Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1128 Zhong Xiaoying

Chapter 1128 Zhong Xiaoying

Of course, one minute later Dr. Zhong realized that there was nothing wrong with the Executive Committee—he was still in his studio in the Taibai Mansion.The telephone, covered with a cotton cover, was well placed on a small coffee table.

The large glass window in front of the work desk was already covered with drops of water—it was starting to rain outside.

"The sea is going to be stormy again." Zhong Lishi said and stood up slowly.Zhong Xiaoying hurriedly helped him put on his coat - the temperature dropped significantly now.

"Yes, Father, the current temperature is 19 degrees Celsius. The humidity is 90%. The reading on the barometer is rising. It is estimated that the rain will not last long."

"That's right." Zhong Lishi nodded in satisfaction, Zhong Xiaoying was his adopted daughter.He bought her back from a maid training class.Zhong Xiaoying is a native of Dongguan County, Guangdong Province. She has dark skin and an average appearance, but has big eyes and a decent height.

Zhong Lishi didn't get the number. He didn't like the first phase of the maid training class below B level. When he was about to buy one to go back to do laundry, cooking and warming the bed, he found a girl with very flexible eyes. It was big and bright, and I was immediately attracted. After asking a few words, I thought that this young girl's quick thinking was a talent to make, so I paid for it.

Zhong Lishi soon discovered that she was a clever girl.In addition to doing housework, when he was doing experiments and doing research, she always stood aside and observed quietly, and would help him from time to time.Gradually, Dr. Zhong realized that she was quite talented in this area, so he began to teach her some scientific knowledge and simple mathematics.

He was surprised and delighted by the girl's ability to learn and comprehend.After much consideration, Zhong Lishi decided to adopt her as his adopted daughter.She was named Zhong Xiaoying.

Zhong Xiaoying can read and write, and her calligraphy is better than 90.00% of the elders.In addition, I will order the fists and feet of the three-legged cat.Obviously not from a poor family.Dr. Zhong specially read her "self-report" in the refugee camp and knew that she was born in a family of petty officials.My grandfather was a county magistrate, and my father was the third, failing to study.After the grandfather died and the family was separated, the family fortune soon declined, and they had to rely on the female family members to reel silk to eke out a living.Unexpectedly, a sudden fire a few years ago destroyed her family.The surviving Zhong Xiaoying was almost sold to a brothel by unscrupulous relatives.

The Senate not only rescued her from the burning pit of eternal doom, but also gave her a peaceful and stable life—especially Dr. Zhong, who is knowledgeable and elegant, which made her admire her unceasingly.Since being adopted as an adopted daughter, she has become more respectful to Dr. Zhong.Not only did he settle down every morning and evening, but he also changed his name to his father after he accidentally saw a few animations in Dr. Zhong's collection.

"Father, you have been busy all day, you should rest earlier." Zhong Xiaoying supported his arm.

"what time is it now?"

"Reporting to Father, it is ten forty in the evening."

"It's still early." Dr. Zhong yawned, he was considering whether to continue his work.

He thought of the newly installed "weight-checking pendulum type II" on the clock tower for testing outside. He realized the simple fixed-point timekeeping function on this big clock, but it was limited to hitting a note on the hour. In terms of effect, it is similar to Blowing the siren at fixed points in the current workshop - it is still in its infancy.

But even so, it is the result of Dr. Zhong's painstaking efforts.For more than two years, Zhonglishi has spent most of its time trying to rebuild the watch industry.This is not only related to the great trust of the Senate and the Executive Committee, but also has a serious relationship with his own face and reputation.

Construction head office bastards!In the past two years, he has often cursed a word in his heart.This group of people clearly knew that they would not be able to produce a big clock for a while, but they liked to design a clock tower in every building.It is said that this is to implement the spirit of the Senate to "instill the concept of modern time into the minds of every aborigine".

The problem is that these bell towers have no bells to match, so the bell towers have become attics with open mouths. In order to prevent the invasion of wind and rain, the hollows where the clock faces will be installed have to be closed with wooden boards and reed mats.These ugly closed holes seem to be silently accusing something all the time.Dr. Zhong felt uncomfortable when he saw it.

Every time the senate held an executive meeting, there would always be a blind elder who asked when the bell of the customs bell tower would ring. The empty bell tower had caused many naturalized people and natives to speculate.Over time, Dr. Zhong's bell tower became a topic of menstruation among the elders.

Dr. Zhong felt a little bit on pins and needles at first, but then he simply turned a deaf ear.As a science and technology people's committee member, he was able to communicate directly with the executive committee at the enlarged meeting. In addition, people who can occupy a position in the enlarged meeting of the executive committee have a good understanding of the characteristics of scientific research, and know that scientific research projects have never yielded immediate results. of.Therefore, it is not stingy in investment.

