Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1653 Staff Travel

Chapter 1653 Staff Travel
Lin Ming received the mission and knew that the Australians wanted to use him to the fullest.It was the time to express his loyalty, although he was full of entanglements, he could still see the general situation clearly, knowing that there was only one chance to follow the dragon, and as long as he seized it, he could earn the long-term wealth of his children and grandchildren.Immediately cheering up, I went to the Baihu Office first. The Baihu in the office were old and faint, and they didn't ask about anything and just took money.It was Lin Ming who had the final say in this small hundred-household office.

Lin Ming made an official document first, and in the name of the Hundred Households Office, moved it to the county government offices, guards, and other places in Wenxi, Beijiang, and other counties. He said that he would handle "big investigations" and hoped that the counties would cooperate.In fact, his Foshan Hundred Households Office can't compete with the counties along the way, and he can't even reach the same level relationship-if it is an ordinary hundred households, he is really a sesame mung bean official who is not much better than the big head soldiers-but Jin Yiwei's The prestige is still there, and the general yamen have to sell some face.Free food, drink and accommodation along the way plus conscripting husband is not a problem.

After everything was done, he went home and settled down.Said that he was going on a business trip for a few months, although the wives and concubines were very reluctant to part with them, they heard that it was an official errand and they couldn't stop them, it was nothing more than an exhortation.Lin Ming wanted to curry favor with the new superior, and asked his wives and concubines to cook more "road dishes", saying that he wanted to "respect the superior".

After waiting for a few days, the instructor asked him to "eat flower wine" again on this day, and met a "guest from the center" on the flower boat.

There were three visitors in total, the leader was less than 30 years old, handsome and upright; the next one was in his 30s, full of beards, strong and powerful; the last one was a young man in his twenties with a dark complexion. Appears shrewd and capable.

Although their appearances are different, all three of them have the same capable and strong figure, and they all seem to be full of vigor——Lin Ming is such a smart person, he has met many "Australian leaders" in Lingao, Looking at the temperament and expression of the three people in front of him, one can tell that most of the visitors are so-called elders.

The three elders came over at once, and the importance of this task was obvious without asking.He hurriedly took a step forward, bowed his head, and said loudly, "Lin Ming, a humble worker, has met three masters."

"You're welcome." The leader said, "My surname is Suo. You can call me Mr. Suo in public from now on."

"Yes, I know."

The elders surnamed Suo introduced one by one: "This is Master Kang, and this is Mr. Xie."

Lin Ming didn't dare to be negligent, no matter what chief Suo said "don't be too polite", he still insisted on beating one by one.After the ceremony, everyone was seated.Lin Ming still only sat on half of his buttocks, with a respectful appearance waiting for orders at any time.

Seeing the behavior of the hundred households in front of him, Thorpe secretly despised him. It seems that this person has a lot of officialdom.But the other party is a newly surrendered person, not a naturalized citizen, so naturally he can't ask too much.

He opened his mouth and asked, "Comrade Lin Ming—"

Lin Ming immediately stood up: "My lord, please give me instructions—"

Thorpe waved his hand in dissatisfaction: "Comrade Lin Ming! You should put away the old habits of the Ming Dynasty officialdom. We are all officials who serve the Senate and the people, and don't talk about this hypocritical etiquette!"

"Yes, yes, I understand!"

"Sit down and talk about it." Thorpe already had opinions on the old officials, and Lin Baihu's demeanor annoyed him even more.

Lin Ming got bored, knowing that Australians are not interested in this kind of thing, so he quickly sat down.

"Because the center said that you are very familiar with the situation in Guangdong, so this mission requires you to act as a guide and take us along the Xijiang Beijiang to go deep into various places." Thorpe considered the words, "What difficulties do you have? Let me explain now. , let’s discuss a countermeasure. Don’t say that this will not work, and that will not work when the situation is critical.”

"Don't dare, it's an honor for me to let me lead the way." Lin Ming said with a smile, "There are some difficulties, but they don't get in the way. You can overcome me."

"Okay, then everything depends on you." Seeing that he answered simply, and did not pretend to be embarrassing, Thorpe felt a little better, "I need you to come up with a plan for how to get there."

"I've already thought about this humble job." Lin Ming wanted to flatter and show off in front of his new boss, and he had already gone through the things to be done in detail. "I don't know which route the masters are going to take first?"

Thorpe and others had already discussed in advance: Among the three rivers in Guangdong, the Xijiang River has the best navigation conditions.Through the Xijiang River, not only can it control the mountainous areas affecting western Guangdong, but it can also directly penetrate into the most affluent areas of Guangxi.The yamen of the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi in the Ming Dynasty was set up in Zhaoqing Mansion where the Xijiang River flowed through. The Ming army was stationed here.So I decided to go to Xijiang first, and then go to Beijiang.

