Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1264 The Conspiracy of the Intelligence Bureau

Chapter 1264 The Conspiracy of the Intelligence Bureau

"Sure enough, the blood of a warrior flows from his body." Someone exclaimed in a low voice.

Tong Taro took a sip of his wine, and now that he has confirmed that Fusong is being held safe and sound in the Jiazi camp, the next step is to consider how to rescue him.

The first step was to rescue him from the Jiazi camp-this matter was very difficult. It was one thing to sneak in and talk, but it was another to escape the sentries and bring him out.The guards of the thieves checked the incoming and outgoing goods very strictly, and the outer packaging of large goods that could hide an eight-year-old boy had sealant or sealing wax.I can't use my brain at all.

After finding a way to rescue them, the second step is to escape to the mainland overnight.Kinmen Island is very close to the mainland, Totaro and the others can swim there without any flotation equipment, but Fusong, who is only eight years old, can't do it, he needs a small boat.

But now all the boats on the island are in the hands of the thieves, no one can get a boat, and even if a small boat can be obtained, there are always patrol boats of the thieves around the island-these sentry boats emit smoke and fire, and the speed is very fast. Quick, as long as they find out, they will surely die.

These two problems are not easy to solve.Totaro thought to himself that it would not be difficult for his group to escape, but it is rare to take this child with them.

"Human, we can find a way to rescue it." Totaro said, "But we need a boat to cross the strait—we don't have a boat, and even if we have a boat, we can't get through."

"I can swim with Fusong on my back—" one of his mercenaries said, "My hometown is on an island, and I used to be able to swim from one island to another with my brother on my back. It's just that the distance is a bit far, and my brother would Only three or four years old..."

"Tie a few bamboo tubes to your body, so you can save a little effort." Someone offered advice.

Although this solution makes people feel unreliable, there is no better way.

But they still couldn't think of a way to rescue Fusong. The No. [-] prisoner camp on Kinmen Island seemed to be loose, but in fact the external security was very strict. They thought of several ways, but they still couldn't think of a way to get Fusong out.With Ning Liujin, they could get in, but they couldn't bring anyone out.

"It's a pity that Fu Song is not a young man, otherwise I could replace him..." said a young mercenary.

"It's a good way to change people, but where can I find a boy who is the same age and figure as the young master?"

"As long as we look for it, we can still find it." Tong Taro said, "But I'm afraid this child is not determined to die for the young master. A few words will reveal his truth."

Everyone fell silent. So far, all their actions have been accurate, safe and effective-they have done everything they want to make these shrewd and bold Japanese mercenaries have an illusion of omnipotence.

But at the critical moment, they suddenly realized that they were completely powerless at the most critical link.The holes in the fishing net are large enough that small fish and shrimp can slip away easily, but big fish cannot escape.

"...The situation is like this, chief." The officer of the Political Security Bureau, who is in charge of internal security operations in the Kinmen area, reported.

"Okay, you can go." Xu said and put down the documents in his hand. "Tell the comrades to continue to monitor their movements. Don't startle the enemy."

"Yes, Chief."

Xu Xu watched the back of the Guihuamin cadre disappear behind the door.I thought to myself, Zheng Zhilong's subordinates still have a bit of conscience!

The series of activities of Tongtaro and his gang on Xiamen Island were approved through the informers of the Political Security Bureau who were placed in the prisoner camp.But at first he didn't know what they were trying to do, because what they did was not as simple as trying to escape, so he decided to observe them for a while.Xu Xu didn't know their real purpose until someone reported that they were inquiring about a boy named "Fu Song".

The fact that someone would secretly try to rescue Fusong was somewhat beyond his expectations.According to his speculation, the Zheng family is in chaos right now, Zheng Zhilong's life and death are uncertain, and none of his subordinates should think of rescuing Fusong.

Although some people speculate that someone secretly trying to rescue Fusong is evidence that Zheng Zhilong has escaped, Xu thinks that this proves that Zheng Zhilong is probably dead. If Zheng Zhilong fled to the mainland alive, his first job is not to rescue Fusong.Fu Song is not that important to Zheng Zhilong: Zheng Zhilong is only [-] years old, and it is not difficult to raise an heir, and Fu Song is a child, so he may not be as brave as he is now.Zheng's group suffered a new fiasco, and its foundation was shaken. As the leader, the first thing to do was to tidy up the old department and deal with the situation. He never had the time and energy to rescue his son first.

Only when Zheng Zhilong is dead, in order to maintain the stability of the group or hope that Tu can rely on the young master to take over, his former subordinates will be eager to rescue Fusong.

Capturing Zheng Sen was of course a great victory for them, but this captive was really hot.As soon as the news of his capture reached Lingao, it aroused fierce controversy among the elders.

