Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1270 Wu Nanhai's Daily Life

Chapter 1270 Wu Nanhai's Daily Life
"Member Wu, good morning." The two greeted each other respectfully.

"Good morning." Wu Nanhai had a very gentle smile on his face, and he asked as he walked inside, "Old Zhang, I heard that your wife is married?"

"Yes, yes, thank you Chief for your concern!" Zhang Xingjiao felt a burst of warmth in his heart, unexpectedly the Chief still remembered his affairs in the midst of his busy schedule!
Zhang Xingjiao only got his wife last year, and bought an apartment from the Council of Agriculture. This poor scholar whose family was ruined once can be regarded as remarried and started a career.

They walked through the corridor in front of the Wu Office. The side of the corridor was full of large glass, and they could clearly see the scene inside the "Wu Office": the open office.The natural white germ wood desks are neatly arranged, there are more than 20 desks, and there are filing cabinets densely packed along the walls.

There are already many people working at their desks in the office. There is a huge blackboard on the wall, and various summaries and notices are densely recorded on it.

"Send her to the general hospital for an examination earlier, and if she gives birth, she will treat me to an egg..." Wu Nanhai said as he came to the door of his office.

"Yes, yes, definitely." Zhang Xingjiao promised while catching up a few steps, and opened the office door for Wu Nanhai.

Wu Nanhai's office is not big, but it has a separate lounge and toilet, and the facilities are complete.There are large windows facing south, and the light is transparent and bright.There is also a staircase from the top of the inner corridor of the office, which can directly go down to his special convenient door on the first floor.You can also go up to the platform on the roof, where there are tables, chairs and awnings for rest.

After entering the office and taking a seat, he glanced over the non-emergency documents and phone notifications received by the staff on duty at night, and confirmed that there was nothing urgent to do. Then Wu Nanhai leaned his back on the rattan chair and took out a calendar from the drawer Notepad, took a pencil.

Wang Tian first reported the production and operation status of the farm yesterday. October is the busy time for autumn harvest and autumn planting. There are a lot of land under the management of the farm. Wang Tian has to go back and forth between the fields every day to direct the autumn harvest, threshing and storage, etc. A series of affairs, very busy.

He reported on the progress of the autumn harvest and talked about the current problems.A large number of horse-drawn harvesters were used in this autumn harvest, and the harvesting efficiency was doubled. As a result, the bottleneck of storage and transportation was immediately exposed. A lot of manpower.

If the efficiency of one link is improved, the shortcomings in other places will inevitably be exposed.Wu Nanhai wrote down some things that needed to be solved urgently in his notebook, and arranged the things that could be solved on the spot, and turned his face to Zhang Xingjiao.

Zhang Xingjiao quickly opened the folder and began to report one by one:

"Chief, Chief Xun's side—"

"Old Zhang, when reporting work, follow the instructions of the department, and don't mention names directly." Wu Nanhai reminded.

"Yes, yes, I was negligent," Zhang Xingjiao hurriedly corrected, "The meat factory reported that the frozen chicken stock in the cold storage will be exhausted in the past few days, and if they don't transfer live chickens, they will stop production in the chicken processing workshop Yes, Chief Xun called to ask if the supply is in time? According to the current production speed, the production line can only be maintained until six o'clock tomorrow morning."

There was an outbreak of chicken plague in the farm's chicken farm three days ago, and the [-] chickens that were originally intended to be supplied to the meat factory had been culled.Now it is thrown into a special biogas digester for treating sick and dead livestock and poultry for fermentation and harmless treatment.As a result, the supply plan for the meat joint factory is out of touch.

The chicken plague this time made Wu Nanhai a little dizzy. Not only did the farm's chicken farm break out, but the mortality rate of the chicks in the poultry breeding farm was also somewhat high.He couldn't help but wonder if there were signs of a large-scale spread.He has sent someone to investigate this matter.

"You reply to the meat joint factory. It will be difficult to restore the supply tomorrow. Please ask them to readjust the production plan." Wu Nanhai has already received a report from the Livestock and Poultry Production Department of the Council of Agriculture. There are very few live chickens available for slaughter these days. goods.He looked at his notebook, "It is estimated that by October 10th the daily supply volume of the original plan can be restored. Normal supply will resume in early November."

"Chief, this is the construction plan for the poultry farm of the farm directly under the jurisdiction of the Agricultural Committee of Qiongzhou. If there is no problem, please sign it."
"Has the evaluation of the epidemic prevention measures in the biochemical laboratory been done?"

"It's been done, it's in Appendix 4."

He looked at the evaluation, and it was written by Huang Dashan.Then he took a special dipped signature pen from the ink stand, and signed his name neatly.

"This is the New Year picture persuading farmers from the printing house. Please review it." Zhang Xingjiao took out some samples of the New Year picture.

