Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1495 The Book on the Ship

Chapter 1495 The Book on the Ship
The air route from Guangzhou to Xiamen is a familiar one.The traditional route is to sail along the coastline. As long as you are careful not to run aground on rocks, there is no danger.

Therefore, once the whole ship is on the waterway, except for the helmsman who is responsible for reading the compass and back-pinning the road, he is always vigilant and observing the situation of the sea surface and the coastline, everyone else looks lazy.The working sailors also looked relaxed. The Dongshanju used soft sails, which was a bit uncomfortable for Chinese sailors who were accustomed to using hard sails that were easy to operate at first.Fortunately, the use of soft sails is not a great secret skill. Many European ships sailing in East and Southeast Asia employ Malays and Chinese as sailors. It is not difficult to find good people. Bring the old with the new. I am familiar with it, and it is inevitable that there will be several accidents when climbing the mast and tying the yard, and some sailors will be killed or injured, but human life is not rare in this time and space, so it is not a big deal.
For merchant ships sailing along the coast, the weather is fine and the wind is favorable. Except for the sailors on duty, everyone else is happy and relaxed, and each has his own way of spending time.The sailor buddies either gathered in the bottom deck to study the points of the dice and the arrangement and combination of the dominoes, or they caught fleas and chatted on the deck after a couple of drinks, or they simply fell asleep.As for the big boss and the second boss, one is playing chess with poor Guanshi Liu, and the other is reading a book with great enjoyment.

"Hua Min, what book is that? You read it so seriously?" Liu Deshan submerged the car to the bottom, looked at Guanshi Liu who was frowning and thinking hard with a smile, and asked,

"Oh, the last time I passed through Hangzhou, I bought a book from a perfect bookstore opened by an Australian."

"I've seen books printed by Australians, and they are indeed beautifully printed. But Huamin, haven't you stopped thinking about the imperial examinations? Why are you picking up these stereotyped articles now?"

Chen Huamin scratched his head in embarrassment, and said with a smile: "This is not a collection of classics and history, it's just a casual book, it's a story-telling novel."

"The storybook? The Three Kingdoms? The Water Margin? Or the Jin Ping Mei?"

"Neither of them, it's a script written by Kun people, a book that has recently been highly respected among scholars in the south of the Yangtze River."

"Oh?! What are you talking about?" Chen Huamin heard that the book was written by an Australian, so he became interested, and ignored Liu Guanshi who was staring at the chessboard in a daze.

"I don't know who wrote this book. Everyone says it was written by an Australian. It's called "The Old Story of Huang Gongbao's Anti-golden Wars". In the early years of the Southern Song Dynasty, he joined Yue Shuai's sect and was bestowed the word "Qubing" by Yue Wumu. Then Huangshi helped Yue Shuai organize the army and defeated the invading Jin soldiers several times. And after Yue Shuai was wronged and killed , while dealing with the treacherous imperial court, while supporting the Southern Song Dynasty alone, and finally rebuilding the story of China's mountains and rivers."

"Sounds very exciting! It's just that how can today's people go to the old age? It doesn't make sense."

"It's just a story about Huai Xia's dream. It's just that the story is simple, but it is touching. I am now reading the section 'Shi Shuai enters Yanyun alone to kill the slave chieftain'. It is really soul-stirring. , vividly on the paper! It seems that there is such a great hero who is trying to protect our Han family. No wonder the scholars in the south of the Yangtze River commented on this book as "a battle of three thousand miles, and a sword can stop a million soldiers." "Chen Huamin spoke excitedly, stood up and pointed his sword straight, as if he himself was the great general in the book who swept the Tartars and slaves out of the Central Plains with elite soldiers.

But then, Chen Huamin sat down sadly again, and murmured: "If there is such a person as Huang Shuai in my Ming Dynasty, how can I be beaten by Jiannu to the city of Beijing, and it will be like no one!"


A light drink brought Chen Huamin back from his thoughts.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I was too involved in the drama, and I lost my mind unconsciously."

"It doesn't matter, just listening to the introduction of this book makes people's blood boil, as if they have visited the scene in person—and co-authored allusions to the battle in Liaodong. It is not surprising that Huamin will get lost here."

"Exactly, although Liaodong is thousands of miles away, the fate of a country depends on the people of the world. Now I hear that the situation in the north is getting worse every day. I'm afraid that one day the Ming Dynasty will repeat the same mistakes as the Song Dynasty!"

As an ordinary businessman, Liu Deshan didn't care much about the situation in Liaodong, so he didn't take it seriously when Chen Huamin said it was so serious: "Of course the eastern captives can reach the capital city, but Liaodong and the capital still have hundreds of thousands of troops. There are few small soldiers, even if the captives under him are covered in iron, how many nails can they drive? It won't damage the overall situation."

Chen Huamin shook his head and said, "Cousin, you and I have both studied for a few years, but in terms of the general trend of the world, our knowledge is really very shallow." After speaking, he took out a book from his bookcase. .

