Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1163 True Love and Scheming

Chapter 1163 True Love and Scheming

Li Siya and Li Mo looked at each other with tears in their eyes for a long time. The days when the three sisters played and played together seemed like a world away.

"Unexpectedly, our sisters will meet again!" Li Mo tremblingly said, holding the lilac knot tightly in his hands.This was compiled by Li Mo himself, one for each of the three sisters.Her own one had long been lost in the ups and downs, but she didn't expect her sister to keep it well.

The two talked about the pain of lovesickness for many years, and asked about the years, Li Mo could no longer restrain the long-suppressed sorrow in his heart, and cried while talking, which made Li Siya wipe tears.

"...Thanks to sister Chuqing who helped me in Goujiazhuang, and later I met Brother Zhang who kindly took me to vote... Chief..." Li Mo cried, "Sister and your niece are in Goujiazhuang. I have suffered all kinds of hardships." , went to hell and walked around."

Of course Li Siya of Goujiazhuang knew that she had colluded with Gou Er and let him be an idler who didn't play much role.I really didn't expect Li Mo to be bullied and abused in this person's village, and he had mixed feelings in his heart.

There is both anger and guilt, but it is Li Mo's own fault when it comes to it-recalling that she secretly eloped with someone without saying a word, leaving Li Siya, who was still a child, in her heart of being abandoned and being abandoned. Deep shadows of betrayal.

Seeing that she was so guilty and crying like rain, she felt inexplicably happy.

"Stop talking about these sad things." Li Siya sighed leisurely, "Sister, you just left us like this, so cruel!"

Li Mo was already guilty in his heart, but when she complained, he became more and more ashamed - she was originally a half-slave breast sister, and she was used to being inferior in front of Li Siya.Being pressured by her words, how can I still stand up, got up and knelt down in front of Li Siya, holding back tears and said: "Sister knows that she is wrong. It was because she was fascinated for a while back then, and she suffered so much all these years, it is also true. My sister deserves to be punished for her own fault..."

Seeing her kneeling on the ground, Li Siya felt proud: Li Mo had re-recognized her identity as master.She has been wandering outside for more than ten years, and to subdue her, it is not enough to rely solely on sisterhood, she must be subdued and admit her mistakes, and rebuild her authority.So the sentence just now seems to be just a child's complaint, but in fact there is something behind it: Sister Li Mo's parents died successively because of her elopement. Responsibilities due to her status, coupled with her master's prestige, she couldn't help but kneel down and refuse to give in.

Seeing that she had already knelt down to admit her mistake, Li Siya clicked so far, and immediately helped her up with a look of unbearable expression on her face: "Sister, don't do this, it's all in the past, and you can say what is right or wrong. , my sister couldn't help you either..."

How did Li Mo know the twists and turns in this girl's heart, and she thought that she cared about her sisterhood and didn't want to embarrass herself too much, so she became more and more grateful.The two cried for a while, then asked how Li Siya and Li Quan had been over the years.

Speaking of the past, Li Siya didn't say much about what she did, but said that she had been "dawdling" at sea for these years--Li Mo saw her sister's appearance of being troubled and weather-beaten, and knew that these years might be the same. What to do at sea, nine times out of ten, it was the master who did "black business" back then, so I couldn't help but worry.

Although she has been living and working in the farm and hospital in the past few years, she has more contact with the elders than other naturalized people.Only a few words can hear some policies and news.She knew that the Senate hated pirates, and if they were not able to take refuge in them, they would die if they were caught or "reformed".I couldn't help but get worried, and advised a few words not to stain the silver with the smell of sea water anymore.Whether it's going back to Portugal to live with the master, or staying in Macau, it's a good way out.

Li Siya sighed and refused to speak: her mother came from a humble background, and she never had a Catholic wedding with her father—in fact, her father also had a formal wife and children in Portugal.Although the father and the Portuguese wife over there wrote to say that as long as she was willing to go back, they would recognize her as an official daughter, but after all, she was born short.She is a proud woman, how can she be willing to be wronged?Furthermore, when I returned to Portugal, I had to comb my hair in a serious manner, put on a skirt full of gold threads, and sit at home every day waiting for a gentleman to fancy me or my dowry to propose marriage...

She has now accumulated a property of 20 million yuan. Instead of going to Portugal to live a life of restraint, it is better to live a free life here.

She said: "My mother is Chinese. Besides, I haven't seen you, my sister. I don't feel at ease even if I go to Portugal." She avoided answering other questions and asked, "Sister, you are doing well in Lingao. Is it?"

"Okay, okay." Li Mo wiped his tears and said with a smile, "Master Wu is very kind, and Miss Chuqing treats me well. My sister works in the Ministry of Health and gets paid monthly, and your niece also has Shunian—— Chief They are really nice to us mother and daughter."

