Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1594 Backup Plan

Chapter 1594 Backup Plan
Zhuo Yifan mixed in the crowd and walked towards the riverside gymnasium. He was wearing old clothes bought by Sima Qiudao, with a fake beard stuck on, pretending to be a down and out boy. With a short dagger on his waist, the three male disciples also pretended to be traffickers and pawns and followed him from a distance, with all kinds of hidden weapons on their bodies.

When Zhou Zhongjun was exposed, he was less than twenty feet away from her. When the police started to arrest them, he had already turned around and walked outside the square.

The plan to operate in the square has failed!So even though the disciple in charge of sending the signal tried his best to send out the Gaosheng cannon, he didn't do anything, but quickly followed the flow of people and left the square.

From the very beginning, he knew in his heart that there was little chance of successfully attacking the bandits near the gymnasium, but the guards inside and outside the bandits were extremely tightly guarded, and there were very few opportunities available, so he had to take a risk.

However, the chance of this move, he and Sima Qiudao estimated and estimated, probably only five or five.Even if Zhou Zhongjun and the others were able to fool around for a while with the black thief costume and get close to the real hair, they might not be able to succeed in one blow with the martial arts of those female heroes.

So he prepared a second strategy based on the information passed by Qi Ye.

Qi Ye provided the route of the Kun bandit "Le Gong" and reminded that there were several real Kun leaders among them.The information is very detailed, not only the specific route, but also the size of the convoy, how many guards there will be, and how many "fake musicians" are on the public carriage.

Compared with the square, there will not be many guards on the marching route, and one's own surprise attack is very sure.

Once the assassination in the square fails, it will be launched everywhere, and the security forces of the bandits nearby will be attracted. Coupled with the containment of Dongmen City and the inn, the attention of the bandits' various yamen will be distracted.On my own side, if I do the math with my heart or not, I should be [-] to [-]% sure that I will hit it with one blow.

Now that Zhou Zhongjun and others were found and captured by the gangsters, he immediately left the gymnasium with a few core disciples.Come all the way.There were bursts of gunfire in the distance, and the number of policemen and soldiers on the road had increased a lot. Black-clothed policemen on two-wheeled vehicles were rampaging on the street, and black and white carriages were heading towards the stadium one after another. Go in the direction of Joan Inn.Horse refusals have been set up at major intersections, pedestrians are checked, and fence gates at the entrances of side roads and alleys are also closed.Along the way, there was a lot of wind and cranes, and the grass and trees were all soldiers. Every step was frightened. The group mixed in the crowd and finally escaped from the area near the stadium before martial law.

At this time, there were very few people on the street, pedestrians were all in a hurry, shops were closed one after another, and the street was very deserted.The gunfire everywhere had also stopped, and Zhuo Yifan quickened his pace with a few juniors. Although he tried his best to cover it up, tears were already in his eyes.

Although he has already regarded Zhou Zhongjun and others as pawns that can be sacrificed, when he thinks that they are trapped in the siege of thieves, it may be more dangerous than good. Although most people are not familiar with him, when he thinks that they have either died or are about to Escorted to the Kun Bandit Prison, where he was tortured so cruelly that life would have been worse than death, he was already filled with grief and indignation.

This time, if you risk your life, you have to kill a few real girls!

However, as soon as the pedestrians thinned out, they immediately noticed that there was a "tail" behind them, which immediately made Zhuo Yifan nervous: Has the thief already stared at them?
He was secretly nervous, and looked back quietly, only to see more than a dozen plainclothes officers closely following him.He immediately turned around and gestured to the juniors behind him.Immediately, the four of them quickly left the main road, walked onto the embankment of Wenlan River, jumped into the rolling waves.

Although it is a rare opportunity to ambush the bandit convoy, the enemy has obviously found himself, and at this moment only escape is the most important thing!So he acted decisively and immediately "walked to the top".

50 meters behind them, a naturalized plainclothes policeman was stunned for a long time before he took out his whistle and blew desperately.

The police officers who had been following this group of "sabotage elements in disguise" quickly assembled, but they had no boats, so they could only send one person to run back to report, while the rest searched along the river.

"The thief may swim across the river to escape, quickly find a boat to cross the river!" A naturalized police officer shouted, "Quickly, go and notify the water police!"

Zhuo Yifan had a reed pipe in his mouth and dived into the water. They didn't cross the river after entering the water, but turned around and floated downstream.

The "scenery belt" by the Wenlan River is built along the embankment, with a thoroughfare on one side and flowers and trees on the other side. The flowers and plants on the side look quite unpleasant.However, the veterans who accompanied the car were in no mood to think about these things.

After the convoy turned around, the intensive gunshots from the rear and the fireworks in the air in the direction of the square all told them an unmistakable fact; the enemy launched an attack at the heart of the Senate's rule: Lingao.

This somewhat reminded them that their lives were too comfortable.

He has always regarded his hometown as his hometown.These words suddenly broke into Dongfang Ke's mind.

