Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1521 Bait?

Chapter 1521 Bait?

"I'm sitting here... This woman insists on soliciting business. I ignore her, but she still wants to yell..."

"Is there such a thing?!" The policeman turned his head and asked "Liu Ying".

"Liu Ying" glared at Lin Ming fiercely: "Nothing! He wants me to serve him, and he doesn't want to spend money."

"This is a non-business area, why did you come here?" The policeman's eyes fell on the collar around her neck, and he asked angrily, "Where's your yellow ticket?"

"Liuying" knew he was wronged, so he had to hand over the yellow ticket.

The policeman looked at the yellow ticket and began to read: "Xin Nachun is indeed a 'non-citizen'." When he said "non-citizen", he looked contemptuous, "Illegal business operations, illegal soliciting of customers. Based on these two rules, you I’m going to take fifty lashes on my ass again and rest for a few days. Wait until tomorrow to go to the Magistrate’s Court.”

Xin Nachun's face suddenly showed fear, one can imagine that the fifty lashes were not so easy to bear.

The police here made a record, wrote down his temporary ID number, and asked him to sign it.

"You can do what you want, sir. She has already violated the "Regulations on Customs and Business Business", and there is nothing else to say." The policeman said, putting her yellow ticket in his canvas bag, and took out a rope to tie it on his back. On the collar around Nachun's neck, she led him away.Lin Ming suddenly realized: So the neck ring faction is used for this purpose.

Lin Ming left the river embankment in a hurry, secretly worrying in his heart: The policeman came too fast!How do you know if it's a trap?Although Jin Yiwei's secrets are internal secrets, I heard that many of Wei Nei's missions have disappeared over the years. Many of them died martyrdom. Among them, those who were captured by mistake and defected to the enemy will not be completely missing. I don't know about this set of secrets. Did it leak out?

However, I heard that most of the troops in Weili went to Liaodong, and some of them went to Yunnan and Guizhou during the She'an Rebellion. I haven't heard that they were sent to Hainan. At that time, the whole territory of Guangdong was "peaceful and peaceful".No one would send someone to Lingao just looking for trouble.He believed that Li Yongxun would not hand over the "bottom of the box" to the thieves.

Thinking of this, he felt a little relieved. On the way back, he went to Heyuan Street and found that the police station was indeed very close to his date.If the police were patrolling the streets, it was still possible to hear the sound and rush over-although it was suspected of being too aggressive.

However, if the Kun thief really doubted him, it probably wouldn't take such a big effort. According to Lin Ming's thinking in Jinyiwei, he would just arrest and torture those who are suspected -- why can't he get a confession?

It's just that I offended my colleagues by doing this.He wasn't worried about the "officer". Judging from the situation just now, Xin Nachun should have been developed locally by his peers. Since he is willing to engage in the beheading business under the rule of the gangsters, he should know the seriousness and not mess around.

As for this colleague who didn't show up, it's a hidden danger. If he can go back alive and meet him in Guangdong, it will be a great trouble to make a fuss.

It is best to let him disappear in Lingao without a sound.Lin Ming thought to himself, he must not let him spoil the good thing between himself and his sister-in-law.

Thinking of this, he went around in a circle, and after making sure that no one was following him, he returned to the Haixing.

The next day, he went to work as usual.After getting off work in the evening, I pretended to take a walk, and went to the place where my sister-in-law gave her the answer to the signal.Sure enough, another line was added next to the signal: It is not safe on the embankment.

Obviously, Li Yongxun had already been to the embankment last night, because she knew it was not safe, she would not go again.Lin Ming nodded secretly: My sister-in-law is indeed very talented, and she memorized all the points he taught her to use secret notes.

Now Lin Ming was slightly worried, since he had a companion at Lingao, his secret memory became transparent.If you send out a secret note to ask your sister-in-law to meet again, it's okay if you are acquainted with your colleagues, but if you are a stunned young man, you must contact him to "loyalty to the court", which will become a troublesome matter.

However, the meeting with Li Yongxun had to be suspended.Fortunately, they have already contacted, so it is not a problem to meet again.Lin Ming decided to observe for a few days first.As long as he didn't send out a new secret note, Li Yongxun would not take the initiative to contact him.

Li Yongxun also went to the embankment that night, but she arrived a little later.Spotting the police on the embankment, she left the place immediately.After going to work the next day, she immediately went to check last night's security briefing, and she found out that a security incident occurred on the embankment last night: Xin Nachun, a prostitute, was "operating outside the area" and "soliciting customers illegally", and was stationed by the police on Heyuan Street. He was detained and transferred to the Magistrates Court today.

This kind of small and micro case is very common in Lingao, and the handling is relatively simple. The public security court can sentence dozens of cases a day.Like this Xin Nachun, he was beaten with fifty lashes in the criminal court, and then locked up on Heyuan Street for public display for a few days.

