Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1540 Performing their duties

Chapter 1540 Performing their duties
If we talk about the treatment of bruises, bone setting, and even acupuncture, these are all common skills in the martial arts—each sect has its own unique secret recipes, and there are five hundred panacea medicines that claim to be hair-cutting and marrow-washing. At that time, I didn't have seventeen or eight small porcelain bottles in my arms, I was really sorry for my name.On the contrary, it is rare to see poisons, drugs and the like-these things belong to the third class.Using it will damage your reputation, not to mention that if it is discovered by the yamen, it will be sued: how can good people run around the streets with poison?

Although each sect and faction has its own "big threshold" as the backstage, and many of the disciples are from the families of the gentry, and they are not ordinary people who can only kneel and say nothing when they see officials, the government is still not easy to deal with.Therefore, although such drugs are concocted by others, they are not on the table.

"If it's about opening a medical shop, I have the ability to do it without bone setting." The middle-aged man nodded and said.

"Uncle Jiao, you are from the North Dragon Gate of horse trading, isn't that your job?" Zhou Zhongjun looked very excited, "I don't have the ability to see a doctor, so it's okay to bring you something to help with tea and water. .”

The one called Uncle Jiao is Jiao Gongli, the head of the North Dragon Sect.His Beilongmen is a small sect in Shanxi.To say it is a martial arts sect, it is better to say it is a horse dealer group that goes to the west entrance.

Horses are very precious and delicate animals. Sometimes it is unavoidable to suffer from fractures, injuries and other diseases. Most horse breeders and horse traders know how to set bones and bones, and have some unique herbal medicines.In addition to treating horses, people are also treated-the effect is quite good.In the second generation of Ming and Qing Dynasties, the most famous orthopedic surgeon in the capital was a Mongolian who specialized in treating horses in Taipu Temple.

As a horse dealer organization in Beilongmen, bone setting is indeed an ancestral craft for Jiao Gongli.

Jiao Gongli looked slightly embarrassed, but he smiled and said: "Miss Zhou came to serve me tea and water, how dare I be a rough man. If Master Miejing knew about it, she wouldn't have skinned me."

"Where, where, I don't know how to massage, and I don't know how to see a doctor. What else can I do if I don't bring you tea and water?" Zhou Zhongjun is very enthusiastic about the idea of ​​"opening a shop"-the Hengshan School is all women, and the disciples of the sect are controlled. Very strict, his daily life is boring and monotonous, and he is very keen on this kind of novelty.

Jiao Gongli giggled a few times, but Huang Zhen knew that this girl was just for fun, and besides, she had a different status, so it was Nan Wan'er who really wanted someone to serve tea and water.

But at this moment, she couldn't dampen her interest—her master Mie Jing Shitai was an important figure in the sect, and he fully supported this operation.She smiled immediately and said, "Miss Zhou is versatile in both civil and military affairs, how can she do such things as serving tea and pouring water? Whenever a medical shop is opened, someone must record the prescription and distribute the medicine. When the time comes, you will do this."

Zhou Zhongjun was only doing it for fun, and he didn't care what to do, so he agreed immediately.

Sima Qiudao secretly sneered in his heart, this place is dominated by Huang Zhen, so it is inconvenient for him to say more.

"I also know a little about acupuncture, but only in gynecology..." Nan Wan'er said in a low voice, seeming a bit lacking in confidence.

Before the words fell, before Huang Zhen opened his mouth, Zhou Zhongjun sneered, and interjected: "Don't show your little tricks! You are better than Mrs. Yiming and Mrs. Anhui in terms of acupuncture and moxibustion?"

Nan Wan'er immediately said: "That's what I said...if...if it's useful..."

Huang Zhen still had an amiable face: "Miss Nan has a good heart. But we all have to rely on Miss Nan. I can't bear to make Miss Nan work hard, haha, haha." Cover up the topic.

Sima Qiudao said, "Since we open a medical shop, we must have some medicines."

"That's okay, I carry some bone-setting medicine with me." Jiao Gongli said.

Others also expressed that they carry medicines with them, which can be temporarily used to recharge.

"I'm not talking about that." Sima Qiudao said, "It's true that you all have some pills on your body, but as a medical shop, there are too few. I'm afraid it won't be a matter of a day or two for us to open a shop here, so what if the medicine runs out? What's more, the pills you brought are all carefully prepared by your own sect—not to mention the precious ingredients, and some of them took several years or even tens of years of effort to concoct so few pairs, just like this Wouldn't it be a big waste to take it out casually to benefit a few grassroots people?"

Everyone nodded.Sima Qiudao continued: "Besides, it's just a small medical shop, how can it accommodate so many people? The thief must be suspicious, if it wants to collect herbs and medicines, it makes sense!"

Before the words were finished, someone clapped their hands and laughed: "My nephew's words are true! With this name, we can freely go out to collect and buy medicines. It's a bit more convenient to act!"

