Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1572 The Women on the Ogura

Chapter 1572 The Women on the Ogura ([-])

"What's so rare about this, let Uncle Lin take you there."

"He doesn't have time, and he can't leave the factory for a day. Originally, he promised to take me on a trip around the island to collect several rare plant specimens." Bored, Sonia curled her golden hair with her fingers. I have done several expeditions in the barbarian mountains, and then I went to Dongsha Island by boat."

"That's Li District, okay? Don't call others barbarians so casually..."

"Really? I don't think they are civilized people from any angle." Sonia didn't care about this, and she was not as "politically correct" as her children and grandchildren in another time and space.

"It would be great if the long-distance exploration team could absorb you." Qian Duoduo said, "But this must be approved by Uncle Lin."

"What is a remote exploration team?"

"They run around in the wild every day, collecting specimens from the Three Realms. It must be in line with your interests."

"Hmm," Sonia was very interested when she heard this, "I know, but one of them is a person who does evil things, and he works with him..." She didn't go on, probably feeling that she was making such a comment in her own capacity A patriarch is not proper.

Lin Ziqi was a little confused about what it means to "do evil things".Does Qian Duoduo know that this refers to Cui Yunhong from the exploration team.He raised three or four male life secretaries, and one of them was an extremely handsome Caucasian boy that Quark had bought from Basra. He lived a very happy life.

"You like science, don't you? He likes it too. And he has much more natural history knowledge than your master." Qian Duoduo said, "What does it matter if he likes men or women?"

"No, this is something God doesn't like..." Sonia was still very firm in her faith.

The topic fell into silence again, Lin Ziqi decided to change the topic: "Sonia, are you Portuguese?"

"Yes, my hometown is Cascais just outside Lisbon. My father was a respectable gentleman whose family lineage can be traced back to the birth of our Lord in 1147 when the Crusaders recovered Lisbon. My My ancestors came from the Basque Country and were knights. My mother came from the English nobility."

Lin Ziqi was not interested in her family background, so she asked, "I just find it a bit strange. I have the impression that Portuguese and Spanish people have black hair and dark eyes. How can you have blond hair and blue eyes?"

Sonia looked at her strangely: "Dear miss, have you seen many Peninsulars?"

"I've seen a few." Lin Ziqi said vaguely.To be honest, she got this impression from watching TV, but in Lingao, besides Mendoza, there were several Spanish naturalized people.

"Your impression is correct. But my hair color is inherited from my mother. As I said just now: my mother came from the British nobles. She has beautiful blond hair."

"I see." Lin Ziqi thought of how pitiful she was, being taken thousands of miles away to be Uncle Lin's concubine, and couldn't help feeling a little sympathetic to her, "Is she okay?"

"She was called by the Lord very early." Sonia didn't have a sad expression when she said this. Human life in this time and space is very fragile, and everyone is used to seeing death since childhood.

"What about your father?" Lin Ziqi's heart of gossip was very active.

"He is probably running a plantation in a certain general jurisdiction in Brazil, or he may be on a Galen ship that is crossing the Atlantic Ocean." Sonia frowned and made a sign of the cross, "Perhaps he has come to God's side—— Haven't seen each other for many years. The last time I heard from him, he was in Brazil."

Lin Ziqi's sympathy broke out again: Although the Portuguese lady was reduced to a slave, she talked about her family background in a clear way, with an unconcealable arrogance.However, the family has long been fragmented.

"You said you were captured when you went to sea for investigation. Your father didn't dissuade you? It's too dangerous for a girl to go to sea alone."

"Ah, he doesn't care about this. First of all, I have many brothers and sisters, maybe ten if I don't count my father's illegitimate children." Sonia said nonchalantly, "Secondly, our family has been involved since the time of His Royal Highness Prince Henry the Navigator. Sailors. There is an inscription on our family grave in the church: The sea is our grave."

Lin Ziqi had nothing to say, she really felt that people in this time and space could not understand: such indifference towards death and family affection.

Suddenly, she saw a bicycle approaching slowly on the small road in the distance, and the person on it was Zhang Yunmi.

She was not in a hurry, she was riding slowly, as if she was enjoying the sea breeze and sunshine.The white shirt is fluttering with the sea breeze, and the short navy blue skirt is lifted up with the pedals from time to time, revealing a little thigh... The bicycle is passing through the coconut grove, next to the sea and the beach, looking at it like a scene in a youth movie.

Lin Ziqi sighed slightly: Although she is a woman, she can't help but feel the love welling up in her chest.She quickly stood up and waved at Zhang Yunmi vigorously.

