Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1611 Analysis of Internet Public Opinion

Chapter 1611 Analysis of Internet Public Opinion
"Which one ran with you every day?" Yu Eshui had no impression of this man named Huang Pan at all, and asked while signing the agreement.

"No, which one is called Liu Ziming."

When Lu Xuan said this, Yu Eshui got a little impression. The one who followed Lu Xuan silently all day long was said to be a relative of Lu Xuan's "little three".With a look of bitterness and hatred, because he couldn't pass the exam for a Type C diploma, he finally left Lu Xuan's relationship and was recruited to work in the library service team the year before last.The naturalized people who can be selected to work in the big library have to go through political review. The key is to be politically reliable, and it doesn't matter if their education level is low. Sometimes it is better to be illiterate-as long as they can understand Arabic numerals.

"Huang Pan is the tall and strong one..."

"That's a pity. A tall and strong man can't do heavy work anymore." Yu Eshui took off the cap of his pen and signed the document, "What else can I do?"

"According to the regulations, Huang Pan is a staff member in a sensitive position. He needs to file a record with the Political Security Bureau when he takes office or resigns. This is the filing material..."

"Just this document?"

Yu Eshui interrupted him. He didn't care about these people at all, but it was just the inertia of being a leader who had to ask about everything.He flipped through it, a little disapproving:
"You can handle this kind of thing according to the procedure, don't sign everything. Is there anything else?"

"Director, listen to me. According to regulations, this material needs to be stamped with the official seal of the library. You are the top leader. It must be approved by you for external use."

When Lu Xuan said this, Yu Eshui's brows furrowed and let go, and he signed the materials Lu Xuan handed over.

"Second thing, Team Jiang of the special investigation team called you yesterday afternoon. You happened to be in a meeting and said that you wanted to lend me a few days of political history lessons for the newly selected special investigation team members at Ma Xiaobao. Look—— "

Yu Eshui's face became ugly, and he couldn't help complaining:

"What do they think of the big library? A labor dispatch company? They want one today, and borrow another tomorrow. They don't even look at the big library. Besides you and me, there are a few serious elders working in the big library. Can the work still be done? Now that the security situation is so bad, the terrorists have come to Dongmen City to set off bombs. What are the things in the big library? They are all treasures! Unrepeatable treasures! They are all wealth, to be left to future generations The wealth of future generations! Any loss in the big library is a crime against future generations and mankind!" Yu Eshui became more and more excited as he spoke, stood up and kept circling around the room.Lu Xuan quietly watched Yu Eshui who was on the verge of going berserk.He knows that the strength of the Senate is growing day by day, and it already has a wave of flat-push advantages over the surrounding forces. The status of the library is still the top priority, but the Ming history research part of the large library will gradually become marginalized until it is reduced to a pure consulting office.It is normal for Yu Eshui to feel lost.

Yu Eshui suddenly grabbed Huang Pan's work injury subsidy approval materials from the table, and shook it vigorously in the air: "Increasing special investigation team?! Our library is such an important unit. The security force has not increased at all! The executive and I How many times has the committee said that there should be a special investigation team responsible for the security of the Gaoshanling area. Now a group of Koryo sticks and Japanese devils are defending Gaoshanling! I will go! I think they are completely putting the cart before the horse, and this is the Senate The foundation of the Senate, knowledge is the foundation of the Senate..."

"Don't worry, director. I heard that the special investigation team is going to transfer a group of people to the secret service to be directly responsible for the security of the elders and important institutions. Such a critical department of our large library must also be protected by the secret service... ..." Lu Xuan comforted.

"Secret Service?!" Yu Eshui's feet seemed to be frozen, and he turned his head to look at Lu Xuan in astonishment.

"You don't know? It's been spreading recently, both on the Internet and in private. I heard that Speaker Qian has recommended that Dayang Masarina to be the director of the Secret Service, and that he will set up the Security Committee of the Senate in the future. The Secret Service falls under this security committee."

As Lu Xuan spoke vividly, Yu Eshui's expression became very complicated.

"What? You really don't know about this. You are the Chief History Advisor of the Executive Committee. It is impossible not to ask for your opinion when such a big policy is introduced... Don't you believe it? It's good to post proposals for political reform on the BBS It's been a few days, and the details of the establishment of the safety committee and the finance committee have all been posted..."

Yu Eshui opened the browser and flipped through the posts casually. His expression froze, and soon sank again, and his expression gradually returned to normal.

"This is just a proposal. Anyone who is a veteran can make military and political proposals. There are seven or eight such proposals on the BBS every week."

