Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1425 Hale himself

Chapter 1425 Hale himself
Some clues discovered later gradually outlined the facts more and more clearly. Evaristo cooperated with the peripheral organizations of the "base". These bombs will be smuggled into Japan and reassembled to attack the US embassy and US military bases .But Okamoto was not arrested, nor did he escape back to Brazil as the police expected.A year and a half later, intelligence found him in a training camp in southern Lebanon, and he appeared sporadically in Palestine and Syria over the years.The whereabouts of Okamoto was last known to Americans in Iraq in 2007, when he narrowly escaped a U.S. raid on a Shia militia's underground weapons factory.

The torrential rain hit the tents and bamboo hats with dense crackling sounds, and the local militiamen dispatched on the spot yelled to find shelter from the rain in the military camp.They had no right to enter the tent of the Spanish soldiers, so they had to gather under the tree with a few banana tree leaves on their heads as a shelter.Let the rain drench them through.

Besides these wretches, standing outside the tent was a man wearing a Chinese-style bamboo hat, and his whole body was tightly wrapped in a black monk's robe made of woolen woolen cloth, which was a rare sight in a tropical jungle infested with mosquitoes. It's a good protection, and in the rainy season, the rough wool fabric is also effective at draining water.Only when you get close to him can you see an oriental face under the eaves of the bamboo hat that is deliberately lowered.

Evaristo Okamoto has grown accustomed to being alone outside to calm his overexcited mind.The complicated religious etiquette instilled in him by his stepmother since he was a child is very beneficial to pretending to be a fanatic now, and even some traces of faith left over from his childhood have begun to gradually occupy his mind in a distorted form.Escaping from Iraq, fleeing all the way in a panic, boarding a smuggling ship, and later traveling through time and space like the Philadelphia experiment, everything was as unexpected as this torrential rain.When the dying Okamoto was washed up on the beach of Dongsha Reef by the waves, he survived miraculously. After more than two months of drinking rainwater, eating shellfish and raw fish, a Portuguese merchant ship headed for Malacca rescued him.He got two properties from his stepmother: the Catholic faith and the Portuguese language saved him, so the terrorist Evaristo Okamoto, Hale who turned into a member of the arms smuggling ring and then turned again, so he became a hero for the road. Japanese Chichiten Paul Takayama who was persecuted and exiled.

Perhaps after that, God suddenly showed mercy and favored this fake believer.Paul Gaoshan was originally unknown in Manila until he became famous for making rockets that defeated the Aceh army that besieged Malacca again.When some Jesuits openly questioned his parentage out of jealousy, he followed in the footsteps of his great kinsman Takayama Ukon, as he claimed, to Manila.He had already achieved initial success in gaining the confidence of the Spanish colonial government and the Church.

Two days later when the army returns to Manila, Paul Gaoshan's reputation will definitely rise to a new level. This is an out-and-out victory and triumph.The colonial army easily wiped out hundreds of thousands of Iloko people during the expedition from Lingayen, Agno River Valley to Mount Godililla, and turned the villages built by the fierce Chinese pirates into a piece of white land. , occupying the fertile Baguio Valley, the battle suffered surprisingly few casualties.Paul Alpine's ingenious invention of new cannons and rockets deserves the most credit, though he must have met the waves of praise with admirable humility.But his merits and name will definitely be reported to the Indy House again by the governor, and will even be played before King Philip IV. Some people say that he may even be canonized as a nobleman.

A nobleman's illegitimate bride was already waiting for him in Manila, but Hale wasn't interested in any of this—what was all this compared to the title of liberator of mankind?If it hadn't been able to effectively consolidate his position in Manila and allow him to get enough official support from Manila, he wouldn't bother to bother.

As long as enough support can be obtained, Paul Takayama can organize an expeditionary force composed of Spanish and Japanese volunteers to liberate Japan from the ignorant and barbaric Tokugawa shogunate, just like Evari Stogang before crossing Ben was committed to liberating Japan from the oppression of U.S. imperialism.The difference is that back then he could only expect to dedicate himself to his own ideals; but in this time and space, he seems to have seen the laurels of the Japanese liberator and the throne of the ruler beckoning to him.

Tropical rainstorms come and go quickly.The rain had cleared and the sun was shining on the wet ground.Paul Gaoshan suppressed his excitement, turned and walked into the tent.He didn't notice that in the northern sky, a small dark cloud was getting bigger and bigger, and it was slowly drifting closer.

