Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1564 Party

Chapter 1564 Gathering ([-])

Huang Ande patiently listened to the brothers' complaints without saying a word.Generally speaking, the brothers did not do well in Lingao, because most of them did not have any special skills, except for those who were soldiers, they were laborers, and they did well. Only Lu Laoji was the only one.Although Huang Ande felt that the chiefs must have a reason for such an arrangement, the brothers who were born and died with Lao Huang felt that this was wronged.

Cao Qing said: "Brother Huang, we should all come to serve as soldiers for you. Our brothers all climbed out of the dead with Brother Huang, and we all believed it. It is better to serve as soldiers for the Australians than to be in the army." Working hard in the factory."

Huang Ande knew that the chief was most privately afraid of forming cliques, so he quickly expressed the saying that Australians have no personal servants to serve in the army, if anyone is willing to serve in the army, he can just sign up for the next recruitment.But I don't know where I can get it.

He felt that what Huang Xiong said was a bit bad, so he decided to take this opportunity to persuade everyone.

"Brother! Although you were unlucky and your future was delayed, the chief didn't forget your contribution. Didn't you still recruit you into the training class? If you really forgot, I'll leave you in the white horse team to grow hair Brother, do you still remember being stupefied in the third year of high school?"

"Why don't you remember? He was a sergeant in the security regiment, and he was also a deserter from Beizhili. I went to fight Baitu Village with him." Huang Xiong still had an impression of this half of the villagers, "I heard he was in the village. He was injured during the Chengmai battle and retired from the army."

"I saw him last month. He was missing an arm and his leg was a little lame. The chief has arranged to watch the gate of the factory." Huang Ande poured a glass of wine for Huang Xiong, "Brother, although you are not very good at it, you are anyway. He has a full beard and tail, he became an officer, and now he has a sister-in-law, and he has a son in sight. What does he have in his third year of high school? He has been guarding the door like this for a lifetime, and it is hard to say whether he can marry a wife. Let alone die in battle Brother, in terms of hard work, you are as big as him?"

The yellow bear drank the wine silently.It seems a little talkative.Huang Ande said again: "I am not from the old security regiment, but many of the old security regiment died and were disabled. Last time we even went to Shangcuigang to sweep the tombstones. The tombstones were all over the slope. Occupying such a piece of land. The conscience of heaven and earth, compared to them, we are much better, aren't we?"

Huang Xiong nodded and said, "That's right! This can't be compared."

Huang Ande slapped his thigh: "That's it." He glanced at everyone again as he spoke, "Most of us brothers came from Penglai, as I told Brother Cao, they crawled out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. …Think about those people who died, as well as the family members, relatives, friends, and neighbors who were trapped in Dengzhou Town… Now everyone is still alive, they have enough food to eat, and a safe place to sleep…Everyone deserves Thank you enough."

After a few words, everyone calmed down a lot, and Huang Ande said some words to comfort everyone: Now the chief's career is starting, and seeing that Daming is about to fail, everyone will have a bright future if they follow along and work hard.

Just as everyone was chattering and talking nonsense at the wine table, suddenly there was a knock on the door.Cao Qing slapped his thigh: "It's the softie Lu Laoji who came."

Huang Ande opened the door and saw Lu Lao standing outside in a daze, holding a big food box in his left hand and a jug of wine in his right hand.With a naive smile on his face: "Brother Huang, Brother Cao, Fourth Brother Zhu, younger siblings—" Lu Laolan entered the room and greeted everyone in the room one by one, even the unknown Huang Xiong and Wang Baoer, He also imitated the chief's appearance and bowed to pay tribute.

"Old Lu, why are you the one who is soft every time! What an old man." Cao Qing asked first.

"Hey, brother Cao, I didn't want to come late. Today's off work time is so late. Brother, I also rushed here after work. Fortunately, the road here is flat and wide, so brother, I came here so quickly. .”

"Tch, you just got it so you forgot, brothers, we fought out from Dengzhou together, and now you are the best. The first to reach Lingao and become a regular employee again, say! Who is it for? The Chief is good"

"Ai ai ai, don't talk nonsense, brothers all know that Lao Ji never flatters, besides, the chief doesn't like flattering people." Huang Ande hurried to smooth things over.

"Brother Li, you have wronged me. On that Koryo Island that day, a large group of people were squatting. The chief asked who could read and who was a craftsman. Brother, I wondered how many people my mother taught me to recognize. Words, the family also used to strike iron, and stood up at that time. The chief took the brother to Lingao first, shaved his head and turned it straight, and worked in the big iron factory."

"Then you shouldn't eat alone." Everyone blamed Lu Laozhu in one voice, and Lu Laozhu just sat at the table foolishly, smiling and not answering.

"Old man, take a sip of wine to moisten your throat." A gentle voice sounded from beside her ear.

"Yue'e, oh no, brother and sister, thank you." He awkwardly took the wine glass, took a sip lightly, and quickly put the wine glass on the table, not daring to look into Zhu Si's burning eyes.

