Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1168 Forest Hat

Chapter 1168

Of course, the focus of sightseeing is Lin Shimao's casino and residence.Neither is in a busy area.Chen Tianxiong had asked one of his subordinates to inquire about Lin Shimao's behavior in advance in order to find out about his behavior.

Lin Shimao rested at home during the day and didn't go to the casino until the lights were on.The distance between the two places is about 10 minutes on foot.However, he never walks over, but sits in a sedan chair——Lin Shimao is a man who can live without food in the county town, but he has been running casinos and lending usury for a long time, which has ruined many families, and it is natural for people who want to seek revenge on him Not a lot.What's more, he wants to chop him up and become a hero of the casino.Lin Shimao couldn't be careless.Not only do people take sedan chairs when they go in and out, but there are also seven or eight strong men guarding them with thugs.

Qian Shuixie felt that the plan of attacking him on the road was not feasible-the movement was too great, and there were too few of them to control the way of retreat.Once the four gates are closed, they can only kill them all the way, which will definitely cause a lot of casualties to the common people, and they will also have a lot of consumption and casualties-catching Lin Shimao itself is a low-cost subsidiary In terms of action, Anping is the big fish, and slashing and killing in Jinjiang would be putting the cart before the horse.

In the urban operations of the special investigation team, the city walls and gates have always been troublesome issues for them-causing relatively great difficulties for penetration and escape.

"We can only dig out the quilt." Qian Shuixie said, "Go into the house or casino and tie him up directly."

"It's better to be tied up in a residence." Xu said, "There are too many people in the casino, so it's hard to do it."

But in this case, you have to do it during the day.The advantage of doing it during the day is that you can quickly leave the city and evacuate after you succeed, but it is difficult to approach and enter covertly during the day, and it is easy to be discovered.

After much deliberation, I finally decided to do it at night.After succeeding, go directly over the city wall and get it into the temple.As long as you leave the city, it is very convenient to transfer.

"I have sent someone to visit the inside of the casino - it is very similar to the casino in Leizhou." Chen Tianxiong said and took out a floor plan, "The first entry is a public casino, everyone can enter, and the second entry is a bit If you have a good identity, you have to be introduced by someone. Strangers are not allowed to enter..." He indicated on the picture, "The third person who enters us cannot enter. It is probably a cashier or something. Lin Shimao probably It's in there, but we don't have a good grasp of what's going on in the third."

"Is he out at night?"

"Come out, maybe every few hours will come out for a walk, and play a few games with people. However, he seldom comes out recently, and even when he comes out, he brings several bodyguards with him."

"It seems that someone has warned him." Xu said.

The walls of the yard are very high, and the back door is made of thick wooden boards and covered with iron sheets.In general, there is a door bolt plus a door lever, which cannot be opened without explosives.Because casinos often have a lot of cash in and out, and it is "black money" that is invisible to officials, they have always attached great importance to anti-thief and anti-theft.

Several people discussed for a while, and decided to dig a hole directly into the third courtyard from outside the backyard.Chinese-style buildings all have a "French style", and the better the house, the more rigorous the "way" of building a house.Although they have not personally investigated the structure of the third house, it is estimated that it is consistent with other similar courtyards.As for the location of Lin Shimao, it is very likely that he is in the east and west rooms of the third entrance - when the casino is open, he will most likely be in the cashier watching the money in and out, and it is unlikely that he will stay in the main room.

As night fell, the sea breeze gradually picked up, and the originally hot streets gradually cooled down.As the sound of clappers sounded at night, the pedestrians on the road gradually became rare.

As the twilight grew thicker, the streets gradually became deserted.Seeing that the first watch of the third watch had just knocked, clusters of figures quietly came out of the back wall of the inn, along the small alley outside the backyard, walked all the way, bypassed the county office, and got into the south of Xianqian Street. Residential area.Go all the way through the back alley and stop in the alley near the casino house.

This is a back alley, and the alley is dark, filled with a disgusting smell of urine mixed with garbage.There was silence all around, and only when I stopped to listen quietly could I hear talking and laughing vaguely through the courtyard wall.

Xu Xu learned from Chen Tianxiong that there are very few residents in this poor alley, only some very poor people live-they are not interested in participating in anything.

He stopped and listened for a moment, making sure that the backyard wall of the casino was here.The map provided by Chen Tianxiong was very accurate. Even without sending a guide, he successfully brought the person to the exact location with the help of night vision goggles.

"The back door is there." Qian Shuixie whispered.

"Is that the door he mentioned?"

"That's right, I've confirmed it, and all the surrounding features are the same as what he said."

Li looked at his watch,
"Let's do it." It was already after midnight.The night was very quiet, only the whistling wind, and one or two dogs barking in the distance.

Qian Shuixie gestured: "Do it!"

Several special investigation team members walked a few steps on the wall, found a place and began to dig holes.

