Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1165 Investigation

Chapter 1165 Investigation
Behind a store in Dongmen City, there is a warehouse for sundries, and Safe House No. 72 is located in this warehouse.It is quiet amidst the hustle and bustle, and the front and rear doors are convenient for entry and exit.It was a place chosen by Zhou Botao himself.

The owner of the shop is the earliest group of old naturalized people in Lingao, and they are very loyal to the Senate.Of course, requests from "relevant departments" will not be rejected.Anyone who matches the code will be led directly into this warehouse.

The warehouse is not big, and it is already full of goods. There is only a small table with three legs against the wall by the door and a few benches.Ke Yun and informant No. 00967 were sitting at the table.

Informant No. 00967 is a young girl who belongs to the lowest level of "peripheral informant" - except for her direct supervisor of the reconnaissance network, she cannot see the personnel of the Central Bureau.From her excited expression, it was clear that she was flattered by this summoning.

Ke Yun had consulted her files in advance. The informer was 19 years old, had just graduated from the nursing class, and was assigned to work as a nurse in Bairen General Hospital.

She was absorbed during her time in the Green Grass.He is very enthusiastic about his work and often writes whistleblowing letters, but almost all of them are worthless speculation.

"Tell me about Li Mo's work in Guangzhou, in more detail." Ke Yun said.

The informant began to tell about Li Mo's affairs in Guangzhou with great interest, especially the days when she had an abnormal situation, and she said it in detail, and she took the trouble to talk about every detail.

Ke Yun listened very carefully, and she quickly sorted out the clues from the disorganized sentences of the informer: Li Mo was normal in the first few days in Guangzhou, until one night he became upset.

Under Ke Yun's persuasive guidance, she recalled more details.It was probably after noon that day that Li Mo began to look different.Because of the lunch break that afternoon, she found that Li Mo had been tossing and turning.Sometimes still sobbing softly.

"Did something happen that day?" Ke Yun became interested, which meant that something must have happened that morning.

"Nothing special happened," the informer tried his best to recall the events of the day, and Ke Yun soon discovered a problem: Li Mo was doing backstage work, and most of the time he was in charge of the warehouse, distributing medicines and accounts, and basically had no communication with him. Indigenous meeting opportunities.

Why did such a person suddenly become abnormal, Ke Yun asked:

"Has she had any contact with outsiders this day?"

"No," the informer shook his head, "she's not a nurse or doctor, she doesn't care about triage, dispensing medicine and registration..." When talking about registration, the informer suddenly remembered something, "Oh, I forgot, at noon that day She replaced the registered nurse for about an hour..."

Ke Yun nodded, it seems that something happened within an hour of registration.

In addition, the informer could not provide any valuable information.Ke Yun praised the informer a few words, saying that her materials are very useful.

"Comrade investigator, is Li Mo a traitor?" The girl nurse blushed with excitement.It would be an honor to expose a traitor, an "enemy of the Senate and the people."

Ke Yun avoided answering, and replied very coldly: "You know discipline."

Do not inquire about things that have nothing to do with you, and strictly keep the secrets of the organization. These are the basic principles of informers.

"Yes, I understand, Comrade Investigator." The informer seemed to have been poured cold water on his head, and suddenly withered.

"You've done a good job, but you must understand that discipline is discipline." Ke Yun imitated the tone of the instructor at the time—to keep motivating the informer, "From now on, you must always pay attention to her new movements."

It was already 07:30 in the evening when Ke Yun returned to the office of the investigation department, and the gas lights in most of the offices of the investigation department were on - the staff of the Political Security Bureau prefer to work at night.

The organization of the General Political Security Bureau expanded rapidly, and the old compound outside the county seat that the Investigation Division used to share with the Enforcement Division was no longer sufficient. After coordination, the Enforcement Division moved to a new location.

The offices and premises vacated by the Enforcement Division were quickly filled with investigators' offices and file rooms crammed with files.

Ke Yun showed his pass to the guard outside the door, and walked into the second-floor office building of the enforcement department.The atrium on the first floor was empty except for two night shift guards.She walked down the hallway to the right.There is no decoration in the corridor, the simple white walls are simply lit with gas lamps, and even the floor is only brick.There are office doors along both sides of the corridor—there are about 20 of them. The frosted glass on almost every door reveals light, and people come in and out from time to time.

Ke Yun's office was on the first floor, and she lit the gas lamp.The offices are small—these houses were all built shortly after D-Day, when manpower and material resources were insufficient, so the grade was very low, and they were completely shoddy, with very low ceiling boards, and the red brick walls were smoothed with lime mortar just last year of.

