Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1620 The Role of Indigenous Conservation Societies

Chapter 1620 The Role of Indigenous Conservation Societies

"No, he is innocent. At least I think he is innocent now." Ji Xin said, "This incident was widely circulated among the aborigines at that time. You know that I am the president of the aboriginal protection association. At that time, there were several Relatives of my family came to me with complaints - so I started to do some research."

The vest silently listened to what he had to say.

"I think I still have some investigative skills. However, although this incident is too strange and weird, I have to say that I can't produce any evidence to accuse him of doing it. From a rational point of view, it seems that he did this. It's not necessary either."

"Is there a file on this matter?"

"There must be something in the national police file. Death investigations are required for abnormal deaths. If you want to see my investigation notes, you can only come to my office to read them yourself."

"No, I trust your conclusion."

"However, through this investigation, I discovered some intriguing things." Ji Xin said, "Our Master Lu has a great ambition."

"Great ambition?"

"Yes. It started a few years ago. At that time, he and I were participating in a grassroots research activity of the Ministry of Social Affairs. By the way, there was also a mission to accommodate indigenous orphans and poor children. At that time, he recommended and sponsored four children. Study in Fangcaodi."

"It's not very good."

"That's right. It's really good." Ji Xin said, "Then he came to me and said that he hoped that I could help recommend two children to Fangcaodi, recommend in my name, and he will pay for it."

"Why didn't he come out on his own?" Vest asked. "Many of the senators did the same thing about subsidizing aboriginal children to go to school. The senate didn't prohibit it either."

"He didn't say anything. I think he probably didn't want to stand out too much." Ji Xin said, "I didn't pay much attention to it at the time. Later, when I started investigating the Zhangjiazhuang incident, I found something wrong—he funded too many people. Yes, there were more than a dozen people reading it at the time.”

"More than ten people?!"

"About eleven or two people." Ji Xin nodded, "Up to now, there are more than 20 people who are studying or have graduated."

Vest's complexion has changed a bit: recommending subsidy for aboriginal children to go to school is considered a trend among the elders, similar to the local tyrants "playing charity" in the old time and space.Although there is a vague sense of nurturing private interests, few people support so many Aboriginal students.

"That intrigued me a lot, and I continued my private investigation and found more interesting things."

"These students, after graduation and employment, still have very close contacts with Lu Xuan. They often go to Zhangjiazhuang to pay their respects, and kowtow every year and festival. Lu Xuan also often gives them financial assistance." Ji Xin said, "That's not counting, He probably adopted seven or eight indigenous children in his own village to educate himself—these people are not in the Guihuamin system, they are his slaves."

"This is raising a priest!" The jaw of the waistcoat almost dropped. He had thought of Lu Xuan's sudden visit with ulterior motives, but he didn't expect that he had such a trick behind him!
"You know, from a legal point of view, what he did is not illegal. We didn't say that the senator can't keep slaves. Besides, these slaves are raised in the name of his wife. As long as they pay taxes on time, it is legal. As for Funding students, many veterans have similar things..."

"But they didn't establish a personal attachment relationship!" Vest pointed out the crux of the problem.

Ji Xin nodded and said, "This is the crux of the problem."

"It's really thanks to you for coming today." The vest said with a sigh.

"In my opinion, you won't cooperate with him even if I don't come, will you?" Ji Xin smiled. "After all, the Law Society is also conducting research on political reform. Why should you help him carry the sedan chair and pick the fruits?"

Vest smiled slightly, looked out the window and said leisurely: "Even if the Algorithm Society didn't start this project, it's too late to do it now." He was silent for a while, and asked, "What's the matter with you suddenly asking to meet me?"

"Coincidentally, it happens to be related to this old Lu Yuan." Ji Xin said, "You know, I have an association for the protection of indigenous rights." He smiled wryly, "This association, to be honest, is not very welcoming. See. Not only are the elders not pleasing to the eye, but even Du Wen, who preaches "the sanctity of labor" all the time, criticizes me every day for "paralyzing the working people." He let out a long breath, "However, because there are In this association, some naturalized people and natives are willing to come to me to talk about things. A few days ago, a senior life secretary came to me and talked about something."

"Which elder, what's the matter?" Vest was very interested.

"I won't say which elder, it has nothing to do with him anyway, the key is the life secretary, she reported the situation to me: she said that a classmate of hers in the maid training class was severely abused by the elder, happy I can't go down..."

"Is it Lu Xuan's life secretary?"


