Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1288 Critical Information

Chapter 1288 Critical Information
Having said that, Lu Wenyuan feels that the "surprise attack on Qingzhou" is already a difficult tactical operation for the rebels whose activity space has been compressed to Dengzhou. Zhu Dadian and Gao Qiqian have all arrived in person Under the command of the encirclement and suppression army under the city, the morale of the officers and soldiers was high. Judging from the news from the city, Li Jiuzheng, Kong Youde and others had already planned to escape by boat, but they were blocked by their subordinates. Obviously, the morale of the rebel army had begun to drop.

Zhu Mingxia, who returned from Jeju Island, held a different point of view. He believed that from historical records, the fighting will of the backbone of the rebel army has not been weak.After the victory of the officers and soldiers in Beima Town, they never took advantage of the months-long siege of Dengzhou. Not only were the officers and soldiers who attacked the city expelled several times, but the rebels also took the initiative to go out of the city to fight many times. They died in battle, but the rebels still resolutely refused to surrender. They fought against the Ming army and the Korean army many times in the Bohai Bay until they fled to the sea.It can be called a real diehard, a desperado.

"The rebels in Dengzhou don't lack the will to fight, what they lack is accurate intelligence and mobility." Zhu Mingxia said, "As long as we help them, Kong Youde and his group of daring people will surely survive death."

"The problem is, we helped them get rid of the food and grass for the officers and soldiers. Wouldn't Xie Sanbin and Zhu Dadian immediately plan to make a plan for Qicheng Island? We are the only large family in Huang County that can raise a large amount of food." Chen Sigen expressed concern.

It is of course easy to fight by force, but they need to exist in the third Dongfu for a long time, and confronting the government with open flames is not in line with this strategy.

"It's the same as the battle of Wuchao back then." Zhu Mingxia already had a plan.

Once the grain platform was lost, Yuan Jun was shaken, and Cao Jun took advantage of the situation to fight out.In one fell swoop, the universe of Hebei was decided.Changing to Dengzhou, it's about the same. Taking advantage of the loss of food and grass for officers and soldiers and the shaken morale of the army, the rebels rushed out in one fell swoop, at least they could break through the encirclement.

"Execution and control are very demanding..." Lu Wenyuan felt a little unbelievable.

"I think the rebel army has this ability." Zhu Mingxia said without hesitation, "I read the historical compilation materials of this incident in the Great Library. Li Jiucheng and Kong Youde performed very well in tactical command, and the military's combat performance That’s right. As long as we provide enough intelligence and necessary convenience, they will seize this only chance to turn the tables and make a desperate move.”

When the officers and soldiers began to be defeated, the Beishang detachment supported Sun Yuanhua to attack from Laizhou, repelled the rebels in one fell swoop, and saved the defeated officers and soldiers from the crisis of annihilation.

Every failure is an excellent opportunity to criticize political opponents. Whether it is Zhu Dadian or Xie Sanbin, they will have to face the wave of impeachment against them in the court, and their attitudes will become more approachable—the situation in Shandong is getting more and more chaotic. , the lower the cost for the Senate to maintain its presence here.

At night, on Dazhushan Island, a small boat without a flag or flag quietly docked.

The area of ​​Dazhushan Island is small, there is no Ming army stationed there, and it is moderately far from Penglai and Longkou, so it was chosen as the place where the northbound detachment met and communicated with the leaders of the rebel army.Although the two parties have been cooperating on human trafficking and buying stolen goods for a year, they still can't talk about trusting each other. Meeting on this small island can give both parties a sense of security.

Since the two sides secretly reached an agreement of mutual benefit and non-aggression, the rebel army and the three people on Qimu Island have established a regular contact system. The engine command reminded them repeatedly that not a single piece of paper should be left in the hands of the rebels, and that no one other than the veteran himself should keep relevant documents and records during the negotiations with the rebels.

For this reason, the naturalized people selected as liaison officers are considered to be the most reliable and able to strictly keep secrets.However, this time the matter was too big, so Chen Sigen personally took the initiative.

In the soldier's house under the deserted beacon tower on Dazhushan Island, Kong Youde, who was waiting for the "messenger" with lights like beans, looked gloomy and gloomy.On this small island, he doesn't need to put on a calm face of "being confident" and "not being alarmed by changes"-the current situation of the rebels may not be an exaggeration to say that they are desperate.

"Use war to appease", "break Laizhou, seize the road to enter the third west mansion, and enter the Central Plains" - none of the two major strategies formulated at the beginning have been realized so far.Since the day they raised their troops, Li Jiucheng and Kong Youde sent many secret agents to the capital, Jinan and other places to inquire about news.Quite a few ministers in the court who might have presided over all lost their voices at once, talking in unison about the need to "suppress", which greatly weakened the voice of the original presiding governor.

Fighting failed, and the attempt to seize the road and invade the West Sanfu failed repeatedly. Although the Ming army did not perform well in field battles, they blocked the rebels' offensive in almost every battle in the city defense battle, making them fight against the rebels from the beginning to the end. It can only move in the narrow area between Denglei.

