Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1279 Handling Opinions

Chapter 1279 Handling Opinions
Xiao Zhanfeng understood the meaning of the chief's words, stood at attention and said, "Serve the Senate and the people!"

"Okay, now that you have arrived in Leizhou, you will be one of the main people in charge here. I happen to have a tricky matter that I'm going to hand over to you," Yan Maoda said.

Xiao Zhanfeng thought to himself, the first test has already come.He said calmly: "Please give orders, Chief."

"Come with me."

Yan Maoda got up, led him through a door, made seven turns in the corridor, passed through several doors with sentries, and finally came to a hut with guards on guard.

There are only simple tables, chairs and filing cabinets in the hut. Xiao Zhanfeng is familiar with the Australian set. Seeing the layout, he knows that this is the place to interrogate the criminals.

Yan Maoda opened a door inside, and there was another guard inside, guarding the long corridor. On both sides of the corridor were seven or eight locked doors covered with iron sheets. Obviously, this is a private prison set up locally by Australians.

When Xiao Zhanfeng was in Leizhou, he only knew that the Australians had seized all the property of Mr. Zhu, and also controlled the original Haiyi Hall, and built a large-scale construction project on Hai'an Street.

It seems that the Leizhou Sugar Association on Hai'an Street is the seat of the Senate's government in Leizhou.

Yan Maoda nodded to the guard, led Xiao Zhanfeng to a door, and motioned him to open the peep window on the door and look inside.

The viewing window is made of thick glass, but the size is very small—at present, they cannot make one-way glass with a very thin coating, so they can only reduce the size. To ensure safety, the thickness is also made relatively large.

The cell is not big, but it is not dark and damp. The skylight on the roof shines brightly, allowing the environment to be seen clearly. There is a woman sitting in the room with her head bowed, embroidering on an embroidery frame.

Although her head was lowered, she couldn't see her true face, but she was not very old, only 27 or [-] years old, with fair complexion and plump body, at least she was a woman from a middle-class family.

"This is--"

Yan Maoda didn't speak, and took him back to the interrogation room.

"Her name is Qiu Han." Yan Maoda took out a thin file from the file cabinet and put it on the table in front of him. "The matter is very simple. Qiu Han is the life secretary of Mr. Wen Yuan——was..."

Xiao Zhanfeng nodded. He knew Wen Tong—although not as familiar as Chen Tianxiong, he also knew what a life secretary was.

"Before Qiu Han became Elder Wen Yuan's life secretary, she used to be Zhu An, also known as Zhu Sanye's concubine. This was already explained in the materials she submitted when she became Wen Yuan's life secretary."

"However, we discovered during the political review last year that not only was Qiu Han once Zhu An's concubine, but she was also the younger sister of the pirate Gu Dachun who was killed by us."

Xiao Zhanfeng was a little confused. This matter had nothing to do with the Civil Affairs Commission or the Foreign Intelligence Service. It was under the jurisdiction of the General Political Security Bureau.I don't know why I have to tell him specifically.

"After being exposed, Qiu Han confessed that she was afraid and didn't tell the truth. She also said that when she went to Mr. Wen Yuan's side, she really wanted to avenge Zhu An and her brother, but after a long time, she felt that Mr. Wen Yuan was right. She is very kind, and she can't do this anymore. She just wants to serve Elder Wen well. Apart from that, she has no other love, and she has no collusion with outsiders. For her confession, we conducted body analysis and lie detection , and carried out a few months of external transfers, I think she is telling the truth."

After Yan Maoda finished speaking, he looked at Xiao Zhanfeng meaningfully, and continued: "Since the matter has been investigated clearly, we must give specific conclusions and disposal opinions. Elder Wen Yuan proposed: I hope to release Qiu Han and return to him to work .”

From the file, he took out a formatted official document—Xiao Zhanfeng knew it. This was the "Political Review Conclusion and Disposal Opinion Form".

The column of political review conclusion has been filled in: "After investigation: the concealment of some personal kinship is true, and there are no deeds and remarks that endanger the Senate and the people." The column for disposal opinions below is still blank.

"Now I authorize you to fill in the disposal opinion."

Xiao Zhanfeng was taken aback: "Chief, this is against organizational procedures, I don't have the power..."

"This is a special authorization given to you by me as a veteran and the deputy station master of Leizhou Station." Yan Maoda said seriously, "You know that I have this power."

The veteran stationmasters of each overseas station actually acted as the highest political security chief in the local area.

"You have half an hour to study these materials now," Yan Maoda looked at his watch, "I will come back in half an hour, and the disposal opinion you filled out is my decision."

