Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1187 Stocking Up

Chapter 1187 Stocking Up
Lu Zhuangzhu's big move is hardly worth mentioning in the chaotic situation in Shandong.There are as many grass-headed kings as there are in troubled times.Along with the Denglei Rebellion, there were bandits holding poles everywhere.Occupy villages and attack strongholds, harming the people everywhere.Some are even so bold as to join forces to attack the county.However, it was difficult for them to maintain their territory under the pressure of the rebels and Lu Wenyuan.Neither the rebels nor the Senate liked to be robbed of food by themselves.Zhu Mingxia continued to lead the newly organized team of village warriors to wipe out the bandits. Firstly, he let the village warriors train their troops, and secondly, he also captured more prisoners and seized some trophies to supplement himself.

For Chaotang, they had no time to care about the deeds of the deer owner on the small island.Because shocking news came one after another.Xu Congzhi, the new governor of Shandong Province, was killed in the ensuing tug-of-war just like in history by the red cannons of the rebels. Liu Yulie's disastrous defeat and Xu Congzhi's martyrdom became an excellent excuse for a new round of party struggle.Political figures of various factions appeared on stage one after another, attacking each other.At the beginning, Wang Daochun, the Shandong inspector who broke out from Laizhou and went to Qingzhou to be in charge of the dispatch of the army, was violently attacked by the censors. He, like Liu Yulie, was violently attacked by all parties because of the defeat of Shahe.

On the eighth day of May in the fifth year of Chongzhen, after a chaotic debate, a new commander-in-chief finally came: Zhu Dadian, the former Tianjin Bingbei Dao, was ordered to governor Shandong—dispatch in Qingzhou.This series of major defeats required someone to take responsibility. Sun Yuanhua was defending Laizhou city, and Xu Congzhi had already died in battle.So Wang Daochun, who originally broke out from the city to Qingzhou to preside over the support, lost his official position inexplicably earlier than in history. He couldn't help feeling inexplicably sad and angry, and went back to his hometown full of complaints.Fortunately, Liu Yulie was there to accompany him—he was also dismissed earlier than in history.

As soon as Zhu Dadian took office, he began to defeat the entire army, hoarding food, grass, firearms and deploying the campaign. Lu Zeyang, who had been at the South Pass of Laizhou this time, was not so calm.Zhu Dadian is known as a capable minister, and it was in his hands that the Dengzhou military chaos ended.He knew that according to the historical process, the rebels would not be able to jump around for a few months, and their scope of activities would be continuously compressed in the next few months.And Laizhou City will be relieved soon.

The telegram was concise and to the point, but Zhao Yingong knew how much blood was behind it, so he couldn't help sighing.At the end of the telegram, it was Lu Zeyang's plan based on the veteran military and political proposal system: send a special investigation team to assassinate Zhu Dadian, so as to prolong the chaos in Dengzhou.

According to this system, once someone puts forward a complete proposal, the Standing Committee of the Senate will seek opinions from all the elders, including the dispatched elders.

Zhao Yingong frowned. He felt that the assassination was unnecessary.However, he has heard that Zhu Dadian is known as a capable minister, and he knows from history books that he is a scholar-bureaucrat with national integrity. If he is in charge of suppressing the rebellion, he will be the governor of Shandong after the event is completed. It is obviously inconvenient for the deer owner who has formed a separatist regime of local forces.From this point of view, assassination is also an option.

Then there were several letters and reports, which he read one by one and gave written instructions.Then he began to write a letter to the staff of the "Wanyou" Shanghai Headquarters.

"Wanyou", as a full-time commercial enterprise in Shanhai Road, not only obtains profits through its own trade, but also mainly undertakes the tasks of commodity sales and material procurement of the Senate.

Of course, Zhao Yingong usually does not show up in Wanyou, but gives instructions through written orders.

Wanyou is a "golden brand" in the mountain road, and Lin Quanan personally sits in charge of the Yangzhou headquarter to manage the business.According to the operation mode of Shan Hai Liang Road, Wanyou's logistics services and financial services are respectively contracted to Wei Zhan and Delong Bank. In addition to Zhao Yingong's win-win work for Xu's family and Fushe, the operation is more effective with half the effort, and the sales and profit margins are rising steadily.Last year's dividend amount made Lin Quan'an grinning from ear to ear for a few days—although according to the company's articles of association, there was no dividend for the first three years.Zhao Yingong saw the surveillance report saying that he "walked with dust and wind, and his voice was like a bell."

"Hmph, if it wasn't for our lack of start-up capital, how could we have made you so rich?" Zhao Yingong thought to himself.Sooner or later, it has to be mentioned at the meeting of the Senate: to adjust the dilution and adjustment of Wanyou's share capital, or to start a new business altogether-this big fat meat of the Ming trade cannot be distributed for no reason.

In this trade with Japan, Zhao Yingong is not going to let Wanyou directly participate in it - its only role in this trade is to mobilize commodities according to his instructions.The specific needs of the stocking funds are transferred to the funds of the foreign trade company under the Ministry of Colonial and Trade. Anyway, maritime trade does not necessarily need a corporate entity these days.