Under Zhong Lishi's single-handed management, the Planning Institute approved the construction of Taibai Time Service Center.From the beginning of its construction, Zhong Lishi moved to the Taibai Mansion here and lived a semi-reclusive life.In addition to going to Bairen New City one day a week to handle the daily work of the People's Committee of Science and Technology, and to participate in the meetings held by the Central Government Administration Council and the Executive Committee, other than that, I basically do not appear in Bairen New City, except for important occasions such as New Year's group gatherings In addition, they do not participate in the social activities of the elders.

Living in seclusion allows him to do his work with peace of mind.But he soon discovered that fiddling with off-the-shelf clocks and actually designing them were two completely different things.Especially in line with the current level of poor raw materials and production technology.

The Planning Institute approved him to use all kinds of controlled materials, even including the "first type of controlled materials" brought from the old time and space that could not be produced in a short period of time, but Dr. Zhong knew very well that it was worthless to use these materials to realize watchmaking— ―There is no continuous production capacity in this time and space.Just like the batch of desk clocks and grandfather clocks they made using imported clock components.

For the sake of simplicity and ease of production, the first work he started was a pendulum-type clock-this was the least technically difficult, and the original version had already appeared in the sixteenth century.This kind of clock is generally stupid, big, black and thick, and the requirements for materials and processing accuracy can be relatively low.

Even so, Zhong Lishi still had a headache for a while when designing the first prototype clock.

The most critical part of a watch is the speed regulating mechanism, and the first thing to realize in the pendulum speed regulating mechanism is the escapement mechanism.To put it simply, the escapement mechanism is a "Y"-shaped device with two teeth. It works in repeated swings, and uses the two teeth of the "Y" head to repeatedly lock and release an escapement ratchet similar to a gear. , so that the ratchet moves tooth by tooth as it moves, this is the escapement mechanism.This part with the same character as "Y" is called "pallet fork", and the two teeth that control the ratchet are called "fork tiles".

The first two parts designed by Zhong Lishi are the pallet fork and the escapement ratchet.Just these two simple things made him feel ashamed.

The first wooden sample to be tested is the No. [-] testing machine, which only tests the escapement function, ignoring other functions.One person pulls the pallet fork back and forth by hand, and one person twists the ratchet by hand to test the movement relationship between the pallet fork and the ratchet.Zhong Lishi designed the pallet fork under the ratchet at the beginning, because the pendulum is also under it.But in the actual test, as soon as he let go of the pallet fork, it would disengage, and Bart, who was in charge of pulling the ratchet, fell too hard and swollen his elbow.

Bate's surname is not "Ba". In fact, his real life is Bateer - his father is "Yiding" of Mongolia, and he was transferred to Guangdong with a certain general.Although Battelle was born on the grasslands, he grew up by the Pearl River and became a Mongolian who spoke Cantonese.Although he speaks Cantonese, he grew up eating rice.But he was still quite strong.During the second campaign against encirclement and suppression, 15-year-old Battelle came to fight as a member of the Ming army and was eventually taken prisoner.Then it became Bart.

Zhong Lishi can't do it alone if he wants to make clocks and watches. He needs a team of naturalized people.He decided to accept a few apprentices to train himself.One of them is Bart, the reason is very simple, Zhong Lishi needs a strong apprentice-the few naturalized apprentices assigned to Zhong Lishi by the human resources department are all weak and unable to bear heavy physical labor.

Bart's arm was swollen for a few days.In order to prevent this phenomenon from happening, Zhong Lishi designed the pallet fork to the top of the ratchet.Afterwards, it proved that it was unnecessary for him to have a headache about this matter. As long as the pendulum lever and the pallet fork are assembled, this problem will not arise.This incident fully made him realize his lack of understanding in terms of mechanical properties.For this reason, he went to the sub-big library and bought some books on mechanical processing of watch parts.

Then he started to build the No. 98 escapement testing machine, which was used to test the function of "passing punch". "Crushing" means that when the fork of the pallet fork is disengaged from the teeth of the ratchet, the slope of the pallet interacts with the slope of the teeth of the ratchet to transmit the power of the ratchet to the pallet.The pallet fork transmits this force to the pendulum, which gives the pendulum the energy to continue swinging.The test was [-]% successful. Zhong Li Shirang twisted the ratchet hard, and the moment he pushed the pallet fork, the pallet fork bounced to the other side as he designed, giving his hand a hard time. Swollen from the beating——At dinner that day, Bart, who was frightened and stupid, was rewarded with two chicken thighs.

Test unit 10 is for testing the complete pendulum governor.Zhong Lishi asked people to build a 4-meter-high wooden platform in the watch workshop, on which a [-]-meter-long pendulum was installed.Install the No. [-] test device on it, and open a gap at the tail of the pallet fork to cooperate with a pin on the leading pendulum connecting the pendulum.

(End of this chapter)

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