Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1646 Walnut Crisp For The Great World

Chapter 1646 Walnut Crisp For The Great World

Zhang Yu didn't know whether the news was joy or sorrow, so he was in a daze.Hong Huangnan's heart moved, he suddenly remembered something, and asked, "Is your walnut cake delicious?"

Chen Shixin interjected: "Boss, although their store is small, it is an authentic century-old store. The walnut cake is known as the best of Pan Yu... how many teahouses use products from their store."

"Pan Yu's uniqueness" is of course bragging, but Chen Shixin smelled that it was good for Zhang Yu's family from the chief's questioning, so he rushed to introduce it.

Zhang Yu also nodded: "My family's walnut cake is delicious." He blushed a little when he said this.Because of Chen Walnut's incident, some old customers have already complained.
Hong Huangnan nodded: "That's it, Shixin, you can buy me a few yuan to try tomorrow."

Zhang Yu hurriedly said: "I have it with me. Chief, if you don't mind it, you can try it." As he spoke, he took out an oil-stained paper bag from his sleeve—this was what his mother brought him as a snack in the morning.

Hong Huangnan opened the paper bag, and the walnut cake was broken into several pieces.There is a layer of fine particles under the oil paper.The crisping was done well.As a writer who often writes articles for the food columns of magazines and newspapers in Guangzhou, he has a natural sensitivity to food.

He picked up a piece, put it on the tip of his nose and sniffed it first, and asked, "Is this baked yesterday?"

Zhang Yu hurriedly said: "Yes. The leftovers from yesterday's sale, the smaller ones can be taken with you as snacks."

Hong Huangnan put the walnut cake on the tip of his tongue, closed his eyes and chewed slowly, the first sentence he muttered was: "It's too sweet."

Sweet, very sweet.Traditional Chinese desserts are often heavy in oil and sugar, but the sweetness of the 21st century is much lighter than that of the 17th century - the sweetness of this walnut cake is comparable to the pastries in the Middle East.

"This crisped lard is not Chen De." Hong Huangnan frowned slightly, "It must be new lard."

"This, the villain doesn't know..."

The lard used to make traditional pastries must be old.It is said that the older the better.The crispy snacks made are not only crispy, but also durable.It can be put in the first half of the year without being bad.

Suddenly Hong Huangnan's eyes opened: "The walnuts are old!" He continued to chew a few times, "Each half is new and half old, and the aroma of new walnuts is used to cover up the brain. It's a pity that the inner skin was not picked clean, and there are some leftovers. Bitter. Besides, walnuts are very oily, and second-hand products in the next year will change their taste. Even if the bitter skin is picked out, the faint hala smell cannot be removed."

Zhang Yu's face flushed immediately, saying yes and no, no and no.This walnut is the biggest secret of his shop.In order to conceal the smell of old walnuts, his parents used a lot of brains.But it still can't be hidden from some old diners who are good at tasting.

"It's really a small family with small capital and little profit. The price of walnuts is too high now, and it's hard to do business in the market..." He reluctantly argued.In fact, some of his goods are made of high-quality materials, that is, orders from wealthy families. Although the customers are picky, the price is high and the quantity is small, so the items are absolutely unambiguous.

Hong Huangnan didn't care about his excuse.Although the boy in front of him and his small walnut cake shop are not worth mentioning, he is interested in it.The Senate often mentioned the need to "reform society", and he was also very interested in showing his prowess in business—now there is a natural test product and white glove delivered to his door.

He swallowed the walnut crisp, picked up the tea and rinsed his mouth.Slowly said: "Things are done well. There are real skills."

"Yes, yes, thank you chief for your compliment." Zhang Yu was very nervous for some reason.

"Your family will do this?"

"Yes, oh, no," Zhang Yu stammered, "General tea and food can be made in small shops, but the walnut cake has the best reputation, and everyone has recognized this to buy..."

"Well, let's tell your parents that we want to open a tea and food shop in Dashijie, and the walnut cakes in the shop will be supplied by your family. If they sell well, we can make other varieties in the future," Hong Huangnan said slowly, "It doesn't have to be too good, it's about the same as today's level. To control the price..."

Zhang Yu's mouth was wide open, and he didn't react for a while.It was still Chen Shixin who was clever, and quickly pushed him: "Thank you, Chief!"

There was only a thud, and Zhang Yu had already knelt down on the ground, kowtowing three times to Hong Huangnan.Inside and outside of Guangzhou, who doesn't know that as long as they catch up with the Australians' business, they will be prosperous.At worst, the whole family has no worries about food and clothing.My own walnut cake is developed this time!The ancestors really have spirits!

He couldn't utter a word of excitement, and managed to hold back a sentence: "Thank you for your kindness, chief! Small, small, small... I can't repay you in this life, and I will be a grass ring in the next life..."

At this moment, he was full of gratitude to Chief Hong, and he didn't know what words to use to express it. For a moment, he thought that even if Chief Hong wanted him to serve him in women's clothes...

