Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1537 Liu Fuqing

Chapter 1537 Liu Fuqing

It didn't take long for them to monitor and found that a young woman had left a secret sign here.To the surprise of the trackers, the young woman ended up entering the gates of the national police headquarters.

Soon, detailed investigation results came out. She was a female police officer in the household registration office of the National Police: Li Yongxun, a trainee commander of the National Police.

This result surprised the scouts in charge.Obviously, there is a lot going on in this case.Later, in the archives of the Political Security Bureau, investigators found that this Li Yongxun was also a "controlled user", which further increased her suspicion.

While reporting to their superiors, the scouts dispatched more surveillance personnel to monitor the area within one kilometer around the code to see if anyone else had left a code here to make contact.

However, in the following days, this contact was completely cut off.No one there to contact again.Not only was there no one else, even Li Yongxun stopped going.

After obtaining Zhou Botao's approval, the scouts sent an application for investigation assistance to the National Police's General Affairs Section [-], requesting formal investigation and monitoring of Li Yongxun.
Zhou Botao rang the bell, and his secretary appeared at the door, standing up straight.

"Is Comrade Liu Fuqing here?"

"He's already waiting outside."

"Please come in."

After a while, a half-old man appeared at the door. His hair was already half-bald, his forehead and the corners of his eyes were full of wrinkles, and his small eyes were narrowed and blinked from time to time.The black uniform of the Political Security Bureau was crumpled on him, making him look awkward and wretched.

After the weak report, Zhou Botao asked him to sit down.

"How is it? Is the sea route going well?"

"Thanks to you, Chief, everything is going well." Liu Fuqing blinked her small eyes and said with a smile.His words were as devoid of the "fan" of the Political Security Bureau as he was himself.

"How long have you been working in Jeju Island?"

Liu Fuqing didn't know why the chief asked such a question. It had been three years since he was appointed as the special commissioner of the Political Security Bureau to Jeju Island.Although it is normal to return to the General Administration after the end of his term this time to wait for a new assignment, but he was summoned by the department-level superior as soon as he came back, so there must be some important dispatch.

This former secretary of the Ministry of Criminal Justice in Nanjing is very sophisticated, and he is shrewd and capable from his ancestors.Knowing that there is another opportunity for promotion, he quickly stood at attention and said: "Report to the chief: I worked as a political security commissioner in Jeju Island for a total of three years. This time I came back to report after my term expired."

"Don't be humble, our Senate doesn't like this. They are all comrades. Sit down, sit down." Zhou Botao said, took out a cigar and handed it to him, "I have read your materials, you are indeed a public The old man in the middle is fine and capable."

Liu Fuqing was flattered to accept the cigar. This kind of cigar with a red hoop is specially provided by the elders, and ordinary naturalized people can't afford it or buy it: "It's because the chiefs have good leadership..."

He didn't mention which chiefs, in order to prevent Zhou Botao from "tasting", and secondly, there was no guarantee that there would be no grievances among the chiefs.It's better not to shoot too hard to flatter.

"Don't talk about the facade. There is a case now." Zhou Botao lit a cigar himself, "Your materials include the deeds of participating in the cracking of the 315 counter-revolutionary case in Jeju Island - you have more experience, so I plan to hand over this case to you .”

"Thank you, Chief, for your trust!" Liu Fuqing was overjoyed, but was afraid for a while.Chief Zhou specifically mentioned the 315 case, which was classified as a "counter-revolutionary case". If it were to be placed in Daming, it would be a heinous case of "conspiracy" to punish the nine clans!
I handled the 315 case in Jeju Island at the beginning. After solving the case, I not only won the "Director's Award", but was also promoted to a first-level military rank.This time when he came back to Lingao, Chief Zhou specially named himself to handle the case—this is the rhythm of going straight to the sky!
Although Liu Fuqing was not from any yamen on Hainan Island, but because he had worked as a secretary, he belonged to the "retention group" in the government affairs system of the Senate.This group of people came from officials, book offices and government servants in various Ming government offices.Because taking the initiative to seek refuge or mastering a certain professional technology is accepted by the government affairs system.

However, their origins are destined not to be trusted by the Senate. Liu Fuqing knows that the chiefs trust most are the naturalized people from Fangcaodi, followed by the "poor households" who have been promoted from among the naturalized people and have received great favor from the Senate .

At any rate, Liu Fuqing was a "criminal prisoner who came to vote", which can be regarded as "received a great favor", but he is very aware of the distrust of the elders towards the subordinates. With this background, it is quite difficult to make a success under the rule of the Senate.He is also in his fifties, and he can no longer learn the tune of touching heels and saluting "serving the Senate" from young people.It is only serious to solve a few more cases.