The person who spoke was clear in appearance, tall and thin, about fifty years old.There is a sense of being born a superior person.This person has no family or sect, he is a local tyrant in the Funiu Mountains in Zhongzhou, his name is Song Shengying.He was born in the green forest. After middle age, he washed his hands in a golden basin and returned to the right way.It is rumored that he is anxious about public affairs and loves righteousness, donating righteousness and donating money, so he has a lot of friends, not only the government is well maintained, but people in the martial arts also call him "Huo Mengchang".This time he will go out in person, not only Sima Qiudao finds it incredible, but even Huang Zhen can't believe it.

Huang Zhen nodded and said yes, this idea is obviously better than simply opening a medical shop, and this "freedom of movement" is worth a thousand dollars.Although the kun thieves do not restrict the flow of people, if people like myself frequently travel to various parts of the county without a legitimate reason, I am afraid that sooner or later they will attract the attention of the kun thieves. Medicine as an excuse.

"Song Zhuangzhu really has rich experience in the world, and he is worthy of being a hero of the green forest!" Zhou Zhongjun interjected again, unwilling to be lonely.Song Shengying's face suddenly turned sullen, and Sima Qiudao knew that he was very jealous of others talking about the past when he was in the green forest when he was young, and he was secretly amused-but he was also a little worried.

As an elder, Song Shengying naturally couldn't argue with a junior like Zhou Zhongjun, let alone now that everyone is in the same boat, it would not be good for anyone to turn their faces.He coughed and said, "I know both gunpowder and combined medicine. With the help of Meng Liang and Meng Guang, our clinic can do it well!"

Huang Zhen knew that the two brothers lived in seclusion in the mountains all the year round, and collecting herbs was their main livelihood on weekdays-people in the martial arts can't eat wind and drink dew, and they can't openly "rob the rich and help the poor" like the green forest.Those who are well-known can still rely on industrial maintenance, and those like Meng Liang and Meng Guang are either subsidized by others, or they rely on their own skills.

These two brothers are almost middle-aged, they are usually taciturn, and they don't show their emotions or anger. Hearing what Song Shengying said, the two of them just nodded slightly to express their agreement.

Song Shengying went on to say: "The shopkeeper, of course, has to work hard for you, Brother Huang. If we want to get along here, we can't rely on acting, we have to do it! So everyone put aside the seniority and so on, and you just put the shopkeeper It’s the airs that tell us to work hard.”

Huang Zhencai wanted to be polite, Zhou Zhongjun said happily: "Yes, yes, Senior Huang is the most like a shopkeeper!" When it comes to opening a shop, she seems to be more energetic than anyone else, and suddenly she frowned, "Hero Sima has no job yet. What about the secretary! I think he is perfect for a master copywriter—he is always melancholy and literary, and he is most like those poor literati."

Sima Qiudao laughed, seeing that the distribution was over, everyone had no objection.Sima Qiudao said, "I won't stay in the shop anymore."

Zhou Zhongjun wondered: "Young man Sima, where are you going if you don't stay here?"

Sima Qiudao said: "It's not okay for us to all stay here in Nanbao Town. Although the Han and Li clutter here is an important place to attack, it is not an important place for the thieves. Although we are relatively safe here, we are deaf and blind. What's the matter?" It's going to be half a beat..."

Although "Seven Masters" tried to send news every few days, Sima Qiudao and others also went to Dongmen City to meet Xin Nachun in turn, but the news transmission was still inconvenient.Frequent communication and connections are inherently dangerous.So "Qi Ye" informed them in the last secret letter that they should try to send someone to lurk in Dongmen City.In this way, they can communicate with secret codes in public, without having to go through Xin Nachun or letters.

A few days ago, he and Huang Zhen had already discussed this matter.It was decided that Sima Qiudao went to Dongmen City to lurk, and Huang Zhen was in Nanbao.

"I'm going to Dongmen City too!" Zhou Zhongjun said in a hurry, completely forgetting the enthusiasm for opening a store just now, "Sima Shaoxia, take me with you."

Staying in this mining town for a long time has made her feel bored, and she has heard about the hustle and bustle of Dongmen City for a long time, so she wants to have a look and relax.

Sima Qiudao smiled slightly, waved his hands and said, "How can this be possible. Miss Zhou and I went alone, how inconvenient..."

It was only then that Zhou Zhongjun realized that his request was too abrupt. Both of them were unmarried, and the lonely man and the widow lived alone, which would greatly hinder his reputation.He couldn't help but blushed.However, she was always unwilling to take advantage of her words, and spat: "Who is with you alone? You have a good idea. Let's go to Dongmen City together to find out about the robbers."

Sima Qiudao nodded and smiled: "Miss Zhou is very good if she has such a heart, stay here and make a stop first, it won't be too late for the girl to come."

Song Shengying asked with concern: "What identity is my nephew planning to go to Dongmen City? You know the Book of Changes, so you can pretend to be a gold point. You are free and unobtrusive."

"Qi Ye said that under the rule of the kun thieves, you can't do business in the rivers and lakes. If you catch them, you will send them to dig sand and smash stones. I have been to this Dongmen City a few times, but I have never seen a fortune teller." Sima Qiu Dao frowned and said, "For the present plan, as Miss Zhou said, the only way is to find a shop in Dongmen City to find a job as a copywriter—but in this way, it is very difficult to act freely."

(End of this chapter)

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