Here, it is still the dangerous time and space of the 17th century, and the enemies are watching all around.Always ready to tear them to shreds.

Dongfang Ke involuntarily clenched his pistol tightly.He squatted on the seat next to the car door, and Okamoto and Nangong Hao sat on the other side. Because these two basically had no pistol shooting experience, they put two pistols as insurance.

The only woman in the car, Liu Shuixin, sat on the floor in the middle of the car, silent.

The guard soldiers marching on foot opened a "right ladder" formation on the road, focused on guarding the road, and protected the veteran's car under the roadbed on the side of the river; in order to make up for the gap in the direction of the river embankment, he ordered the guards with the car to get on the car again , the gunpointed towards the river embankment. At the end of the team was the captain of the guard. He had just fired several warning shots to disperse the flow of people. Now that the team had left the hotspot, the team speeded up a little.

Sitting on the public carriage were naturalized folk musicians recruited from the old troupe. Unlike the situation that Head Okamoto was worried about, they were not the weak "art workers" in the old time and space, these Ming Dynasty musicians who had been in the rivers and lakes for many years , seems to have a natural ability to adapt to danger and chaos. They sat in their seats, although their expressions were terrified, but no one ran out of control.

The four heads got out of the water one by one, and climbed from the river bank to the lower edge of the embankment. It was Zhuo Yifan and his party. Although they didn't understand what went wrong, their decisive escape temporarily saved their lives. Still in shock, they suddenly heard regular gunshots from the upstream direction, and then the figures of chariots and horses appeared vaguely. They were about to jump back into the water again, but Zhuo Yifan stopped them.

"Don't panic, this place is already far away from the gymnasium, and there is no one around. Let's hide and rest for a while, and wait until the people in front pass by."

At that moment, several people scattered in the bushes and got down on the ground. Zhuo Yifan kept his eyes on the situation on the road, and suddenly found something.

"Two stagecoachs, a small stagecoach, and a stagecoach loaded with goods, with soldiers guarding them... Isn't this the convoy mentioned in the informant!" Zhuo Yifan whispered excitedly, thinking to himself This group of thieves must have turned back from the direction of the gymnasium. They must have been shocked by the chaos and rushed back to Bairen City to hide. They didn't want to run into them here.

"It's better to come early than to come at a good time! Today I will kill you thieves who changed the barbarian into summer!" He immediately crawled to his companions and told them about his discovery.

But the four of them communicated for a while and found difficulties. The convoy was gradually approaching, and the figures of the accompanying soldiers on the road became more and more clear. At a glance, there were at least two palms. If you want to fight recklessly, you obviously have little chance of winning.

Originally, he was planning to make some preparations on the road, but now the overall plan has been messed up, so he can only act hastily!
"At the moment, we can only use dangerous moves," Zhuo Yifan said slowly, "The thieves' business is all about carriages. Horses are the most disturbing. Brother Zhao, can you still use the high-rise cannons you have with you?"

"The cannon is still there," Junior Brother Zhao's men took out a bamboo tube from under his clothes, "The wax seal is still good, it should be usable!"

"I have another one here." Another disciple also took out one.

"Okay, this is the three-shot thunderbolt cannon specially made by the Lei family. It is the most powerful. Since we can't use it to send letters, we can use it to startle horses!" Zhuo Yifan said, "The thieves have four carriages in total. , The second is a large carriage, which is filled with bandits' musicians, and the last one is filled with musical instruments belonging to bandits, and the real kuns are all in the third carriage."

He first explained the situation one by one, and then assigned: "Junior Brother Zhao, you are on the river embankment, use this thunderbolt cannon to shoot the first car and then the fourth car. These two cars are heavy-duty vehicles. When the horses startle, the cart will overturn immediately, and the bandit's carriage will be blocked in the middle. Brother Lu, your concealed weapon skill is the best. When the high-rise cannon is fired, you rush to shoot the horses of the real Kun's carriage. Junior brother Wu, You follow me to attack the carriage."

At this time, Junior Brother Zhao raised an objection:
"Senior brother, the bandits' team has fired several times since they traveled all the way. Their horses are probably war horses, and they have been trained not to be afraid of the sound of firearms..."

"This high-lift gun has a lot of charge. Even if you can't hit the horse, it will be enough to disturb you if it lands near the horse." He pointed to the nearby terrain: "Look, the bandit soldiers are all on the road, and the side of the river bank is surrounded by carriages. If it is blocked, the firecrackers are hard to hit, and we are [-]% to [-]% sure that we can succeed. Whether it succeeds or not, we will retreat with one blow and roll directly into the river embankment." Zhuo Yifan came up with a plan out of desperation, and he also took care of it. There must not be much indiscretion in it.

The people he brought with him are all trusted disciples of his sect, they are all from good families, although they are young, they have merits in martial arts knowledge, and what is even rarer is a sincere heart, they value righteousness and despise life, and they just accept orders and promises at the moment.

(End of this chapter)

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