Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1489 The result of the duel

Chapter 1489 The result of the duel

"Don't worry, they've changed their attitude," Hale said. "Also, I know you're very well connected in Japan. If I could send me more Catholics from Japan to the Philippines to create an earthly Eden, I would Grateful."

"The population of Fujian is not a problem. It may be difficult for Japanese Catholics. The shogunate basically does not allow anyone to go abroad..."

"You see, if everything had to go through the government, we wouldn't be worth living, would we?"

Zheng Zhifeng laughed out loud.After the Battle of Weitouwan, he hadn't smiled like this for a long time. He said:
"What a man you are!"

Hale then demonstrated the launch of the Congreve rocket.Zheng Zhifeng is very clear about the power of rockets - when the Australian warship attacked Kinmen Island, he witnessed how the rockets launched from the ship turned the entire berth into a sea of ​​flames.Now he was overjoyed to find out that the person in front of him could also provide similar rockets.

"You see, if you have rocket launchers on those wooden boxes, a single salvo can deal a fatal blow to the enemy. Especially an attack on the enemy's port. It will easily be set in flames."

"I just want to know, how many rockets can you sell me the next time I'm here?"

"It's not a problem, it's not a problem. Let's talk about the price..."

Watching Zheng Zhifeng's boat leave, Hale's crew on the island packed up their belongings and started loading the boat to return to the manor on the outskirts of Manila.The boxes unloaded from Zheng Zhifeng's boat contained not only silver: Spanish pesos and Chinese silver ingots, but also some exquisite handicrafts and silks that he specified for him to send - all of which were used to please the local dignitaries.

Marcus came to report that everything was loaded on his boat.

"Marcos, do you think this Chinese really understands the real power behind the cannon?"

"I don't think he understands..."

"Yes, if he understood, he should have bowed his knees and surrendered to the Australians long ago, instead of doing this pointless struggle." Hale put on his hood.

Behind the cannon is the industrial power of a country.To put it bluntly, there are dozens of cannons. Even if the Zheng family has several times more cannons, it will not change its decisive disadvantage to the Australians.Those Chinese who claim to be Australians already have steamboats, rifled guns, and rifled guns that are obviously self-made-this is already the strength of the foundation of a primary industrial country.It is no longer something this space-time agricultural country can compete with.
"He has courage—like us. Otherwise we should have surrendered immediately."

"Exactly, my dear Marcos," said Hale, "we'd better hurry back to the manor. I think the baroness will have a new invitation tonight."

In Manila, as long as it doesn't rain, the weather near noon will force people to hide in the house and pass the terrible time in the gauze tent and on the bed.Even the Governor's Mansion, the heart of the colony, seems to be no exception under the shade of greenery, the windows on the first floor are covered by wooden shutters, and the huge shutters on the second floor are also closed.There was silence all around, and even the colonial sentinel under the porch was holding a spear and half dozing off with his back against the doorpost.

In fact, the heart and brain of the Philippine colony could never have been so quiet.This mansion next to an eye-catching square with lush flowers and trees in the core area of ​​the inner city is a huge and well-behaved stone two-storey building.In the Philippine colony full of bamboo buildings and thatched huts, stone buildings are a symbol of Spanish ruling power.Like most high-end buildings in the Philippines, the ground floor is used as storage and servants' quarters, and the second floor is for the owner to live in.There is also a mezzanine between the two floors, where Governor Juan Salamanca chose to work and deal with government officials.

The shutters were closed to keep out the harsh sunlight, making the already poorly lit hall look even darker.A small glass oil lamp swayed on the long table, reflecting the governor and several Manila leaders sitting at the table.

"Mr. Osvaldo, my confusion is, how did you and your clerks write such absurd reports?" The governor of Salamanca pointed to a stack of Australian papers scattered on the table, "You don't understand Mr. Paul What is the said nitrate pond? Just dig a few ponds and dump the excrement, garbage and wood ash into it. You want me to believe that it costs 2000 pesos for this job, and another 500 pesos are invested in it every year. Ammunition factory The saltpeter pools in the village have already produced saltpeter, but there is no additional cost for a copper."

"You know, Manila City Hall has been facing the problem of insufficient public funds for many years. I have no choice but to hire those stupid natives. Of course they don't understand advanced mathematics," the mayor said, taking a sip of Australian water, Putting down the glass bottle, he said leisurely, "You can ask Mr. Andrade to recalculate."