Lu Laoji had some skills in Dengzhou camp back then, and Zheng Yuee had to ask him to do some repair work from time to time, and his attitude was better than that of ordinary men, which left Zhu Si with a muttering impression.

Everyone yelled that Lu Laolan was late, and according to the rules of the chief here, he had to drink three glasses of wine as a fine.So Lu Laolan was immediately filled with three cups of jackfruit shochu - Xue Ziliang bragged that it was jackfruit brandy.After drinking, Lu Laolan also boldly said: "Brothers, Brother Huang, it's not that I am willing to be late. I am busy from opening my eyes to closing them every day, except for having a meal and rest at noon and evening, I have nothing to do."

As he said that, Lu Laoyan seemed to relax, took the chopsticks that Wang Baoer handed over, took a piece of roast duck and chewed it, and then said: "Besides, the chiefs are strict in control, and they hate being late and leaving early. Everyone knows that wages are fined, brother, I also have a large family to support. If I get fined, my family will have to go hungry." He babbled, and he picked up another piece of sausage and began to chew.Everyone also knew that he was telling the truth, and the hearts of teasing him faded away.

Lu Laolan drank and talked too much: "It is said that the big iron factory has good treatment and high wages, but if you have a lot of money, you have to spend your life. In that factory, people die every month, and the death is really strange. There is everything! Yesterday, the old Qiu, the loader of our side, pushed the cart on the road and squatted down holding his chest. When someone saw him and pulled him, he was already dead! Normally he was as strong as a cow, and his whole body Yes, if it wasn't for the sake of my family, I wouldn't even want to do it..."

He held a wine glass: "If you want to say that the work is smooth, I used to blacksmith in the Penglai camp. Although I was very busy, I was never so nervous. I worked for a while and rested for a few days. When I have no work, I can lie down and sleep at home. Nobody cares..."

Cao Qing said: "Pull it down, now that you've said it so comfortably, you were forced to make cannons by the officials when you were hungry, and you almost fainted from hunger and fell into the furnace?"

"I haven't forgotten, I haven't forgotten," said Lu Laolan hurriedly, "It would be great if Daming could have a few decent officials to take care of it. Everyone has food to eat, and the wife is an ordinary errand, how great it is!"

These words resonated again:

"That is, who wants to leave their hometown. The weather here is extremely hot and humid, and I feel a little unaccustomed to it."

"I think the emperor is a sage. As soon as he ascended the throne, he arrested Wei Zhongxian, a treacherous official, but the officials below are too disrespectful. They treat us as soldiers as improper people..."

"Is Wei Zhongxian a treacherous minister who did your shit? Killing Wei Zhongxian, we are still bitter soldiers, the military master is still the military master, should you owe the salary or not, what good does it do you?"

"Why don't you say that Ming Dynasty is going to end?" Huang Ande said, "We little people can only ask for enough food and clothing, a safe place to sleep, a wife and a baby. But in Emperor Zhu's world , can’t even do this!”

Huang Xiong nodded: "Brother, what you said is reasonable. Why don't I, a good general, come to Lingao instead? It's not a last resort."

Wang Qisuo asked curiously: "Brother Huang was also a military general in the imperial court? Tell me quickly."

Huang Xiong was a little proud, because he was an official in Daming, and he was already a general manager when he murdered and fled.Although he is a military officer at the end of his life, at least he is someone who can lead a few soldiers and wear armor with a horse in battle.

However, he shook his head and said: "What kind of official is a small general? He can't even get his salary, and he killed him by mistake!" He sighed, "It's really worthless to work for the court... ..."

"No matter how worthless, he is still an official of the court. What is he now? Wearing a two-and-a-half-foot cloth jacket..." Wang Baoer muttered in the kitchen.

The yellow bear's expression changed drastically, and he scolded: "You can't die of starvation, you bitch, you don't know your last name after a few full meals! Why are you chewing your tongue?!"

When he scolded, there was a sudden silence in the kitchen, and for a moment, only someone was sobbing softly, and Zheng Yue'e persuaded in a low voice.The atmosphere at the wine table cooled down a bit.

Huang Ande patted Huang Xiong's shoulder meaningfully: "Brother, sister-in-law's thoughts..."

Huang Xiong smiled wryly and nodded, took out a cigarette and lit it, took a deep breath, and said in a low voice after a long while: "Brother, you have to be cautious about begging for a wife. Look, brother, I'm now... "Said with a heavy sigh, "Forget it, she is such a big girl, although she didn't mean to keep up with me, she will soon be a baby girl now, so let's be more tolerant."

"It's common to say that a good wife and a good husband rarely cause harm. Sister-in-law is so open-minded, be careful that the trouble comes out of her mouth." Huang Ande also lowered his voice and said, "We are all brothers here, and we may not be sure when we go outside..."

(End of this chapter)

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