Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1238 New Weapon

Chapter 1238 New Weapon

Li Huamei knew that at this moment, she had become a real polished commander.Although Li Ying didn't have much time by her side, and he wasn't considered a confidant, he was still someone she subdued.Now a "female orderly" with a smile on her face is brought in, needless to say, it is an Australian who came to monitor her.

Then think of the crew members under him who have entered the "quarantine camp"-according to the Australians' ability to deceive people, can they still be loyal to themselves when they come out?
Li Huamei suddenly felt the terrible feeling that she was naked and exposed to the eyes when she was watched and bathed just now, and there was no way to hide.

At this point, it can only be settled as it comes.She comforted herself that there was always a price to be paid to be believed.

She was allocated a double dormitory for single officers in the Zuoying base. Since she was the only female officer, it was more convenient for her to occupy one room exclusively.

But her freedom is only in this less than 8 square meters.Pushing open the window, you can see the sentinels swimming in the base and the forested masts in the bay.Although she can move freely in most parts of the base, she is not allowed to leave the Zuoying base without asking for leave, and there are many rules about asking for leave, so she simply gave up this idea.

It's almost like going to jail.Li Huamei thought to herself.

However, amidst this helplessness, there are also some good news.First of all, the renovation plan of Hangzhou, which was rejected in Lingao, was approved in Kaohsiung, including the improvement of the ship's handling performance and the enhancement of firepower-except for the slightly complicated installation of the steering wheel, they are relatively simple modifications.The ship repair yard in Kaohsiung can afford it.

Secondly, as if to relieve her boredom, on the third day after she entered the camp, someone came to inform her to participate in the "surface ship officer training."

The training was conducted at the Zuoying base, and all the participants were naturalized naval officers of the First Fleet.At first, Li Huamei scoffed at the training.She has been floating in the sea for many years, and has met all kinds of people and things, but she has never heard that naval battles can be fought by sitting at a table and moving a few small models around on a sand table. win.Not to mention that they also have to teach sailing theory-is there any Australian who is better at sailing than her?
But this is a great opportunity to find out about the Australians.For this she was very active.Be the first to come to class every day.Soon, she was drawn to something: it was a picture book.Beautifully decorated.It is usually placed on the special reading table in the classroom, and gloves must be worn when browsing.

The paper of the album is hard and thick, and it feels heavy in my arms.The paintings inside are all kinds of ships that she has never seen or heard of.Each ship is marked with the name of the ship, the country it belongs to and detailed data, including tonnage, sail type, speed, weapon configuration, and staffing, densely packed and patchwork.

What shocked her the most was the large three-view and perspective view of the ship, which described the structure and internal details of each ship in detail.Li Huamei couldn't believe that the Australians could draw all the details of a ship on paper in such a detailed way.She knew that European man-made ships had very detailed blueprints, but these were the secrets of shipbuilders and ship owners, and ordinary people had no access to them.

Since this book is not allowed to be taken out of the meeting room, she would come here early every class day to look through this picture book.Looking at all kinds of ships, big or small, fascinated, I hope that in the future, I can have a ship of my own in this picture book.

Later, it was not just a picture book that shocked her.The Australian on the podium used a lot of difficult terms, a figure drawn on a black board and a few simple small models, leading her into a world she had never seen before.And she would never have imagined that in the near future, what she heard in this classroom would draw a completely different trajectory for her life.

Every day when I was teaching in class, I would hear the rumbling of cannons from time to time.Everyone didn't care too much: Kaohsiung has assembled many warships. Originally, there were a lot of ships coming and going here, but there was a constant flow of ships entering and leaving the port.But now, although the ships entering and leaving the port are still frequent, Lichun and several steam-powered gunboats have not been dispatched again.It’s just that I occasionally go out to sea to take a look around the coast of Kaohsiung for live ammunition shooting training.Will be back the next day at most.

But on this day, the instructor in charge of the class announced that all trainees will go to observe the navy's amphibious landing exercise today.

The amphibious landing exercise was carried out on a beach outside the Zuoying base. In addition to some warships of the First Fleet, there were also many large, medium and small launch boats.

Standard beach landing mode: the special reconnaissance team marks the target and landing point on the shore, and destroys the command center; each ship approaches the shelling beach, personnel transfer, beach landing, control of the port, and unloading of artillery... All links are linked together, It's dazzling.