Xiao Zhanfeng was the only one left in the interrogation room.He didn't expect this test to be so delicate, and it would involve the elders.He carefully studied the few materials, no matter how you look at it, except for the fact that Qiu Han concealed that she was Gu Dachun's younger sister, there was nothing wrong with it.

From a prudent point of view, it would not be appropriate for a person like Qiu Han, who has an innocuous history and once concealed his kinship, to return to the elder's side.But looking at it from another angle, Qiu Han has been the life secretary of Elder Wen for more than a year, and he has already had countless opportunities to make a move.

He picked up the dip pen and wrote on the disposal opinion: "Return to the original unit for control of use." Then he signed his name and date below.

He blotted the ink with absorbent paper and handed it to Yan Maoda who returned to the interrogation room.Yan Maoda looked at it silently, and put it in the file.He pulled the bell rope.The guard outside was called.

"Fill in a 11th release review decision and send it to me for signature."

Licensing was the first group of Operation Overlord to return to Lingao.Originally, he was supposed to go back to Kaohsiung to continue to provide intelligence and internal security support for the engine operation, but an urgent message was sent from the "center", asking him to return to Lingao to report immediately.

"Probably the munitions factory on Gulangyu Island caught their attention," Jiang Shan thought.He had already submitted the first batch of reports to the Intelligence Bureau in Xiamen, including photos, surveying and mapping data, and statements from prisoners.

The transport ship he was on had just entered the port, and Jiang Shan, director of the Foreign Intelligence Service, was already waiting for him in an office in the customs building.It seemed that he was a little restless.

"You have worked hard all the way. Originally, you were running back and forth, so you should take a break first, but this discovery is really important." Jiang Shan said straight to the point, "This is based on the photos you sent and the photos sent by the veterans of Jikou. The surveying and mapping data have been analyzed. It seems that the situation is more urgent than we thought."

Jiang Shan took out a sealed document bag from the briefcase and handed it to him, "You study it and sort out the report immediately. The Executive Committee will hold a secret meeting tomorrow morning, and some heads of relevant departments will be present. .”

"I understand this, and I will prepare the materials tonight." Jiang Shan said, "Later, I made some new discoveries in Gulangyu and Xiamen Islands."

"Okay. You do it together. This matter must be kept absolutely confidential. The veterans including the professional aspects you consult can only be limited to a few of the veterans we have included in the list."

"Yes, I understand." Li Ke replied.

"Then go home and pack up. I'll send someone to pick you up in two hours. Tonight you will live in the No. [-] Guest House of the General Office to prepare materials," Jiang Shan said.

Early the next morning, the meeting will be held in the conference room of the executive committee compound.Not many people attended the meeting: this was an enlarged meeting of the Executive Committee. In addition to the members of the Executive Committee, only the Chief of General Staff, the Chief of Naval Command, the Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service, and the First Deputy Director of the General Political Security Bureau attended the meeting.Basically the heads of decision-making and violent institutions.

Xu Xu had been preparing the report materials last night, and was busy until two o'clock in the morning before finishing the PPT.In order to keep it secret, he did all the materials himself.

Ten minutes earlier, Xu Xu followed Jiang Shan into the meeting room. This was his first time in the meeting room of the executive committee compound.Licensing at this time was wearing a straight navy uniform—the 10-style navy officer's spring and autumn uniform he used to wear when he was serving in PLAN, and the logo was changed.Because this uniform is made of woolen material, it is allowed to use it as a dress, specially worn on more important occasions-the uniform of the Senate Navy is too shabby.

He was carrying a briefcase with a secret grade in his hand, which was equipped with a security rope tied to his wrist.

The people attending the meeting arrived one after another, and the meeting started on time.

Wen Desi, who presided over the meeting, first made a simple opening speech, and then motioned for Jiang Shan to continue.

Jiang Shan stood up. He was wearing a beautiful safari jacket—from the material to the handwork, it was obvious that it was a product of another time and space. It was particularly eye-catching among the cotton casual jackets worn by most people in this office.

"Comrades. During the recent Operation Overlord, our bureau dispatched a licensed naval captain to act with the troops to provide intelligence support and collect intelligence on the spot. He made some important discoveries in Xiamen during his mission. According to our knowledge According to the material and intelligence analysis, the nature of this matter may be very serious, and we believe that the incident with Ship A may also be involved, so it is necessary to report to the Executive Committee and the Senate, and ask the Executive Committee to make a decision on the next step. Specific instructions—let him explain it to you now.”

Xu Xu stood up and took a few steps to the podium. He first saluted everyone, and then took out the documents in the bag, but he did not read them, because he had already memorized the contents by heart.Then turned on the laptop and projector.

The meeting used a projector to play PPT.The first thing displayed on the screen were a few digital photos of Zhongzuo Suocheng after the war, and Xu Xu began to explain.

(End of this chapter)

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