Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1141 Access

Chapter 1141 Access
When the dock workers pushing the carts and the construction workers on the road saw the chief panicked, they all panicked too.Fortunately, they have been working under the banner of the Senate for a long time, and they have some concepts of organization and discipline, and they have not dispersed in a hurry.

Hong Laojun held the pistol, and countless thoughts flashed through his mind—in the old time and space, he was in charge of organizing many projects, and he also led dozens of contractors and thousands of workers under him. He had seen all kinds of scenes.Hearing the rumble of cannons, thick smoke rose from the pier, and then saw white smoke rising from the Qishan Fort. It was estimated that the enemy was attacking from the sea and was bombarding the pier.

He quickly picked up the whistle and blew: "Attention all team leaders, the whole team!"

The leaders of each group were shocked for a while, and they all blew their whistles, and the shouts of "Assemble!" rang out one after another.

Thanks to the military training, starvation and stick discipline in the refugee camp, although the workers were very scared, they reflexively stood behind their respective team leaders.

"Report the number!" The team leaders began to report the number to rectify the queue.

"All withdraw to the camp according to the serial number!" Hong Laojun ordered.Each team withdrew to its own camp according to the plan.In terms of the number of army and navy stationed here, any force in the region that attacks Kaohsiung will be self-destructive.So there is no need to send laborers into battle.

"What's the navy doing for nothing! You're still bragging that Kaohsiung is an absolute defense circle..."

At this moment, sirens of different lengths came from the pier suddenly. Hong Laojun listened to it, and it was a signal of "all is well" - the sound of the guns just now was not a battle.

He breathed a sigh of relief and ordered to resume work.

However, he didn't want to stay on the construction site any longer, so he immediately called a construction worker and ordered him to supervise the work, and he took the guards and maid on his bicycle and headed to the pier.

On the pier, many porters had already gathered to watch the excitement, and a brig with its sails lowered was slowly entering the port under the traction of a small boat.

On the mizzen, fluttering is an Orange flag--it is the flag that the Dutch East India Company often flies in East Asia.

"The Dutch are here?" Hong Laojun felt strange. It was not the first time that the Dutch had a ship coming to Kaohsiung.In the first month from D-Day in Kaohsiung, the Dutch have ships coming here every month, and each time they use trade as an excuse to exchange some commodities.Of course, as long as anyone can see it, this is the prying of the Dutch.However, Wei Bachi didn't care about the behavior of the Dutch - the stronger the strength revealed, the less the Dutch dared to act rashly, and instead saved more energy preparing for the battle.

However, since Hong Lao's army arrived here, the Dutch have always sent small boats with a single mast of tens of tons, and never sent a large two-masted ship of hundreds of tons.Not to mention the firing of salutes when entering the port.

"This can't be the messenger who came to deliver the ultimatum." Hong Laojun muttered, kicked hard a few times, and rode towards the bastion next to the pier with his followers.

In the central tower of the bastion is Li Di, the Chief of Staff of the Navy and the Chief of Staff of the First Fleet—according to the system, he and Ming Qiu also have Li Ziping, the captain of the Lichun, Captain Mond of the Shuttering, and Le Le, the captain of the Harnessing the Wind. Lin's five people took turns to take command of the sea to ensure that there were at least two veteran officers in the formation for each patrol voyage, two veteran officers were in Kaohsiung, and one was on the move.

Li Di was looking at the Dutch ship entering the port with a telescope, when he saw Hong Laojun coming, he said hello.

"Why are the Dutch coming back with such a great fanfare? They're still setting off salutes in a serious manner."

"It's a guest who wants to 'visit' with us." Li Di said.

"Guest? Visit?" Hong Laojun asked in confusion, "Are there any diplomats coming?"

"Pretty much." Li Di nodded, "It is said that this is a 'private visit'."

Hong Laojun was a little confused. He couldn't figure out what was going on here. Since it was a "visit", most of the people who came were diplomats. Why was it called a "private visit"?But he is a person who believes that "silence is golden", so he doesn't ask any more questions - anyway, he is not interested in Dutch men at all, and there will be no Dutch women as diplomats in the 17th century.Let Wei Bachi take charge of this matter.When he listened to Liu Zhengxian knocking his teeth in the hostel these days, he said: Europeans stink all over these days...

But Li Di seemed very excited. Seeing that the boat had already docked at the pier, he put the binoculars into the hand of the female orderly beside him, buttoned the button on his chest, wiped his hair, and ran all the way refreshed. down.Hong Laojun watched in a daze, so he simply went down to watch the excitement.

