Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1191 Ideological Education

Chapter 1191 Ideological Education
The price is extremely cheap, especially when they pay with silver-in fact, the most popular commodity here is silver, as long as you can get silver, everything is a fraction or even a few tenths of the original price Sell ​​at a price of one.

After Huang Ande was optimistic about the goods, he returned to the island with the purchased population. This time the journey was very smooth, and no one died.After returning to the island, he reported to Zhu Mingxia about buying Zheng Yue'e.

Zhu Mingxia smiled, and patted him on the shoulder: "For this matter, just deduct two or two taels of silver from your military salary. You are also kind. As for the girl, first hand it over to the health worker, and send it to you when there is a boat Evacuate the wounded and sick together. Please ask Dr. Deng of the General Hospital to take a look at it when you arrive at Lingao."

Deng Bojun of the General Hospital of the Ministry of Health and Jiang Qiuyan, the only psychiatrist of the Senate, jointly set up a mental health center of the Ministry of Health—in fact, it is a listed institution with a sense of existence, and treats some mental patients. When I am interested, I do psychological counseling and the like.

Zhu Mingxia thinks Zheng Yuee's kind is at best a stress response under strong stimulation - it is also very common in the army, and it is estimated that some psychological counseling can help her recover.

"Yes! Thank you, Chief." Huang Ande saluted, then hesitated, "Boss, I have a question."

"Let's talk." Zhu Mingxia didn't care.

"The people in Denglai are too miserable...Human lives are worse than pigs and dogs..." Huang Ande said a little excitedly, Dengzhou area is his homeland after all, his eyes are red, "Our Fubo army's force is so powerful. Powerful, just kill this group of rebels, why do you want to do business with them?!"

Zhu Mingxia was taken aback. So far, the Guihua civilian officers and soldiers of the Fubo Army have never questioned the command of the elders——for them, the Senate is a god-like existence.

This is a very dangerous sign.Zhu Mingxia thought to himself, since he is a native of Dengzhou, he would not bear to see such a miserable situation in his hometown.

Of course, he could completely convince him with a single sentence, but Zhu Mingxia paid great attention to ideological and political work, not to mention that Huang Ande was an officer and would be the backbone of the Fubo Army in the future, so he must speak out.

"Sit down." Zhu Mingxia pointed to the chair in his office.

Huang Ande hesitated, saluted and sat down.

"Do you think our Fubo army is very powerful?"

"Report sir, yes!" Huang Ande was about to stand up again to report, Zhu Mingxia waved his hand, "We are talking heart to heart now, we don't need to follow the rules."

"Do you think it's okay for us to go north to fight Dengzhou and defeat the rebels?"

"Destroy the dead, Li Jiuzheng and Kong Youde are just like chickens and dogs."

Zhu Mingxia thought to himself that he really meant "to speak out".No wonder people say that Shandong is the "hometown of saints".

"We can defeat the rebels now, but what happens after that?" he asked.

Huang Ande hesitated for a moment, what happened after defeating the rebels?He really didn't think about it. According to his thinking mode, these are all issues considered by the "above".I was stunned for a moment and said: "The common people live and work in peace and contentment..."

Zhu Mingxia looked into Huang Ande's eyes: "Live and work in peace and contentment? You are a native of Dengzhou yourself. Did the common people in Dengzhou live and work in peace and contentment in the past?"

The answer is very obvious-Denglai was famous for its poor people and difficult life until the Republic of China.It was an ordinary year, and it was common for people to starve to death and flee famine.

Huang Ande hesitated and said: "Although it's not living and working in peace and contentment, it's not so miserable..." As he said that, he thought of all the tragedies he saw every time he went to the market these days, he couldn't help but shed tears, and quickly wiped them with his sleeve.

Zhu Mingxia patted him on the shoulder, and said: "You are right. If there were no Li Jiuzheng and Kong Youde, the common people would starve to death peacefully. If they couldn't survive, there would be a way out to sell their children and daughters. We defeated now Is Li Jiuzheng and Kong Youde just to fight for such a morality for the common people?"

"Of course not." Huang Ande said hastily, "It would be great if they could all be like Lingao."

"Like Lingao." Zhu Mingxia nodded, "Even if it can't be like Lingao, if there is a peaceful environment where they can farm and live with peace of mind, the common people will be very satisfied."

"Yes!" Huang Ande said, "The common people are not afraid of being poor or suffering. They don't want anything, just want to live a peaceful life."

"But you know that the peaceful days are not easy to come by." Zhu Mingxia said seriously, "You are an old naturalized citizen, an old soldier, and you know how the peaceful days in Lingao-Hainan came about."

