Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1547

Chapter 1547
Zhuo Yifan returned to the courtyard and closed the door.Back to the courtyard.

He smiled and cupped his hands at the crowd who were still in the courtyard: "Everyone, I was tired along the way." He bowed to the end.

Starting from Guangzhou, these dozen or so people put on a sullen face and pretended to be a rich family. It's fine to be a "master" like Zhuo Yifan. Most of them are "slaves", and several of them are from the martial arts world. It is really not easy for a well-known and well-known figure to be served by others along the way.

"This is a business that went deep into Longtan and had a narrow escape from death. It's nothing to suffer a little bit." The "housekeeper" who was serving in the courtyard shook his head and said, "I just hope that this time I can hit it with one blow and live up to it." The great trust of the adults and superiors!"

"Let's share the worries of the imperial court from the top, and relieve the troubles of Li Shu from the bottom." Another man dressed as a servant went on to say, "You can risk your life, it's not a problem.Zhuo Shaoxia, you don't have to be polite. "

Among the "slaves" in the courtyard, these two are the oldest and have the highest status. If they express their views, others will naturally only agree.

Zhuo Yifan bowed again.Then he said to the "housekeeper": "Uncle Lao Wan is the house arrangement for everyone."

The name of the "housekeeper" is Wanlifeng, known as "Zhuifengjian". He used to be a bodyguard in his early years, and he is familiar with the ways of big families.Immediately nodded and said: "Don't worry, leave it to me."

Zhuo Yifan walked to the corridor.There were already several men and women standing in the corridor, and he knew with a glance: there were only Hengshan sect disciples left in the main room.

The top and bottom of the Hengshan School are all women, and their behavior is somewhat "unconventional". Zhuo Yifan has seen a lot of things along the way.

Zhuo Yifan stood at the door and didn't go in. The inside was full of women. To avoid this suspicion, he said through the thin bamboo curtain:

"Master, the buddy has already left."

"Master Zhuo? Please come in and talk."


Zhuo Yifan lifted the bamboo curtain and walked in.

The "old lady" is sitting in the middle, and the female disciples stand on both sides.Although the room was very shady and cool, beads of sweat kept falling on the old woman's face and forehead. The "old lady" held a towel in her hand and wiped it from time to time, her demeanor was no longer as "dignified" as before.

The person posing as the "Old Lady" is none other than Mie Jing Shitai of the Hengshan School.Most of the maids around him are young disciples of our sect.

Although this teacher was pampered on the road, it was not easy: in order to conceal her status as a monk, she wore a heavy wig all the way except when she was sleeping at night.After passing Guangzhou, the weather became hotter and hotter day by day, and even the heavy and stuffy wig on the head felt uncomfortable.

"Master Zhuo, please sit down."

"Yes, thank you, Mrs. Zhuo Yifan." Zhuo Yifan's attitude was very respectful—the tempers of the leaders of the Hengshan School were somewhat weird.

"Is everything settled outside?"

"The luggage has already been delivered, and everyone's accommodation has been arranged." Zhuo Yifan reported, "The master and the disciples of the noble sect will live in this main room. I will send the luggage in a while." Come in. At dinner, I will also tell the staff that you are fasting, and tell them to come over for a high-quality vegetarian meal."

Mie Jing had no expression on his face, and when he heard that he had made the arrangements and had nothing to say, he nodded and said, "I'll take care of you."

"Where, the teacher is an elder, and these are all nephew's duties. The nephew will go out tonight to contact Qiye and the others. I will report to the teacher tomorrow when I get the news."

Mie Jing nodded: "Just go ahead and do it. I heard that the Kun thief's minions are very powerful. There are some factory guards, and there are many martial arts scum among them. You have to be careful in everything."

"Yes, my nephew knows. Please rest assured, Master."

Mie Jing nodded slightly and stopped talking.

When Zhuo Yifan returned to the courtyard, Wan Lifeng had already settled the house: in addition to the disciples of the Hengshan School living in the small courtyard, other women also lived here, and all the men lived in the big courtyard.

As for the luggage, there was nothing at all, except for the clothes and bedding that I carried with me, there were only swords and weapons, all of which were hidden in the box.

As for the large and small official boxes filled with carriages, most of them are filled with bricks and rubble, which are purely blindfolded.Even though they were all fakes, Wan Lifeng didn't dare to pile them up outside, lest the assistants get suspicious, so he worked tirelessly to pile them all up in the wing room.

After a lot of work and everything was settled, Master Miejing sent two more disciples to deliver the fruit and a large jar of sour plum soup brought by the staff to the big courtyard for everyone to cool off from the heat.

A group of people originally carried boxes and got sweaty all over, and they no longer cared about their dignity when they had these things to quench their summer heat and thirst. They each found a place in the shade of a tree or under the eaves to sit and eat and drink.

Zhuo Yifan is the leader, although his seniority is small, his status is not low.The stone table and chairs under the grape arbor in the courtyard were given over to him and several leaders in the team: Wan Lifeng, Sha Guangtian, and Meng Bofei.

