Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1562 Party

Chapter 1562 Gathering ([-])

This house was no different from the Australian houses she had seen and lived in in Lingao, the walls were whitewashed with lime water, and a gas lamp was mounted on the wall.The windows are bright glass, and the floors are more elegant: bamboo floors are used.The ceiling is not high, and the area of ​​the room is pitifully small.

This house is really smaller than the pigsty my family used to have!Although Wang Baoer's family used to be a small grain household, the courtyard house in their house was quite large. The threshing ground in front of the door was almost one mu of land, and each of the three large tile-roofed houses facing north was twice the size of this house. The wing rooms for those who are busy with work are bigger than here.

The man in my family has been bragging about how rich the "chiefs" are, how well they treat the people, how the people live and work in peace and contentment, and how well they eat and wear... It sounds like a paradise on earth—it just depends on how suffocating the house is. Qu, that's all...

But in the final analysis, Lingao is a peaceful place, there are no rebels and bandits everywhere, and the food is cheap. Not to mention fine grains, there are fish to eat from time to time.In her hometown, not to mention famine and military disasters, even in normal times, it is rare for a family like her to eat a few meals of fine grains, let alone fish—if there is a piece of tofu, it is considered an improvement in food.

It's not bad to have such a small place to live. You must know that I and my husband can't even live in such a house.I don't know when I will have a house of my own.I am also suffering a lot, not counting the loss of my family, but in the end I am reduced to marrying such an inferior martial artist!Thinking of this, she couldn't help crying secretly, and when she heard Zheng Yuee call her to put the plate, she quickly wiped it with her sleeve.

Huang Ande called his brothers to sit down.Everyone put the wine and food they brought on the big table one after another. Huang Ande is a bachelor, so naturally no one cooks. What he prepared was to buy two roast ducks from Dongmen City: Treasure duck, oily and crispy.And prepare a lot of rice beer and fruit wine.

The two female relatives did not dare to sit with the men like the legendary female chief, but hid in the kitchen to prepare wine and meat dishes.

"Brother Huang, your gas stove works really well. You can light it with a match at the touch of a button, and it will go up."

"This is because the chief is powerful, and the stove is so sophisticated." Wang Baoer carefully looked at the stove, "There is steam coming out here, maybe the chiefs are using methane from manure."

"It's not biogas, it's coal gas." Zheng Yue'e is well-informed, "Biogas is a thing that will disappear for a while, and cooking with it is unreliable." She took out a cloth apron to wrap around it, rolled up her sleeves and started to work stand up.The food and drinks are all ready-made, except for cold meat slices and plates, the others only need to be heated up.

After everyone was seated, Huang Ande asked everyone to fill up.After seeing that the wine glass was full, Huang Ande raised the wine glass and said that everyone was a brother who followed him through life and death. If it weren't for the help of the brothers, his more than [-] catties of meat might have been thrown in Dengzhou City.After finishing speaking, he drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.Everyone sighed for a while, and drank up their cups one after another.After drinking the wine, the chatterbox opened up and the atmosphere became lively.At this time, recalling bitterness and thinking sweet is the easiest way to resonate with everyone.

"Hey, in the Dengzhou camp back then, I could look forward to eating a full meal, and it would be worth it to die. I didn't expect that I would be able to eat a full meal now. It's a pity, Brother Zhang, he is so good at riding horses, and his martial arts are also amazing. After doing the work, Master Lu said it would be very useful, but he didn’t expect to go out to scout and shoot an arrow to the Liao soldiers, and he just died like this!"

"Big Li is also pitiful. He is usually as strong as a cow, but he fell ill as soon as he arrived in Lingao. It passed within a few days. He didn't enjoy a single blessing. Sigh."

"Even if you go to Lingao, you don't necessarily enjoy the blessings. Bi Dalu in Shuiying—my cousin, also went to Lingao and was assigned to the navy. He followed his master to wait for the boiler to load coal, and when the stove blew up, steam spewed out and scalded him to death! Speaking of which, he was an only seedling, and his whole family died in Dengzhou. I didn't expect it to disappear like this!"

Everyone talked about their friends and acquaintances, which caused bursts of sighs.

At this time, Cao Qing chuckled and said, "Among us, apart from Brother Huang, Fourth Brother Zhu is the most capable. He can even pull out his old friend from the crowd of thousands of troops." In a word Making everyone at the table laugh, Zhu Si bowed his head and smiled silly twice, but Zheng Yuee poked her head out from the kitchen and spat: "Cao Qing, you can't change your stinky mouth anywhere."

Zhu Si said: "This is because Brother Huang is willing to help, otherwise I don't have the ability!"

"Speaking of it, it's the kindness of the Senate. If Chief Lu hadn't sent me to buy people in the city, how would you have met your younger brother and sister Zhu Si? How could I have rescued her?" Huang Ande said with emotion, "Your younger brother and sister should die too! You should have this marriage!"

