Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1134 Go to Taiwan

Chapter 1134 Go to Taiwan
When Li Siya briskly jumped onto the boat, two hours had passed since landing.She was wrapped in a cloak, and after boarding the boat, she only said one sentence: "Let's go."

The oars pierced the dark sea surface, and the sea breeze blew, making her body chill after drinking just now.She involuntarily wrapped her cloak tightly.

She gained a lot from the two hours in the tavern: from the mouth of a drunken low-level business assistant, she knew that the big man who was about to arrive was a "big man from the company" from Batavia, and then she learned from another I learned from a Dutch servant that this big man will also bring his family, and there are more than one of them.Then it was mentioned that there were female relatives among the Laid people. Chief Putmans ordered someone to arrange a room for upper-class women, and purchased silk clothing and bedding from Fujian.

This made Li Siya very interested: there are very few women wandering at sea these days. Although the captains of merchant ships have wives with them, most high-ranking officials and nobles do not take their wives with them when sailing. Sea voyages are very dangerous. , Reefs, pirates, unpredictable weather and long sea routes make every voyage like walking on a single-plank bridge.

The specific arrival date is probably in early June.They will continue north to Japan after a brief stop in Osu.Li Siya knew that from Batavia to Dayuan and Japan, the only way to go north was by riding the south trade wind in spring and summer, and then return by riding the north trade wind in autumn.The other party arrived in Dayuan in June and went to Japan after a short stay, indicating that they are likely to return to Batavia in early October.

This shows that the visitor is only a short-term visit, not a long-term appointment.The person who came was likely to be an important company official who was responsible for inspecting the operation of the East India Company's shop and checking the accounts.

Li Siya already had an idea in her mind.This upcoming East India Company inspector is an important means of fulfilling her mission.

On early summer nights, the starry sky looks extraordinarily bright.The Milky Way, which has become chaotic under the sky of the old time and space, shines here.

On the roof of the Taibai Observatory, Zhong Xiaoying was leaning over the lens tube of the transit instrument, recording and observing the astronomical time of passing through the transit.

After recording the last data, Zhong Xiaoying handed the record to her adoptive father, and curiously watched the starry sky with the astronomical telescope.

"It's so beautiful!" Zhong Xiaoying looked at the beautiful starry sky and couldn't help sighing.The starry sky seen through the astronomical telescope is brighter and brighter, "Father, you are really amazing!"

The girl's eyes were filled with admiration.

"One day we can achieve electrification, and what you see will be more beautiful..." Zhong Lishi said to Zhong Xiaoying: "My father will go back to Gaoshanling tomorrow to develop a new big clock, and it will take a month to come back. You have to be careful Take care of yourself, and record astronomy every day. The senate will send the elders and a few students to work with you. You know the elders. That’s Uncle Yuan from Fangcaodi. He has an astronomical observation team... ..." Zhong Xiaoying nodded vigorously, and said to Zhong Lishi: "Father come back early, my daughter still has to learn from you..."

Thinking of going to Taiwan tomorrow, seeing the innocent Zhong Xiaoying, Zhong Lishi couldn't bear to lie to her.Let's just say he's going to take part in a top-secret study.However, if she told Zhong Xiaoying the truth, she would have to worry about herself—this little girl knew from somewhere that malaria was very serious in Taiwan, so she was always worried about her friends in the maid school who followed her master to Taiwan.

At dawn, Lingao Port wakes up from sleep after sleeping all night. It is destined to be a very busy day.On the pier, the workers kept busy, hoisting boxes of supplies to the transport ships moored at the pier.

Zhong Lishi directed the dock workers on the berth of the transport ship nicknamed "Spanish Prostitute" to gently lift boxes and straw bales of different sizes into the warehouse.Instruct those workers who spend a lot of money to be especially "gentle" with these boxes.Because the goods in these boxes are none other than the clockwork parts made in Taiwan and the meter calibration device for Tainan time service.

When Dr. Chung went to Taiwan this time, in addition to installing the clock machine and adjusting the meter to provide time service for the Tainan area, he also had another important task to try to explore the South Cape in Tainan to prepare for the establishment of a lighthouse in the future.This lighthouse is of vital importance to the safety of navigation along the coast of Taiwan.For this reason, the executive committee specially sent Liu Zheng and other veterans of the remote exploration department to go together.

Seeing more than a dozen boxes of goods being hoisted safely into the cabin, Zhong Lishi finally let go of half of his hanging heart.Next, whether these treasures can be safely transported to the destination depends on the sea conditions on the road.

Zhong Lishi boarded the "Spanish Whore", and a sailor led him to the cabin assigned to him.This is a cabin for two people, which is quite small - similar to the train sleeper in the old days and space, with two double-decker bunks facing each other, but it is considered extra preferential treatment on this ship with a load of no more than 200 tons. Sailors and Soldiers can only sleep on bunks.Zhong Lishi's bunk is on the upper bunk.

