Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1644

Chapter 1644

"Unexpectedly, the thieves built such a small city outside the city of Guangzhou without making a sound!" Wu Bi sighed.

Huang Tikun said: "I'm afraid it won't take a few years, there will be something unbearable in Guangzhou."

Wu Ni nodded, with a very complicated expression on his face.It seemed both excited and frightened.After looking at the building for a long while, he said, "Let's go, let's do something for the little brother first."

The businessmen who came in through the "investment" channel walked along the sign to the wing on one side.A road is blocked with bamboo poles along the way, and no random walking is allowed.Most people have uncontrollable smiles on their faces, as if they can get money when they go in.

The three of them walked in with the flow of people, and saw a large room without partitions inside. The walls had been painted white, and the floor was covered with what Australians call terrazzo.On the table in the middle of the entrance is a layered floor plan of the big world, with colorful markings of various colors on it, and the heavenly stems and earthly branches and numbers are written in ink in the color blocks.

Many businessmen and shopkeepers who came to participate in the investment promotion crowded around the table, some pointed and discussed with the people next to them; some stared at the map in silence; some smiled confidently after a few glances.

The wall was also very lively. It turned out that there was a large notice posted on it, with the instructions for attracting investment line by line in large Song typeface.Huang Tikun didn't intend to look more at first, but Wu Bi was very interested in it, so he squeezed past.

The first is the explanation of the meanings of the colors and numbers on the map. The first phase of investment attraction of the Great World is mainly the wings on both sides, which are divided into different areas according to the nature of the store's business.Each numbered color block on the map is a shop.According to the size and location of the shop, the natural rent is also different.Seeing that the rental units above were marked with "square meters", Huang Tingkun couldn't help but secretly cursed that the thieves were getting more and more rampant.

The following are restrictive terms for merchants, such as opening and closing time, in-store employment, hygiene requirements, etc. Huang Tikun knows that Australians have almost abnormal requirements for hygiene and cleanliness, so he doesn't look too much. The next step is "preferential conditions "The shops that originally settled in the big world can enjoy the rent exemption for the first year, and the discount of paying half of the rent for the second and third years.This is not a small incentive!It's no wonder that they are building shops outside the city, and it's not yet known how many customers will be willing to patronize them.

But looking at the crowds in the hall, there are quite a few people who are optimistic about this new market.This Australian really has the art of demagoguery!

Zhang Yu followed them for a long time, only to see that there was "dining area" in the description, but there was no word "tea food".I feel a little more at ease, but looking at the picture description, there is a classification of "food store".Tea and food can also be considered food.Thinking about it again, this is "merchants", not Australians opening their own shops.What kind of shop they open will not be written on it.

You have to ask the talent, but after the senior and Mr. Huang came in, they just looked around and were not in a hurry to inquire.He was anxious and looked around, only to see that not far away was the "negotiation area". There were fake men sitting behind a long row of tables, and they were explaining to the people who came to inquire. full.

Seeing that they also spoke Cantonese, Zhang Yu probably didn't need the translation of Mr. Huang from Hainan.

The line in front of the table was very long, so he couldn't wait.Relying on his dexterity, Zhang Yu quickly popped his head in front of one of the tables, and just opened his mouth to say: "This gentleman—" Then someone yelled: "You! Go in line!"

Following the roar, a big man with short hair and a short stick hanging from his waist came over and pointed at Zhang Yu's nose: "No jumping in line!"

"Don't be so fierce, I just want to ask a few words, it has nothing to do with investment..."

"If you ask anything, you have to queue up!" The big man was not accommodating.

If it was in other places, he would never buy it, at least he would have to ask for a bargain, saying that he had had sex with the female elders of the other party, but this is the territory of the Australians, so he quickly slipped out and ranked in the end of line.

Wu Ni smiled: "You are honest today!"

"A good man doesn't suffer from immediate disadvantages. We don't know each other well here. If we want to be in Guangzhou, I must give him a good look." Zhang Yu still insisted on his words.

Huang Tinkun shook his head and said, "Fortunately, this is Guangzhou, and you can still answer; if you are in Lingao, you have to dare to say 'no'. This time you will be tied to the torture rack and your butt will be pumped..."

Zhang Yu shuddered when he heard this, and subconsciously wanted to touch his butt, when he suddenly saw Chen Shixin passing by in the crowd, he quickly greeted him, "Shixin!"

I saw him holding a hard clip in his hand, squeezing around in the crowd.But he didn't see the big man scolding him.Hearing his greeting, Chen Shixin squeezed over immediately:

"What? You've come to the Great World too? Is your family going to do business here too?"

"Probably." Zhang Yu said vaguely, "Why are you here?"

Chen Shixin's father was a painter who worked for others to make a living. The family didn't open a shop, so naturally he wouldn't come to attract business.