The vest is a bit unbelievable: the elders have all kinds of personalities, and they treat women in a variety of ways, but there is almost one thing in common, that is, the humanitarian and equal spirit of the old time and space still have a strong inertia in them. The slaves in this time and space can all be regarded as "gentle, kind and benevolent".Although I have heard that some veterans like SM's tunes, tie up maids, drip wax and spank their buttocks, but this is considered fun, no matter how they think of their maids, it is generally based on love.Intentional abuse and wanton corporal punishment are unheard of.

"Maybe he just likes SM, or likes cosplay like a master..."

Ji Xin shook his head: "I am a person in the 21st century. I can clearly distinguish what is SM and what is corporal punishment. In short, it is not an exaggeration to say that she is now in Zhangjiazhuang. After being beaten, he was punished to kneel down and passed out."

Seeing the vest, he still couldn't believe it, so he took out a notebook from his pocket: "I checked the special needs clinic of Lingao General Hospital and Runshitang, but there was no relevant outpatient record. However, the sales in Runshitang However, it is recorded in the records that Lu Xuan's secretary bought a Chinese patent medicine for reducing swelling and blood stasis several times. I specifically consulted Liu San, and Liu San said that this medicine was originally the "sticky sore medicine" of the Yamen Zaoban. Fangzi was later improved and handed over to Runshitang for production and sales.

"From the quantity and frequency of her purchases, it is quite impressive. Liu San said that if it was really for the treatment of flogging injuries, then this person would have been beaten to death long ago. So..."

"So you think that more than one life secretary in Zhangjiazhuang was physically punished and abused, but it is a common phenomenon."

"Yes, corporal punishment of slaves in Zhangjiazhuang should not be a common phenomenon."

"But it's not against the law," Vest said.

"Yes, it's not against the law. Unless someone is killed." Ji Xin said, "That's why I came to you to discuss this issue."

"Even if someone dies, according to the common program, the elders will not be punished in any way." Waistcoat said, "Besides, the senate has not abolished the slavery system, and it is still legal for the natives to keep slaves; even the senate itself has contract slaves. According to the regulations, even the secretary of life has only recently issued a document to revoke their slave status."

"Don't the Law Society consider abolishing the slavery system?" Ji Xin said.

Vest laughed: "You're right, but it hasn't been put on the agenda yet. Everything has to wait until we take Guangdong. As far as Hainan is concerned, at least we have made slavery very uneconomical. I think you are also very clear that economic means are sometimes much more effective than a simple official document. Hastily promulgating a law that looks correct, with clauses that are full of generalities and no implementation details, is actually almost the same as no law.”

"I understand this. There are thousands of clues." Ji Xin said, "However, I think that Lu Xuan's secretary's affairs should be properly intervened. If something really happens, I'm afraid there will be another commotion. I think Our current political ecology has become very abnormal, and people are jumping up and down in everything, trying to muddy the water."

"I'm afraid it's very difficult. It's politically incorrect to interfere in the private life of the senators." Ma Jia said, "unless someone dies."

Ji Xin's face revealed a look of sorrow and pity again, and he didn't delve into this issue any further.Under the existing system, they are indeed powerless.he asked:

"So this proposal from Elder Lu Yuan?" Ji Xin shook his head and said, "I always feel that there is something wrong with this proposal."

"Of course there is a problem." Vest got up and left his seat, sat down beside Ji Xin, handed him another cigarette, saw that he refused, lit one himself, took a deep breath and said: " I also don't think it's that simple."

"Then you are going to revise it for him? He wants the Law Society to endorse his proposal and increase the weight of the proposal. Are you afraid that he will take the initiative?"

"The purpose of this proposal is to standardize the functions and powers of various administrative departments, which is in line with the policy of governing the country by law advocated by our Law Society. As the policy advisory body of the Senate, it is understandable for the Great Library to come up with such a proposal to offer advice to the Executive Committee. Since he asked us to revise it, of course the Law Society cannot refuse it outright. Otherwise, it will be unreasonable. I think it is enough to revise some of the administrative law concept errors in it, and leave the rest unchanged. Naturally, the Law Society will not sign it. , let the big library go out to show the limelight." He said with a smile, "No matter what they want to do, there will always be a day when they will see each other, and if they are foxes, they will always show their tails."

After listening to the official article written by Vest, Ji Xin suddenly felt that the face of the man in front of him was a bit blurred.

Vest seemed to have noticed Ji Xin's strangeness, and patted him on the shoulder: "Our Law Society has always adhered to the idea of ​​ruling the country by law, and we don't play the trick of pulling ladders from the wall."

(End of this chapter)

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