Zhu Si giggled, looking like a fool.Zheng Yuee came out with a large plate. Two roast ducks had been re-roasted on the stove. They were all sliced ​​into slices. Each slice had skin and meat. It was served with sweet bean sauce, scallions, cucumber strips and pancakes—all matching I bought it, Zheng Yue'e is now working as a helper in a cooperative restaurant, and her knife skills are not bad.

"Eat well, it won't taste good if it's cold!" He wiped his hands on his apron, then turned back to the kitchen to get other food and drinks.

Huang Ande saw that Zheng Yue'e was talking and laughing freely, returning to the look of the hot girl back then, so he couldn't help toasting and smiling.Turning his head, he saw his cousin, Huang Xiong, eating vegetables by himself.My daughter-in-law also hid in the kitchen and did not come out, only working silently.

"Brother, here are all my brothers, let's have a drink together." Huang Ande couldn't help but persuade him to drink.The yellow bear sighed slightly, and had a drink with Huang Ande.

"Brother, why do you look so depressed?"

"Brother Ander, to tell you the truth, brother, I have recently entered the tactical training class of the General Staff. When I entered the class, most of them joined the army later than me—ordinarily we were also members of the earliest security regiment. Back then We didn't catch up in the big battle, we really couldn't catch up step by step." He took another sip of mulled wine and sighed heavily.

Huang Ande knows best about the yellow bear: the second anti-encirclement campaign did not catch up, and he did not participate in the subsequent summer awakening, and his Xugong was much worse than that of the same period.It was not easy for him to get involved in such a big action as the engine operation. As a result, his team, because they didn't control themselves, were not promoted. Instead, they got Jeju Island as the White Horse team, and missed the subsequent action against Zheng's family.

However, since each of them got a wife, in Lingao where there are many men and few women, it's hard to say whether this is good or bad.Huang Xiong's wife, Wang Baoer, also hid in the kitchen and did not dare to come out to respond when her husband said this.

Huang Ande comforted Huang Xiong: "Brother, didn't you marry a wife? Now my wife is happy now. It's better to have a son tomorrow than to be promoted!"

"Brother Ander, don't look at me as a daughter-in-law, but I haven't been promoted, and I haven't been assigned a house. If I want to buy it, I don't know that I have to wait in line until the year of the monkey. Now we have to sleep in the dormitory. I can say that my wife has the body to live in." I don’t feel at ease in the collective dormitory. Others dislike it. Besides, what will I do after I have a baby? It’s not always possible to continue to live in the dormitory..."

Huang Xiong and his wife are similar to Zhu Si's couple. They live apart on weekdays and only get together on holidays.After pregnancy, it will be inconvenient to live in a collective dormitory.For this reason, Wang Baoer has been having trouble with Huang Xiong recently.

Buying land and building a house by yourself is not necessary in Lingao: except for some land owned by the aborigines in the past, almost all the land belongs to the Senate. The Planning Council not only controls the land planning of the whole county, but also never sells houses to individuals Base, unless there are natives who are willing to sell them homesteads: the price is simply unaffordable for the yellow bears.

Wang Qisuo said: "Brother Huang, can't he apply for a house? Recently, our garrison battalion has just allocated houses to officers. Brother Huang has the qualifications of the old security regiment, which is longer than the oldest company commander in our battalion."

"We are a field army, how can we compare with the Habayashi Army like you? I applied, but there are many officers in the battalion who apply. Although I am senior, I have not fought a few times. The score is not enough. I can only queue slowly. According to Xiaoxie from Lianqin, it will be my turn at least until next year.”

"Brother Huang, you are an old man in the security team. You were the first to follow the chief Conglong, so you should have a discount." Wang Qisuo said while eating wine and vegetables.

"Sir, do you still remember us? Now the Senate has a great career and a strong army..." Huang Xiong was full of complaints after drinking too much.He recently received training in the General Staff's tactical training class, which was originally a good thing to prepare for promotion.After I went there, I saw that many people whose qualifications were much later than myself were on the same level as me in military ranks, or even above me.Although I got my wife, I can't help but feel a little bit uneasy.What's more, because of this wife's violation of discipline, she didn't get a house, so Wang Bao'er, who came to Lingao, had to mutter from time to time: "The officials in my family have made great contributions to the chief. Other families have houses, why don't mine have houses?" .and have to squeeze in with so many people."

"Besides, there isn't any enlightened private school here, so how will the children go to school in the future." Wang Baoer, who had been silent in the kitchen for a long time, also interrupted after hearing her husband's muttering.

"It's easy to go to school. The chiefs also have schools. Your brother Huang Xiong is an officer, and your children don't need money to go to school. You can rest assured." Huang Ande also knew that the land in Lingao was very expensive, and he didn't dare to accept it because he was nervous about living. Huang Xiong said a few words along with his younger siblings.But as soon as the conversation started, the brothers Huang Ande brought out from Dengzhou complained more.

(End of this chapter)

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