Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1235 Little Liuqiu Island

Chapter 1235 Little Liuqiu Island
Chen Haiyang came to the General Political Security Bureau in person, and Wu Mu came out to greet him in person.Chen Haiyang went straight to the point and asked to read all the secret materials about the crew of the ship kept by the Political Security Bureau.

"No problem, I'll take you to the database right away." Wu Mu agreed, "Director Zhao has already given me instructions."

"I see." Chen Haiyang said briefly, "I have already read the report of the ten-member group, and there is nothing suspicious. I can only see if you have more valuable materials here."

"This is a pass to enter the archives." Wu Mu handed him a special pass. In addition to the usual content such as name and title, there is a line of small words: "It is valid once and can only be used on the day it is issued."

Wu Mu led Chen Haiyang into a courtyard with guards standing guard.Inside stood several brick buildings as tall as warehouses, on high foundations.

Unlike various departments that love greening, there is no greening in this yard, and the ground is paved and hardened with stones.The wall is very high, and densely packed broken glass stands on it.

A stone staircase leads to the ground floor entrance of the archives.There is a guard room in the door opening at the entrance. Two guards wearing blue collar badges carefully checked the IDs of Wu Mu and Chen Haiyang, and then registered the time of entry and exit in the registration book.

The light in the file room was very dark, and Chen Haiyang could hardly see anything clearly for a moment, and it took a while for his eyesight to recover.The room smelled of paper and dust.Rows of shelves and cabinets can be seen under the light projected from the high daylighting windows.There are piles, piles, and bundles of materials and files piled up everywhere.

Not far from the entrance, there was a female data administrator in uniform. After Wumu said something to her, the female administrator immediately disappeared behind a lot of shelves and cabinets.

"She went to look through the index cards." Wu Mu explained, "Let's sit down for a while, it won't be so fast."

About 15 minutes later, the female administrator delivered a cardboard box.

"It's all here, Chief."

"Go ahead, let's take a look." Wu Mu said.

As he spoke, he opened the carton, which was full of thin paper folders.From Zhao Zhulong to the lowest third-class sailor on the Gang Hai Xun No. 64 patrol boat, there are a total of 23 secret files in the Political Security Bureau here.

Their personnel files are in the Ministry of the Navy, and the report of the ten-member regiment of the patrol boat No. 64 is in the Political Department of the General Staff. Here is the political appraisal report made by the Political Security Bureau for them, and the report on their performance in the quarantine camp. materials like this.

Wu Mu looked at the list of materials and shook his head: "It's nothing serious. It's all the most common materials."

Chen Haiyang was a little disappointed, but also a little lucky.He looked at these simple materials one after another, and the background experiences of these people were similar.Cantonese, Fujianese, Danhu, Hakka... fishermen, sailors, farmers...

Most of them have been pirates, some have been in big gangs, and some have followed alone.They all have some minor blemishes more or less, but just from these, it can't be seen that these people have any major problems.

If their social relationship is complicated, it is almost inevitable in the navy. Many naturalized civilian navy personnel have inextricably linked old relationships with pirates because of their origins.A certain person is familiar with Zheng Zhilong's subordinates, and a certain person's relatives work under Liu Xiang's subordinates—these are all very common things.Such clues are as good as none.

Chen Haiyang originally hoped that the Political Security Bureau would have some secret investigation materials in its hands—this is very possible. The Political Security Bureau has the right to conduct independent investigations on any naturalized people considered "suspicious" at any time without seeking the consent of the department. .

"What do you think the situation is?" Chen Haiyang asked Wumu.

"We can't make a conclusion before we have all the materials," Wu Mu said cautiously, "but judging from the materials we have so far, I don't think the possibility of mutiny is very high. It is very likely that he was hijacked."

Anti-defection is a job that the Political Security Administration has always paid attention to, especially in the navy, where naturalized civilians operate various ships of the Senate, and even on ships brought by old time and space like 8154, there are also naturalized civilian sailors. figure.Once a defection occurs, it will cause heavy losses in equipment, and the consequences will be very serious.

Chen Haiyang didn't know how the Political Security Bureau carried out specific monitoring, but he thought they had their own means and methods.No doubts were found in the report of the ten-member group alone: ​​to launch a rebellion, at least half of the ship's people must be in collusion to have a greater certainty.Previously, there had to be frequent activities for series connection.Neither of the Ten members' reports mentioned such activity.

Chen Haiyang nodded. If he was hijacked, there would be many fewer suspects. They are nothing more than Liu Xiang and Zheng Zhilong. Although the Dutch and Spaniards are not impossible, the possibility is very small.