For someone like Li Huamei, although she came here with the purpose of collecting intelligence, her lack of knowledge made her intelligence collection sensitivity too low.So much so that I could only watch the excitement of the whole exercise.Although during the exercise, she saw a lot of new gadgets and special tactics that she couldn't usually see, which made her feel very fresh and shocked, but she didn't see any clues from them.

However, observing the landing exercise still allowed her to draw a very clear conclusion: the Australians will launch a landing battle in the near future: the target is likely to be Zheng Zhilong.

This information is very important.But she couldn't pass it on to her sister, and the life and death of the Zheng family didn't matter to her.And seeing the strength of the Australian navy and army to swallow mountains and rivers, it is not a big suspense who will win.Even a young lady wouldn't bet on a power that was going to die.

Recalling that a few months ago, the lady said to herself: "Liu Xiang is finished. Sooner or later, he will be destroyed by Zheng Zhilong and the Australians. We don't need to do business with them anymore." Now she can say the same: "The Zheng family is finished. Sooner or later, they will be destroyed by the Australians. We don't need to do business with them anymore."

For the veterans in Kaohsiung, this landing exercise meant that a full-scale war against the Zheng family was imminent.The transfer of the two special reconnaissance teams before the beginning of summer was for early intelligence collection, so this time the Marine Corps transferred from Hong Kong will be an official combat force.

Shi Zhiqi came to Kaohsiung in a low-key way, and with him came a new navy unit in Hong Kong. The public name was "Shi Detachment", and the official name was the first expedition team of the Navy -- this expedition team The organization of the army is new, not only the organization is new, but the weapons are also new.

All members of the Marine Corps are no longer equipped with the standard Mini rifles of the Fubo Army, but a brand-new and more powerful rifle: the Hall-type bullet-tube rifle.

The Hall barrel rifle is a primitive version of the breech-loading rifle: this gun has a lifting breech.When loading, put the whole paper-wrapped bullet into the breech, and then close it.Put the cap on the fire door.It's actually a metal cartridge case attached to a gun.

The bullet-type rifle fires much faster than the front-loading gun. The disadvantage is that the breech leaks, and the range and power are reduced. It is not as good as the theoretically backward front-loading rifle-in fact, before the metal bullet case was invented, All breechloading rifles have this problem.However, this is not a big problem against a 17th century enemy who lacked effective long-range penetrating weapons.Secondly, the machinery factory said that this problem can be alleviated by improving the machining accuracy, brass wedge-shaped joint surface and curved locking parts-after all, always making the same Miniature rifles also makes the mechanical mouth people tired.To say that everyone in this line of work has the urge to make their own weapons, and they all want to get some more high-end equipment.

But the idea of ​​enjoying the speed of rear-loading guns without metal fixed-loading ammunition is very tempting: Although the Minie bullet has solved the problem of difficult loading, the loading method of the front-loading rifle is still the same as in the past: the paper shell The bottom is torn open, the propellant is poured into the paper shell from the muzzle, the bullet is pierced with a cleaning rod, the hammer is pressed down, the cap is placed on the fire door, the aim is, and the trigger is pulled.The rate of fire of the front-loading gun is 2 to 3 rounds per minute, which refers to this method.In an emergency, the entire paper cartridge case can also be inserted into the gun chamber, and fired directly after the cap is installed. Since the propellant is wrapped in the paper case, the rate of slow fire or non-fire is increased.This often happens in training and actual combat.In contrast, the rate of fire of a cartridge rifle using paper shells can reach 7 to 10 rounds per minute.If high-quality grain black powder is used, the Hall rifle can even fire more than [-] rounds continuously without cleaning the chamber.This also has an advantage over the Minie rifle.

Of course, the biggest advantage is that the Minie guns currently widely equipped by the army and navy can be easily converted into Hall rifles by modifying the tail of the bolt, and the production line does not need to be adjusted much—except for a few more guns than the Minie rifles. Except for parts with slightly higher processing precision, the basic production performance is close.

Although the technical leap of the Hall rifle is not large, it can only be regarded as a small step in the development of the military industry, but the cost of this small step is not high, but the power can be doubled.It is in line with the low-cost improvement idea of ​​the executive committee.

After Lin Shenhe's continuous activities and advocacy, this small-scale improvement measure was finally implemented before the engine operation, and a small-scale modification of a batch of rifles: all equipped to the Navy.Based on the Hong Kong detachment, Shi Zhiqi proposed to build an experimental naval force with independent amphibious strike capability, which coincided with Lin Shenhe's proposal to establish a new standard model test force.

(End of this chapter)

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