Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1250 Reward

Chapter 1250 Reward
The first team made some corrections and rested, and began to sail along the southwest coast of Xiamen Island at one o'clock in the afternoon, approaching Zhongzuo City.

Zhongzuo City is located on the southwest coast of Xiamen Island, backed by Wulao Mountain, and across the sea from Gulangyu Island. It is roughly the current location of Xiamen University.To the east of the city is the famous Hulishan Fort - a place where many veterans have visited: the 280mm Krupp cannon on it is the "magic object" in the hearts of many military fans.

Because this place guards the key point of the waterway between Gulangyu Island and Xiamen Island, it is known as "the gateway to Bamin and the key to Tiannan".The location is very important, so Zheng Zhilong also built a fort on Hulishan, and set up several shipboard 24-pound cannons bought from the Portuguese.

According to the level at that time, the fortification of this Hulishan fort was not too simple. Although there were no more than three or four cannons and less than a hundred soldiers, the Humen fortress of the same era was also very low in fortification. Compared with the bureaucrats in Guangdong, Zheng Zhilong Speaking of being more knowledgeable in coastal defense, I spent quite a bit of money on Xiamen Island.

Although its range is limited, it is difficult to threaten the ships of the First Squadron sailing at sea, but it is a trouble after all.In particular, the artillery on the Hulishan Fort could fall to the beach where the First Expeditionary Team was expected to land, so it was necessary to destroy this fort before launching the landing battle.

The first team sailed past the Huaixin Stone, and then marked the target and began shelling.

The specific coordinates of the Hulishan Fort have been calibrated and mapped by the special investigation team, so the 130mm artillery has already caught the target after only a few test shots.

The 130mm cannons bombarded slowly and rhythmically to save shells—the supply ship accompanying the team hadn't arrived yet, and the main gun shells on each ship were only one-third of the base number.Fireworks and thick smoke shrouded Hulishan, and through the binoculars we could see that the fort was gradually collapsing in the smoke and dust, and rubble and gravel were flying across.Every time it hits, the observers of the special reconnaissance team will report the point of impact through the radio, and Lichun will use semaphore and light signals to notify the ships.After several rounds of volleys, the camps and forts lined with flags and flags that came up from Huli Mountain have been annihilated in the fireworks.

According to the report of the special investigation team, apart from the fort on Hulishan, there are still many forts on the whole island of Xiamen, but their actions are not meaningful. No cover left.Can act at will.

The First Fleet sailed safely past the Hulishan Fort, and then the ships dropped anchor. Ming Qiu gave the order: "Start landing."

The landing site was chosen on the beach in front of the Hulishan Fort, about two kilometers away from Zhongzuosuo City. The reason for choosing this place is to avoid entering the anchorage near Zhongzuosuo: there are many ships moored in the anchorage, and there are still Warehouses and warehouses.It has the natural conditions of fire attack.

Once the Zheng family set fire to the docks and anchorages, the entire Zhongzuo Station would become a sea of ​​flames, and the army and navy would have to flee for their lives.

The whistle on the deck sounded, the sailors opened the grille skylight on the deck, and the shouts of the sailors and officers came. The sailors who had been bored below the deck for a long time began to come down from the deck one after another, and boarded in order. deck.

They climbed the ladder, squeezed together, out of the hatch, and scrambled around outside the hatch for another minute or so before they got together and waited for the order to board.There were small boats and supplies everywhere on the deck, and it was extremely crowded. They could only walk slowly along the deck.

Driven by the steam engine, the cradle for hoisting the small boat began to release the small boat creakingly to the sea surface, and the upper and lower net ladders were hung on both sides of the ship's side.
The sound of the whistle urged the sailors, and a voice on the deck kept shouting, "Boat No. 15!", "Boat No. [-]!"...

Every time they shouted, a platoon of soldiers climbed over the bulwark tremblingly and climbed down the net ladders on both sides. Everyone was carrying heavy backpacks, steel helmets and new-style rifles. The assault engineers carried more things. , no one wants to take a boat with them, because they always carry explosives on their backs.

Li Huamei was helping to maintain order on the side of the ship, and the sailors always took a curious look at this rare female officer when they passed her.Female soldiers are rare in the Fubo Army-the army and navy do not have their own health systems, so there is no military hospital that absorbs the most female soldiers.As for another communication unit where female soldiers are concentrated, the current communication of the Fubo Army is still based on manpower communication, and there is not much demand for female soldiers-only in the army and navy are there more female soldiers.

It can be said that Li Huamei is the only female officer on the ship.Fortunately, she has been driving a boat by herself since she was a girl, and she has a lot of experience in commanding a group of men. She is definitely not a little girl who will blush when she sees a man's gaze.This kind of scene has long been used to, otherwise thin-skinned women would probably have the heart to jump into the sea.