"I heard that the world is open today, so I came in specially to have a look and draw. The Australian I met last time taught me a new way of drawing and gave me painting materials. I want to try it."

"What painting? Let me take a look." Zhang Yu became very interested when he heard it.I even forgot about queuing.

"Look!" Chen Shixin actually hid something from everyone in the past. He and the Australian met several times later and learned a lot of "Australian painting" techniques.He showed it to his father, but his father said that it was not an "Australian painting" but a "Western painting" by the Franji people.Although there are differences in small details, the general drawing method is the same - his father saw it one year when he was working for Fran Robot in Haojingao.But this is also a great opportunity for Chen Shixin: Who will come to teach him the painting skills of the craftsman's son Franji for free?For a craftsman, multiple crafts mean multiple meals.

Zhang Yu opened the folder, but was disappointed. It turned out that the drawings on this paper were extremely simple, just a few strokes of outline.Although there is a view of the big world building and the big crane outside, even the sand, stones, garbage, etc. on the square are drawn in, and everything is in every detail.As for the latter, there are all kinds of characters in the venue.Although it looks vivid with a few strokes of outline, it is not good-looking at all.

"What kind of painting is this?"

"This is called sketching." Chen Shixin said seriously, "The chief said it is one of the foundations of painting..."

A flash of light flashed in Zhang Yu's mind, and he asked, "So you know Australians in the big world."

Chen Shixin nodded: "Yes, his surname is Hong..."

Zhang Yu said urgently: "Can you take me to meet Chief Hong?"

Chen Shixin was surprised: "Brother Zhang, what do you want to see him for? You don't want to learn to draw, and besides, he doesn't eat walnut cakes..."

Zhang Yu was so anxious that he wanted to kneel down for him, but he couldn't do it in public, so he held his hands and said earnestly, "I have something urgent, so please ask Brother Chen for help."

Chen Shixin was puzzled, but the two of them were good friends and couldn't lose face, so he said, "I'll go and ask for you, if he is willing to see you, I'll lead you the thread, how about it?"

"Thank you, Brother Chen!" Zhang Yu almost bowed to the end.

At this time, Huang Tikun and Wu Bi also came over. Hearing that Chen Shixin could introduce him to meet the Australians directly, Wu Bi frowned and said, "I don't know if we will see you or not. I think you might as well continue queuing here and leave him alone." It will take a while to come, just ask the fake Kun here."

"Yes, the senior is right."

While talking, the team had advanced a lot, and it seemed that they were about to reach Zhang Yu.The voice of the previous conversation also became clearer.

"If you want to open a roast meat shop, this shop is not good. The oily smoke is too much, which will affect others. Either you change the shop, or make it outside and sell it."

"Want to open a raw medicine store? How many years has this one been open now? 20 years? No. To open a medicine store in the big world, at least three generations must be passed down."

"You said your house is a century-old store? Then you have to have the account books over the years to testify. The post copied from the county government house? You can get one of these things for three taels of silver. It's useless."

"How many times have I told you that we don't do flesh and blood here, no matter if it's clean or dirty. It doesn't matter if you want to pay more money."

"Your shop is good, and the chief likes the taste of your shop. It's no problem for you to get this position. After filling out the form, you're ready to sign the contract."


It was on Zhang Yu's side.Before he could speak, the fake Kun sitting behind the desk asked, "What kind of shop do you open?"

This "false Kun" spoke authentic Guangzhou vernacular, obviously a local aborigine.

"Walnut Crisp—" Zhang Yu was caught off guard and opened his mouth to answer.

"Just sell walnut cakes?" "Fake Kun" sitting behind the table frowned, "Can this business support the business? Don't you sell some other tea and food?"

Zhang Yu hurriedly asked, "Is there a tea shop in Great World?"

"Of course there are benefits. You may not be allowed to start a unique business." Jia Kun said, "Besides, you only make walnut cakes, and we don't need it here-it's too simple. Why don't you fill out a form and register first."

Zhang Yu didn't care about this, and hurriedly asked, "Excuse me, Kun—do Australians also want to open tea and food shops?"

"That's not clear," Fake Kun suddenly became alert, "Why are you asking this?"

"Nothing, nothing."

"Do you want to register? If you don't, you'll be next." "Fake Kun" is full of bureaucracy.

"Let me think about it again..."

Before Zhang Yu finished speaking, "Fake Kun" raised his throat: "Next!"

Zhang Yu squeezed out from the crowd in disappointment, obviously not getting the answer he wanted.Just as he was in a daze in the room, he suddenly saw Chen Shixin running in from the outside, his face full of excitement: "Brother Zhang Xian, the chief is willing to see you!"

(End of this chapter)

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