Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1403 The key to the problem

Chapter 1403 The key to the problem

Why does everyone have to embark on this road of infinite expansion? Yifan concluded that the main reason is that the Senate's positioning and tasks for overseas stations are quite unclear.

Most of the foreign stations are agencies that integrate intelligence, business, administration, logistics and even military.Although in terms of organizational structure, it is under the dual jurisdiction of the Ministry of Colonial and Trade and the Foreign Intelligence Service, and in places like Jeju Island and Kaohsiung, it is also under the leadership of the Civil Affairs People's Committee, but in actual operation, the executive committee's subordinates Almost all institutions in China have business contacts with foreign stations.

Such business contacts are not limited to the level of the executive committee. In fact, there are more and more frequent business contacts between various overseas stations and Lingao ministries and commissions.Almost all Lingao ministries and commissions have sent documents and instructions to overseas stations.In the political system of Lingao stationed abroad, it is a typical state of water control in Kowloon, where everyone can manage it, but everyone is not responsible.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of auditing the current accounts, Yifan personally conducted a business contact investigation on the Kaohsiung Station, and found that almost all central agencies in Lingao had business contacts with the Kaohsiung Station.Even though Kaohsiung is not currently assigned the task of machinery industry production, the Kaohsiung station still requires the machinery port to set up a considerable-scale machinery manufacturing plant in the name of ship maintenance.

If you want to say that it is a violation, the establishment of a mechanical repair shop in Kaohsiung itself is a violation-because it does not exist in Kaohsiung's basic project compilation, but this project has received additional approval because it is important in the tasks assigned to Kaohsiung. It is a population and cargo transshipment base and the main naval port of the Navy.

Now that the home port is positioned, ship repair and ship maintenance will involve some machinery manufacturing and maintenance needs.In this way, the establishment of a machinery factory in Kaohsiung was a matter of course, and the Planning Institute also had to add additional projects.

By extension, there are other aspects.The latest industrial construction project in Kaohsiung is a sulfur refinery.At the same time, it is also necessary to expand trade with the aborigines in mountainous areas.This project was not originally included in the specific planning of Kaohsiung Construction.It was suddenly pointed out that it is directly related to industrial exports. The chemical industry urgently needs a large amount of sulfur to expand the production of sulfuric acid. The supply of the local Wanning pyrite mine in Hainan is close to exhaustion. The only ones that can supply a large amount of sulfur in the short term are Japan's foreign trade channels. The other is obtained from Taiwan.As a result, Kaohsiung, which originally planned to focus on shipping ports and agricultural development, has added the resource task of sulfur collection.

Since the responsibilities and positioning of the overseas stations are vague, there is no specific regulation to stipulate how the liaison and cooperation between the overseas stations and the ministries and commissions should be run.This has given the elders stationed in foreign stations great power to operate, making it an inertial measure for the operation of stations stationed abroad after boarding the train first.And various ministries and commissions regard overseas stations as "experimental fields" and a great place to expand the performance of their own departments.This kind of approach to foreign stations is to give covert support.The foreign stations have long been short of talents, materials and funds, and they welcome any "business" from the ministry and commission, and even take the initiative to find projects to feed back to the ministry and commission.

The tasks assigned by the Executive Committee to overseas stations are too large and too broad, and the resources given are quite small.Some tasks require a large amount of capital and manpower input, and a small amount of allocation is simply not enough.However, it is not only a long approval process for foreign stations to apply for additional investment, but also the number is very limited.In this way, in order to brush up performance, there will be a situation of "not giving resources to policies".Yifan believes that this is the most dangerous.

History has proved that "don't give resources to policy" is often the birthplace of many evils.In another time and space, many criticized problems are accumulated from the opening of "give policy".

Although Yifan calls himself a "Cheka", he is still an accountant at heart.Cook as much rice as you have, do what you can, this has always been his guiding ideology.But now the overall situation of Lingao is "****" style, manpower, materials, funds and equipment are all focused on "maximizing efficiency". In fact, eight jars and seven lids are played. It's a trick of empty-handed white wolves.As the saying goes, what is good at the top must be effective at the bottom.

The main responsibility for stationing abroad lies with the Executive Committee and the Senate.If the basic relationship of affiliation, power and responsibility in the foreign stations is not straightened out, no amount of rectification will be effective.Substitution and abolition of projects are all temporary solutions, not the root cause.First of all, it is necessary to prohibit direct business contacts between overseas stations and the central ministries and commissions; secondly, make clear regulations on the positioning and mission objectives of each station abroad, and it is not allowed to launch projects in violation of regulations-especially those that "look" Beautiful” self-financed project.Sometimes I do not hesitate to do some project shrinkage.

However, sufficient materials are needed to persuade the Executive Committee and the Senate to make large-scale adjustments.Yifan considers that this inspection will first focus on cleaning up illegal projects in overseas stations.

