Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1638

Chapter 1638
The five people in Confucian shirts and Huang Tikun were in a stalemate with each other, their eyes were all wide open, and blood seemed to drip from their eyeballs.One of the leaders seemed to want to be famous as a teacher, saying that he was not a robber, pointing at Huang Tiankun and said loudly: "You are a traitor, you will make trouble in the South China Sea, slaughter the gentry, mutilate the people, and resist the king's teacher—"

Huang Tikun didn't know who these people who appeared out of nowhere were, but there was no doubt that these people hated the Kun thieves and wanted to destroy the Kun thieves soon.He hastened to say: "Brother is poor, my younger brother is not a traitor..."

"Hey! Who else is a traitor if you are not a traitor? You are deeply favored by the court, but you let the gangsters sit on the throne in Lingao, and you don't want to learn the art of sages. Such an unfaithful and filial person, how can you not be a traitor? Death is small, but loss of morality is big. If you don't serve the court, but guard the gate of the country to share the emperor's worries, how can you not be a traitor? I will go up today to eliminate harm for the court, and I will go down..."

As soon as the word "Xia" was uttered, the leader was hit with a clod of dirt on his head, and immediately squatted down covering his face with an "Aiya".It turned out that Huang Tiankun saw that the other party obviously regarded himself as a thief, and he wanted to get rid of the latter quickly. Based on the principle that a good man does not suffer immediate losses, he acted first.

When the clod was shot, he rushed towards a shorter man on the right, grabbed the stick with his hands, pushed it away and ran away.

The other party is wearing a Confucian shirt and a Confucian scarf, which is elegant and elegant, and this kind of gown can only hinder people from fighting.One of these five people can't run away from Huang Tikun.

But Huang Tingkun went to visit Jinshen. He was wearing a long gown himself. He ran too fast and didn’t pay attention to the stones under his feet. The long gown wrapped his legs and mixed with the stones. He immediately felt like a dog eating shit. When he fell down, his right shoulder hit the wall, and the stick also fell down. hands off.When he tried to get up again, the people behind had already chased him up, and the one in front hit him with his arms around his head, shouting, "Kun thief, die!"

Huang Tikun has been suppressing bandits for many years, and has rich fighting experience. Seeing that he couldn't escape, he put his hands on his head and caught a stick on his back. When he got up, the wooden stick that fell to the ground just now was fighting with the few people who caught up later.These few people wearing Confucian shirts are not as weak as ordinary scholars, they are very powerful, and they can wield their sticks to survive. Fortunately, they have no fighting skills-Huang Tiankun is clumsy on the left and right, and it is difficult to resist live.

However, he was a one-to-five guy who was not good enough in his hands. He gradually lost the wind and was thinking about how to get out. Suddenly, a cry came from a distance: "Over there, hey, what are you doing over there?"It sounded like a yamen servant patrolling the streets. The few people who besieged Huang Tingkun couldn't see it well. They turned around and went into the alley, and soon disappeared.Only this one who was fighting with Huang Tiankun was firmly grasped by the shirt, unable to break free.The yamen servants rushed over noisily and grabbed the two of them separately.

The two people were held by the arms of the two yamen servants respectively, and they couldn't move.Huang Tikun got up and felt that something was flowing on his face, but when he reached out to wipe it, it was covered with blood, and he was shocked.Fortunately, I wiped it again and found that the scalp was broken when I fell down just now, and it is not a serious problem.Only then can I rest assured.The Confucian student in the long gown was caught by his arms, and he kept yelling and cursing: "Kun thief, you can't help but ruin your reputation! Kun thief, what's wrong with my parents? You hang them!? Kun thief is licentious and shameless, what's wrong with my sister! He was dragged to become a servant girl! Kun thief! Greedy for profit and unrighteous, all my cattle were taken away—” Seeing him yelling at Kun thief, the yamen servant hurriedly shouted: “What nonsense are you talking about! If you drink too much, go sober up first! "

Because both of them were dressed as scholars, the guards who watched the night didn't know the details for a while, and they were afraid that some famous scholars would make people drink too much and make trouble, so they didn't dare to be violent, they just restrained people and didn't make trouble.

However, the other party didn't care, and kept struggling and kicking: "Girl thief! You are outrageous, colluding with the government, how much money did you give Xiong Wencan..." Only two slaps were heard, and a yamen servant was afraid that he would come up with something nonsense. "Shouldn't" come, directly gave the Confucian scholar two mouths.They are all handed down skills from the family, and they are ruthless and poisonous. The scholar suddenly bleeds from the corners of his mouth, and he can't speak for a while.Hearing his words, the leading yamen servant knew that this person probably had something to do with the "Australian", and he couldn't afford to offend him, so he hurriedly gave Huang Tikun a slap in the face with a smile: "You're always frightened, it's okay Bar?"

"It's not in the way. Fortunately, I'm sorry." Huang Tikun took out a famous card, and the yamen servant's eyes flashed: This is a post from Liang's mansion!He hurriedly apologized with a smile, "If you're fine, go back first. Let's sober up this madman first, so that he won't be sober..."

