Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1198 Captive

Chapter 1198 Captive
Zhou Weisen has never learned Spanish, but when he was in the United States, he had a lot of dealings with Lao Mo, and he could also tinker with a few daily conversations—otherwise it would not have been so easy to hook up with Mendoza. He understood the word "surrender".Attempts by the commandos to drop a second tear gas round were stopped at once.He turned his face to Ah San's translator and said:

"Tell them to raise their hands above their heads and come out one by one!" Ah San's translator babbled once and then again.At this time, there was a reaction inside, a Spaniard emerged from the chili smoke, sneezing and crying, but he did not forget to raise his hands above his head.

Looking at the woolen woolen clothing and the layers of wrinkled stiff collar on this person, it goes without saying that he is a person of status.The empty scabbard on his thigh also illustrates this point - only people of status: even if they are not nobles, they must at least be a so-called "son of a family" to wear a sword.

The man burst into tears and sneezed because he was stimulated by the chili smoke. He was dragged aside by the commandos and tied up without seeing anything.Then Ah San yelled "Kneel down!" They knelt down on the deck one by one, like a bunch of hairy crabs.

Someone tried to stand up and speak, but Zhou Weisen had neither the time nor the interest to listen. With a gesture, Ah San, the translator, beat the unfortunate Spaniard with a stick as if he had taken a stimulant until he lay on the ground and couldn't move. .

Zhou Weisen said, there were ten people kneeling on the deck, and two of them were young attendants.It looked like there were dignified people on this ship and their servants.

After ten people, there was no more sound inside.Zhou Weisen installed a tactical flashlight on the SW 629, and was the first to break into the cabin, followed by commandos wearing masks and goggles.

There is no need to show the results of their tactical training inside—the cabin is in a mess, furniture and various utensils are thrown all over the place, and many sabers, sabers and matchlock guns are also scattered in a mess. This is a fight to the death.But at the moment, there is no one inside.

"Pay attention to occupying the entrance and exit of the artillery deck!" Zhou Weisen shouted.This entrance and exit is the connecting channel between the bottom cabin and the stern cabin. If the Spaniards want to counterattack, it is a shortcut, "Attention to search!"

There are two entrances and exits to the poop, one is the hatch leading to the upper deck, which is where they broke in, from here you can go to the upper deck, and you can also go to the poop deck through the stairs on both sides-the helmsman steers and the ship place of command.The other entrance is on the upper level of the poop, leading to the battery deck.This entrance and exit are usually locked, so as not to have conspiratorial sailors attack the poop from the lower deck unexpectedly through this entrance and exit.In case of pirates boarding the ship and jumping to fight, the stern building is also a strong point of resistance.

The commandos quickly cleared the cabins of senior seamen on the first floor and entered the second floor.The second floor is divided into three rooms, the outside is a large room for the captain to handle various official duties on the ship, the middle is the dining room for the senior crew on the ship, and the innermost room is divided into left and right cabins for the owner and captain.This room is also used by VIPs on board when the owner is away.

"Safe!" "Safe!" "Safe!" Voices confirming safety came from all directions.

"Pay attention to the search!" Zhou Weisen shouted.The stern compartment often held the personal effects of the captain and the ship's VIPs—especially on a liner like this between two colonies, where everyone jumped at the opportunity to smuggle, and the captain of the St. Louis was no exception.Maybe you can make a small fortune from here.

"Report to the chief!" A team member suddenly shouted, "There is a woman on board!"

The word "woman" made Zhou Weisen suddenly excited--except for slaves, very few women sailed on long-distance ships these days, although some captains would take their wives or daughters with them, but this was a very rare exception.

However, this was a royal ship between New Spain and the Philippines, and it is quite possible that it carried the families of several important officials.

The women on the Spanish boat are, needless to say, hot and unrestrained Latin girls.Although Zhou Weisen already has a big ocean horse that feels like vomiting all day long, capturing a big ocean horse and capturing a boatload of Spanish men can make him more meritorious in the Senate.

"Where?" he asked hastily.

"In the owner's cabin," said the team member, "she won't come out, we can't understand her..."

"If you don't want to come out, you won't drag her out?" Zhou Weisen said coldly, "Catch her alive!"

A few minutes later, two team members dragged a woman in front of his eyes. Zhou Weisen was greatly disappointed: this woman is indeed a big horse, but she is not young at first glance.The whole body was wrapped in a thick black dress-he knew a little about European clothing and knew that it was a kind of widow's clothing.Look closely at her face: at least fifty.

