Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1216 Competition

Chapter 1216 Competition
Sonia Lili Hapoel aroused the interest of the buyers as soon as she came on stage. Before the host announced the start of the bidding, Lin Hanlong flicked his cigar lightly immediately: What surprised him was: the veteran who was waiting for this girl Not just the two of Dongmen and him, nor the three or four he estimated at most, but a whole ten of them!
He Fanghui was still there according to the gesture 25 to increase step by step, and Dongmen Chuyu impatiently stretched out his right hand and spread five fingers.Five hundred circulation coupons!This instantly doubled the asking price.Without hesitation, Lin Hanlong also stretched out his right hand, spread his thumb and little finger, and made a six--six hundred circulation coupons!

Who is afraid of whom!Dongmen Chuiyu turned his face to look at Lin Hanlong, and stretched out his thumb and index finger to form a right angle.Eight hundred circulation coupons!It's a pity that he was delayed for a while when he turned around, and the price of [-] yuan had already been called out by others-it turned out to be Yu Eshui from the Great Library!

Unexpectedly, you, who have thick eyebrows and big eyes, are also interested in Dayan horses, Lin Hanlong waved his cigar again.

"850 yuan!"

Sonia's price soared from [-] yuan, and in just a few minutes it surpassed the previous highest transaction price of [-] yuan.The venue suddenly became lively, many people were whispering, and some people showed excitement on their faces.

After exceeding this price, only three veterans are left to continue this fierce competition.Lin Hanlong, Dongmen Chuiyu, and Yu Eshui were almost biting each other's bids. Each time they added 55 yuan, the auction price soon reached [-] yuan.

When the price exceeded 2000 yuan, Yu Eshui withdrew from the bidding, so the bidding started fiercely between Lin Hanlong and Dongmen Chuyu, and finally, the price soared to [-] yuan.Even the elders present felt that the price was too high. Some people shook their heads, some started talking in low voices, and He Fanghui's forehead began to sweat, for fear that there would be some "political incident" in the end.

"Twenty-five hundred yuan!" He Fang roared back, "Two thousand five hundred yuan! Is there anyone else who wants to bid?!"

Dongmen Chuyu stretched his body forward, his expression twisted, and he fixed his eyes on the blonde girl on the stage.He didn't feel it himself, but the elders who were at the same table with him moved their seats a little, subtly distanced themselves from him.The asking price on the stage at this time is 3000 circulation coupons per jump, and now it is [-] circulation coupons.Dongmen blew rain and gritted his teeth.He suddenly raised three fingers of his right hand on the stage: [-] yuan circulation coupon!

The audience suddenly fell silent. What is the concept of 3000 yuan circulating coupons?Of course, there are far more than this amount in the accounts of the elders, but in order to prevent the auction from getting out of control, the general office stipulates that each elder can only use 3000 yuan of circulation coupons from his own savings account to participate in the auction tonight in addition to cash—use More words, if no one helps to advance funds with cash, this is already the upper limit.In terms of the income of a naturalized citizen, an ordinary worker's circulation coupon of less than 3000 yuan a month is enough to support a family of four.The [-] yuan circulation coupon is enough for him to earn more than three years without eating or drinking.

For this reason, the number of naturalized workers participating in the auction is not only very small, but also all maids directly under the general office to ensure the confidentiality of the entire auction process and content.

Lin Hanlong was taken aback. He didn't have much cash in his hand, and there was only seven or eight hundred yuan left for him to bid, and the feeling of confidence disappeared.But at this time, he couldn't help thinking about it, and immediately shouted out [-] yuan.

"Three thousand and five hundred yuan!" Dongmen Chuuyu made a leapfrog bid, as if he was going to directly crush him to death.

"[-] yuan!" Lin Hanlong began to feel that he had no confidence--all his cash was only [-] yuan, which meant that he could only shout [-] yuan at most.

"4000 yuan!"

There was a buzzing commotion in the arena, and Lin Hanlong was extremely annoyed——I didn't expect Dongmen Chuyu to be so stubborn!So much cash on hand!He is engaged in business and industry, and now he is in the military house where the general staff sits in the office. Can he have a common language with the little girl in the science house?Seeing the 4000 yuan circulation coupon for the first time, the second time, and soon the third time.He suddenly felt someone poking his arm.Looking back, it was the speaker Qian Shuiting.Qian Shuiting didn't say much, and slapped the admission ticket in his hand.Lin Hanlong was shocked, and immediately raised his hand to express his objection.

He Fang on the stage returned to pick up the hammer and was about to hit it for the third time after shouting, but it got stuck.He didn't expect that someone would continue to call after the upper limit was reached.

"Okay, I understand, please wait a moment." The host signaled a naturalized worker beside him to hurry over and ask.There was a buzzing sound in the venue.Lin Hanlong saw that the blond girl standing behind the host still looked like she had nothing to do with her, with her hands behind her back and her eyes looking around.This girl is so much fun!
After the staff walked to Lin Hanlong to see the two tickets clearly, they said a few words to Qian Shuiting, then turned around and walked back to the stage, whispering a few words to the host.The host nodded.