This book is different from the format of "The Old Stories of Huang Gongbao's Anti-golden War", it is twice as big, but much thinner.It is also the Australian type of binding that opens to the left, but the cover has a picture, but it is a warrior in full armor, riding a black horse, standing in the ice and snow.Although there are only black and white colors, the engraving and printing workers do not know what unique secret skills they have. The warriors, horses and background landscapes are all vividly depicted, making people feel like they are on the scene.

The title is "Research on War History" in five Song style characters, but there is a line of small characters below it: Liaodong War Situation Album.The cover also lists subtitles: "Bows and Knives Covered in Heavy Snow——The History of the Great Ming Dynasty in Liaodong", "The Impact of the Denglai Rebellion on the Situation in Liaodong", "A Brief Analysis of the Eight Banners System", "The History of Huang Taiji's Ascension to the Throne"...

Liu Deshan does not hang around Guangzhou as often as Chen Huamin, and is not very familiar with the affairs of Australians, but the binding, title and style of the sentence of this book, it seems that it was printed by Australians.He didn't care much about military affairs at first, but the cover and title were so attractive that he took it and flipped through a few pages.

After a flip, it's hard to put it down.Regardless of the fact that Australians write all their articles in vernacular, Liu Deshan, who doesn't read much, seems to have no difficulty.The article is easy to understand, the analysis goes from simple to deep, each item is very clear and interesting, even a businessman like Liu Deshan finds it very interesting to read.He didn't like to read about the war strategy, so he directly turned to "The History of Huang Taiji's Enthronement" and read it with great interest.Regardless of the side, Guanshi Liu was still waiting for him to make a move with big eyes and small eyes. He didn't raise his head until he finished watching, and said, "It's really enjoyable! I don't think even the imperial court may know such details about the prisoner's situation!"

Chen Huamin nodded and said: "Exactly! The so-called know yourself and the enemy, you can win a hundred battles. I think that the current situation in the court and the Eastern captives is just a blind man's guess. How can Australians know so clearly? Not to mention the comments in this article, I think that although there are many officials in the imperial court, there are not many people with such insight." He sighed, "Australians are not my Ming people, but they are very concerned about the Liaodong war situation, which is really rare. "

Liu Deshan sighed: "If the Australians are willing to serve the imperial court, even a hundred Eastern captives will be wiped out. The Zheng family is so powerful, it will disappear in a day!"

Chen Huamin sneered and said, "Australians are so capable, why are they willing to serve the imperial court? I think they will sooner or later—"

Guanshi Liu turned pale with shock. Although this is his own boat, it is still very inappropriate to say such words, not to mention the government, even the Australians may not like it if they know about it, so he hurriedly said: "Sir, be careful! Be careful!"

Only then did Chen Huamin stop talking: Guanshi Liu is a trusted member of his family, so it's naturally for his own good.But it's not bad to think that the Australians are really going to change their dynasty-at least under their rule, everyone's life is pretty good.

Liu Deshan said: "The old nest is below this deck, and it's very stuffy. Let's go to the deck to get some fresh air."

The three of them got on the deck, and Chen Huamin asked loudly, "Xiao Wang, where is the boat going now?"

"Back to Gangshou, I have just entered the boundary of Xiamen, and I will arrive in Xiamen in a short distance."

At this time, the voice of the watchman came from the top of the mast: "There is a ship ahead, approaching at high speed!"

Together with Wang Chengti, the two of them ran to the bow of the ship, and each took out a single-lens telescope to look at it.

After looking at it for a while, Wang Chengti said, "It's a spinnaker clipper with a star flag on a blue background, Australians!"

Chen Huamin put down the binoculars: "Well, the shape of the ship should be a fast sailing ship for inspection. From this point of view, the Australians have officially designated this sea area as their own territory."

A voice came from the mast again: "The other party raised the flag and asked us to stop the ship for inspection."

"Do as usual"

"Yes." Wang Chengti turned his head and shouted: "Lower all sails and raise the Lingao navigation flag."

"Don't lie down, get up quickly, Shanzi! That one over there, work harder, don't you have enough to eat!"

After Dongshanju came to a complete stop, the inspection dhow came up with help, and the officers on board boarded the ship with a few sailors. They first checked the ship's Lingao registration certificate, then checked the cargo list, and finally asked someone to open the cargo warehouse. He inspected the cover carefully, and finally asked: "Is your ship carrying this much salt, and is it going to be sold in Xiamen?"

Liu Deshan was very clever, and immediately replied: "This is going to be shipped to Shanghai for sale..."

"Is there any salt?"

This hit his deadly spot, Liu Deshan hesitated for a while, and had no choice but to say that it was "private salt".

"Illegal salt in Jiangnan has always been transported from the north. When did it smuggle from Guangdong? Aren't you afraid of losing money?" The officer sneered, "Don't lie: you are planning to sell this salt in Xiamen. "

Liu Deshan swallowed a mouthful of saliva, denial and bribery were useless to the Australians, so he could only laugh and say: "You old man is wise: this salt is indeed going to be transported to Xiamen Island to buy it. The villain is not worthy of money, and he is doing somersaulting. Temporarily obsessed with ghosts, I want to make some small money..."

(End of this chapter)

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