She put on a straight face and yelled at them from time to time to "watch your feet!" and "be careful!".Never pretend.With so many landing craft on board, the speed of boarding and launching the boats varies.Some of them were already full of soldiers, and they were circling around the big ship. All the people in the boat were waving to the big ship. The light black hull of the boat and the blue water in the dawn.Not far away, there was also a transfer on the Yangbo, and another landing boat was being launched, and the pulleys of the davit creaked from time to time.The ship's side was covered with soldiers who were changing trains like ants.

Li Huamei looked back and looked towards Zhongzuo City in the north again. She felt a little disapproving—this place is very close to Zhongzuo City. Now all the ships have anchored and are busy changing soldiers. Hectic.She looked up at the weathervane: the wind direction is still against the wind... If the Zheng family seizes this opportunity to launch a fireboat attack, they may be in a hard fight...

She was suddenly startled, she actually regarded the Kun thief as her "own side"!This reminded her again: now she is still an undercover agent, so she couldn't help but feel anxious.

At this time, Zheng Zhilong, who was observing from the tower of the city on the left, put down the Dutch binoculars.His brows and eyes were slightly opened, as if a national player had caught the opponent's fatal mistake: the gangster actually dropped anchor in front of Hulishan to release the small boat-it goes without saying that he was just going to land.But here is less than four sea miles away from the anchorage where he moored the fireship. Dozens of fireships still moored in the anchorage took this opportunity to let go with the wind. Forgive them for not being able to pull out the anchor so quickly—too bad , It can also wipe out most of the small boats they put into the sea, and severely damage the enemy's land division. Even if they can't repel the Kun bandits, at least they can delay the time for half a day and a day.

Looking up at the Zheng character flag on the tower, he asked in a deep voice, "What's the direction of the wind?"

The generals who surrounded him at this time understood his intentions.However, after the disastrous defeat of Zheng Lian just now, it is already a very risky mission to lead the fire attack boat to attack, no matter whether it succeeds or fails, it will be very dangerous.

After a moment of silence, someone has already stood up and bowed to ask for orders: "The wind direction is just right! The final general is willing to lead a team of fireboats to wipe out the enemy!"

Everyone took a closer look and found that the general who volunteered was Zheng Zhipeng, the younger brother of Zheng Zhilong, the brother of the "Eighteen Zhi" who became sworn brothers at the time, and he was a direct descendant of Zheng Zhilong's direct line. Convincing the public can't make Zheng Zhilong feel at ease.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you." Zheng Zhilong nodded, his eyes showing appreciation, "I will allocate all the fireboats to you, and send someone to lead the boat to pick you up. Take care!"

"I'm willing to go through fire and water for my elder brother, even if I die." Zheng Zhipeng said loudly, took a few steps back, turned around and quickly went down the stairs.

"On the ordering platform, send 5 taels of silver to the pier quickly, and ask General Peng to reward the sailors on the fire attack ship." Zheng Zhilong ordered, "One person will be rewarded with 20 taels first, and those who hit the enemy ship will be rewarded with 50 taels after returning." two!"

The generals were stunned, and each person was rewarded with 20 taels!This is not a big reward, it is simply unbelievable.Under normal circumstances, the reward for winning a battle is only four or five taels. Only when you have military exploits or "bringing flowers" can you be rewarded with more than ten taels-this is already extremely generous among the various armed forces in the late Ming Dynasty, let alone Beggars are like officers and soldiers.Now the sailors of the fire attack ship are rewarded with 20 taels before they go to sea, which is too unbelievable.


"In addition, ask the grain platform to send 30 taels to the gate tower. I want to reward the three armies! Officers and soldiers who go out to attack the city will be rewarded with ten taels each, and those who defend the city will be rewarded with five taels! People will be rewarded with another 50 taels! In addition to pensions, those who died in battle will also be rewarded!"

There was another commotion among the generals.

Zheng Zhilong's fourth brother Zheng Zhibao couldn't help standing up and admonishing him: "This, big it too heavy... Once this opening is made, if there is no such a heavy reward in the future, the soldiers will not be willing to fight..."

"Now is the time for everyone to sacrifice their lives. Is it worth buying a life for 70 taels of silver? I think it is worth it!" Zheng Zhilong said, "If we lose the battle and lose the Zhongzuo, the money in this city will not be the same. It's cheap, a thief!"

Rather than being defeated in such a useless way and giving away the treasures and goods of the city for nothing, it is better to spread out to buy people's hearts and fight desperately, maybe there is still some chance.

"...Let's keep the green hills here so we don't have to worry about no firewood. As long as we brothers stand firm on this Xiamen Island, even if all the people and boats are wiped out, we can still turn over!" Brothers are all doing great things, you need to be bold!"

Inspired by his words, all the generals were excited, thinking that since the eldest brother regards property as worthless, there is no need to worry about gains and losses. As long as he fights off the robbers with all his strength, he will not worry about not having a chance to make money-- After all, they were almost driven to a dead end by Li Kuiqi back then.Then it turned back again.All the generals bow together:
"May only the general's head!"

 No detailed location information can be found in Zhongzuo City, it seems to be at the current location of Xiamen University in Siming District, Xiamen City
(End of this chapter)

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