After more than a year of frenzied burning, killing and looting, this area has become wild and wild, and it can no longer support the rebel army, which has expanded to dozens of times its original size.

Desperate gangsters, local strong and defeated officers and soldiers who were forced to make a living from bandits, Liaodong soldiers and civilians who came across the sea from the hungry and cold Dongjiang Town... These people gathered together to form an armed group of unprecedented scale .Like locusts, they devoured everything.The idea of ​​getting promoted and making a fortune for children has gradually been replaced by the urgent problem of "eat enough".

It is true that Dengzhou stored grain "pile up like a mountain" at the beginning, and later plundered the four townships and obtained a large amount of grain and grass. However, except for a few places that were not swept by the war, the entire East Three Prefectures did not cultivate for a whole year, and naturally there was no summer and autumn grain. .As the food stocks are about to run out, a large-scale famine has quietly enveloped the rebels.

Now there is only Qimu Island that can store a large amount of grain in Denglai.However, at the beginning they were strong and strong, and they returned home without a feather. What's more, the officers and soldiers are now stationed outside the west gate of Dengzhou!

If this continues, those who do not fight against their own will eventually collapse without fighting because of hunger and cold.

The deer owner of Qimu Island suddenly asked to see him, what was he planning?
Regarding this deer farm owner, Kong Youde has never been able to figure out what his plan is. After seeing his subordinate Xiangyong's powerful combat power and powerful firearms in the first few face-to-face battles, he has no idea about the side of the couch. The fierce tiger has always been fearful.

Fortunately, the owner of the Deer Villa did not interfere with his actions except for sending someone to help guard Laizhou.After the two sides reached a tacit agreement, the territory occupied by Qimu Island was just a long way away, and they didn't care about the territory. After that, they continued to take in refugees, loading people on ships and transporting them away. It seemed that what he wanted was people. .If it weren't for the fact that Qimu Dao Xiangyong's fighting style was completely different from Donglu's, he would even suspect that the owner of Luzhuang was a Tartar in disguise.

I don’t know why Master Lu invited him here to meet him this time—of course, he is risking his life by coming to the meeting in person. Anyway, he is also the deputy marshal and number two leader of the rebel army. Once he is captured, it will be a great achievement pieces.

However, Kong Youde knew very well that with the strength of Master Lu, he could have done so long ago if he wanted to help the officers and soldiers destroy the rebels, and there was no need to do it again today.

"The general has arrived, I'm late." The voice of the visitor was like a bell, and he was eight feet tall with a strong physique, but he was not the owner of Lu Zhuang.

"Don't dare, I just arrived not long ago." Kong Youde cupped his fists and saluted, "Your Majesty is..."

"I'm the representative of the owner of the villa. I'm here to discuss something important with the general." Chen Sigen looked at the unattractive young general in front of him, feeling rather complicated.Chen Sigen opened a paper bag and took out some thin rice paper.

"Please take a look, General."

Kong Youde took it, looked at it carefully with the light on, and was startled.

This is a detailed map of the distribution of officers and soldiers stationed in Qingzhou, not only the terrain and roads, but also the number of people and the names of the generals and officials in command.The most important thing is that there are many places where officers and soldiers stockpile food are marked on it.

The food and grass for the officers and soldiers were transferred from Qingzhou, and Kong Youde had already learned about it through the spies he sent, but he did not have such a clear and accurate map.

As a veteran general, Kong Youde certainly knew the key points of this map. He suppressed the excitement in his heart and looked up at the other party: "This is..."

"This is a little gift from the owner." Chen Sigen said.

Kong Youde held the map tightly in his palm, this is not a map, it is simply an elixir to bring the rebels back to life!
For a moment, he didn't know what to say. The other party gave him this map, and the intention was self-evident.But then he became suspicious again——what on earth do these people from Qimu Island want to do? !

In the core layer of the rebel army, it feels that the purpose of the forces on Qimu Island has always been difficult to grasp.It is said that they are loyal to the imperial court, and they have no interest in supporting the suppression. Kong Youde knows very well that with the combat power of the "Xiangyong" on Qimu Island and the large ships they keep coming to Longkou to pick up and drop off refugees, it is not difficult to defeat them alone ——Not to mention, as long as they are willing, they can cut off the sea routes from Dengzhou to the islands of Dongjiang at any time, so they will not be able to "recruit old people from Dongjiang" at all, and get a large number of soldiers and civilians from Dongjiang to help them.

Not to mention that this group of people has been doing business on their own, buying a large number of people and supplies, giving the rebels an excellent channel for large-scale sales of stolen goods.

If it is said that they are just ambitious tyrants who are taking advantage of the Dengzhou Rebellion to expand their power, apart from Qimu Island, this group of people only occupied an extra Zhaoyuan, Zhaoyuan here, even in Dongsan Prefecture. poor place.Even if the place is powerful, they also know that they need to occupy more land and rich land.Those who have to occupy a piece of bitter cold land by the sea will be satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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