Obviously, last night Lin Ming must have been troubled by this prostitute soliciting customers.

But why is Xin Nachun so bold? "Extra-regional business" and "illegal soliciting of customers" are not uncommon, but they usually happen in remote areas where the police force is relatively weak. It is too bold to do such things in places such as the Heyuan Embankment where the police are stationed very close That's it--the few policemen in the criminal office who specialize in executing sentences are all old government servants from the strong class in the past. A whip can make people's faces distorted in pain, and they can't even scream.It is not difficult for three whips to draw out internal injuries, and it is not difficult for ten whips to kill someone.The most powerful.Moreover, for prostitutes with yellow tickets, once they are punished, they will not be able to pick up customers for at least five or six days, regardless of whether they have to be shown to the public. For "self-employed" prostitutes, this loss of income is very large.

Li Yongxun vaguely felt that something was wrong.Xin Nachun is probably not as simple as an ordinary prostitute.

Could it be that the Political Security Bureau is "fishing"?Li Yongxun's mood suddenly became tense.She did not explain Jin Yiwei's password system.But this does not mean that the Kun thief definitely does not know these codes.Jinyiwei is a large and bloated organization with many members. What if the Security Bureau learns the password from a certain channel?
Thinking of this, her heart tightened.If this was the case, not only Lin Ming would be in danger, but he would also be in danger.

Thinking that once he was captured by the Political Security Bureau and sent to the basement for interrogation, he would be stripped naked and tied to a torture rack just like the criminals he had interrogated...

Li Yongxun only felt his lower abdomen slump, and cold sweat broke out on his back.The thought of surrendering herself flashed across her mind.

Don't panic, don't panic, she calmed down, there is no evidence that Xin Nachun is the "bait" of the Political Security Bureau.The first thing I do is to prove it.

How to prove it?Although her police rank is not low, her position is only a clerk in the household registration office.And there's no valid reason to check the files of pornographic prostitutes.

Of course it is possible to check, after all, prostitutes also have household registration and receive ID cards.But the query will leave a record, which is evidence when compared to the scene!
Li Yongxun thought about it again and again, and had to go to the Criminal Office of the Magistrate Court to have a look.If Xin Nachun was really "bait", she would either not execute it at all, or execute it to make up a story—these methods of government servants could not deceive her.

Going to the public security court is one of the tasks of the household registration office. After convicting a prisoner every day, the household registration office will re-register according to the judgment result.Any prisoner who is sentenced to "send to a labor camp for reform", no matter how many months he goes there, has to cancel his local household registration and ID card, and go through migration procedures-a one-stop service.

This kind of routine work is generally arranged for those "newcomers" to do it in turn.

"Fortunately, I happen to have a newcomer here," she thought.

Li Yongxun went to the deputy director and proposed to take Zuo Yamei to the justice court today.

"Can't we let her go alone?" The deputy director was a little embarrassed, "You still have a lot of things to do..."

"She hasn't done this job yet, so I'll take her to get acquainted with it." Li Yongxun didn't change his face. "My work doesn't matter. I can finish it by working overtime on rest days."

After getting permission, she immediately called Zuo Yamei, brought relevant forms and registration books, and went to the Magistrate Court.

Because it was not an urgent business, police carriages could not be sent, and bicycles could not be used—Li Yongxun was very curious about this thing, and it took a lot of effort to learn it.It's a pity that I rarely have the opportunity to ride a bike on weekdays.

The two of them could only walk in a carriage and go there in a public carriage.

The public security court in Lingao was originally set up in the commercial hall of Dongmen City. As the number of cases increased, the arbitration tribunal divided the court. The trial court in the commercial hall was only responsible for economic and civil cases. Criminal cases and public security cases were separately established. Inquisition.

The public security court is still located in Dongmen City—there are the most public security cases here, which is convenient for handling nearby, and it also has the meaning of "deterrence".

The new public security court has a large area, not only has multiple courts that can try cases at the same time, but also has a criminal office for short-term detention of prisoners and execution of corporal punishment.For some minor cases such as spitting, littering, graffiti, etc., arresting and reforming through labor is too strict, and at present they don't need so many low-level labor-tied to the rack It is better to draw dozens of whips.

They came to a special office, and there were already many judgments that had been closed in the morning on the table-the magistrate's court started working at seven o'clock in the morning.While Li Yongxun taught Zuo Yamei how to go through the formalities, he watched the situation in the yard through the glass window.

The courtyard is lined up with prisoners waiting to go to the trial court.They all looked weary, sitting under the eaves on both sides of the yard, and several policemen watched them smoking cigarettes.

Xin Nachun's verdict will not be here - her crimes cannot be "reform through labor".Therefore, if she has not completed the execution, she must be in the waiting line.

Li Yongxun instructed Zuo Yamei to make several materials, and seeing that there was nothing wrong with it, she excused something and left the office alone.

(End of this chapter)

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