Zhou Weisen saw that it was a Dayan horse that had passed the warranty period, so he didn't bother to ask any more questions, so he just waved his hand and asked the team members to escort her out.He also got out of the cockpit.

At this time, members of the Marine Commando came to report to him: the entrance to the middle and lower decks on the deck had been controlled, and Ah San was currently calling out, but the people below did not respond.

"Keep shouting!" Zhou Weisen had just finished speaking when suddenly there was loud gunfire on the deck and white smoke filled the air.The Spaniards below the deck suddenly fired a volley of matchlock guns from the entrance and exit, and then pushed open the wooden grille violently, trying to stand out in a swarm.

But their attempt was immediately met with fierce counterattacks from the sailors who had been waiting for a long time. The seven or eight people who climbed out of the hatch were beaten half of their bodies by the dense shotgun shells and died.

It seemed that drastic measures had to be taken.Zhou Weisen doesn't like poison gas at all, and hundreds of sailors and soldiers are also good labor in the mine.

Zhou Weisen picked up the walkie-talkie and called Lin Chuanqing, "Old Lin, prepare 'disinfectant'!"


As he was talking, he saw another team member pulling two women out of the stern cabin with a tow frame. Zhou Weisen was amazed, what happened on this boat?There are so many women!
He quickly asked, "What's going on?"

"Report to the chief! It was found in the cabin below, hiding in the cabin where the luggage is piled up."

Zhou Weisen took a look and found that the two women were very young, but their faces showed the characteristics of yellow and white mixed blood-this should be the Criveo people in America-the mixed descendants of Spanish conquistadors and Indian women.

Judging from their clothes, they don't look like women of status, they should be maids or something.As he was thinking this way, a strange aroma suddenly wafted from his nose—it was the smell of perfume.

Zhou Weisen was stunned suddenly, and when he thought of the "crow" just now, he suddenly became excited.After giving some instructions to the captain of the Marine Commando, he took a few people back to the stern cabin.

I was too slow to think of that!He thought to himself, isn't this widow just a "accompanying woman"?The upper class in Spain is always accustomed to employing an older widow to serve as the companion of a young girl or young woman and to play a supervisory role.Otherwise, why should a plainly dressed widow live in the owner's cabin and sail across the ocean?There are also the two maids, the smell of perfume on the maids - this is really obvious!

In the owner's cabin of the stern cabin, there must have been a young and famous big ocean horse!She must be hiding!

"Attention, start searching again now! Search each cabin for me carefully!" Zhou Weisen ordered, "Report to me immediately if you find anything suspicious!"

Not long after, a young woman was dragged before his eyes.She was wearing a long dress made of gorgeous silk embroidered with gold thread that Zhou Weisen had never seen before.He held a folding fan tightly in his hand.From the looks of it, she was a woman of high society, probably a family member of a high-ranking Spanish official or aristocrat in New Spain or the Philippine colonies.

Zhou Weisen estimated that the woman was about 20 years old, with a petite figure and long brown hair tied with thin curls, hanging down from the sideburns.He stared at the man in the strange clothes in front of him with a pair of panicked brown eyes.It was the same perfume smell from the maid just now, but it was stronger and weirder.

"Take her away." Zhou Weisen didn't want to ask her now, he had more important things to do.

"Who's the captain? Bring the captain."

The team members pushed a Spaniard over, with a big bump on his head, and it was the ruthless Ah San translator who beat him up.

"How many people are there?" Zhou Weisen asked with a slap in the face.

Originally, the captain wanted to say a few beautiful and majestic words to fully show his demeanor as a son of aristocratic family, but the beating by Ah San just now made him dizzy, and he will no longer have the strength to maintain his image.Seeing this group of pirates with strange shapes and ships, the captain decided to tell the truth.

"There were 412 people when we sailed from Acapulco, and there were 375 people at the last roll call three days ago."

"How many soldiers are on board?"

"When we set sail, we loaded a company in New Spain, 90 men, and now we don't know how many are left."

"Why didn't you surrender just now? The white flag has already been raised." Zhou Weisen said viciously, "Do you know the consequences of false surrender? I will hang you all from the mast!"

"Please don't insult my reputation!" Although the captain's hands were tied, he still maintained a noble demeanor, "I have ordered to surrender, but Lieutenant Alvarado refused to surrender..."

"Who is Alvarado?"

"It's the company commander of that company. He is a son of a restless family." The captain was still in shock, "He also tried to seize the poop, it's terrible!"

(End of this chapter)

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