Huang Tinkun didn't feel the slightest surprise at this surprise attack on the street, let alone frightened.Ever since he organized scholars to spy on the military situation, Huang Tingkun was always prepared for a group of vicious gangsters to appear suddenly and shoot at him with short-handled firearms.Today's scene made him dumbfounded.Seeing the yamen servant grabbing the nearly mad Confucian scholar and pinning him down, with his turban falling down and his hair messed up like a refugee, he could only hear him screaming at the top of his lungs, but he couldn't hear what he was cursing at all.

He smiled wryly, and just as the yamen servants were about to bring the Confucian scholars to the county yamen, the Confucian scholars struggled to pounce on Huang Tikun with strength from nowhere. Fortunately, the yamen servants had already tied him up and pulled stopped him.But at this moment, a mouthful of sticky phlegm mixed with blood spit out from the Confucian scholar's mouth and flew onto Huang Tikun's face.Huang Tikun hurriedly wiped it with his sleeve, and found that the sleeve was full of blood, mixed with phlegm and blood, and there was also a tooth that had just been knocked out.

Huang Tikun didn't get up until noon the next day. Although he didn't suffer any serious injuries yesterday, the boy went out to find a doctor and applied some cuttlebone powder on his forehead to stop the bleeding.However, there were still some bruises on his body, and he thought it would be better to just keep it for a few days before making a fuss, but there was an endless stream of people visiting from outside.It turned out that the boy had already reported Lin Xiucai about his attack.A group of people from Yuyuan Club came to visit one after another, and some of them didn't come by themselves, but sent their servants to deliver food and wound medicine.

Huang Tikun had never been such a high-profile figure in his life, so he had to get up and socialize.At the end of the day, instead, my back hurts and my mouth feels dry.After finally seeing off the last batch of guests, I sat down to rest.

The boy made him a decoction for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, and drank a few mouthfuls.I just feel sore all over.He ran around for a long time, visited many people, and made friends with scholars in the county school.After all, I have been in Guangzhou for more than a month, and I haven't had time to read some of the gangster's miscellaneous books.Relaxing at this moment, on the contrary, made Huang Tikun's mind clearer.

Recalling all the actions I have done in Lingao, it can be said that I have worked hard, but the gangster was resolved without any action, and the so-called "jumping clown" is probably nothing more than that.

After finally arriving in Guangzhou, these days not only did not let him feel the feeling of "the sky in the liberated area is a bright sky", but gave him deep disappointment and doubt.The filth and chaos here, the poverty of the people... everything seems to be compared to him.But the Kun bandits did whatever they wanted inside and outside the city, and the government not only did nothing, but many profit-seekers flattered the Kun bandits in every possible way.Even the students in the county school have lost their integrity.

It's funny to say that everything went smoothly for me in Guangzhou because everyone thought I had a deep knowledge of "Kun Xue".Huang Tikun squeezed the teeth in his hand, after being spat on his face yesterday, he kept it carefully.The like-minded people in Guangzhou are probably these few unknown scholars.

Yes, you should talk to him!

Huang Tinkun called the boy and told him to go to the Nanhai County Yamen to inquire about the situation of the person who was caught by the guards yesterday.The boy came back not long after he left.

"The scholar died yesterday." The boy said.

"What?!" Huang Tikun was taken aback, "He died after only one night's work?"

"Yes," said the boy, "I heard from the people inside that the night watchman put him in the prison last night, and he went to see him this morning, and he hanged himself!"

Huang Tinkun's palm hurt, as if he had been stabbed by a tooth, he quickly threw the tooth out.He asked again:
"Really suicide?"

"The team leader said that he committed suicide, and that it was not the first time he had been arrested..."

"What's going on, tell me in detail."

"Yes." The boy said that the scholar was originally a son of a grain household in the countryside of Dongguan County, named Lei Lunfu.A few years ago, when the Kun bandits were in the army, his family organized a village force to fight against the bandits, but the whole family was wiped out.Only one girl was said to have been taken to Lingao.He himself studied in the county seat, because Dongguan paid the redemption fee, so he escaped a catastrophe.

"I can't blame him for holding such a grudge against the Kun thief." Huang Tinkun nodded secretly.

"Since then he has been a little crazy." The boy went on to say, "Distributed postings in Guangzhou all day long, and went to the Yamen to file a complaint several times. Seeing that the government ignored him, he went to Zijihao to make trouble again, and was chased away by the guards. It doesn’t matter if he got out, Dongzhu Guo probably used some means to get rid of his reputation as a scholar, and asked the Nanhai county government to arrest him and imprison him for half a month, and he suffered a lot in prison.”

"and then?"

"Then he got in touch with the Australians more and more—" The boy said that this person gathered a group of people who had similar encounters with him, and then went to Ziji to make trouble. Ten boards, just released.

It turned out to be like this, Huang Tikun was in awe, this is a righteous man!It's just that I don't know who those other people are. If I can get in touch, I will have some help in my great cause of rebellion.

"Go to the yamen and inquire about who is with this person, who is their last name, and where they live."

The little servant laughed and said, "Master Huang, why bother with this matter? Give the team leader in the yamen a few taels of silver, and you can do whatever you want, young master."

(End of this chapter)

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