Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1500 Immigrants

Chapter 1500 Immigrants
The journey was uneventful. The Dongshanju left Kaohsiung for Shanghai, sold some of its goods in Shanghai, bought a large amount of cotton cloth and grain, and then went to Longkou. After selling it in Longkou, Hu turned around and returned. It was already the end of January in 1634 when I came to Lingaobopu Port.

Although Lin Ming had never forgotten about Lingao in the past few years and always paid attention to collecting news about Lingao, but this was the first time he came to Lingao.Standing on the deck, I saw that the port was getting closer and closer to me, the stone trestle stretching into the sea as wide as a street, the tall crane, the "automatic car" running on the track and pulling the carriage... Finally There is also the "big iron boat" of the Kun thief. He originally thought that these things would not surprise him too much--he has heard too many people say that these things can only be excused by "the power of ghosts and gods" Moreover, he himself has sneaked around the construction site of Guangzhou Great World, and has seen similar things to some extent.However, when the port ruled by the thieves really appeared in front of him, he held his breath. The scene in front of him was a world beyond his comprehension.

Large and small chimneys spew black smoke into the air, and white steam spews out with the sound of low-pitched iron impact, filling the sky above the pier like a layer of faint mist. Sharp whistling, one after another.

"It's like being in the kingdom of lions and camels, where all the demons are dancing!" Lin Ming couldn't help but have such an association.

The harbor was full of ships. The Dongshanju was flying the Lingao navigation flag. It was not the first time to come to Hong Kong. Gangshou was already familiar with the way, and soon contacted a tugboat to tow the Dongshanju to the berth. Dock on.

As soon as the boat came to a stop, a small boat was already coming towards the Dongshanju with black smoke. Several people on board were wearing the official uniforms of the gangsters—Lin Ming knew that this was called a "uniform". "Wear this.It was routine for them to come on board, but it was also their first test.

If you can't even pass this hurdle, sneaking into Lingao to look for your sister-in-law to collect information is empty talk.I still go home early in the morning.

Liu Deshan and Chen Huamin had already greeted them on the deck with the main stewards of the ship. Lin Ming pretended to be buried in his work by the mast, peeping at the movement on the deck.

I saw the thieves on the small boat getting on the boat. As the rumors said, all of them had hair like monks, and they probably thought it was indecent to be bareheaded, so everyone who was a "public man" wore a hat. There are rattan hats that look like soup bowls, and simple cloth hats with a long brim protruding from the forehead.From Lin Ming's point of view, it was really indescribably weird.

The clothes on his body were also tight, and there was a belt around his waist.It can be seen that the "official uniforms" are all made of cloth, all of the same color, not only there is no silk, not to mention patches, there is not even the minimum decoration-worse than the officials standing at the gate of the yamen, at least their hats It is also decorated with a bird feather.When it comes to decoration, it can barely be said to be the small colored pieces of cloth on their collars and a row of numbers sewn on their chests - Lin Ming knows that they are called Arabic numerals, and there are two Chinese characters below the numbers: "Port Affairs".

As for the belt, although it was made of leather, it didn't look like a valuable fur, it was just an ordinary cowhide.There was an air of poverty all over his body, but the black handle exposed from the triangular leather case on the belt was very majestic.Lin Ming knew that it contained the Kun thief's "Runner Self-Growing Hand Gun", which is the most powerful military weapon.

With such a powerful firearm, a few small "public servants" hang from their waists. This gangster is really extravagant.Lin Ming thought that ever since he went to work in the Hundred Households, the military weapons issued by the court were unusable. What about the steel grips of the swords he received?It's not as easy to use as the decades-old things in stock in Baihusuo.Foshan is a good place to say: In a peaceful world, even some bandits and pirates don’t need Jin Yiwei to go out, and occasionally they don’t need to use knives and guns when they go on errands, but the brothers in the north complain that they have to buy their own weapons if they want to go on errands Otherwise, you will have to get out of the basket when you are desperate.

Just as he was feeling emotional, a few conversations between the captain and the thief came to his ears:

"...are there any immigrants on board?"

"No, they are all my buddies." This was Chen Huamin's voice.

Suddenly Guanshi Liu's voice came in: "Yes, there is one. Didn't the young man who boarded the ship in Dayuan say he wanted to find a way out in Lingao?"

Lin Ming knew that he was talking about himself, so he couldn't help crying secretly. He originally planned to get off the boat quietly, and then mingled with the crowd to stay quietly, so he didn't expect to be directly stabbed by Liu Guanshi.

He cursed secretly in his heart: "Old and never die", but he didn't dare to move around, still doing things on his own, and continued to prick up his ears to listen carefully.

"Since there is an immigrant, ask him to register. Arrange for him to disembark for quarantine in the next few days."

"Yes, I'll call him right now." Guanshi Liu raised his throat as he spoke, "Young boy! Young boy!"