"You're an old man from our Security Bureau..." Zhou Botao said with eye circles, seeing that Liu Fuqing's addiction to cigarettes in front of him was a little hooked, he smiled, "You smoke too." He said and handed him the cigar cutter

"Yes, yes." Liu Fuqing leaned over and picked up the cigar, and carefully cut it like Zhou Botao did. He was feeling for matches all over his body when Zhou Botao handed the desktop lighter in front of him, and it caught fire.

Liu Fuqing was overwhelmed with flattery, and said repeatedly: "Don't dare to be, don't dare to be." Then he took a deep breath on the flame.

"You are also a member of the old man's family. I believe that the things played by the people in the Ming family can't escape your discernment."

"The chief has given me the award." Liu Fuqing's old affairs for many years, he knew that this case must involve the Ming court.He has worked hard for many years, knowing that although the Australians live in this small Hainan Island and devote themselves to farming, they are moved by the idea of ​​"he can replace them".

Now that he saw the headmaster mentioning it seriously, he immediately stated unequivocally that he would do his best to handle the case assigned by the headmaster.

"This is the case file." Zhou Botao handed him the file box, "This case is likely to involve Jin Yiwei." As he spoke, he paid attention to Liu Fuqing's reaction.

Liu Fuqing was not too surprised: "This is what it should be. Originally, Jin Yiwei had the duty to inquire about side affairs."

"Are you familiar with Jin Yiwei?"

"I used to work in the Ministry of Criminal Affairs in Nanjing, and I have dealt with Jinyiwei." Liu Fuqing said slowly, "During the Tianqi period, it was a good time for Dongchang, and there were many people who came out to do business—most of them were Jinyiwei. Get in touch, know a thing or two."

"Does Jin Yiwei have his own contact code?"

"Yes." Liu Fuqing said without hesitation.

"Do you understand the tricks inside?"

Liu Fuqing shook his head regretfully: "This is their secret, not to mention me as an outsider, the general Jinyiwei military households don't know about it, it has to be the official school in charge of detectives to know."

Zhou Botao wasn't too surprised. If everyone knew about it, then the Security Bureau would have known about it long ago.He briefly introduced the case to Liu Fuqing, and then said:
"Deputy Director Zhao means to take a long line and catch big fish. Dig out the spies lurking in important institutions. I won't give you a time limit for this case."

"Yes, I totally understand."

"I now appoint you as the leader of the Sun Umbrella Task Force to investigate this case!"

In addition to him, there is also a deputy team leader - Ke Yun.As Li Yongxun's "monitor", Ke Yun is very familiar with her personal and life trajectory, so it is very suitable to be the deputy team leader.

Flattered, Liu Fuqing left Zhou Botao's office with the file.He only felt that the file in his hand was extremely important. It was not just a few pages, but the future of himself and his descendants!
However, if he messes up, this is also the handcuffs and shackles that will send him to the eighteenth floor of hell!
Thinking of this, his hands trembled again.

With such complicated emotions, Liu Fuqing came to the office of the special case team. Ke Yun hadn't come yet, so he began to study the information at hand by himself.

In addition to the materials that Zhou Botao handed over to him, the archives sent more materials one after another: the dossier roughly contained two parts of materials: the infiltrating case of Nan Wuliang Sect personnel cracked in the Umbrella Project and the materials of Li Yongxun.

Liu Fuqing carefully read all the materials. As a former secretary of the Criminal Ministry, reading case files is a basic skill.Experienced clerks do not need to meet prisoners, witnesses, and presiding officials, but they can roughly know the true facts of the case from the case files, whether there is any injustice or fraud, and whether the interrogating officials have made mistakes in interrogation and sentencing.Of course, the book office has this ability not for the sake of judicial justice, but mainly as a way to make money.

Obviously, the Umbrella Project has nothing to offer. These people are small roles, not even the top leaders of the sect. Although they have been interrogated repeatedly, they can't provide any important clues.It is useless except to prove the existence of spies who are familiar with the political affairs of the local and the Senate.

If there is a breakthrough, Li Yongxun is indeed one.Arresting her directly for interrogation should lead to some important clues, but this violates the instruction of "taking a long line to catch big fish". Liu Fuqing feels that even if Li Yongxun is a member of Jinyiwei, he will not be a big fish.Furthermore, there is one thing that can roughly rule out her possibility: Li Yongxun was arrested and brought to Lingao, and did not take the initiative to defect.To say that this was all planned and arranged by Jin Yiwei is really ingenious.Furthermore, how can Jin Yiwei ensure that Li Yongxun will enter the national police after being caught in Lingao instead of being silenced directly?

So where are the clues?After much deliberation, Liu Fuqing decided to start with the social relations around Li Yongxun.According to the report, Li Yongxun began to behave abnormally and smeared secret marks on the wall more than a month ago. Then by analyzing her activities and the people around this time point, you can probably know who may have problems.

Li Yongxunran is a "control subject", and the monitoring of her should be very comprehensive. As long as Ke Yun comes and asks her to fully analyze the relevant monitoring materials, Liu Fuqing is sure to find useful clues.

(End of this chapter)

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