When I came to the side of the trestle bridge, I realized that the situation was not small.In addition to Li Di who arrived first, the mayor Wei Bachi, Dr. Zhong, the head of the Ministry of Science and Technology who came on a business trip, and even Fang Jinghan who always scoffed at "white monkeys" came.I saw that these few people were all neatly dressed, with oily hair and pink faces, obviously they had undergone some grooming.Especially Li Di, the navy white military belt around his waist was almost out of breath.Dr. Zhong even wore a suit and a tie formally.

Doesn't he think it's too hot?Hong Laojun was secretly surprised.

The most formal one came was a platoon of sailors, all in neat uniforms, with shiny thorns on their rifles, and the star-fisted red flag and the Morning Star flag fluttering in the sea breeze.This scene made it clear what kind of big shots to welcome.

Hong Laojun wondered secretly - because he hadn't seen any decent scene of welcoming foreign guests in Lingao these years.When the Dutch East India Company sent envoys, it was very simple to send a carriage to the pier to meet them and it was over.

He was not interested in this kind of fake occasion, since Wei Bachi's secretary didn't inform him that he had a concierge mission today, he was happy to just watch the excitement from the sidelines.

Because of the trestle, the people on the Dutch boat did not need to change to a small boat, but directly got off the gangway.

It was only then that Hong Laojun realized why Li Di and the others were so enthusiastic—it turned out that one of the visitors really wore a skirt!

The two men were wearing black tight trousers and tight-fitting fencing short jackets, and the neckline was layered with white embroidered lapels-although the texture could be seen to be cotton and linen, they were tightly wrapped in the [-]-degree temperature. Yan Shishi is hot enough just by looking at it.

They wear wide-brimmed hats, but they don't see long hair hanging down, and don't wear any decorations except for a saber that symbolizes their status--necklaces, ribbons, bows and the like that were common on upper-class men in those days All the decorations were missing from them.The Dutch were both serious Protestants and frugal businessmen. They were famous in Europe at that time for their style of avoiding luxury and being hard and simple.

The two Dutch men looked like they were about 50 or [-] years old, with serious expressions-common expressions for Protestants at that time.In contrast, the woman was dressed coolly - she was wearing a silk dress and a wide-brimmed straw hat at the exit of Lingao, with golden curls hanging down from under the hat, making her look much more lively.

Behind the girl was a young man. He was not dressed as formally as an adult. Although he also wore a white lapel, his jacket and trousers looked much lighter and looser.He was not wearing a hat, and was looking at the panorama of the pier curiously.

Wei Bachi greeted him with a smile on his face, and Dr. Zhong hurriedly followed - the reason why Dr. Zhong was also called was because Dr. Zhong knew a little technical German and could communicate with the Dutch.Originally, there was a naturalized Mandarin Chinese translator recruited from Fujian in Kaohsiung, but this person could only translate Dutch and Hokkien, and his Mandarin was a mess, so I was a little worried about him. This "important occasion" made Dr. Zhong Show up.

The visit was made a week earlier by a member of the Netherlands.The envoy from Zeelandia brought a message from Governor Hans Putmans that two "honorable gentlemen" from the Netherlands hoped to visit Kaohsiung.If he can get the permission of Governor Wei, he will arrive in a week with his entourage.

Wei Bachi was not very interested in receiving the Dutch envoys. Although the two sides have not yet conducted formal consultations and signed an agreement on the issue of Kaohsiung's trade status, the two sides have tacitly agreed to start trade with each other.With the guarantee of both the trade agreement between the two sides and the cannon, the Dutch can't play any new tricks.Furthermore, if the other party asked him to sign any formal agreement, he did not have the right to do so.

Now that the other party has proposed to visit, Wei Bachi thinks it's all right.Especially when the messenger mentioned that the visitor was a "prince's diplomat" named Constantine Huygens, Dr. Zhong, who was acting as an interpreter, suddenly widened his eyes, as if he had heard some wonderful music. Next, Wei Bachi agreed to the visit request at the urging of Dr. Zhong.

"Welcome, Mr. Constantine Huygens," Wei Bachi said while maintaining sufficient dignity, "and you, Mr. Franz von Boncourt."

"Salute to you and the Senate!" Both of them took off their hats and bowed at the same time.Constantine Huygens raised his head and found a man with a cloth strip hanging around his neck and a half-shaved head looking at him. He couldn't help being startled.But he spoke good German—the most correct High German he had heard during his entire trip to East Asia.

"Who are these two?" Wei Bachi learned from the letter that the visitor would be bringing his family members—including female family members. He thought it was a strong German dragoon, but he didn't expect the visitor to be a petite blond girl. shine.

"This is my son Westley and daughter Kretia." Jan Franz Boncourt introduced with a smile on his face, "They are very curious about the customs and customs of East Asia. Especially my son Westley, He wished to be a naturalist."

(End of this chapter)

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