New Year pictures persuading farmers is now the main product of the printing factory. Not only is the export sales huge, but the demand for domestic sales is also very large. In the ancient times when information dissemination was not developed, the publicity effect of a New Year picture is the most popular among ordinary people. After all, they know There are very few people who write, but many people who can read and understand pictures.Therefore, using New Year pictures to promote "Australian lifestyle" and new production technology has become a very effective way.
Different from the export New Year pictures that mainly promote "Australian lifestyle" and "Australian products", in addition to political propaganda, the domestic New Year pictures also focus on the promotion of popular science and agricultural technology.It has been proved to be one of the most effective ways to promote new technologies and ideas on New Year pictures in recent years.Therefore, the Council of Agriculture has to be responsible for providing and reviewing the content of the New Year pictures.

The New Year pictures are drawn by the veterans of art, some are original, and some are repainted using the materials of the big library.

Wu Nanhai took the album of Chinese New Year pictures and took a rough look at the contents.A total of 1633 themes have been prepared for the New Year’s Picture Encouraging Agriculture, which is expected to be published in [-], all of which are printed with woodcut color printing: "Promote the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, and obtain high agricultural yields", "Scientific accumulation of manure", "Planting green manure is good", "Garden economy" Great income", "rice field farming", "do not waste an inch of land, promote planting on ten sides", "planting castor to contribute to the industrialization of the country"...

Compared with this year's New Year pictures, this batch of New Year pictures has improved a lot in terms of color and composition. Wu Nanhai nodded: "No problem, tell the Propaganda Department that we want 3000 pictures for the first batch and send them all to Tiandihui."

"This is the report from Chief Nick from the Jeju Racecourse. He requested that another team of veterinarians and animal husbandry trainees be sent to Jeju Island as soon as possible.

Wu Nanhai frowned and accepted Nick's report——Nick's dozens of reports were nothing more than a lion's mouth, but the horse administration was very important—not to mention that the Agricultural Committee is now very dependent on the supply of horses in Jeju Island: The Council of Agriculture used the horses brought in to set up a horse farming team, and the large-scale agricultural machinery that could not be used in large quantities due to the limited number of horses was also promoted.After all, the Ma Geng team was slower than Bai Yu's subordinates, and the first mobile unit of the Agricultural Reclamation, which was prone to boiler explosions and flying iron rivets, was much safer and easier to use.

He looked at it and said: "20 people? To put it lightly, there are a total of [-] people in this animal husbandry and veterinary class, and they were all sent to him. What about other places? This list..." There are dozens of people written on it. A variety of drugs, medical equipment, and some are controlled materials.

After deliberating for a long time, Wu Nanhai crossed out several rare medicines with a pen, and reduced the number of some by half.Then make a note after the list of self-produced veterinary drugs: Please try to meet the quantity.He took out the department chapter from the drawer.After stamping and signing, hand it over to Zhang Xingjiao: "You immediately ask the transcription office to make three copies, one to the archives room for record, and one to the Ministry of Health, and let them prepare as much as they can according to the list. Send the original copy yourself Send it to the Planning Institute and ask Chief Wu to sign it for you."

All kinds of questions and reports, the whole morning was spent unconsciously.Since the ruling area expanded to the whole island of Hainan, various clerical work has occupied most of Wu Nanhai's time.When Qing entered the office with a lunch box, Wu Nanhai was discussing the labor force of the water conservancy project with Wu De on the phone.

"...Wenlan River renovation project is a big deal, I know, I'm not asking for special treatment. But the water conservancy project of our demonstration farm is also very important, especially to prevent typhoons... Yes, I know that there are very few typhoons after October, But we must complete the water conservancy project before the rainy season next year. You have also experienced the typhoon last year. Now all the land on both sides of the Wenlan River is ours. If the sea is flooded or the fields are flooded, the loss will be our own. .Once the food production is reduced, the consequences will be unacceptable to us now.

"300 people are too few. According to the current progress, it will be finished by the end of next year. At least 500 people work every day. I want to strive for completion by the end of June next year."
"The labor camp is fine, it's not a high-tech job. You give me 50 more soldiers.

"You have to send me an overseer, or I will be caught if they run away. 10 soldiers will do - as long as they have guns.

"Well, well, that's it, I'll send someone to go through the formalities in the afternoon."

"Let's eat first, it won't taste good when it's cold." Chu Qing said as she opened the three-layer stainless steel lunch box - a Wenzhou product from another time and space.Today's lunch was taken out: fried rice noodles with seafood miso soup.Fine shredded sweet potato powder, add dried shrimp, broad beans, shiitake mushrooms, and stir-fry with lard.The miso soup has shrimp, tofu, and seaweed.Simple and delicious.Great for a working lunch.

"There will be the opening ceremony of the first chemical fertilizer plant in the afternoon, do you still want to go?" Chu Qing still kept the habit of using respectful words when she was his life secretary.

"Go, of course." Wu Nanhai took a sip of Zeng Tang, "It's not easy to win this project. If I don't go, it will be too disrespectful to the Planning and Administration Council. At least I have to show my face."

(End of this chapter)

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