The core of the controversy is how to deal with this "Guo Xing Ye" from the old time and space.This issue is both sensitive and troublesome, so much so that the veterans who participated in Operation Overlord felt that it would be nice if the shells that should be healed at the beginning could be more accurate-the glorious death in battle saved everyone a lot of trouble and psychological burden.

People in this time and space cannot understand the complex feelings of the Senate towards Zheng Sen. The status of this national hero in the old time and space is recognized by all the elders.Although these things haven't happened in this time and space, and they won't happen again, getting rid of him like this is obviously unacceptable to many people.People from the Huaxia Society have even announced that they will reshape him and make him a "newcomer" under the rule of the Senate.Others have proposed various modifications.

However, a large number of veterans, including Licensing, do not like this "reform theory".If Zheng Sen is still a baby, or very young, then he still has the possibility of transformation.But he had already begun to understand, and he was extremely calm when he was captured.Moreover, the elders knew that Zheng Sen already had the status of "prince son" in the Zheng Group.

As for the attack on Xiamen, not to mention whether it really killed his father, it is certain that a large number of Zheng clan members were killed right now. The entire Zheng clan found a devastating blow in the hands of the Senate.Not only that, but in the future the Senate will charge his father, like other Sea Lords, for "impeding the development of productive forces", organize the masses to remember the bitterness and think about the sweetness, hold a meeting about the bad things of the Zheng family, and thank the Senate for the good.Operation Overlord was another outstanding military victory, and everyone from ordinary soldiers to veteran officers will be proud to have participated in this operation.A large number of soldiers will use this as a talking point.How can one expect Xiao Zheng, who grew up under such social conditions, to be won over?

There are quite a few elders who hold this view, so some elders demanded that Zheng Sen be executed: some would be killed secretly, some would be punished under the canonical law, and some would be engaged in fishing and law enforcement.However, killing a captive eight-year-old child simply because of blood relationship is an insurmountable psychological obstacle for many people.

In this controversy, the heads of the executive committee and major power departments did not express specific views.As for how to deal with Zheng Sen, there is already a specific plan.

This plan was proposed by Jiang Shan, director of the Foreign Intelligence Service at the meeting-of course, it was the result of a collegial discussion by the entire Foreign Intelligence Service and the think tanks of the Great Library.

Specifically, the Senate does not need this hot potato, so they can let Zheng Sen go.

Zheng Sen is not an important person. Jiang Shan analyzed at the meeting: He is just an eight-year-old child, and his life and death have little impact on the strength of the Zheng Group. This is one of them.Second, if Zheng Zhilong is not dead, then he is nothing more than continuing to be an insignificant "prince son"; if Zheng Zhilong is dead, then Zheng Sen's return will add more variables to the already precarious Zheng Group.

Theoretically speaking, Zheng Sen is the eldest son of Zheng Zhilong, the undisputed heir of the Zheng Group, but in fact, whether the powerful figures in the Zheng Group think so is another matter.

In another time and space, Zheng Zhilong was coerced by the Qing army to leave Fujian and lost control of the Zheng Group. Although Zheng Sen, the heir, had grown up, he did not win the support of the real power figures in the group at all.

Immediately after Zheng Zhilong was taken away, the entire Zheng Group fell into disintegration, without a leader.The Zheng Lian brothers occupied Xiamen and controlled most of the overseas trade and military force of the Zheng Group in the past, while Zheng Zhifeng occupied Jinmen, and each supported their own strength.

After these two forces divided Zheng Zhilong's property, no one asked Zheng Sen to be his heir.When Zheng Sen raised his army in Anping, there were only more than 90 people under his command, and he didn't even have a foothold.If it hadn't been for the Nan'ao defender Yue Jin who died of illness, and the island sent people to ask for new generals, and Zheng Sen took the opportunity to recruit these thousands of troops, he wouldn't even have a starting team.It is conceivable that the real attitude of the powerful figures in Zheng's group towards this heir.

Right now, the Zheng Group's situation has not developed to the strength it was when Zheng Zhilong was taken away, let alone suffered another devastating blow.The Foreign Intelligence Agency estimated that if Zheng Zhilong had indeed been killed, then the division of the Zheng Group would be more severe than that in the old time and space.The surviving members of Shibazhi will inevitably compete for Zheng Zhilong's inheritance, and they are incompatible with each other.

Analysis of the Intelligence Bureau: Zheng Sen's return will not only increase the cohesion of the Zheng Group, but will instead provide more excuses for the Zheng family, which has already begun to split.All forces will use the control of Fusong as a means to have "righteousness" and "orthodox" status.

The Zheng Group, which was already torn apart, will cause even greater disturbances because of the investment of Fu Song's pawn.

(End of this chapter)

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