Lu Xuan repeatedly nodded in agreement: "That's right, that's right."

"But look at what Laoqian and the others mean, their appetite is really big." Yu Eshui commented lightly as if it had nothing to do with it, "It doesn't matter whether it is supervised or not. I am afraid that if we do this, everyone will be fooled." The chairman and the vice-chairman, at least they have to be some kind of committee member, our big library is going to be left in the cold..."

"What about the special detective team?"

"It's okay, you can go. Anyway, the big library is like this. One more you is not too much, and one less you is not too much." Yu Eshui suddenly felt a little sad, "What kind of work is not to serve the Senate."

"That is, that is."

Lu Xuan returned to his office, and when he passed by the opposite office, he noticed Cheng Yongxin, and saw her nervous expression, her hands typing quickly on the keyboard.Can't help but sneer.

He turned on his computer and connected to the BBS, thinking that our place is a bit like a silent city—you can only connect to one website.That is the Senate Portal.All applications based on the WWW interface are in this portal.

Lu Xuan didn’t care much about Internet public opinion in the old days, because most of the domestic BBS and various interactive online media are anonymous, which first caused the proliferation of vests and professional fans, and secondly, anonymity made netizens tend to vent their emotions in speech. type, there are few more rational and objective discussions.Often whoever yells loudly is justified.Public opinion is easily mobilized.

The BBS of the Senate is a real-name system, which firstly eliminates the possibility of vest irrigation, and secondly, in the society of acquaintances, each other must leave a certain amount of leeway. For some people, they must maintain their own masks and cannot stage a double-sided life at will. , let alone take off your pants naked.

So a part of public opinion can still be seen on this BBS. The reason why he thinks it is "a part" is because there are too many veterans who don't have time to blow water on the BBS. They pay more attention to the BBS and often come up to blow water. It is the elders of the administrative department. The elders who work in the industrial world are generally not very keen on participating in discussions. They are only interested in matters related to them.

After the "violent terrorist incident" in Dongmen City, the BBS has been very lively, and the topics of the posts have also developed step by step from "review of the incident", "find out who is behind the scenes", and "how to take revenge": the first few days The hot posts of the day are mainly about "accountability". In recent days, they have begun to turn to the "reflection" of "determined questioning", and they are all about "system issues".Recently, it has been turned into a discussion of "system reform" and "senatorial power".

Lu Xuan has his own set of theories and methods for analyzing public opinion on BBS.Affected by the real-name system, he analyzed every hot post on a daily basis.According to the content of the posts, the veterans who posted and replied were classified according to their positions, inclinations, and general political inclinations in daily life, and then weighted the number of their posts, so that he could roughly distinguish the direction of public opinion and the "public opinion orientation" of the Senate. ".

A long time ago, Lu Xuan discovered that the BBS is guided by public opinion, not only the executive committee itself, but also various professional outlets and political factions below the executive committee are also consciously or unconsciously trying to manipulate public opinion.

He starts by searching for posts with new content.At this time, a new post caught his attention: "The Veteran's Military and Political Proposal: Establishing Our Youth Organization".He clicked on it and saw that the post was posted by Wei Aiwen from the Political Department of the General Staff.

Judging from the content of the post, this is no different from other posts: Since the core members of the Zhai Party issued a proposal for "system reform", requiring the establishment of a "safety committee" and a "finance committee", all kinds of free-riding "system reform" veteran military and political proposals All over the place, the establishment of the youth league and even the establishment of the party are things that have been proposed a long time ago. Now it is only normal to take advantage of this shareholder style to bring up the old things again.

Lu Xuan carefully looked at the replies at the back. There were more than 200 people who clicked "Approve". There were not many replies, only more than 30. Most of them were expressing support and making suggestions. Most of the posters were veterans with similar tendencies to Wei Aiwen; Several posts expressed the need to "suspend" and "discuss after clarifying the political structure", and one post expressed "concern": Without good institutional constraints, whether the Youth League will become a veteran with "some ulterior motives" Tool of".Although this reply did not directly quote the reply, it got more than 100 "likes".

Lu Xuan took out the legal pad and began to count the relevant veterans according to the usual practice.In the middle of the statistics, he suddenly thought of something, threw the pad aside, and picked up the phone: "Is it the reference room? I'm Lu Xuan! I'm going to bring last week's "Lingao Times" to me immediately .”

"Lingao Times" is a newspaper with four folios, and the amount of information is not large. Lu Xuan quickly found a report in his memory: "The Young Eagle Spreads its Wings--A Story of Bravely Fighting Terrorists" Cang No. Women's Sailors".

(End of this chapter)

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