"In short, the problem of stationing abroad is the system problem." Yi Fan roared deafeningly in his cabin.

"Chief, this is a notice from the general office." Feng Hua sent the latest stack of letters and telegrams to his desk.

"Thank you, go and call Zhao Tong."

"He has come and is waiting outside."

"Let him in."

Zhao Yingong was a little frustrated looking at the "power on" placed in the top office to the foreign station. He didn't need to open it to know that it was a notice telling the inspection team to leave.

He already knew the news that the inspection team was coming: Lingao had been communicating with him in private letters, and he had always been very clear about the movements of the Executive Committee and the Senate.

Overall, the situation is a bit bad.Especially Hao Yuan, the culprit, has not been caught yet.

He sighed, opened the telegram, saw that the leader of the team was Yifan, and immediately shivered.

He is not familiar with Yifan, but his famous saying of "pulling the elders out and shooting them" is very familiar to him.It is clear that the most terrifying person is the one who intends to stain the crown with human blood.Then he saw Dai Xie again, and immediately thought of his position unpleasantly.Finally, he finally saw a relatively insignificant name, but when he saw the "General Political Security Bureau", his heart skipped a beat.

This combination really makes people unable to calm down. "This can't be the rhythm of directly slapping Lao Tzu." Zhao Yingong secretly worried.

He continued to watch, and the inspection route reported by the inspection team was: Kaohsiung-Hangzhou-Shandong-Jeju Island-Japan-Guangzhou-Leizhou
The first inspection site was not in Hangzhou, and before Zhao Yingong continued to sip the smell inside, Zhao Tong had already walked in.

"How's it going?"

"The wanted person hasn't been found yet." Zhao Tong said, "All of us have been sent out, and the sea arrest documents in the yamen have also been issued, and there are shadow figures everywhere. But the sticks are already in Jiale, Some valuable clues have been found on Cao Guangjiu and 'Shi Weng', and they are being investigated."

"If he sinks in the city of Hangzhou and won't come out, we won't be able to catch him no matter how much we struggle." Zhao Yingong frowned and said, "Where's the clue from the bodyguard?"

"I have found some materials about them in Hangzhou and sent them to the Jingshi Station, but we have not given us a specific reply yet." Zhao Tong hesitated and said, "But it is best for us to send someone to investigate this matter ourselves."

"You make a report to the intelligence bureau, tell us about the current situation and our plan, and apply for sending people to the capital. Let's not talk about whether the recent affairs can be done, the procedures must be complete!"


"Okay, you go first, these things must be done quickly!" Zhao Yingong rubbed his head, making no progress at all.He thought about picking up the bunch of private messages under the telegram again.Due to the requirement of confidentiality, the private letters between the elders do not have the name of the recipient or sender on the cover, but only indicate the recipient with a code name.

He has never had so many private letters. Zhao Yingong has a lot of friends in Lingao, and after being sent abroad, he tries to keep in touch with his acquaintances in Lingao.As a result, there are a lot of private messages.But recently, private messages from Lingao have suddenly increased significantly.Some are familiar, some are not, and some are simply anonymous letters.

Those who directly signed "an upright old man" came up and scolded: "Okay, Mr. Zhao Yingong, Zhao Gonggong, Zhao Emperor, what kind of mess have you done in Hangzhou, putting the priority before the priority, putting the cart before the horse, making your own decisions, and being self-righteous , spend time with those native officials and gentry, don’t forget your identity and don’t forget your mission, touch your pig’s head and think about it, what is your real mission? Well, let’s not talk about other missions, you Eunuch Zhao is guarding Hangzhou, a place with the richest resources of beauties in the south of the Yangtze River, but he has not made any achievements in the procurement of maids. You yourself are close to the water and have the first advantage. I heard that you have hundreds of young children trained in the so-called private schools? You? What do you mean? Do you want to eat alone or start a cult of personality? Why don’t these hundreds of children be sent to Lingao? Is the teaching level of Lingao Fangcaodi worse than your private school? It’s not true that you occupy the latrine and don’t shit I have wronged you, look at the poor quark, a slave trader traveled thousands of miles and spent the same amount of time transporting nearly two hundred "big ocean horses" to the Senate, how about you? You still have the face to brag about yourself and complain about your grievances..."

Some rationalized suggestions: "In order to carry out the work of Hangzhou Station smoothly, reduce unnecessary resistance in Lingao and gain more people's support, it is recommended that Comrade Zhao Yingong vigorously purchase virgins who meet the aesthetics of the elders or special tastes, hire Jiangnan famous prostitutes, Training by master bustard masters (it’s best to keep one or two bound feet, if you have a veteran), our purpose is to protect the ancient Chinese beauties and preserve the traditional elegant culture with world heritage significance. You know the specific requirements and standards... "

(End of this chapter)

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