The villa near Lingaojiao Park theoretically belongs to the office, but it is the Foreign Intelligence Service who occupies it most frequently.Jiang Shan always arranges the intelligence work joint meeting in Wu De's old residence.There are sentries outside the villa’s walls to ensure safety and privacy. You can see the beach at Lingaojiao when you open the window, which is much more comfortable than the airtight secret room conference hall of the Political Security Bureau.Even though the blinds were closed to use the projection, the fresh sea breeze still came in to dissipate the heat in the room.

"Let's see this," the slide projector projected a photo of the triumphal celebration, where the howitzer that Paul presided over the casting and said to have played a decisive role was placed on the float to participate in the parade.Very close.It is estimated that Weislando hid the camera in the gap of the cloak and took a close-up photo. Jiang Shan is not very good at old-fashioned artillery. After searching in his mind, he felt that this artillery was very similar to what he saw in the Yushukan in Tokyo in the early years. A hybrid of the 90mm bronze mortar and Dahlgren gun.

"Unfortunately, the legendary Paul Gaoshan did not show up in the celebration parade. It is said that he refused to attend on the grounds of his health, and his indifference to honor was praised everywhere in Manila." Xue Ziliang continued to report on his reconnaissance results in the Philippines. photos projected on the screen.

"At least three new gun emplacements have been added to the Bastion of San Diego, all of which are 24-pound rifled guns that have been rifled from old bronze cannons." The photo was enlarged little by little, and the white rattan whip in his hand circled the top Little by little, to remind the participants to pay attention to some details: the pitch screw under the gun breech, the wooden-clad iron slide rail with a rotating shaft laid on the ground of the fort, and the four-wheeled gun carriage clinging to the lower frame composed of triangular girders.

"It's a bit like the CIA," Jiang Shan thought in his heart, "but sending field agents to infiltrate the enemy camp to take pictures of the information on the spot, and then send the pictures back in a disguised commuter ship. The speed is slow, inefficient and not safe. "His thoughts flew to the meeting room of the Foreign Intelligence Agency a few years later. The real-time reconnaissance images taken by satellites were scrolling on the big screen, and the aerial photos of drones were clearly displayed. The U-2, Blackbird and Global Hawk constitutes the most efficient detection network in the world.Going to talk to Zhan Wuya in the future, the aviation industry should start as soon as possible.Before the aircraft is produced, try to get the remote control aircraft model from the Ministry of Resources, so that the drone army can start to build it first.Lin Hanlong also has to ask, how can aerial reconnaissance be separated from high-precision lenses and cameras...

"...The fortress project found on the coast at the northern edge of the Cavite Peninsula is completely different, without bastions. Four circular coastal forts are connected by communication trenches, and a shelter trench that can accommodate infantry extends from the outside. Please pay attention to the parapet built here... ...This fortress is just across the sea from the Fort St. Philip on the peninsula to the south, and if all rifled guns with a long enough range are installed, it can effectively blockade Cavite Bay."

When Jiang Shan realized that he was distracted, Xue Ziliang's report was coming to an end.Jiang Shan regretted in his heart, indulging his wild thoughts has recently become a habit, it seems that only in this way can temporarily suppress the undercurrent of a certain lust in his heart.He tried his best to straighten his body leaning on the back of the chair, and forcefully collected his mind to listen.

"...and finally the Fort San Antonio on the south side of Maratha Bay. The Spaniards call it a fortress, but it was really just a wooden barracks with a small round fort attached. They have recently started to build a lot here. From the work in progress From the perspective of foundation engineering, this is a small bastion. It may be equipped with fifteen to twenty cannons. The observation post set up by the intelligence station can fully monitor the progress of the fort project, and the distance is only two kilometers..."

"That is to say, that American gun dealer who was so rampant that he didn't know who he was actually placed our intelligence station under the enemy's muzzle." He has always been a member of Operation Engine, and he has always had a good view of Operation Manila.

"There is no such threat at present." Xue Ziliang was a little annoyed when his speech was interrupted. "The newly-built forts that have been discovered are all placed on semi-circular orbits, and the direction of fire does not exceed 180°. The two forts under construction are only It can bombard the sea, but cannot point to the Maratha village and port in the northeast direction."

"Okay, what the heck can that Japanese bastard put in so many genius turrets and mounts? Rifling every single Spanish cannon? If nothing else, put those fucking guns in every caliber It has to be equipped with enough new shells, and this is a genius who can live and die."

"The Japanese devils still made an inflatable belt. Yes, it is advanced enough. It has the legacy of his ancestor's [-] bomber and his godfather's chemical mortar. But the belt is made of copper, and the price is not cheap. If it is on the ground, it still needs precision machining. He himself is not afraid of being exhausted, but the governor of Spain has to worry about being bankrupted by the fuck."

(End of this chapter)

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