Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1575 The first clue

Chapter 1575 The first clue

Liu Fuqing seldom wears a uniform to work on weekdays. According to his words: "When you are old, you feel uncomfortable wearing tight clothes."Fortunately, he is a scout, and there is no strict requirement on dress except for special occasions.After returning to Lingao, he wore a half-worn blue cloth straight up every day, because he was wearing a Xiaoyao scarf, so he couldn't tell without the hair bun.

Because he always wore the "old style", more than one person inside the Political Security Bureau informed him, saying that he "has a bright heart" and slandered the "national dress" - although the Senate has never announced that the "Australian style" clothes are the national dress.

He talks with a smile on weekdays, walks slowly, and has a gentle demeanor. If people don't know his details, they may think that he is an old boy who is not satisfied with the examination room, and a poor school teacher who trains Mengtong.

Liu Fuqing looked like this before he cast his hair, and he treated everyone kindly.Foxes pretending to be tigers, shouting five times and drinking six times, are the tricks of the government servants and fans. He, the dignified secretary of the Ministry of Punishment, only needs to talk to people in teahouses, and when he returns to the ministry, he can write about supersedes or send people on the road.

After he arrived in Lingao, he still looked like this, but he stopped doing the money-making business—not that he didn’t want to, but he didn’t dare——the chiefs don’t need his full of "ministerial regulations", so there is no way to rectify people. No mercy.Fortunately, the chief executives proposed that the salary was much more generous than that of Daming, and the houses were sold to them, the naturalized people, first.Liu Fuqing has now carried the mortgage for five years—this is an enviable sign in Lingao. Only the "popular people" among the naturalized people or the early "investors" have the possibility of repaying the mortgage.Ordinary naturalized people can only wait in line honestly.

The Senate treated him with "the kindness of saving his life" and "the kindness of knowing him". Since accepting the appointment as the leader of the Sun Umbrella Project, Liu Fuqing felt more youthful and full of energy every day.

As soon as he took office, he arranged a key surveillance on Li Yongxun, monitoring her movements 24 hours a day, and at the same time conducted a comprehensive investigation of the social relations around her.Judging from the previous situation, Li Yongxun must have contact with someone who is currently in Lingao.As long as you find this person and follow the clues, you don't have to worry about missing clues.

However, contrary to expectations, Li Yongxun seemed to realize something, and suddenly cut off all contact.Nothing came of her surveillance.

This was beyond Liu Fuqing's expectation.He immediately began to conduct a blanket investigation of the people and places Li Yongxun had been in contact with in the previous stage.In order to find new clues.

So far, no new clues have been found.Liu Fuqing became anxious. Such a "major and important case" arranged by the head of the headquarters personally fell into his hands and he didn't find any clues. How could he explain to the head?
If the review of her is carried out directly, there is no need to worry about her not confessing, but if this is the case, what else do you have to do?Isn't the chief executive's goal of "catching big fish with a long line"?

After smoking a pack of cigarettes in the office and turning around countless times, Liu Fuqing returned to the desk and re-studied the materials spread across the table.

In the middle of the table is Li Yongxun's personnel contact map, and many names are derived from this name.The relationship between them and Li Yongxun was written on the line, and some of them had a horizontal connection with each other, and they were all marked in small characters.

He checked the details of these people one by one, but found nothing.

Liu Fuqing stared at the personnel map for a few minutes, picked up a pencil and drew four circles viciously on the names of the people closest to Li Yongxun.Then he pulled the bell rope.A subordinate entered the door in response.

"Put these people on the 24-hour watch list."

The first person on the list was Zuo Yamei.

In the same building, when Liu Fuqing was worried about the lack of progress in Li Yongxun's case, Yang Cao, a scout from the investigation department who had been working continuously for ten hours, disassembled the official document that the correspondent had just sent from the department.

This kind of official document is usually forwarded after the whistleblower network under the Surveillance Office discovers suspicious clues worthy of further digging.

Since Lingao is the "capital" of the Senate, internal control is particularly strict. Not only are informers everywhere, but every district has a political security bureau's reconnaissance network, which can detect and deal with "suspicious situations" reported by informers at any time.

More than 90.00% of the clues are processed or filtered at the reconnaissance network level, and those that can be sent to the investigation department of the bureau are all "major clues" that the reconnaissance network considers or "major cases" that it cannot handle by itself.

The official document is the report from the monitoring point of Joan Inn forwarded.Joan Inn, like all inns, was the focus of surveillance by the Security Bureau because it was a resting place for foreigners.Not only the daily log-in book must be checked, but also a special monitoring report must be filled out.Scouting network instructors go to inspect the work every day.

