Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1604 An Imperfect Victory

Chapter 1604 An Imperfect Victory
"It's impossible, I've never been to a teahouse."

"Huh?" The interrogator made a strange voice, "Did I say it was in the room of the tea house?"

Wang Qisuo knew that he had slipped up.Shut up quickly.He knew that the interrogation of the Kun thief was a constant cliché, and the more he talked, the easier it was for him to be exposed.

"Look at this." The interrogator pointed at the document, "Do you think that there will be no fingerprints without ink and ink pads? You have been in Lingao for so long, and you should always remember that 'Senate is omnipotent'. "

"If you want to commit a crime, there is nothing to worry about." Wang Qisuo said bravely, "Why do you say that I have fingerprints?"

"This is on the cup, and this is on the table," the interrogator said. "This is on the buckle of Xin Nachun's belt—you used this to strangle her, right?"

The corner of Wang Qisuo's mouth couldn't help shaking.

The interrogator continued slowly: "I think, the process of your killing her probably went like this: after you went in, Xin Nachun poured tea for you, and you took it and drank it: there were two of you on the cup. Fingerprints, she also prepared pastries for you—this woman is good to you—but you didn’t eat them. You asked her to take off her clothes and kneel on the bed, and she just knelt down and waited for you to be “fortunate”, unexpectedly. It's your lifeline..."

Wang Qisuo's body trembled uncontrollably, every sentence of the interrogator hit the point, as if he had witnessed the whole process with his own eyes.

"Am I right? Seventh Master?" The interrogator changed his voice and finally spit out this terrible word.

"I, I'm not Qiye..." Wang Qisuo's voice trembled, "I'm not..."

"Then who is it?" the interrogator pressed.

"It's not me," Wang Qisuo yelled out of control, "They forced me..."

Realizing his gaffe, he lowered his head dejectedly: "Give me a chance."

"How can I give you a chance?"

"I didn't have a choice before. Now I want to be a good person."

"Okay, tell the chief. See if he tells you to be a good person."

Three hours later, Wu Mu met Liu Fuqing in his office. He read through the confessions of the main suspects brought by the special case team leader: Wang Qisuo, Lin Ming, Li Yongxun...

Wang Qisuo is Qiye, since Liu Fuqing raised the possibility, there is not much suspense.The fingerprints extracted from the room of the tea house were compared with his fingerprints.In the end, it was nothing more than waiting for him to admit it.

According to Wang Qisuo's confession, he is indeed a member of Jinyiwei, a small hereditary banner in Shandong.He once followed Xu Guangqi as a servant and learned a lot of Western knowledge.

After Chongzhen ascended the throne, he abolished the practice of monitoring the ministers of Jinyiwei, and Wang Qisuo immediately lost his job and returned to his hometown.Because he had an old relationship with Xu Guangqi, he went to Sun Yuanhua to find a way out. Sun Yuanhua organized a new army in Dengzhou, and had to transfer food and salaries. He was short of money, so he became interested in the private salt sales business along the coast of Shandong.

This is how Wang Qisuo broke into the gang of private salt dealers.Injured in a firefight, he was rescued by Zhao Yingong by accident.

When the wound healed quickly, the Dengzhou Rebellion broke out, Sun Yuanhua could not protect himself, and Wang Qisuo did not dare to reveal his identity.If he had gone home, he would have been within the same province, but at that time there were rioting soldiers everywhere, and it was hard to save his life even if he left the land of the deer owner rashly, let alone going home.

As a result of his delay, he was directly loaded onto the ship and transferred to Lingao.

"So he didn't take the initiative to break into the local area?"

"Yes," Liu Fuqing said, "Chief Zhao's rescue of him was completely accidental, and it couldn't be a trick."

"Then how did he become Seventh Master?"

"According to his account, it happened when the head of the guard was traveling to and from Guangzhou. A former colleague who is now working in Guangzhou recognized him..."

Wang Qisuo wasn't too wary, and the two chatted happily and talked about the old days.Wang Qisuo told this former colleague about his job in Lingao, and asked him to send a message to his family members who stayed in Shandong, asking them to rest assured that he was safe.Just wait for the opportunity to go to Shandong on business and pick them up to Lingao.

"... After more than half a year like this, people from 'Shi Weng' came to him, holding a letter from his family in their hands, saying that now the whole family has been taken to Tianjin Wei by Shi Weng, living in a good life, and asking him to do it for' Stone Weng's relentless effectiveness."

"So his family members are all the hostages of 'Shi Weng'. That's why they worked so hard."

"Yes. Wang Qisuo said that his wife, child, and old lady are all in Shi Weng's hands."

"But I have read his resume, and he said in his personal statement that he has 'no immediate family members'."

"I also asked about this. He said that he didn't dare to say that he had family members at the time, because he was an undercover agent in the private salt gang. He was afraid that it would be bad for him if he revealed his secret, so he said that he had no relatives and no reason."

