confiscated.

Prisoners sentenced to death were hanged on gallows erected outside the four gates of Jeju and left to dry.

After the verdict was over, the "Rebellion Swearing-in Conference" was held. At the conference, the two brothers and sisters of the Jin family were first announced to be commended for their deeds, and then the "crusade" against the "hostile elements" on the entire island was announced.Finally, Nangong Wudi and Feng Zongze reviewed the crusade army.The National Army, including the Fubo Army, the Japanese Security Force, the White Horse Team and Shandong Xiangyong, accepted the review.

The sound of military drums and the rumbling of cannons.When the city of Jeju was in full swing, the crusade teams had already quietly dispatched, shooting like sharp arrows at the targets that had already been marked.Jeju Island security strengthening campaign officially kicked off.

Excited and exhausted, Feng Zongze even returned to his office in the prison camp.He looked at his watch: According to the schedule, the news of the first batch of broken villages will come in half an hour.At this time, the guard came to report: "Pu Demeng, the translator and interpreter, asked the chief to meet him."

"Ask him to come in." Feng Zongze said.

(End of this chapter)

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