Huang Ande nodded. He was an experienced person in the second anti-encirclement campaign and security war, and he still remembered the days and nights of the battle.

"How many comrades have we sacrificed and how much have we paid to allow the people of Hainan Island to live the kind of peaceful life you expected." Zhu Mingxia's voice was full of emotion, "You know the rifle in your hand, the clothes on your body, and the clothes on your feet. How did you get the dry food for your shoes?"

"It was provided by the great Senate!" This was Wei Aiwen's standard answer, but Huang Ande didn't think it was absurd when he answered this way - he believed this sentence from the bottom of his heart.

"That's right! This was provided by the Senate, and it was also obtained by the hard work of the naturalized people. The workers worked hard by the fire in the factory, the farmers worked hard under the scorching sun, and the sailors put their lives on their boats. , the miners are working desperately in the coal yard, and Hainan Island has a peaceful life as you said!" Zhu Mingxia added his persuasiveness with a series of lyrical parallels.

"It is easy for us to defeat the rebels now. But what about in the future? Don't forget that there is another officer and soldier of Ming Dynasty who harmed the common people. How about the days of starving to death and fleeing famine?"

"Of course not!" Huang Ande said firmly.

Zhu Mingxia said, "The army is in chaos, bandits are in chaos, and miscellaneous taxes are extorted-the world of Ming Dynasty has long been full of wars and devastation. There are people in distress everywhere. As the sword of the Senate, we must take a broader view: The world, we are determined to save the people all over the world!" He said and waved his hands full of emotion.

Huang Ande's passion was also stirred up: "Save the people all over the world?!" Although he had long felt the ambition of the Senate, he had never heard a senior confide in such a straightforward way: a strong emotional surge in his heart.The pride of meritorious deeds drowned out the compassion in an instant.

"That's right, for the sake of suffering people all over the world!" Zhu Mingxia nodded solemnly: "So our first job is to accumulate strength silently. We should take in as many people as possible from Denglai to strengthen ourselves now. To do things—not for the sake of the suffering of the people in one place for a moment: that is just small benevolence and small righteousness, not the great benevolence and righteousness that takes into account the world!"

"Yes, I understand!" Huang Ande jumped up excitedly and stood at attention to salute, "Serve the Senate and the people!"

After Huang Ande left, Zhu Mingxia took out a handkerchief and wiped his sweat.It is not easy to educate a person.He was thinking, looking at the back of Huang Ande who was going away with complicated emotions.

"Your Excellency, the enlarged meeting of the Executive Committee will be held in 15 minutes..."

Qian Honghuang, the private secretary of the President of the Senate, who was wearing the uniform of a female clerk, opened the door of the office and said respectfully.

"Okay, I'll be right there." Qian Shuiting tidied up the documents on the table.He took out a briefcase from the wooden partition on the wall, and then took out a stack of documents from the safe in the house—it was no longer made of reinforced concrete, but a real steel plate riveted safe, and counted them carefully. Put it in the briefcase and fasten the lock.

Then, he looked at his image in front of a cosmetic mirror on the wall, checked whether the wrinkles of his clothes were straightened, and wiped his hair again.Qian Shuiting is a person who attaches great importance to his own image, and he is also the only member of the executive committee who wears a full-body cosmetic mirror in his office.When he was in the United States, he liked to watch how American politicians shaped their own images, from hairstyles, clothing to manners.Now I can't help but do it with my body.

Today's meeting was actually held to discuss his "senator's military and political proposal".The Manila Silver Plan has passed the vote of the Senate and is officially included in the discussion stage of the Executive Committee.

Since the end of 1630, Qian Shuiting first proposed on the BBS the proposal to rob the Spanish galleon that transported American silver to Manila in 1631, and this proposal has gained extremely high popularity.

Flying the skull flag, holding a scimitar, jumping on the enemy ship wearing a blindfold, and then stepping on the silver box, forcing the crew to walk on the rickety wooden plank... The imagination of many sailing parties and gangs suddenly expanded uncontrollably .Although there are some textualists who say that no matter red or black, the standard pirate skull flag of later generations did not appear in 1630, but no one paid attention to their disappointing replies.It is said that the number of treasures can reach up to one million taels of silver, so many people's pupils immediately turned into the shape of ingots.

It's just that this popular proposal has been postponed until now because the timing was not ripe.Interested parties have been following the plan, though.Data collection for this operation has been ongoing.The implementation details of the plan were discussed in several small-scale gatherings on the Feiyun.

For more than two years, a group of people worked together to continuously collect information and conduct small-scale war games. The simple plan was continuously supplemented, and a feasibility report with detailed content and specific figures has been formed.

(End of this chapter)

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