"Seniors in the audience, your bidding price is valid. It is now [-] circulating coupons!" According to the rules of the auction, if the selling price exceeds [-], it will be [-] or more.If he wanted to continue bidding, he would have to compete with Lin Hanlong for hundreds of circulation notes, maybe thousands of them—this would only be possible if he had accumulated enough circulation notes on weekdays.Just now no one came out to bid for [-], and there was even less competition for [-].

"Four thousand five hundred for the first time!"

Dongmen Chuyu had a ferocious expression on his face, and grabbed the elder sitting next to him, "Brother! Who still has unused tickets!"

"Four thousand five hundred second times!"

Everyone at the same table shook their heads.They sat in the first row, and they had made up their minds to get a big Yangma back.After many rounds of auctions, everyone succeeded.According to the regulations, one person has one auction chance, and if he wins, he needs to hand over the admission ticket to the staff for formalities. Who still has it now?It was too late to find someone again.

"Four thousand five hundred and the third time!" The hammer fell with a bang, and Dongmen Chuuyu also sat down slumped.There was a burst of applause in the venue.

Lin Hanlong handed over the two tickets to the staff, turned to look for Qian Shuiting, but found that he had left.Unable to discern Qian Shuiting's figure in the darkness, Lin Hanlong gave a thumbs up to the crowd, nodded again, then got up and walked to Dongmen Chuyu, and reached out to pat him on the shoulder.

"Brother Dongmen, this time I accept your favor. I heard that there will be another wave within the year, and I will give you my share at that time, how about it?"

Marina has been watching this scene nervously. Although she does not understand Chinese, she knows from the atmosphere at the scene that these people fought fiercely for Sonia.That's fine, she thought, they value her so much, they won't abuse her.

Marina was the last to be pulled up for auction.She was brought to the stage, and a maid signaled her to stand in the auction position: the lights here are the brightest, and every detail can be seen clearly.

"Donna Marina de Arellano. Spaniard. 19 years old. Aristocratic origin! Measurements..." Someone read the content on the display board aloud.

He Fanghui started bidding:

"The price starts at two hundred yuan."

"Three hundred." Dongmen Chuuyu bid again.

Someone here offered a price, but Dongmen Chuiyu immediately followed up and shouted: "Five hundred!"—as if venting his dissatisfaction, he directly increased the price by one hundred

The whole house was silent.Marina looked at Leib Trini and found that he had no intention of speaking.

"Six hundred yuan!" Immediately there were some bidders.

Although Marina is not the kind of blond hair and blue eyes that the elders like most, her unique Latin beauty and characteristics of aristocratic origin have attracted a new round of enthusiastic bidding by the elders, and the price quickly soared to 1000 yuan. The number of people obviously began to decrease.That's when Leib Trini joined the bidding:

"One thousand two hundred circulation coupons!"

Dongmen Chuuyu immediately called out the price of [-].Then, another veteran also joined the bidding.This person is Xiao Bailang.

He Fanghui was a little strange, because in today's auction, Xiao Bailang, who has always been known as a fan of wild horses, never raised the price once. Could it be that he has set his sights on this Spanish girl for a long time?
"Eighteen hundred yuan!"

The meeting hall fell silent, Marina glanced at the man with dark skin and muscular arms, and found that his eyes were shining with fierceness and contempt, full of lust to ravage women. As a result, she felt that the blood in her whole body was cold.

"2000 yuan!" Trini's voice broke the silence of the venue.

"Two thousand and one hundred yuan." Dongmen Chuuyu followed immediately.

"Two thousand and two hundred yuan!" Xiao Bailang grinned grimly, "I want her to taste what it's like to be a Chinese man." As he spoke, he cast his eyes on Marina, as if he was about to strip her off.

"Two thousand three hundred yuan!" Trini's bidding gesture began to tremble a little.Marina knew that the price was beyond his ability to bear.

"Twenty-five hundred yuan!" Dongmen Chuuyu insisted on bidding.

There was another buzz of discussion, and Marina turned to the Italian for help, and saw that he was already sweating profusely and his face was gloomy.

"Two thousand eight hundred."

Marina was startled, and quickly looked at Mr. Trini, only to see that he was silent.It was far beyond his means.After hesitating for a while, the Italian raised his hand with the air of a martyr.

"Someone bid for [-] circulating coupons! [-] circulating coupons!" He Fanghui shouted, "Is there anyone else who wants to bid?"

Xiao Bailang stood up calmly, and shouted out himself: "[-] yuan circulation coupon!"

"Three thousand and five hundred yuan! Is there anyone else who wants to bid?"

He Fanghui's gavel was gathered in the air, and his arm seemed to be fixed.Everyone stared at him with wide eyes, waiting for the decisive gavel to strike.

"The first time at [-] yuan! The second time at [-] yuan!..."

(End of this chapter)

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