Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1123 minutes

Chapter 1123 10 minutes

But just as he was raising the sword, Yahei looked down and saw the dejected look of the two poor men Chosun Ashigaru, and was suddenly controlled by a strong sense of déjà vu.

In the 1616 battle of Osaka that pacified the world, I and my dead father were in such a state of despair. My father was shot and fell on the edge of the forest. A samurai came and beheaded my father. I dragged the body without realizing it. The feces and urine flowed all over the floor, and another samurai pointed his knife at his head, and the one holding his father's head turned around and shouted: "Why do you want a hairy child's head? You haven't shaved your forehead hair. You idiot! Do you want to shave his head?"

This scene often appeared in his dreams, each time his head was taken away by different people, and when he woke up, he didn't know whether to hate or thank the other party.If my father hadn't lost his head, I might not have been adopted by the church, and I wouldn't have participated in the riots later on. I might have become a farmer somewhere, and I could have worked as a guard for the landlord. ...

"Hey, you, can you still walk?" He tapped the old one with the back of his knife: "Are you scared stupid, dumb? Deaf? Or are you a born idiot? How could an idiot have a son? Which idiot woman gave birth to you?" of?"

Yahei's attitude is very arrogant——since the "squad leader demon" Shi Chuan was injured by an arrow, the corporals have been promoted one by one. Originally, it was not his turn to be a big-headed soldier, but some of the samurai with the right brand were selected as veterans He was promoted to the rank of corporal of the ninth squad when he was born in Ashgaru.

Although this last squad is not full of members—even he has only five people, but at least he has four big soldiers for him to drive.Yabei naturally vented the countless "education of love" he had received to his subordinates.A corporal deserves a taste.

Looking at the two Korean ashigaru in scanty clothes, Yahei thought that since the two Yaga ashigaru were still alive, let them live.Chiefs love captives.Now that the Australians are here, maybe this damn world will be different?

The Japanese company swept away the sporadic volunteers outside Suwon-dong during the dawn search.As Xue Ziliang expected, the volunteer soldiers did not place enough sentries on the periphery.Not even the most common alarm facilities such as Fengsui were prepared.After Xue Ziliang interrogated the captured volunteers, he learned that these Li Chao masters hadn't finished their defensive preparations yet.It seems that they didn't think that the "Japanese Kun" would send troops to attack soon.

Xue Ziliang was already accustomed to the military level of the natives of this time and space, regardless of their civilization level, but it was rare to see such a low level: the other party obviously knew nothing about fighting, and was not as good as the Hainan Island bandits he had fought.

Xue Ziliang stood on the hillside, raising his binoculars to observe Suwon Cave.

The so-called "cave" does not really have a cave - this is a unique place name in North Korea.Suwon-dong is a large gentle slope in the inland mountainous area, and the terrain is relatively flat. Although there is not enough water for farming due to the slope of the terrain, the grass is abundant and it is a good place to graze cattle and horses.

Master Jin's manor is on a hill on this gentle slope, and its shape is very different from the North Korean city that Xue Ziliang has seen: it is a simple mountain city.The estate stands on top of a hill.The top of the mountain is completely flattened to become a circular platform.Surrounded by thick wooden fences standing on volcanic rock foundations, there are wooden towers and gatehouses.Inside the fence are many houses and courtyards, probably the residence of Lord Jin and the residences of the servants.

On the hillside, there are concentric ditches and Juma and Luchai.The road leading to the gatehouse is only a narrow digging road at the front and back.It seems that the fortification is very tight - of course, this is according to the level of Jeju Island itself.

In addition to the mountain city itself, there are three or four villages scattered nearby, as well as large wooden sheds and stables.They should all be the residences of the manor's slaves and tenants.

Below the mountain city, there are five volunteer camps temporarily set up around the mound, supporting each other with the manor, and there are also fences and trenches outside the camps.According to the confessions of volunteer soldiers, there are about 400 people in each camp, and they are all equipped with North Korean homemade cannons and bird guns.

In Xue Ziliang's opinion, this kind of defensive configuration is not worth mentioning. It looks quite impressive, but in fact it is nothing more than a chicken and a dog.However, since the opponent is huddled together, it is best to put up a formation waiting for help-annihilating the main force of the enemy at one time, and catching enough prisoners is much more refreshing than launching a search battle all over the island.

But what Xue Ziliang is most concerned about is to capture or eliminate the local tyrants on the island in World War I.Completely disintegrate the grassroots ruling class on the island, and make political preparations for the next step of integrating villages.

The scouts had marked all the possible roads to escape from the manor, and Xue Ziliang ordered the snipers of the special reconnaissance team and the Fubo army to control these roads and capture the prisoners.He didn't have many troops, so he decided to attack the manor directly in one go, throwing the enemy into complete chaos with a short blow.

At [-] o'clock in the morning on April [-]th, the sword-drawing team and the white-horse team lined up in front of the manor. Although the white-horse team only had bows and arrows and spears, they were still imposing. It made the volunteer soldiers in the camp soften their feet.