Li Siya already knew from her words and sentences that the eldest sister's attitude towards these "kun thieves" was gratitude, and it was impossible to persuade her to do things for herself.

However, as long as she cared about this family relationship, at least she could get a lot of inside news about the gangster.Right now, I don't want my sister to work for me, it's only serious to try to win over her first.

So she also made a gesture of "smiling through tears", and said: "My sister has a good entrustment now, and my sister is at ease." She took out two small gold ingots from her bosom, "This is my little sister's Mind."

Li Mo saw that these were two small gold ingots of "Ruyi pen ingots", and they always weighed one or two.Although it can be regarded as a "heavy gift", Li Mo knows that it is very common for this gift to be given to the children of relatives and friends in a wealthy family, and it is not considered excessive.Therefore did not refuse.

"A little gold, let's make jewelry for my niece." Li Siya looked like a good aunt, "My niece is growing up in no time, and my aunt has never confiscated anything. Wouldn't it be a joke to tell it."

Li Mo asked about Li Chun's whereabouts again.

"Sister Chun is no longer by my side." Li Siya showed a little "sorrowful" look, "I can't control her anymore when she's grown up. She insists on going to the sea by herself——I said I want to find my sister." Whereabouts. I have been there for several years. I came back to see me by accident earlier. In recent years, there has been no news at all, but some news has come from time to time, true or false. But she is probably safe and sound now. "

"It's better not to eat this bowl of rice." Li Mo felt more and more apologetic after hearing this, "If there is a storm, the ship will sink and die at any time." She talked about the latest shipwreck in Lingao: the fleet from Kaohsiung encountered a storm A transport ship was sunk, several other ships were also damaged, and hundreds of people died at once.

Li Siya listened very carefully. Although this news was of no use to her, it showed that as long as she could keep an eye on her sister, she would be able to know a lot of such sporadic news, and important news might be missed.

I was planning to make a plan, but I heard Li Mo say: "Sister, you should stop doing old business, why not move to Lingao. It is easy to make a living here, and you can do business. Australian masters are more than welcome here, whether it is investment You can grow hair under the command of the chief or open a foreign business firm by yourself. Our sisters can also be together for a long time."

Li Siya's heart moved. In fact, this is a good way, but she showed herself in front of Chairman Wen.Living in Lingao for a long time is like throwing oneself into a trap-if only Chairman Wen had been killed directly in the first place.

She let out a long sigh with feigned gestures, and said, "My sister doesn't know something, my sister can't go to Lingao."


"When the Australians first came to Guangdong, my sister was ignorant for a while and offended them, so she forged a problem. If they caught her, I'm afraid it would be a disaster..."

Li Mo was taken aback: "What? Sister, you—"

"Sister, don't ask." Li Siya must let Li Mo keep this meeting a secret. This card must be revealed, "However, the Australians are now the top of the sea, and they will not like it for a while Sister, this is old. Sister, don’t worry—it’s just that I can’t go to Lingao.”

Li Mo nodded: "My sister knows."

"Sister, I'm going. You can take a shower before leaving." Li Siya guessed that they had been chatting for about an hour. If they wanted to explain their lovesickness, they could go on chatting for a day and a night, but it's been a long time , It will inevitably arouse the suspicion of the Kun thief.

Li Mo is reluctant to part with her, but she also knows that she can't think about it. Since her sister has offended the Australians, she can't stay here for long.It's just that after this walk, I don't know when we will meet again, so I got up and said: "Sister, you have to be careful..." Yan Bi shed tears again.

"I'll write a letter to my sister." Li Siya said, "I don't know where to send the letter?"

Li Mo thought for a while: "You just need to drop the letter into the mailbox of Qiwei Escort Bureau here, and write on the envelope that Li Mo of Bairen General Hospital will receive it."

In order to facilitate the contact between Guangdong immigrants who immigrated to Lingao and their relatives in Guangdong, the General Post Office opened postal routes across Guangdong by using the dart routes and semicolons of the Wei Escort Bureau.It is very convenient for sending letters.

"If you send the letter directly, it will be sent to No. [-], Building [-], Nanhai Farm Dormitory Area." Li Mo said.

Li Siya said: "Understood, my sister takes care!" Putting the gauze on her head again, she opened the door a little and looked around. Seeing that there was no one around, she quietly went back to her private room.

Li Mo wiped away her tears, filled the bathroom with water, took a quick shower, and ordered a glass of iced drink with lots of ice——she knew that to cover her crying eyes, using ice cubes for cold compresses was the fastest and most effective way.

(End of this chapter)

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