Investigators have their own office so that they can concentrate on their work without interruption.One wall is clad with white stubble boards to form bookshelves.It is full of file boxes and various standard work manuals published internally-in order to adapt to the low level of the staff, all the work has been refined into standard steps.

Near the window stood a bare Holy Ship desk and two crude back chairs.In order to resist the sweltering heat of Lingao summer night, the glass windows are all open, and the iron gauze outside the windows is used to block the densely swarming insects attracted by the gas lights.

The screen window is not only to prevent insects, but also to prevent the pieces of paper in the office from being blown out - even a piece of paper cannot leave the office. This is one of the internal regulations formulated by Zhao Manxiong.

For the consideration of frugal office, all documents that need to be destroyed are packaged and sealed by special personnel and stored in the vault every day.When it is accumulated, it will be transported to the paper mill by a special car by a special person and put into the pulp tank for destruction.

Ke Yun sat down in front of the desk, which was covered with a glass plate like the desks of all Senate administrative agencies.Underneath is the woodcut annual calendar customized by the Political Security Administration,

She pulled out the dip pen from the pen holder and began to fill out the application documents for accessing the archives.She wanted to read all the routine monitoring reports of the Guangzhou Station Security Department on the activities of the inspection team, as well as the duty records and wiretapping reports of the Ziming Building that day.

These reports are kept in the archives of the Guangzhou Station Security Department. Generally speaking, the actions of the naturalized members of each inspection team after leaving the facilities of Guangzhou Station have accompanying personnel to write relevant record reports-this is a part of the regular filing system. part.

Unless there is an obvious suspicious situation in the records or the subject has been included in the watch list of the Political Security Bureau, these records are only stored in the archives as filing materials, until a certain investigator suddenly becomes interested in a certain person's whereabouts on a certain day will be read when.

The access request was sent from the confidential communication room, and it took 72 hours for the materials to be shipped back from Guangzhou.Before that, Ke Yun could only wait patiently.

During this period, she summoned a "entrustment" - entrustment is a higher level than ordinary informers, they are also part-time amateurs, but they no longer simply monitor the surrounding people and things, and sometimes Some simple tasks that will be given by scouts.

This honest farm worker, who was entrusted to work on the farm of the Council of Agriculture, looked like it.His residence is very close to Li Mo's residence.

"From now on, you have to record Li Mo's behavior every morning and evening. What does she do every day and who does she meet with? Report to me every day. This task must be kept secret—you report to me directly."

"Yes, Comrade Investigator." Entrusted fully understood.

"How is your relationship with her? Does she have any friends?"

"The relationship is mediocre." Zhuo Tuo frowned, "We are just ordinary neighbors. We meet and say hello politely on weekdays. Li Mo doesn't have many friends in the Agricultural Committee. Everyone says she is very arrogant and looks down on us people—— She has a good relationship with Chief Wu's wife, Chu Qing."

"Okay, you just keep an eye on her."

Afterwards, Ke Yun summoned another informer and assigned the same surveillance task—except that the object of surveillance was changed to Li Quan.

The informer, a primary school teacher, seemed surprised by the order, which she silently accepted.

"Are you her head teacher?" Ke Yun asked.

"No, she is in class 2-11." The female teacher said, "But I have attended this class."

"Do you have any impression of her?"

Ordinary students, female teachers are really difficult to impress, because every elementary school teacher is overloaded with work, except for a few students with particularly excellent or particularly poor grades, ordinary students can't make much of an impression.

But she did have an impression of Li Quan.

"She is very different from others." The female teacher hesitated for a while and said, "Her parents may be working for a certain elder, and the family conditions are very good."


"I have seen her in casual clothes a few times—it is the Australian style that the children of the elders wear..." The female teacher said that her school supplies were also very high-end, not the common ones distributed by the school, some of them were obviously Only the elders get it.

"What about other than that?"

"It seems that he is not very talkative, not very active. His grades are average."

"Please pay more attention to her movements in the future—" Ke Yun said, "I'm not implying that you have any problems with her, it's just out of a kind of prudent concern. So you must keep it completely secret, and there is no need for me to repeat the relevant discipline .”

The female teacher was sent away.She sent her order to the inspection office of the Bairen General Post Office in accordance with standard investigation procedures: "From now on, all correspondence between Li Mo and Li Quan will be inspected."

After completing this series of investigation procedures, Ke Yun checked the items he had listed on the list again—all of them had been checked, and he was just waiting for the archival materials from Guangzhou to arrive.

(End of this chapter)

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