Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1583 Relying on Yourself

Chapter 1583 Relying on Yourself

With the accompaniment of "William Tell Overture", they feasted on it.

"Your tableware is really good, and you have this knife and fork." Nan Gonghao is a literary man with a lot of interest in life.Of course, you can see the value of the item in front of you.

"It was all made during the spoils auction. This set of knives and forks are Italian products. The tableware is high-grade Clark porcelain." Dongfang Ke smiled slightly, "It's a pity that there is no real dry red, such lamb chops, even if they go with one or two Ou's food and wine are also a great treat..."

Grapes cannot be grown in Hainan Island. Both Xue Ziliang and the Agricultural Committee have made futile efforts in this area-even the second-best cider production failed.The patriarchs were content to settle for cider made from a variety of local fruits.Although they have a full set of winemaking techniques and better equipment than the winery in this time and space, the quality of the wine is obviously much higher than that of jackfruit wine.

"Isn't it okay to import wine?" Okamoto's mouth was full of mutton.

"It takes more than a year to get here from Europe. When we set off, we have good wine, but when we arrive at the port, we have good wine and vinegar." Dongfang Ke said regretfully, "I asked Minister Hong to book a bottle of wine in Macau." The good port wine on the barrel can only be used to mix with salads—unfortunately, the olive oil can’t be transported long distances. Hainan Island can’t grow olive trees..."

"You mean Minister Hong, is that Hong Huangnan from the Joint Logistics Headquarters?" Okamoto asked.

"Yes, it's him."

"It's no wonder there are good products." Okamoto said, "It's for the benefit of the public."

"You can blame him for that." Dongfang Ke raised the carved glass and stared at the amber liquid brandy inside, "This is a new project he created, which is attached under the office, and it is currently undergoing renovation for trial operation Middle. He asked me for something, so I just entrusted him to help me get some rare goods."

The grilled lamb chops for four people were almost wiped out, Okamoto was already blushing, and continued to exchange cups with Nangong Hao.He drinks in a completely Chinese style, he doesn't like to add ice, he likes to drink it all in one gulp.

Dongfang Ke got up and brought new dishes from the kitchen.

"Braised mutton liver." He lifted the heat preservation cover on it.

A charming aroma permeated the air, and each person had a small portion of lamb liver, decorated with herbs and poured with thick juice.

"It tastes good, your craftsmanship can go to a western restaurant!" Okamoto complimented.

Nan Gonghao did not speak, but nodded to express his agreement with Okamoto.

A mysterious smile appeared on Dongfang's face: "I bet you all don't know where this goat liver comes from..."

In an instant, the faces of Okamoto and Nangong Hao turned pale.

Love music, cook well, live alone, have elegant taste... These characteristics are quickly magnified countless times.Looking at the dark red sauce left on the plate, strong discomfort quickly rose from his stomach, and Okamoto saw Nangong Hao's face pale so frighteningly.

Probably feeling that the reaction was a bit more than expected, Dongfang Ke quickly raised his hand: "Just kidding, just kidding. This is the best Changhua sheep from Nanhai Farm..."

"Damn, don't play this while eating." Okamoto's complexion recovered a little, "It's too ugly."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I was just having fun." Dongfang Ke apologized repeatedly.

After removing the plate, Dongfang Ke served dessert: cookies and hot coffee.

Dongfang Ke put on a serious face at this time: "There are only three of us here, and it is safer than any restaurant or reception place, so please don't eat next, listen to me."

"No, you're going to trick us again." Okamoto almost spat out the cookie in his mouth.

There was a slap, Dongfang knocked on the soup bowl with a silver spoon.

"If the two of you don't want to be the protagonists of the Qingming memorial service in Cuigang Cemetery next year, you'd better listen to me."

Okamoto was stunned, looking straight at Dongfang, and Nangong also stopped eating.

"The pistols that were issued to you before, do you remember to maintain them regularly over the years?"

The two shook their heads blankly. After the Battle of Chengmai, most of the civilian elders in the Senate relaxed their military training.In addition to the pistol shooting training organized by the general office twice a year, many veterans have already left the matter of pistols out of the blue.Some people simply locked up their pistols and bullets.

Dongfang's expression was not surprised, and he continued, "Then, do you have stab-proof vests?"

"Yes, it was distributed to each person at the beginning." Nangong Hao thought for a while, "Probably put it together with my helmet."

"Mine should be there too. I don't know where I put it. Which cabinet should it be in?"

"When you go back at night, ask your maid to find it and clean it up." Dongfang Ke said, "As for the pistol, take it out, take it apart and clean it, and you'd better find a time to try it out."

"Wait, what do you mean?" Okamoto asked confused.

