Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1601 Deep Throat

Chapter 1601 Deep Throat
He tried to calm down and said, "The villain doesn't know what this doesn't look like words..."

At this moment, the policewoman who had been silent all this time suddenly asked:
"Do you know Li Yongxun?"

Lin Ming was shocked. Although he already knew that he was arrested for this matter, but when he was questioned, his hands and feet were still cold and he was almost speechless.

He murmured: "The villain doesn't know..."

The policewoman actually smiled: "Don't pretend to be confused. You came here just to find her, Lin-bai-hu."

Lin Ming had nothing to say, in order to make a final struggle, he forced a smile and said:
"Sir, I am from a poor sailor, not from a hundred families..."

"Don't pretend, Manager Liu of Runshitang, he knows you. You have taken his three respects and two respects..."

Lin Ming secretly complained: How could I forget this!Runshitang in Lingao opened a pharmacy in Foshan, and the manager walked around with his family very frequently.

Seeing that he could no longer deny it, he lowered his head: "Since you already know, what more questions are there?"

Seeing that he had already admitted that he was Lin Ming, the policewoman continued to ask, "What are you doing in Lingao?"

"Look for Li Yongxun. She is my aunt who disappeared in Haojingao. I have to give her family an explanation."

"How do you know she's in Lingao, and someone sent you a message?"

"No, I guessed it."

It seemed that the female policeman didn't quite believe his words, and repeatedly questioned him whether he had an insider in the area and whether he had other purposes.Lin Ming denied it categorically, saying that his visit to the high school was completely a private act, and he did not have any insiders to respond to it.

"He recruited them all." A few hours later, Yang Cao reported to Wumuhui, "It's the same as what Li Yongxun said."

Wu Mu looked through the materials Yangcao brought, and was a little disappointed—there was no oil or water.

"Are you sure they're telling the truth?"

"Their confessions are completely correct." Yang Cao said, "So Li Yongxun should not have lied—she has been under our surveillance. As for Lin Ming, we are checking his confession. According to his confession and social relations, We have drawn up a list to assist in the investigation and are arresting relevant persons one by one."

Wu Mu stood up, pacing up and down the office restlessly with his hands behind his back.This is not good, he thought, considering the scale of the commotion and the nature of Qian Duoduo's attack, if he didn't catch Lingao's "Deep Throat", he would not be able to explain it no matter what.

He already knew that several elders headed by Shan Liang were ready to impeach at the time of the meeting.The most direct victim, the veteran of Wenyikou, was furious; Qian Duoduo's father was the speaker and the head of Feiyun Club, and he was very powerful in the Senate; if he wanted to collude with Shan Liang... On the other hand, although "positive reports" were published, they were for the naturalized people and natives. It is still unknown what they would write in the publications for the elders...

"Are you going to proceed to the next stage of interrogation?"

Seeing that her boss's attitude was dissatisfied, Yang Cao made a suggestion.According to regulations, the interrogation of suspects in such major cases needs to be carried out in stages, and each "escalation" must be approved by the superior.

"I approve you to enter the second stage of interrogation. Focus on finding out all the details of their stay in Lingao."

"Yes, Chief."

"Xin Nachun! Open the door and come out! We are the police!" Several police officers in black gathered at the door of a room in the tea house, and the police officer leading the team shouted loudly.

There was no sound in the room, and the door was locked from the inside.

Half an hour ago, they were ordered to arrest Xin Nachun at the call station, but the women at the call station said they hadn't shown up all day yesterday.

Because she was not in the hotel where she lived, the police immediately rushed to the teahouse where she often went to pick up guests and open rooms. They knew that she had indeed opened a room here, but she never checked out.

The police officer who led the team nodded, and a policeman who had been prepared for a long time immediately swung a battering hammer and slammed into the door lock.

With a loud "bang", the door was knocked open, and the police gathered outside the door swarmed in, filling up the small room in an instant.

"Fuck!" The police officer leading the team cursed.They wanted to catch Xin Nachun lying on the bed, motionless, staring at the ceiling with gray eyes, her plump and attractive body had become cold and stiff.

The news of Xin Nachun's death was immediately sent back to the task force, disappointing Liu Fuqing who had been looking forward to it.Although the autopsy report has not yet come out, it is obvious that she was silenced.As for the silencer, it is likely to be the "Seventh Lord" in many confessions.Xin Nachun was probably his liaison officer, so this cunning mole killed her before the operation started.

Originally, Liu Fuqing suspected that the "Seventh Master" was Lin Ming, a member of the Hundred Family of Jinyiwei who was implicated by Li Yongxun online, but after checking, he found that he had no time to commit the crime at all.Although this could not completely clear Lin Ming, it also made the possibility of him being the "Seventh Master" very low.