It is the beginning of summer, and it is the time when Zheng Zhilong's fleet sails from Fujian to Japan in the southeast monsoon.Shen Tingyang's sandship cannot depart from Shanghai in this season - the sandship will depart from Shanghai in November, and now they still have enough time to prepare the cargo.

At that time, Japan, like other East Asian and Southeast Asian countries, was very scarce in daily necessities, so no matter what was shipped to Japan for sale, it was easy to get rid of it: from high-end textiles and raw silk to the most common iron pots, rough porcelain bowls, and sewing needles. Wait, there are hardly any bad sells.

The most important export was of course raw silk.The raw silk in this time and space only starts appearing in the seventh and eighth months of the lunar calendar every year. Zheng Zhilong's fleet can't wait to set off in the summer, so what he sells in Japan must be the old silk that he hoarded last year.

In contrast, when his sand boat fleet sets out in winter, it can calmly purchase the better quality raw silk of that year.In terms of quality, it has already surpassed Zheng Zhilong's raw silk.

Zhao Yingong's ambition is not so far, Zhejiang produces the best silkworm cocoons in China, if the raw silk is made with more advanced silk reeling technology, this quality will become the unique high-quality silk in this time and space.Especially in this year's severe drought in Zhejiang, the cocoon production is bound to be greatly reduced, and the market price is bound to be high. For new buyers like Wanyou, it is unlikely that they can compete with other silk companies on the purchasing network, so the acquisition comes at a cost. The price will definitely be higher.The production of high-quality raw silk can greatly increase the added value and make it sufficiently competitive.

His instruction to all: open to buy raw silk and cocoons.Especially cocoons.He has written a letter to the Planning Institute to explore the possibility of setting up a mechanized or semi-mechanized silk reeling factory in Hangzhou.

The idea of ​​a silk reeling factory has been around for a long time - it is unimaginable not to consider this issue in a major national cocoon production base like Zhejiang.On this issue, he has already communicated with the Planning Institute, the Industrial and Energy Commission and the Ministry of Light Industry.The silk reeling plant is relatively simple in technology and does not require large power equipment.According to the plan given by the Industry and Energy Commission, the construction is basically based on the model of Chen Qiyuan's Jichanglong Silk Factory. Strictly speaking, the Jichanglong Silk Factory is not a real mechanized silk reeling factory, but can only be regarded as semi-mechanized production.But the investment is small, the construction is fast, and the new equipment can improve the silk quality by leaps and bounds.It is very in line with Zhao Yingong's current material base and surrounding environment.

The project approval of the silk reeling factory has been largely passed, and only the final approval of the executive committee is waiting.Zhao Yingong reckons that the project is very likely to be approved—after all, raw silk is a major export product at present, and it is not only costly to rely on partners to collect it on the mainland, but also the production scale of earth silk is too small according to the modern industrialization level. up.The project is worth pursuing simply to satisfy the voracious appetite of Europeans.

In the 17th century, apart from China, Japan, Italy, North Africa, and Central Asia all had silk production, but the scale of production was not comparable to that of China.Once Zhao Yingong's fine-bred and new-method raw silk is produced, with its excellent location, huge output and strong transportation capacity, it can directly destroy the raw silk industry in these places, forming a huge monopoly benefit.

In addition to raw silk and silkworm cocoons, he also wanted to purchase all kinds of daily-use groceries, especially trying to purchase all kinds of daily-use porcelain from Jiangxi. And fired Clark porcelain is much higher.It is very difficult to transport Jiangxi porcelain to Fujian, but it is not difficult to transport it to Shanghai: Jiangxi has a well-developed inland river system.

In addition, he also applied to the Planning Institute to purchase a batch of Lingao hardware products for export to Japan.After writing all these letters, Zhao Yingong breathed a sigh of relief.Hand all the letters to the confidential officer waiting outside.

The next step is to wait for news from Japan. The Ministry of Colonization and Trade should have opened its channel to Japan.When the wind blows in November, the four large sand ships will definitely cause a sensation when they sail to Nagasaki or Hirado.Needless to say, it is impossible for Zheng Zhilong or any other Chinese businessman to transport the new silk of that year.Zhao Yingong sneered a few times, and the Jiangnan gentry who begged Shen Tingyang to go to Japan to make a fortune with him would probably limit the old Shen's family to clothing.Maybe we have to get dozens of big sand ships to dump in Japan together.Just fill up the warehouses of Japanese merchants and collect all the money.Once the Zheng family's air route to Japan is destroyed, he will not be able to jump around for a few days-everything is empty talk without an economic foundation.

No matter how capable Zheng Zhilong was, and no matter how much Xiong Tingbi trusted him, he probably wouldn't have the guts to provoke the Jiangnan gentry, the most powerful ruling and opposing forces in the late Ming Dynasty.At that time, he will either jump out of the wall in a hurry to fight a decisive battle-this is what the Senate can't wait for; or he will die of silent weakness due to blood loss.

Zhao Yingong thought: This is called a soldier who wins without fighting.Let you see that we can win a decisive victory thousands of miles away without relying on strong ships and guns.

 I misread the information in several chapters above. The route from Shanghai to Japan starts in November. If it is said that it starts in summer, please correct me!Hope for forgiveness!

(End of this chapter)

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