Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1262 Ning 6 Jin

Chapter 1262 Ning Liujin

He worked hard, and he came from the bottom of the masses. He was "someone who could be relied on." This job is much easier than working as a porter on the dock, and the food can be eaten in the kitchen of the No. [-] prison camp: the food there is also better than that of the prison labor team on the dock.

The detainees in No. [-] Prisoner Camp are all the identified backbones of the Zheng Group and their family members. Most of them were captured from Anping. There are men, women, and children. They live in temporary straw huts and tents. There are all pampered people here, and everyone will be in a mess.However, the Kun thieves treated them preferentially, they were not asked to go to work, their food was better than that of ordinary prisoners, and those who were sick were treated in time.Everyone was also given some replacement clothes.

Ning Liujin worked in the prison camp for a few days, and became acquainted with the people inside—he is a local, and the Zheng Group is mainly composed of southern Fujianese from Zhangquan and Quanzhou.Originally, there was a huge disparity in status and status. To the people in the No. A prisoner camp, a person like Ning Liujin was a "person" who was even more insignificant than an ant, but now that he can move freely, the thieves seem to trust him more, so Ning Liujin suddenly became a person of considerable status in the prison camp, and many people called him "Liuguaner"—in the past, it would be very polite to call him "Liujin" look at him.

Ning Liujin goes in and out of the prisoner camp every day, and sleeps in the labor camp outside the prisoner camp at night. This camp is full of local people and prisoners who have recently defected to the "kun thieves". They provide various services for Australians. From working as a coolie to interpreting and guiding in Hokkien.Because of his good performance, Ning Liujin gradually stopped doing dirty and heavy work, and began to switch to some better jobs, such as doing work for the kitchen, laundry and delivery.He had a lot of fun, had enough to eat, and was beaten and scolded. He felt that such a life was really good.

Because the labor camp of the Leading Party has just been established, the system is not perfect, and various departments continue to call the personnel in it to send workers and send errands, so the customs and defense here are not strict, and entry and exit are very random. Can be smooth and boring.The people sent to guard the leading party's camp were members of the White Horse Team. They did not understand the language, and they only wanted to maintain the basic order of the camp.This gives the quick-witted person a lot of freedom of movement.

This day, he sent ingredients to Prisoner Camp No. A, and walked to the beach with a pole. He wanted to take advantage of the low tide of the sea to catch the sea and get some seafood to satisfy his hunger. There were a few big rocks by the beach, where the tide If you retreat, you will leave a lot of shellfish, and sometimes you can get stranded fish and shrimp if you are lucky.

He wandered among the reefs, vaguely felt a sharp pain in the back of his head, and then lost consciousness.

After an unknown amount of time, Ning Liujin woke up again.

Everything around me was dark and full of rocks, and there was a faint light, but I couldn't see it clearly.He barely supported his body and sat up.

This is a place that looks like a cave, surrounded by dark, rough, big stones, wet.A little light comes through from the top,
He stretched out his hand and felt around, and the ground under him was sand.He calmed down and listened, and seemed to be able to hear the faint sound of waves.

Ah, this is a hole in the rocks by the sea!

Ning Liujin grew up by the sea and is very familiar with this kind of cave.He stood up slowly, with the help of a little light and groping with his hands and feet, he quickly figured out that the hole was not big. He quickly touched the hole, but the hole was tightly blocked by stones.

"Why did you knock me out and lock me in the hole?" He couldn't figure it out.

He couldn't remember who he had had any enmity with, he wasn't even a little Xiami in Zheng's group, he was like dust.If it is an Australian, who they want to kill is a matter of one sentence, so why make it so mysterious.

As if in answer to his doubts, a white ray of light was suddenly projected on the dark sandy ground, and the stone at the entrance of the cave was removed.

Only then did he realize that the entrance of the cave was as tall as a person, and three or four men came in from the entrance at once.All naked except for their underpants.Everyone wraps their face in a handkerchief.The light was weak, and people's faces could not be seen clearly, and there was no time for him to look carefully.

"What's your name?" the leader asked him in Hokkien.

"Ning... six catties."

"Who is it?"

Ning Liujin said the name of his distant relative, but the other party obviously didn't know it, so Ning Liujin had to say that he didn't know it himself.

There are many people with the surname Zheng in the Zheng Group, which is the same as not saying anything.

"Dishonest guy! Beat him up!" Several men yelled at one another, rushing towards Ning Liujin.

"Don't hit the little one, the little one is telling the truth!" Ning Liujin yelled while following his experience of being beaten for many years, hugging his head with his hands and curled up on the ground.