Now we have to find out the whereabouts of Gang Hai Xun 64, so that we can find out who the perpetrators are and estimate their specific intentions.Chen Haiyang came out of the Political Security Bureau, got into his carriage, and told the driver: "Go to the Foreign Intelligence Bureau!"

That night, the Foreign Intelligence Agency sent a telegram to the intelligence stations in Leizhou, Guangzhou, and Taiwan, asking them to immediately notify the intelligence personnel along the coast, asking them to pay attention to whether a single-masted patrol boat had recently parked or passed nearby.Once found, report to Lingao immediately.

Just as the various departments of Lingao were working around the whereabouts of the ship, Gang Hai Xun 64 was sailing through the waves, heading: Taiwan.

Ganghaixun 64 not only deviates from the needle route used by ordinary Chinese ships, but also deviates far from the routes commonly used by European ships.On the vast sea, there is only this lonely boat.The sea was very stormy, and the waves kept rushing onto the deck of the patrol boat.The flags on the mast and stern have all been stowed away, the cannon and typewriter are also wrapped in canvas guncoats, and no one on the deck can be seen except for the necessary sailors.

The ship made a big circle on the sea and approached Kaohsiung from the southwest, but its destination was not the port controlled by the Australians, but to Xiaoliuqiu Island, a coral island 18 nautical miles away from Kaohsiung. .

In the evening of this day, the sun had not completely set, and the sky was getting darker with the glow of the sunset, and it would be less than half an hour before it got dark.Ganghaixun 64 has appeared in the waters off Xiaoliuqiu Island.

Skimming the foaming waves with agility and full sail she had never seen in service, she headed for the mouth of the bay.All sailors who have sailed here know the danger of this move-Xiaoliuqiu Island is a coral island, and the edge of the island is densely covered with coral reefs and shoals, and it is very easy to run aground on the rocks.And a shipwreck here is a catastrophe for the sailors: the aborigines on Ryukyu Island are known for their brutality, and if they fall into their hands, they will undoubtedly die.Therefore, although this place has long been discovered by European sailors and Fujian fishermen, there are no special products that Europeans are interested in here, and it is not a good port. In addition, the ferocious natives make this place even though it is not far from Kaohsiung and Dayuan, and the surrounding waters are also There are very few sightings of boats.

However, the boat showed no signs of slowing down. The steering wheel had already turned towards the wind direction. The boat took advantage of the wind to pass through the zigzag channel and moved forward with an unbelievable smoothness. It seemed to be very familiar with the channel here. Familiar with the potential danger.Controlling the wheel from the bridge the captain is wrapped in a raw wool waterproof cloak with a hood over his head.

In a low and calm voice, he gave orders to the sailors from time to time, adjusting the angle of the sail to the wind.From time to time, he raised his binoculars, as if he was searching for something.At this moment, a fire lit up in the depths of the harbor.Flickering according to a certain rhythm.Apparently, the captain was waiting for this signal.He immediately issued a command, turned the steering wheel, scraped the shallows and reefs, and drove towards the fire like an arrow.

In this way, Ganghaixun No. 64 avoided the reef, avoided the shallows, and briskly sailed into a secluded and deserted bay.There are green jungles on all sides.In an instant all her halyards were let down, her anchor was thrown out to sea, and after a final jolt from the cables, the ship came to anchor.Almost at the same time, a native canoe suddenly appeared in the bay and rushed towards the patrol boat quickly.

The canoe was waisted up to the sloop on the port side, and several heavily armed men climbed out of the canoe onto the deck.

With a wave of his hand, the captain threw the hood over his shoulders, his face was fully exposed under the light of the lantern on the bridge—it was the brawny man commanding the robbery.Those who climbed onto the deck bowed respectfully to him together.

Ten minutes later, the canoe left the sailboat and carried the burly man to a makeshift wooden trestle by the bay.The wooden trestle bridge is covered by green vines, so you can't see it unless you get close.

He was of medium height, with a round cap of heavy woolen cloth on his head, and under his cloak a doublet, such as is customary in Europe, but made of cotton.The cowhide sword belt was slung across his broad chest, and an Arabian machete was hung, and the holsters of two cowhide pistols hung from the belt.He wore baggy linen trousers suitable for the boat, tucked into high boots.

The man has a typical East Asian face.There was a determined look in his stern eyes.He was beardless, broad-shouldered, strong-armed, and black-haired in curls about his shoulders.He looked about 35 to 40 years old, and he was a man in his prime.His face was tanned by the sun, and there were already deep wrinkles on his forehead. He looked like a weather-beaten person.

(End of this chapter)

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