Naturally, Lin Ming couldn't pretend to be deaf, so he could only pretend to be ignorant, and hurried over:
"Guan Liu, are you calling me?"

"Young man, don't you want to come to Gao to find a way out? Hurry up and register with these people. If you register, you will be considered an immigrant. Australians take care of food and housing." Liu Guanshi said with a smile.

"This..." Lin Ming secretly groaned. He already knew the tricks of the gangsters. He really wanted to register. The next step was to enter some kind of "Jinghua camp". He was "imprisoned" for more than a month.At least two or three months without freedom of movement, how is this possible?Besides, how could he go back to Foshan after he shaved his head? That would not be an ironclad proof of suicide!
He hurriedly said with a smile all over his face: "Masters, you have learned a lot! Parents who suffer from body and skin, the young ones dare not shave their hair, they just want to make a living in Lingao..."

One of the thieves interrupted him: "I understand what you mean! Don't worry, our Senate doesn't force people to shave their heads. It's just that you refuse to shave your head, that is, you can't join the army or recruit workers. I see that you speak politely. , probably a scholar..."

Guanshi Liu interjected: "Master, you have a good eye: this young man has read poetry and books, can write and count, and can play chess well."

The Harbor Affairs Office nodded: "You are a scholar and educated. You can become a cadre within a few months after arriving here. Why do you have to work hard and become a peddler for a few hairs? It's not worth it!"

Lin Ming worked very well, wiped his eyes and said, "The boss is kind, and the younger one understands that every sentence is golden and jade. It's just that the younger one doesn't dare to disobey the teachings of the sages, and the younger one's parents died early, so please let the younger one be fulfilled." A piece of filial piety..." As he spoke, he began to cry.

He spoke with sincerity, but it also moved the other party. The port officer waved his hand and said: "You are a big man, why are you crying? Since you are so filial and don't want to shave your head, it's fine. Anyway, we are all voluntary here. I just think Pity."

Lin Ming quickly lowered his head and said, "Thank you, Master, for your filial piety!"

"But even if you don't want to shave your hair, you still have to register to get a certificate, otherwise you won't be able to make a living in Lingao." The port manager said as he opened the folder and took out a quill. "You register first, your name?"

"Lin Min."


The port affairs probably asked him about his name, age, place of origin, and where he came from. After registering one by one, he asked him to press his fingerprints, and finally tore off a piece of paper and handed it to him:
"After the quarantine period is over, arrive at the customs building within three days—" he said, pointing at the towering bell tower by the harbor, "go to the immigration registration office to register and collect the certificate, remember to go there on time!"

"Yes, yes, little one understands."

Lin Ming nodded and said with a bow. He took it and saw that it was printed with "Temporary ID Card Application Form". The bottom part was in a printed format: a string of Arabic numerals, his name had been filled on it, and it was also listed which ship to take. and other information.It can be seen from the large official seal on the seam that this is the Shanglianlian, and the Shanglian must have been left in the hands of the so-called "port affairs" of the gangsters.

After handling the immigration affairs, the port affairs inspected the weapons and gunpowder on board one by one to see if the rewards had been awarded, and randomly inspected the goods according to the manifest.Although there is a customs office in Lingao, the tariffs implemented are very low, and many goods are subject to zero tariffs, so the inspection of smuggling is not strict.After the inspection, the routine of disinfecting with liquid medicine is indispensable. However, there have been no reports of outbreaks of disease in the ports that Dongshanju sailed through recently, and the quarantine process is relatively simple.

Seeing the port affairs get off the ship and leave, Guanshi Liu walked over and shook his head: "It's a pity, it's a pity, they value you very much..."

"The little one really can't bear it..."

"I know, I know." Guanshi Liu nodded and said, "Everyone has his own ambitions. You can't get off the boat right now, so I'll thank you for staying with me on the boat for a few more days, and the wages will be settled by you when the time comes."

It was only then that Lin Ming realized that he could not disembark right now, and had to go through a "quarantine period" for several days. During this period, no one could disembark. He would report the health of the patrol boats every day. If anyone was sick, he had to report immediately, and a doctor would be sent to the shore immediately. Look.

"This Australian is really kind, and he even cares about seeing a doctor..."

Guanshi Liu laughed a few times: "Young man, what do you know? They are afraid of spreading the plague! So no one is allowed to disembark. If someone really gets sick, we will all have to go to the 'Jinghua Camp'—then don't care about you." What kind of filial piety is not filial piety, you have to shave your head and take a bath every day, and eat gruel for several months. Maybe even the boat and cargo will be dragged to the open sea and burned!"

Lin Ming was startled: "Is it really so serious?"

"Naturally, there are so many people coming and going in Lingao now, but the plague is rarely spread. It is because of this system. Although it is a bit unreasonable, it is very useful!"

(End of this chapter)

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