"Forget it, don't beat him." The leader said, "He is probably a ship's clerk, and even the ship's owner is also an ant-like figure."

He continued to ask: "Boy, if I ask you a question, you must answer honestly. Otherwise, I'll just throw you in this hole—the tide will rise in half an hour!"

Such reef caves by the sea will be submerged by the tide when the tide is high. If you are trapped in it, it is tantamount to being drowned alive.

"Speak for the younger ones! Say for the younger ones," Ning Liujin replied.

"Are you working for the gangsters in the No. [-] prisoner camp?"

"Yes... yes..." Ning Liujin was frightened for a while, and the tone of the other party seemed to be from the Zheng family. He had been working for the Australians these days and worked very hard. Could it be that they wanted to kill themselves to make an example?A burst of fear welled up in his heart, and he fell to his knees with a thud, begging for mercy repeatedly:

"My lord is merciful! My lord is merciful! The little one has no choice but to work for the gangster. If he doesn't work, he will be killed. The little one is afraid of death and wants to have a few full meals. It is not suitable to work for the gangster—but the little one has never done it right. I can't live with the affairs of the Zheng family..."

"You have committed a heinous crime by doing things for the gangsters!" The leader said viciously, "It is also right to hang you on a rock and sink you into the sea..."

"Master, spare your life! Master, spare your life!" Ning Liujin was so frightened that he almost peed on his pants and kowtowed repeatedly.

Just when he was out of his wits and thought that he was going to die, there was a loud noise, and a pile of things were thrown in front of his eyes. Ning Liujin took a closer look, but it was more than 20 silver dollars.

He has seen Yinyang before, the ship owner sometimes uses this bright white silver piece to pay the sailors - of course he only has to see it.But even if he can be the second leader on the ship, he can only get eight yuan a month in silver, and now he has more than twenty yuan in front of his eyes!
He raised his head suspiciously and looked at the leading man.

"Here is 25 yuan." He said, "As long as you do a few small things for me honestly, not only will the merit be paid off, but the money will also be yours."

"I don't dare..." Although Ning Liujin was afraid, he knew in his heart that what the Zheng family wanted to do by themselves was by no means a trivial matter, and most of it was a matter of losing their heads.But right now he can't tolerate bargaining, so he quickly said, "But according to the master's order!"

"Did you see a boy in the Jiazi camp, about eight or nine years old?"

"There are many family members of the master in the Jiazi camp, and there are many boys aged eight or nine. I don't know which one the master is talking about?"

"His nickname is Fu Song, but some people call him Zheng Sen."

"Oh, you are talking about Master Fusong!" Ning Liujin nodded repeatedly, "Yes, yes, there is a maid serving him."

"How did the thief treat him?"

"Very good..." Ning Liujin probably felt that this was inappropriate, paused, and then said, "The thief arranged a tent for him and the maid alone, and the meals are good every day, and the kitchen cooks for him alone..."

"Has anyone told you who he is?"

"No, the little one doesn't dare to ask more..."

"You will take one of us to look for Fusong in Camp Jia..."

Ning Liujin's feet went limp when he heard this, and he stammered and said: "This, this, the Jiazi Camp is heavily guarded, and people without a sign can't get in at all. I'm afraid it will hurt a few people, I think..."

With a sound of "shua", someone showed a sharp dagger, and Ning Liujin immediately swallowed the half of the words behind him.

"Don't worry," the leader said with a sinister grin, "We know everything about the Jiazi camp and the labor camp, and we also know everything about you running in and out of work for the thieves. You Let’s understand, what are you? Don’t think that wearing a small wooden sign around your neck means that you are working for a thieves—if you die, a thieves will only be like an ant and bug. There are no ants like you on Jinmen Island. Wan also has five thousand. We have slaughtered several unsightly goods in the past few days. Who do you think the thief thinks of? Hang a stone around your neck and throw it into the sea, and you will go to work for the Sea Dragon King..."

"Yes, yes, the villain is just a bug and ant..." Ning Liujin was so frightened that his head was sweating, he kowtowed, "Young one, let's find a way!"

Several people took a straw bag to cover his head and upper body, and then pushed him away.He felt the sea breeze blowing on him, heard the cries of seagulls, and felt soft under his feet, probably already on the beach outside.

Just like that, he was driven for a long distance before the bag was removed.He blinked his eyes, this is where he came to catch the sea.

"When will you go to Jiazi Camp?" the leader asked.

Ning Liujin could only say, "Tonight, I'm going to deliver rice."

"Okay, what are you supposed to do now, come here before sending the rice." He said viciously, "Don't make up your mind, we know everything."

(End of this chapter)

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