"I don't know how to start, but when the cultural festival is performed, Lingao may not be peaceful. You'd better wear stab-proof vests and carry weapons to the performance."

"What? You said there will be accidents in the theatrical performance? Then you want me to wear a stab-proof vest on the podium? It's too funny!" Nangong Hao's face also changed, and the alcohol dissipated in an instant.

"Hmm... Wearing it under the long shirt for the performance will make you look stronger, which is not too funny, but it will be a little hot, so bear with it... Originally, I was planning to invite Liu Shuixin to come over and let her give a report The one who asked to strengthen the security of the art troupe—I don't think the executive committee will reject her request..." Dongfang started rambling uncharacteristically.

"You don't understand the executive committee too well." Okamoto shook his head, "The animals on the executive committee are most afraid of being said that they flatter the female elders, and they all pretend to be ascetic—you didn't Notice that their attitude towards the female elders is cold and polite? And this matter is not in line with the procedures."

"That's it..." Dongfang Ke hesitated. Obviously, the political situation of the Senate is much more complicated than he imagined.
"What do you know? Don't scare us, this joke is not funny!" Okamoto seemed to have completely lost sight of his partner, why did the person in front of him suddenly become so cautious.

"I don't know anything, I just guess. But it's better to be prepared than not to be. We've been to the performance venues. It's such a big place, and those few guard battalion soldiers who don't have long guns alone can't see it." of……"

"How do you say that, what major event will there be at the cultural festival?" The curiosity of both of them was aroused, and he insisted on explaining clearly.

Dongfang Ke had no choice but to tell what he had seen and guessed: "I suspect that there is a high possibility that some spies have entered Lingao, and they are going to make a big hit at the cultural festival! They probably already have the police department. inside."

"Damn, why don't you report such important information to the Political Security Bureau?!" Okamoto called out.

Nangong Hao nodded: "I also think we should report to them."

"I have already reported it." Dongfang Ke said, "Not only went to Wumu, but also to the battalion commander of the garrison battalion." He was indignant, "They all gave me a standard 'official answer'."

"What's an 'official answer'?" Okamoto asked.

Nangong Hao picked it up: "It's basically 'We already know what you're responding to, we'll handle it properly, thank you for your help to our work, Balabala'." He said that he went to find Wu Mu and Li Yayang. Say it again.

"Grass, isn't this disregarding the rights of our elders!" Okamoto became excited, "The executive committee is a bunch of animals! They don't take elders seriously at all, this is the rhythm of wanting to be emperor!"

Nan Gonghao shook his head: "You have a problem finding Li Yayang. What right does he have to equip Wang Qisuo with guns? As for the increase in troops, I don't know how our troops are dispatched. I think it is similar to TG: there is no executive committee Will Li Yayang dare to mobilize the army casually?"

"The words are correct, but Wu Mu, the chief of the secret service, said such innocuous words. Isn't he too indifferent to the elders? Could it be that he really thinks of himself as Himmler!" Okamoto yelled.

"Well, I see that the Political Security Bureau is a little unreliable." Dongfang Ke drank his coffee, "It's very airy, and it seems that I haven't seen them doing anything serious."

"So you can't count on them?" Okamoto said.

"At least we can't count on everything. We have to have the means to protect ourselves." Dongfang Ke got up and walked into the room. Okamoto and Nangong heard the sound of opening and closing the cabinet, and came out with a bundle in their hands.

"Since you all have stab-proof vests, I'm not going to take out the padded vests I ordered. But this—" He conjured up a leather case again, "Holster your guns, the real American Goods. You can put a short-barreled Smith & Wesson in it, and the revolver is more reliable—this gun Liu Shuixin should have, and the female senator is worthy of this kind. Okamoto, you can go to Liu Shuixin to borrow it. You If you don’t go on stage, just hang this under your arm. I don’t need to teach you how to use it, do I?”

Okamoto pouted and took the holster.

"Okay, that's about it. If you haven't had enough, keep drinking. Would you like some more soup?"

The two art workers, who seemed quite frightened, said that they had had enough food and drink, and it was time to go back to rest.

"Well, let's go slowly, don't send it off, be careful on the way." Dongfang turned off the stereo and started to pack the cups and dishes.

"Okay, see you at the show, thank you for your hospitality..." Okamoto was already staggering when he got up, Nangong quickly supported him.

Dongfang Ke stood at the window, watching the figures of his two colleagues walk towards the gate of the Bairen dormitory area. Suddenly, he withdrew his right hand from the back of his waist, with a claw knife in his palm, waved it a few times in the air, and then turned and sat In front of the piano, lost in thought.

(End of this chapter)

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