"I went undercover in the private salt gang, but in the end I came to Lingao to play Infernal Affairs. It's a trick of luck." Wu Mu sighed with emotion, "Is there any connection between the sun umbrella project and the umbrella project?"

"According to his confession, the two groups of troops were sent by Shi Weng. He is also responsible for guiding how to enter Lingao and how to lurk."

"How did he do it?" Wu Mu was puzzled. After all, Wang Qisuo was just a soldier of the garrison battalion. Training and duty took up most of his time. It was impossible for him to spend so much time hooking up with Shi Weng.

"He went to Guangzhou as a veteran or the guard of important goods." Liu Fuqinghui reported, "I checked, and the garrison battalion often temporarily transfers personnel from the general garrison company to serve as guard tasks-there is a shortage of manpower."

"So we are full of sieves." Wu Mu said to himself, and then asked, "How did he contact Shi Weng?"

"Use a letter. The mailbox you pick up from the office..." Liu Fuqing said, "He also communicated with Sima Qiudao and others through this method."

There was a wry smile on Wu Mu's face.It seems that the ancients were also very good at learning.

"Do Lin Ming and Li Yongxun have anything to do with him?"

"No. He did see Lin Ming's secret signal, and thought that there was a colleague coming to help, so he sent Xin Nachun to contact him. After Xin Nachun was rejected, he went to the inn where Lin Ming was staying to inquire many times. Thinking that he might have another mission, not sent by Shi Weng, so I didn't contact him again."

Wu Mu asked many more questions, and generally speaking, the result was satisfactory to him.But who is Shi Weng, what is his purpose to persevere against the Senate, and who can send such a great force to come to Gao?These issues remain unresolved.

Judging from Wang Qisuo's confession and the materials of the Hangzhou incident, the so-called "Shi Weng" is not a key figure. It is likely that he is just a person who communicates with them, cannon fodder pawns, in front of the stage. show up.

If you continue to interrogate these prisoners, you will probably not get any useful information.Only by catching Shi Weng himself will it be possible to find out who is behind the scenes.

However, this is not something he can control, and it is not even something that the Political Security Bureau can decide. When it involves actions on the mainland, multi-department coordination is required, and the Executive Committee must order it.

At least the mole Wang Qisuo was dug out.Wu Mu thought.He issued an order to Liu Fuqing: "Continue to interrogate Wang Qisuo, and find out what kind of information he provided to Shi Weng. The more detailed the better, compile it into a book and report it! Are Sima Qiudao and Zhuo Yifan awake? "

"Still in treatment."

"When they can stand the interrogation, they will be interrogated together, and those captured violent terrorists will continue to be interrogated and upgraded. There is nothing left, and they must be clean!"

"Yes! Chief."

At this time, the phone rang, Wu Mu answered the phone, it was Zhao Manxiong's secretary who called: "Chief, please go there immediately."

"Okay, I'll come right away." Wu Mu sorted out the materials in his hands. For his subordinates, now is the time to wait for the celebration banquet and promotion, but for him, the next step may not be so Such a good thing, there are many people waiting to see the good show in the Senate.

Zhao Manxiong flipped through his brief report, then looked at the materials he brought, and put the documents on the table for a while.


"Thank you, Comrade Deputy Director." Wu Mu knew that the following was the main topic.It is gratifying to dig out Wang Qisuo, but it is not the same thing for the Senate.

"Unfortunately, our victory is not perfect." Zhao Manxiong said.

"I know this."

"I can only say that we are lucky. Otherwise, the problems we are facing now will be ten times worse than they are now. From this point of view, I am really grateful for Qian Shuiting's American-style education..."

"Strictly speaking, the incident on the Xiaocang is a problem with our security system..."

Zhao Manxiong shook his head: "Xiao Wu, there is a problem with our security system, but is there no problem with the political security work? We can't slip past it."

Wu Mu's back felt cold for a while.He said:
"I am aware of the consequences of this incident. Just like I said at the beginning."

"To be honest, our work is amateur. Of course, not only the naturalized civilians are amateurs, but we ourselves are also amateurs." Zhao Manxiong didn't answer his words. He stood up and paced in the office, "Next step, veteran There will definitely be voices in the hospital to adjust the organization..."

"The Political Security Bureau must not be dismembered or merged!" Wu Mu hurriedly said, he knew that there had long been a voice in the Senate that the political security work should be merged into the police system.

"No, the Executive Committee will not allow the merger of the Political Security Bureau and the National Police. Some veterans will not agree either." Zhao Manxiong seemed confident about this, "Are you familiar with Guangzhou?"

"Not very familiar." Since arriving at the Political Security Bureau, he has never left Lingao except for a few times to inspect the political security work in various counties in Hainan and Taiwan.

"I suggest that you start to familiarize yourself with the materials in Guangzhou now."

(End of this chapter)

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