Since more than ten days ago, members of the ten-member group at Qiong'an Inn have reported to the instructor that the newly arrived big family is more suspicious, and there may be more martial arts figures.

When a wealthy family travels long distances, they must have martial artists with them, including escorts hired with generous gifts, and martial arts teachers raised by themselves.So there is nothing new about surveillance points.

But this time, the personnel at the monitoring point discovered some unusual clues.

First of all, this big family surnamed Zhuo brought a lot of maidservants.According to their guest book, the Zhuo family is from Huguang.It's a long way to come here from Huguang, more than a thousand miles.He actually brought seven or eight maidservants.

The ancients had a difficult journey, and it was very inconvenient for women to live in daily life, so in principle, women try not to travel far.Even if people like housewives and old ladies from rich families go out, they will bring at most one or two close-fitting and capable maidservants to take care of daily life, and they will not bring many maidservants.If it is a man who goes out, even the rich and powerful will rarely bring a woman to serve him.That's why there is a saying that the book boy has one specialty and many abilities, and can also serve as a concubine at night.

Although there was an old lady from the Zhuo family, it was a bit strange for just such an old lady and a young master to bring so many maids on the road.

Then the people at the monitoring point discovered the second strange thing: Although this large family used Mandarin for conversations on weekdays, the accents of the maids, servants and masters were actually different.

Although servants can come from all corners of the country, but they live together for a long time, and their accents will always converge.The most important thing is that the accent of the old lady's Mandarin is completely different from that of the young master!
Due to more and more doubts, the instructor invited Zhou Shizhai, who was originally a bodyguard from the Weiwei Escort and is now a consultant in the National Police, through the Ninth Section of the National Police General Affairs.

Zhou Shidi didn't show up rashly because he heard that there were martial arts figures inside. He just walked around the courtyard, looked outside the courtyard to see the people coming in and out, asked the staff for half an hour, and when he came back, he clearly told the instructor: This is not a family!

Everyone in the courtyard has martial arts, and they are good at martial arts.The so-called "young master" is particularly skilled in martial arts.

"So, are you a gang of thieves?" the instructor asked Zhou Shidi.

Zhou Shidi shook his head: "No, Jiang Yang's bandits didn't do this kind of business. After spending so much money, they must have other plans."

The instructor immediately remembered the umbrella case that was cracked not long ago, in which people from the martial arts were also involved.

So the case was transferred to the investigation department.Because the case involved people from the Jianghu troupe, and because Yang Cao was born in a Jianghu theater troupe, she could be regarded as half of the same kind, so it fell into her hands.

Yang Cao, the first-level political security commander, read the transferred files intently in his office.She's tired, it's already dawn, and she can't get off work—at least until she's finished reading the file.When she reached for Alpine cigarettes, she noticed that the ashtray was full and rang the electric bell on the table.A trainee coordinator walked into the office, Yang Cao didn't speak to him, but pointed to the ashtray.The trainee coordinator stood at attention and nodded, returned with a new one and went out again, closing the door.

No talking, no joking.Yang Cao, the first-level political security commander, gave people such an impression.She is a student of the first political defense training class.As we all know, this session is the one in which Director Zhao personally presided over the admission selection, and Director Wu personally served as the training class teacher.The graduates who came out have now taken up leadership positions, and some have made extraordinary achievements on the political defense front.

Yangcao is the best in this session.Although she is not the best in business studies, she is a fanatic with the fanaticism and ruthlessness of a martyr.

She came from humble beginnings, was devastated as a girl, and was devastated physically and mentally.People who rolled over in the eighteen levels of hell.It was the Senate that saved her life and, more importantly, gave her dignity and the power to revenge.

Yang Cao didn't care what the purpose of the Senate was, or what she wanted to do in the future.She hated Daming, hated everyone who had a higher status than her, a half-market, half-professional actor.Yang Cao, the first-level political security commander in the bureau, has a reputation as a fanatic.Destruction and vengeance were her main concerns.As a wholehearted supporter of the Senate, Yang Cao's ideology is simple and firm, never wavering, not at all.She threw herself into hunting down traitors, hated them, hated them for being ungrateful, hated them for being against the Senate - even if they only wanted to talk about it.She is cold and full of passion, just like she sang "Mao Shang" when she sang opera back then, and she felt hearty when chasing and interrogating.

Yang Cao will soon be 30 years old, and someone introduced her to a Guihuamin cadre—it is said that he said he didn't care about Yang Cao's past.Yang Cao rejected the marriage without hesitation, she said: "The Senate is my master, and my life is only extended to kill the rebels!"

(End of this chapter)

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