These three are quite important figures in the martial arts, and Zhuo Yifan knew that they were willing to come to this muddy water only because of the prestige of their master Taoist Baishi or the righteous name of "sharing the worries of the court and solving the misfortunes of the people" Points are not enough.

Zhuo Yifan only knew that the instigator behind this operation was "Shi Weng", and he had no idea who this Shi Weng was.However, to be able to mobilize so many martial arts heroes must be a figure with great influence in both the government and the opposition.

"What do we do next?"

"Wait for the opportunity." Zhuo Yifan said, "This place is the heartland of the Kun thief, so please don't act rashly. Let me get in touch with Mr. Sima first, and then talk about other things. Uncle Wan—you still play the role of your housekeeper, Although the door is closed to become unified, there are still rules that should be followed, and no flaws should be exposed. If the staff sees and informs, it will immediately ruin the big thing! Naturally, some comrades have to suffer some grievances ..."

"Yes, I can save this." Wan Lifeng nodded, "Everyone has been in the rivers and lakes for many years, and the truth will be clear once I explain it."

"You need to have enough style. But don't go too far. We are also a big family after all. We can't make money from nouveau riche."

Several people smiled.Zhuo Yifan said to Sha and Meng again: "The two uncles are still in the role of guarding the courtyard. They lead everyone to guard the gate tightly, guarding the gate during the day and sending out sentries at night. Especially the teacher's wife, especially the guards. Someone breaks in—it’s easy for her to reveal her secrets.”

There was a knowing smile on the faces of the two of them. After arriving at Lingao, there was no need for the teacher to continue wearing a wig to suffer, but if someone looked at her, it would immediately become a piece of news.

"If it's not necessary, don't go out of the store. Even the courtyard, don't go out lightly. As for things like inquiring about news and exploring the way, I'll talk about it after Sima and I meet—after all, they came half a month earlier."

The three nodded together.While talking, suddenly the doorbell rang loudly, everyone was startled, and stood up with a whoosh, Zhuo Yifan quickly waved his hand, signaling Wanlifeng to answer the door.

All the people in the yard hurriedly packed up the fruit and tea cups and hid in the house.Sha and Meng stood with their hands down in the corridor.

As soon as the courtyard door opened, it was Li Xiaoliu, holding a thick stack of papers in his hand, laughing before he opened his mouth. It turned out that he was here to inform about tomorrow's registration.

"...This is the household registration certificate. Since the young master and the old lady want to stay in Lingao for a long time, according to the rules here, they need to apply for a temporary household registration. This is the government's rule. Please forgive the young master and the old lady." Li Xiaoliu said After saying hello, he said, "Tomorrow, the household registration police from the Dongmen City Police Station will come here to review your registration. Please wait in the store and don't go out. Don't miss the official business, and it will be very inconvenient then. "

Zhuo Yifan thought in his heart that this gangster has a big tone, and a mere publicity has such a big ostentation, even the ostentatious residents of such a big family like them dare to ask people to stay in the store "waiting for review", no I know how to feed the common people on weekdays.There is some disapproval in my heart.

Sure enough, Wan Lifeng frowned and said, "It's all right to fill in the household registration papers. Come here and do this ceremony. It's just a small business, and we have to 'wait' for our young master and old lady, which is too..."

The clerk hurriedly said: "Housekeeper! You can't say that. If you want to talk about the registration of accounts, if you follow the rules of the chiefs, you must go to the police station to register. It took a lot of effort for our young master to let them come to the store." The re-examination and issuance of certificates is considered a special case. You have also seen that the family just now——doesn’t know how it will end.”

"What's the origin of that female princess? She's so tough?"

"That one is a policeman from the Dongmen City Police Station, named Lian Nishang. He is the most pungent." The clerk said with a smile, "She is a nice person, but don't have any 'shouldn't' thoughts about her. "

"So you really want their family members to go out on the street and wait in line?" Wan Lifeng wanted to trick him, so he led him to continue, "It's nothing more than spending a few dollars."

"It's hard to say!" The clerk shook his head, "It's absolutely impossible to spend money. It depends on whether Ji Dong can go to the police station to help him. From the point of view of the villain, Xuan!"

"Lingao's law is so strict?"

"Yes, so the villain also reminds everyone: this place is no better than Daming. Don't break the rules of the Australians."

"Thank you, little brother." Wan Lifeng said as he took out a circulation coupon from his pocket and stuffed it to him, "Take it for tea."

"Thanks for the housekeeper's reward." Li Xiaoliu smiled and greeted him again, and then asked attentively how to arrange dinner, do you want to arrange a horse-drawn carriage or a rickshaw to go sightseeing in Dongmen City?

"You can arrange dinner according to the first-class standard in the guest book. Our old lady has a vegetarian meal and must prepare a vegetarian meal. As for the carriage and horses, I will not use it for the time being. The journey is exhausting, so I have to rest early today. In the evening, you should prepare more Here comes the hot water."

"Yes, I understand." Li Xiaoliu smiled, "As for hot water, our shop has hot water supply at night, and you can use it anytime you turn on the tap."

(End of this chapter)

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