This technique was taught by a gang of thieves captured by the Police Headquarters in Lingao: Unless it is a stone wall foundation, a hole can be made even in a dry brick wall with polished bricks and glutinous rice paste.

The special investigation team is very interested in this method.Although the speed of climbing over the wall is very fast, many large families often have guard yards in their courtyards, so the observation of the roof and wall is particularly careful.If they happen to pass by on patrol at night, it is easy to turn a sneak attack into a storm.In order to quickly and quietly destroy the target, the special investigation team lacks a silencer and cannot silence automatic weapons.The shooting speed with crossbow bolts is too slow, and you can only shoot once in a hurry.

After several practice observations and consulting materials, Xue Ziliang and Bei Wei made a set of special tools for digging out holes in walls.They are all made of high-quality carbon steel, which is not only hard and durable, but also more efficient than these thieves.

Two team members approached the wall with tools for digging out the wall.Use a shovel to gently scratch the limestone cracks, and scratch and carve the limestone cracks back and forth. You need to use force, but you can't make a sound.When the lime joints on all sides of a brick were dug in, a gap was found, and a team member held a hooked crowbar in both hands, inserted the pig's trotter-shaped tip into the dug lime joint, and gently lifted it upwards. With a pry, the brick moved.Another team member gently pulled out the brick, handed it to others, and slowly placed it on the ground like porcelain that was afraid of being broken.

Qian Shuixie stopped the team from continuing to dig. He put on infrared night vision goggles, carefully lay down on the hole after the brick was pulled out, and looked into the yard to ensure that the place where the wall was dug was ready for invincibility.

The location where they dug the wall was probably at the corner of the courtyard wall. It was originally a place with very dim light, and the corner of the wall was usually covered with a toilet, which was a blind spot that was difficult to observe.It is easy to hide after digging.

Efficiency increases after the first brick is pulled out.The people in the shadows were working nervously, and the shovels scratched the cracks in the limestone, making a slight creaking sound.
The opening was soon dug enough for a man to pass through.A team member wearing night vision goggles crawled in carefully, and then Qian Shuixie also climbed in.

The structure of the yard is basically the same as they expected.There are two bodyguards, one is standing under the eaves of the east wing, and the other is well concealed, but the infrared thermal imaging effect makes the flower shelf where he hides not have the desired effect.

Qian Shuixie wiped his neck.The two team members quietly followed the shadow of the corridor eaves to the back of the flower stand and the pillar, and silently wiped the two bodyguards' necks

The team members have been prepared for the assault in groups: there are four gates in the yard, the main room, the left and right wing rooms, and the courtyard gate.To be on the safe side, every door must be guarded.

Qian Shuixie leaped into the courtyard, waving a submachine gun in his hand, and with a whistle, the four groups rushed towards three house doors and one courtyard door. At almost the same time, all three doors were kicked open. The commandos jumped in.

There was no sound in the main room, but there were clicks and choked dying cries from the east and west wing rooms.

Xu Xu followed Qian Shuixie and rushed into the east wing. There were already two corpses lying on the floor of the wing, both dressed as accountants.

"That's him." The team member said, "To resist, I had to give him a piece. A rabbit was killed inside." He said this with a look of disgust.

Xu was afraid that he would die, but saw that he was only stabbed in each arm. Although the blood was flowing, his life was probably safe for a while.

"Wrap him up and take him away!" Xu Xu said, "Pry open the silver box!"

The counting room is full of ledgers, but the license doesn't need to know how the casino is doing.The team members quickly pried open the cash box—the first three boxes were full of copper coins, and the fourth box contained various ingots and scattered silver. The team members opened the empty backpacks and quickly poured the silver into two Backpack—the kidnapping was disguised as a house robbery by Jiang Yang.

A few minutes later, the whole team escorted Lin Shimao and quietly withdrew from the hole in the wall.

The next night, the secret room of Chen Tianxiong's small temple had already been turned into a torture room.After being pulled out by a team member for the second nail, Lin Shimao, who had been enduring the pain and not changing his expression, finally spoke.


"Lin Ten Hats"

"What do you do for a living?"

"Open a casino to make a living..." Lin Shimao lost a lot of blood and was tortured again, his whole body was depressed.

"Do you know Mori Jiusheng?"

Lin Shimao was astonished, it seemed that he immediately understood the other party's intention at a glance.

"He's a Japanese who has been making a living in the local area... The villain also helps him from time to time."

"Where's Li Shun?"

"It's also... It's also here to make a living..."

"Who told you to hire Mori Jiusheng?"


Xu Xu glanced at the team members, and the team members glanced at the pliers in their hands.

"I said, I said, in fact, I don't know much..." Lin Shimao was afraid and hurt, and almost fainted, knowing that the people in front of him were not good--he had already received a warning, saying that recently Someone may be against him and ask him to find a place to hide as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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