He and Yang Grassland both thought that Lin Ming was a "big fish" and that Li Yongxun was probably Daming's "deep throat" lurking in Lingao. The suspicion of my sister-in-law became smaller and smaller.

As far as the current situation is concerned, to be honest, apart from the fact that my sister-in-law failed to report in time that her brother-in-law, a "minion of hostile forces", was guilty of sneaking into Lingao, there is really no crime.As for Lin Ming, if he didn't care about his identity, he could be regarded as innocent...Of course, there is a crime of falsifying his identity.

This made the task force put all their hopes on the men and women.As long as the arrested martial arts people are not seriously injured, they are now suffering in the interrogation room.Their confessions are pouring in continuously to the task force, but nothing useful has been found so far.

After [-] hours of the first round of interrogation, Liu Fuqing probably sorted out the martial arts practitioners involved in this operation, regardless of whether they are alive or dead.

It is a pity that most of the people who are being tortured in the interrogation room and tortured to death are middle and lower class people.The main prisoners, Zhuo Yifan and Sima Qiudao, were seriously injured and were being treated in the intensive care unit of the hospital.Not to mention torture, it probably took too much effort to even ask questions.

As for the people from Huang's drugstore who were captured in Nanbao, they were very cooperative and explained everything in detail.However, it also didn't say who Qiye was. Huang Zhen confessed that their contact with Qiye was all through Sima Qiudao.

But this Sima Qiudao is now dying.If I want his statement, I'm afraid I have to wait a few days.

Liu Fuqing lingered in front of the large table full of materials of the special case team, looking at the intricate relationship diagram of characters on the blackboard from time to time.Thinking hard about where there is a breakthrough point.

Yang Cao sat on the table, smoking one cigarette after another, the room was already full of smoke.Everyone in the room ran away except Liu Fuqing.She thought for a long time and asked:
"If Lin Ming wasn't Seventh Master, then who would be? He must be a naturalized citizen."

"This is looking for a needle in a haystack. There are hundreds of thousands of naturalized people in Lingao." Liu Fuqing smiled wryly.

"No, this person is not an ordinary naturalized citizen." Yang Cao said, "Huang Zhen said that this Qiye provided them with a copy of "Ping Kun Notes", which contains many details of our management. This kind of thing, Not a farmer on a farm or a worker in a factory. Either he has some status, or he's in a key department."

"You are right, but even so, the scope is not small." Liu Fuqing reminded, "I have thought about this too, but unfortunately we can't see this book, otherwise we can analyze and write this book based on the content provided in it." Which department is the author of the book probably from?"

"Huang Zhen is remembering the dictation, but it's probably scattered and meaningless." Yang Cao frowned and said, "Let's go over the case."

"it is good."

Although there were many exchanges of fire in Lingao County all day yesterday, only three were actually launched by violent terrorists: the street intersection outside the stadium, the ambush on the wharf on the Wenlan River, and the attack on the Chinese Orchestra.

Among these three incidents, the first one had nothing to say. According to the confession, they had known for a long time that the cultural festival was going to be held in the gymnasium, so they planned to concentrate their main forces to attack here and assassinate the elders.Moreover, according to the reconnaissance materials and the confessions of the "assisting investigators", we can also roughly understand how they obtained specific information and "stepped on the plate" of the surrounding environment in advance.The interrogation of captured violent terrorists also roughly proved this point.

"Don't you find it strange? Old Liu." Yang Cao said suddenly, "How did the terrorists who attacked Chief Xiaoqian's Xiaocang know that there was a chief on the Xiaocang?"

"It must be the information provided by Qiye." Liu Fuqing said slowly, "Unfortunately, those who ambushed the Xiaocang are already dead..."

"One escaped." Yang Cao said, "Chief Xiaoqian said one escaped."

"But who ran away?"

"It doesn't matter." Yang Cao's eyes sparkled, "Even if we know who ran away, he doesn't necessarily know who provided the information. Itinerary, how many naturalized people know that it will be driven to the gymnasium?"

"There are quite a few of these. There are many people on the Guangbopu pier..." Liu Fuqing suddenly stopped himself: That's right!There were quite a few naturalized people who knew they were going to the gymnasium that day.But even if they knew, how did they pass the news on to the terrorists?Terrorists don't have telephones and telegrams!According to Qian Duoduo's confession, the violent terrorists on the pier were clearly well-prepared.One of the women deliberately put on the schoolgirl uniform that Xin Nachun got her.

(End of this chapter)

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