Zhang Yunmi also waved at her, stomped on his feet a few times, and then drove all the way over.The tires slid briskly across the cinder road, mixed with the creaking sound of sand grains rubbing against each other, and stopped at the moment when the wheels were about to rush off the road.She jumped out of the car briskly, and walked over holding on to the faucet.

"Sorry, sorry, I'm late." Zhang Yunmi said with a smile, and set up the bicycle, "This is Sonia!"

Sonia didn't expect that the other party recognized her, so she quickly curtseyed again.

"Don't be so polite, I'm Zhang Yunmi." Zhang Yunmi waved his hand, "Duoduo, I'm sorry to keep you waiting. Let's start now, shall we?"

"Don't be so anxious, you can have some drinks first." Qian Duoduo took out a bottle of kvass, and several girls gathered together and chatted.

Zhang Yunmi is a guy who is very enthusiastic and can infect people. He looks small and fresh. He is 160cm tall and not short. He has a well-proportioned figure and long black hair. He could be called a beauty in the old time and space.

Looking at her cheerful appearance, it seems that she doesn't mean any family troubles.Could it be that his father was exaggerating?While thinking wildly, Qian Duoduo has already started everyone's preparations for going into the water.

This kind of dinghy itself is very light. In the United States, it is usually directly mounted on the trailer frame. When it arrives at the seaside, it can be pushed directly into the sea with slide rails.Loading means dragging up with a vehicle winch - if you are strong enough, you can also load it manually.

Qian Duoduo's method is similar, there are wheels installed under the boat frame.She asked everyone to pull out the surrounding fixed piles one by one, and removed the anti-sliding blocks under the wheels.

"Everyone push hard together." Following Qian Duoduo's shout, the five girls pushed hard together, and the boat started to roll forward on the cinder road carrying the boat on the cradle.

Although the wheels are made of wood, the bearings are made of iron. Ball bearings are used, and Qian Duoduo has given sufficient lubrication in advance. Except for a little difficulty when starting, it is effortless to push after it is pushed.

"Don't use too much force, apply force slowly!" Qian Duoduo directed while pushing.

The boat frame rolled steadily and evenly, and soon arrived at the place where it was expected to be launched: a beach.Here Qian Duoduo has prepared in advance: a wooden platform, two long logs used as chutes and a barrel of tar.

After the ship frame was parked, everyone was busy again, installing the fixed piles and anti-sliding blocks one by one.Lin Ziqi wanted to be lazy, so she suggested to put on a slider, but was rejected by Qian Duoduo:
"Safety procedures cannot be changed casually. Otherwise, accidents will occur."

"You're just a big kid." Zhang Yunmi said.

"Which kid do you think is big!" Qian Duoduo was very dissatisfied, "I'm not a kid!"

"Well, you are very much like a leader..."

"Is it good to call it leadership?"

According to Qian Duoduo's instructions, several people fixed the two chute wooden inclined frames on the boat frame, and inserted one end into the shoal.Seeing Qian Duoduo and Zhong Xiaoying running to the beach for a while, and running back into the shallow water for a while, Lin Ziqi hurriedly said, "Let me help." She was about to take off her shoes , Sonia also wants to follow.

"Don't be too busy, you are so beautifully dressed, it will be all over if you get tar!" Qian Duoduo put his hands on his hips, "We will be ready in a while."

Zhang Yunmi said, "I'll do it."

Before Qian Duoduo objected, she took off her skirt.Lin Ziqi almost cried out, but fortunately, she was wearing a swimsuit underneath.

"What are you doing with this expression?" Zhang Yunmi smiled slightly, "Don't worry, I'm not so unrestrained." She also took off her shirt, stuffed it in Lin Ziqi's hands, and ran down the chute by herself up.

After the chute was erected, Qian Duoduo and Zhong Xiaoying ran up after smearing tar on it again: "Untie the straps! Start from number one in order!"

The boat is fixed on the ship frame with ropes. In order to prevent accidental fall and injury when transporting and erecting the chute, it is not untied until the last step.

The small boat that was untied was still firmly parked on the ship frame.Qian Duoduo asked everyone to insert crowbars on the side, one for each person, and was about to pry it forcefully, when Qian Duoduo suddenly remembered something:
"Wait, I forgot!"

"Forgot what?"

"Nomenclature!" As she said, she ran to the shed and brought coconuts and colored balls.She hung the colored balls on the bow,.Then, imitating what I saw in the book, I held up a coconut and said loudly:


After finishing speaking, she threw the coconut towards the bow of the boat. The coconut hit the iron-covered bow and broke into several pieces. The pieces flew directly into the hair of Lin Ziqi and the others, making them scream scream.

(End of this chapter)

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