Jin Dahai saw that the Japanese pirates who came here were not genuine Japanese pirates, they were all "courtesy traitors" who used spears, and there were not many of them.On the contrary, morale soared, and he decided to go out to fight a battle, to show some color to the Japanese.Immediately, he brought dozens of his subordinates to cheer up the "righteous soldiers" waving their knives. Under his scolding, punching and kicking, the volunteer soldiers finally came out to line up.

There were as many as 1000 volunteers in the formation. Except for the more than 200 servants of the lords who were well-dressed and well-armed, most of the volunteers used only "short guns" with Korean characteristics.This kind of stabbing weapon that is only one person tall has no practical significance in anyone's eyes, but it is almost a decent weapon on Jeju Island.

Although the specialty of Jeju Island is bows and arrows, there are not many volunteers who can use bows and arrows.Bows and arrows are quite expensive and require constant practice. Except for hunters who make a living by this, ordinary tenants and slaves are rarely good at using them.Therefore, the archers are all the servants of the lords.In addition, there are fifty or sixty firecrackers of various types. Some were made by the government of the Li Dynasty and distributed to the officers and soldiers, and some were left behind by the Japanese pirates in the past.

These more than 1000 people stood in front of the camp in a messy formation—in order to increase the odds of winning, Jin Dahai didn't let the team go too far so as to get support from the cannons in the camp.

However, even a frog in a well like Jin Dahai could tell that the opponent was a tiger and wolf army. Although there were many people on his side, he was still a little nervous, knowing that a fierce battle was inevitable.

The spring breeze is blowing the earth, the pasture is green and full of wild flowers, and the spring of the pasture is beautiful.The recruited volunteers thought about their families, and wondered when they would be able to return home after the battle: the master had already made a wish to drive away the Japanese, and each of them would give five buckets of barley, and he would be exempted from paying this year's salary. Shengong and Zuzi—at least they can breathe slowly

Suddenly, the war drums of the Japanese army began to beat fiercely, and the formation of the volunteer soldiers was in a commotion.

Rows of soldiers wearing "array hats" began to walk out of the middle of the white horse team's formation. They all held bird guns and walked out calmly amidst the sound of military drums, and soon formed a horizontal line in front of the battle line.

The idea of ​​the snare drum became more and more urgent, and the soldiers made a sound, and neatly raised their bird guns and began to aim.The volunteer soldiers became even more agitated, and the people standing in the first row retreated one after the other, trying to get behind them.

Seeing that something was wrong, Jin Dahai hurriedly shouted: "Shoot the arrows! Let the arrows go!"

He never expected that the opponent would be ready to shoot at such a long distance.The servants shot the first row of arrows in disorder.Most of the feathered arrows fell halfway, and only a few arrows landed in front of the battle line.The whole procession was motionless, and the sound of the snare drums suddenly stopped.

A row of thick white smoke erupted from the front line, covering the entire formation in an instant.The lead bullets whizzed through the air and shot into the human body, tearing skin and muscle, smashing blood vessels and bones.Blood spurted out from the ragged bodies, screams, howls and screams immediately enveloped the entire ranks of volunteers.The volunteer soldiers standing in the front row suddenly became chaotic.

The spring breeze blew away the gunpowder smoke, and Xue Ziliang could clearly see through the binoculars that although the queue of volunteer soldiers still roughly existed, they were all in a mess.

"Blow the horn! Put on the bayonet and charge!" He originally planned to fire a few more rows of guns, but now it seems unnecessary.

With a burst of passionate bugle calls, the Japanese soldiers of the Security Army began to scream with bayonets, and Yabei took the lead, brandishing a Taidao and screaming all the way.

"Order the artillery to bombard the camp with howitzers." Xue Ziliang ordered, "The white horse team is ready to go!"

"White Horse Team! Get ready!" Following the command of the Fubo Army officer, the White Horse Team put down their spears and prepared to follow the next wave of assault.

Xue Ziliang immediately realized that there was no need for the white horse team to attack, and the pigs with drawn swords rushed up in a wave, and the volunteer soldiers who had been in a mess for a long time collapsed immediately.This group of genuine Japanese pirates had red eyes and shiny bayonets. The volunteer soldiers were always scared by the stories of Japanese pirates since they were young.

Explosions of 12-pound grenades added to the chaos.The more than 1000 under-trained volunteers scattered and fled, and the left-behind personnel who were originally in the village also became chaotic, opening the gate of the village and fleeing one after another.

At the beginning, Jin Dahai tried his best to urge his servants to maintain order, but when the shells fell and exploded, he could no longer muster the pride of "fighting to the death" and fled to the manor on the hill with his servants.

Xue Ziliang crossed his arms and looked at his watch: only 10 minutes.

He ordered: "White Horse Team, go! Take more prisoners."

(End of this chapter)

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