"The munitions factory, of course, there is so much wood ash left in the smelter that it can't be used up. If it can produce wealth like wood ash, then it will be fine."

"No, your statement is too absurd. I don't need to remind you of your identity. As the mayor of the colony, you and I are also responsible for guarding the colony of His Majesty the king. The importance of new artillery ammunition to us cannot be overstated For example, because we have never had enough troops in the Philippines. If the damn Dutch want to play against the Philippines, they can easily recruit [-] Chinese and Japanese. Now I’m afraid we have to add Australians.”

"Even in terms of money, the salt ponds can save us part of the purchase of saltpeter from India every year. You don't understand the significance of this, do you?"

"Poor Esteban, I'm going to be crazy to hear your order," Manila's police chief joked in response to the governor's words.The young squire from Milan, who likes to cover his sinister and greedy face by telling crude jokes now and then, "fortunately he can't hear anything now."

The conversation then shifted direction.Esteban Sanabria made far more enemies than friends in the Philippines, so his exciting duel with the count is always talked about.Adding to the drama, the Commodore's fleet arrived in Manila five days after the duel.Also on board was a special person, a special prosecutor sent by the Madrid High Court, who was ordered to investigate a series of fraudulent crimes committed by Esteban Sanabria in Seville, New Spain and the Far East colonies.Of course, the suspect he was investigating had been silenced forever.The timing couldn't have been more opportune.As for the huge wealth that the deceased was once proud of, it obviously did not bring him any benefits, and it is not even known whether anyone can inherit it.From New Spain to Manila, scavenging vultures were swarming to feast on the carcass.

Even in the chatter and debate among the city officials, the former richest businessman and swindler in the colony had various ways to die.According to the mayor, half of Sanabria's head was cut off, and the royal flag officer showed how the earl stabbed Sanabria from the chest to the back.The most exaggerated claim came from Juan Aguilar, the mayor of Parian, who insisted that poor Esteban Sanabria had been split in two by the count, both man and knife.

"The ears will be quiet now," said a city councilman, "and no one will keep you babbling all day long, as if slandering someone's reputation is the only pleasure he has in the world."

"Who dares to slander Earl Vananova now? Some people have traced his family lineage back to the Lando family in Lombardy. Maybe the branches and leaves of his family tree will continue to grow in the future, going beyond the epoch to ancient Rome."

"That's impossible. When have you ever heard that guy say a word in Latin?" Rucker's crooked poetry. If that's all that man's aristocratic education is, his governess must be an unlearned liar. His Earl's style is all about putting on a facade to fool ignorant and simple-minded women. We really You should check his background carefully."

There were two bang bangs outside the door.The door opened, revealing the slender and slender figure of Eugenio García Zapatero, Secretary of the Governor, his face seemed to be pale from being frightened, "Count Vananova has arrived, and he is waiting in the small living room , and decided to present a gift to the adults first to show respect.”

The servant of the governor's mansion walked in carrying the earl's gift, and the governor's secretary shrank back subconsciously, as if lying in the servant's hand was a poisonous snake wrapped in silk.It was soon recognized by all that it was the richly decorated saber with sheath and hilt in the silk lining, which the count often wore on various occasions.

"My God, isn't this the weapon that brutally killed Esteban?" Mayor Osvaldo exclaimed.But no one cared about responding to him.Everyone put aside the dignity and demeanor of the nobles, and stretched out their heads to look at the sabers famous for their duels.

In fact, this is an authentic "Made in Lingao", a high-end export product specially used for export. It is a slightly modified product based on the standard officer's command knife of the Fubo Army-imitating the Meiji 32-style non-commissioned officer's knife, and it is inlaid with gold and silver. The scabbard and the cloisonné-decorated scabbard were indeed eye-catching, but when the scabbard was drawn from the scabbard, the royal standard officer gave a loud admiration.He collected a lot of oriental weapons and considered himself an expert, but this knife was made of excellent steel, and the patterns on the knife looked more exquisite than the best Japanese swords and Arabian scimitars.Of course the Spaniards didn't know that it was the effect of pickling + mechanical polishing.

(End of this chapter)

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