"Don't mention the matter of the next life. Just do it well." Hong Huangnan waved his hand, and said to take care of the false Kun who had been standing beside him, "You should pay attention to this matter. Remind me to write a letter to Lao Zhang at night." , put things into practice."

"Yes, Chief."

"You go."

Zhang Yu kowtowed again, then walked out with the fake kun in a daze.When he came back to his senses, he had already arrived at the place where business was invited outside.

After filling out the special supplier information form, Jia Kun gave him a "supply agreement" and asked him to go back and bring it back to the shop owner to "wait for the order notification".

When he got out of the gate, he saw Wu Bi and Huang Tikun waiting anxiously. Seeing them coming out, Wu Bi rushed up to greet them and asked repeatedly: "How is it?"

Zhang Yu was still a little dizzy, his face was pale, his hands and feet were cold, and he couldn't speak a word.Wu Bi was wondering, but Chen Shixin smiled and said: "Brother Zhang Xian is very lucky this time!"

Immediately, they talked about their meeting with Hong Huangnan: "Now Brother Zhang Xian's family has joined the Australian business, and prosperity is just around the corner."

Wu Ni also said things like: "Xiao Zhang is lucky this time".Huang Tingkun smiled wryly: Nothing is as good as silver and copper coins. Yesterday he regarded a thief as a tiger. This will be closer than his own father.

"Come on, let's go back quickly to make your parents happy." Chen Shixin was happier than his own affairs, "This is no different from the store that recruited merchants to enter. Yours was personally selected by the chief. This one is not unusual! Catch Ming Let Chief Hong talk about it, and also deliver the goods to Ziminglou to sell..."

"Ziminglou sells all Australian snacks, what's the use of your walnut cake?" Wu Ni laughed, "People are not enough to swallow elephants, I think Zhang Xiandi should do a good job in the business of the big world first, and he will have a bright future in the future what."

Zhang Yu nodded again and again, he seemed to have never been so happy in his life, full of longing.The path of life that was already boring and even a bit bleak suddenly became radiant again.Even the scene where I had secretly thought many times that I would one day pass the examination as a scholar felt a little colorless.

Zhang Yu returned home with such a dizzy feeling - he didn't even know how he got back, he only vaguely remembered that it was Chen Shixin and others who sent him back.

When he got home, his mother was startled when she saw his pale face, thinking that he was suffering from some kind of paralysis.But he was congratulated by Chen Shixin and Wu Bi, who praised him as "capable" and "helped by noble people".

"Auntie, you are blessed, this time your family will really have a turn for the better." Wu Ni said with a smile, "I never thought Brother Zhang Xian would have such abilities."

After arguing for a long time, I realized that today I actually hooked up with the Australians, and now the Zhang family and his wife are all smiling.Australians are famous for turning stones into gold, and if you can do business with them, not to mention whether you get rich or not, you will never suffer a loss.And once the brand of "Big World Walnut Crisp" is put up, it's not a star if it can get a lot of light.

The Zhang family and his wife had already struggled with the management of the small shop, but they barely maintained the situation.Now I heard that there is such a turning point, how can I not be unhappy, especially when I saw the "receipt" that Zhang Yu brought back, knowing that this is absolutely true, I immediately trembled.Apart from saying yes repeatedly, there was nothing else to say.

At present, Huang Tikun took out a lot of tea and food to entertain everyone, Huang Tikun thought it was just a walnut cake, but he didn't expect that there were many fancy styles - all made sporadically by rich families.

Wu Ni joked: "Daddy Zhang! I think Chief Hong probably has a crush on your son."

Zhang Yu's father said with trembling hands: "It's really his good fortune to be able to serve Australians, so he is considered lucky..."

Huang Tingkun secretly scolded that this is simply shameless!
Chen Shixin hurriedly said that there was no such thing, Chief Hong didn't have such a hobby, and he was willing to give them this opportunity only after eating the walnut cake and feeling good.

"... There is no need to think about such things, it's better to curry favor with things." Chen Shixin said.Zhang Yu won this lottery, and he was also secretly happy, no matter how you say it was due to his matchmaking.Chief Hong was able to give him this good business, probably because of his own face, thinking of this, he felt a little flattered.

"This time, it's also thanks to the help of the newcomer." Wu Bi patted him on the shoulder, "Thanks to him knowing Australians and being able to talk, otherwise there would be no such opportunity!"

The Zhang family couple couldn't help being grateful, and even Huang Tikun, who didn't do anything at all, received many words of gratitude.Especially after Wu Bi said that Mr. Huang came from Lingao and learned from everyone, the Zhang family and his wife showed awe in their eyes, and they couldn't help but fawn on him desperately, asking him to be more beautiful in front of the "Australian chief" Word.

Huang Tikun couldn't laugh or cry, why did everyone regard him as the incarnation of Australians after arriving in Guangzhou?But at this moment, it is inconvenient to spoil their interest, so they deal with it vaguely.

(End of this chapter)

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