Zhong Lishi had just put his luggage under the bed when he pushed open the door and entered.This person is Liu Zheng from the Remote Exploration Department.Liu Zheng has been running around all these years, his skin is darker than the construction workers in the old time and space, but his body has become stronger and stronger.When he saw Zhong Li, he greeted Zhong Li with his explosive voice: "Long time no see! Dr. Zhong! We will be companions along the way!"

He looked around the cabin: "The condition of this ship is a bit poor, but it is our own ship from the Remote Exploration Department. It's really not easy."

"Isn't the ship's registry still in the navy?" Zhong Lishi asked. When he boarded the ship, he saw that the number painted on the stern was still the navy's "Linte" number.

"The navy promised that this ship will be ours to use whenever we need it—this is very good." Liu Zheng took out a cigar, looked at Zhong Lishi who was about to stop him, and said with a smile, "If I don't smoke, I will Smell, I understand the rules on board."

Zhong Lishi asked: "I have a question that I haven't quite understood..."

"Just ask!"

"Why did this ship get such a nickname?"

Liu Zheng laughed after hearing this: "Everyone wants to use a transport ship, and the capacity is tight. Unless it is an emergency mission and a special ship can be dispatched, otherwise we can only wait for a free ship. Our ship is the only one in Lingao Port that is always on call. , Our exploration department does not use many ships, and there are many times when they are vacant. When we need them urgently, we are on call, and we use them for others. The brothers all said, "This ship is like a prostitute, and it is ruined by others in turn", so I took it. Such a name." After that, the two laughed out loud.

While talking and joking, the door opened again, and it was Fang Jinghan who came in. His poker face was also swarthy, leaving traces of working in the field all year round.Seeing that Liu Zheng had arrived, he couldn't help being startled, and said, "Old Liu! Why are you already on the boat? Didn't sister-in-law say that she would come to see you off?"

"I don't want her to give it away, mother-in-law, mother-in-law, I have to shed tears again." Liu Zheng waved his hand, "I don't know which idiot told her that there are native headhunters in Taiwan, and she told me with snot and tears do not go……"

"You have a child, right? My wife naturally feels differently." Dr. Zhong said a few words of comfort.

"Aren't I going to expand the living space of our great Han nation for the sake of my children?" Liu Zhengshen said,

Fang Jinghan said: "Liu Da, this time we are going to Tainan for a field trip, we must look amiable, so as not to alert the natives..."

Liu Zheng waved his hand impatiently and said: "I know, I know, I'm not a prostitute, as long as Xiang Xin is naturalized, I'm a family. Otherwise," he made a beheading motion, "you can only Pass it down as a historical term."

Zhong Lishi knew that these two people were members of the "Huaxia Club", so he didn't interrupt much.Now discussing the matter of this field investigation - he also wants to participate in the investigation, Dr. Zhong feels that his physical fitness may not be able to withstand it.

"It's not a big problem," Liu Zheng said, "I've read a few European investigation records, and the road to the South Cape is not too rough. We will take the civilian husband, and the worst is to ask the civilian husband to lift you with a sliding pole. Problem There are more natives, and they are quite fierce. It was not until the Japanese occupation period that they were all subdued."

Zhong Lishi felt that it was a bit funny to sit on a sliding pole to investigate, but in case he was really exhausted, he had no choice but to do so.He said: "In terms of safety, we must ask the dispatched army to escort us. We just need to pay more attention to the method. These natives are not completely unreasonable. Try to pass peacefully and get the information."

Everything is ready, the 60th escort formation is ready to go, and is quietly moored at the port waiting for the order to start.Hearing the sound of the port's customs bell tower, the commander-in-chief of the escort formation gave the order to set sail.The sailor cast down the mooring line and drew up the hawse.The tugboat slowly towed the sailboats away from the dock one by one, and the horn on the dock began to play "March of Warships".The soldiers and sailors on board waved goodbye to relatives and friends on the shore.

Zhong Lishi leaned against the side of the boat, looking at the farewell crowd, not only thinking of Zhong Xiaoying at home.At this moment, a familiar shout suddenly came from the crowd.Zhong Lishi followed the sound and found that Zhong Xiaoying was desperately squeezing into the crowd, shouting to him, "My lord! My lord! Why did you lie to me!"

Zhong Lishi couldn't explain to her for a while, so he waved his hands desperately and shouted at her: "Go back! Wait for me to come back! I will definitely come back!"

While shouting, Zhong Xiaoying suddenly plunged into the sea under the breakwater. Amidst the exclamation, she emerged from more than ten meters away and swam towards Zhong Lishi's boat.

Zhong Lishi was flustered for a while, and he stammered and shouted: "Quick! Quick! Save people!"

The lifeboat in the harbor immediately leaned over to catch people, but Zhong Xiaoying didn't care, and swam over with the boat.Zhong Lishi sighed helplessly: "Send her a signal to get on board."

(End of this chapter)

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