"We plan to go to the West River first." Thorpe said, "up the river, until Wuzhou."

Lin Ming's heart skipped a beat, as soon as Sanshui came out, there was Zhaoqing Mansion on the Xijiang River, which was the residence of the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi!There are still a few battalions of soldiers stationed now, and this group of Australians was the first to go to Xijiang, the purpose is self-evident.

"Taking the Xijiang River is easy. The Xijiang River is deep and wide. We just need to prepare a big boat in advance - the boat is spacious and comfortable, and it is convenient if we want to bring our female relatives..." He quietly watched the reactions of the Australians out of the corner of his eye.

He has been in Lingao for a long time, knowing that the elders value maids the most and spend huge sums of money on them, so he thinks that they are all lustful, and he deliberately caters to them.

"This is a serious business, what kind of female relatives do you want to bring?" Thorpe frowned.

"Yes, yes." Seeing that his deliberations were completely wrong, Lin Ming simply stopped showing off his merits and said that he had prepared the official documents of Jinyiwei, so he could travel in the name of Jinyiwei's case investigation.

"...In the name of Jin Yiwei, not only is it convenient to pass through customs, but also you can ask the county government to support you along the way, no matter what you do, it is convenient. How about some gentlemen?"

Thorpe nodded, not a bad idea.Although he felt it was a bit whimsical: the staff trip organized by the General Staff for the Guangdong Raiders actually wanted to use Daming's resources to do it under the banner of Daming.It's really interesting.

"Okay, follow your plan."

"Okay then, I'll prepare the ship now..."

"You don't need to worry about the ship," said Thorpe, "I've got it ready."

Before they got up, the Qiwei Escort Bureau had already received an order to prepare ships and reliable sailors, and many bodyguards accompanied them.The Guangdong Water World in the Ming Dynasty was not a peaceful land. Not to mention that there were water bandits everywhere, even ordinary boatmen and fishermen would kill and rob without hesitation as long as they seized the opportunity.

Although there is Lin Ming's official skin as a cover, but it's hard to say whether this group of heroes on the water will eat this set or not.

"The first stop, let's go to Sanshui County." Thorpe said.

From Foshan to Sanshui, it is only more than 30 kilometers: In the 21st century, Sanshui was a district of Foshan, but in the Ming Dynasty, Sanshui was a county under the prefecture of Guangzhou.Its history is not long, and it was only separated from Nanhai and Gaoyao counties during the Jiajing period; Hekou Town, where its county seat is located, is located in the northwest corner of the Pearl River Delta, at the confluence of Xijiang, Beijiang and Suijiang, hence the name Sanshui.This is the gateway from Guangzhou to western Guangdong and Guangxi.In particular, western Guangdong and northern Guangdong are mountainous, and the transportation is inconvenient. The transshipment of goods and personnel mostly depends on the shipping of Xijiang and Beijiang.Its geographical advantage is very obvious.Therefore, in 1895, it was opened up as a treaty port, and the customs was established accordingly.The British who worked at the customs at that time wrote in the report: "The vast Beijiang River Basin has not yet been developed. The mineral products in these places are extremely rich and can be easily transported to Sanshui for transshipment or processing. The geographical location of Sanshui is similar to that of Guangzhou. , it is very convenient to come and go to Hong Kong, and it seems that it has been designated as a natural cargo distribution center between the big commercial port and the two big rivers."

The unique transportation and geographical environment here makes it not only the most prosperous water transport terminal in the province, but also the first railway in Guangdong: Guangzhou-Sanshui Railway.

It is for this reason that Thorpe suggested at the meeting of the General Staff to set this as the main military station of the Guangdong Raiders.Supplies, ammunition, wounded, replacements, and spoils of war are collected and transported here.In the future, when the Senate is engaged in economic construction in Guangdong, this place will become a material transfer center.

The purpose of Thorpe's visit here is to conduct a staff trip before the start of the Guangdong Raiders.Cummins, a veteran of the General Staff, came with him, but the other young man was not a veteran, but Xie Peng, his favorite student.This young man has been designated as a staff officer for key training by the General Staff.This time I came here for an
The reason why Lin Ming was asked to lead the way was because of the complexity of the social conditions along the Xijiang Beijiang.Although Jin Yiwei is an "official", he is in charge of detective work, has a lot of contact with the lower classes of society, and is familiar with the social situation.Compared with the Escort and because of their status, everyone is afraid of three-pointers, and they can give three-pointers at critical moments.

"Is this Lin Ming reliable?" Cummins couldn't help asking after Lin Ming left.

"The center said he can be trusted." Although Thorpe felt that he was unreliable and had deep old habits, after talking with him, he felt that he was not treacherous. "We should trust the judgment of the center."

The instructor of the intelligence network said with a smile, "Just don't worry. He has a big family in Foshan Town—there are only four young wives. If you want to hold back the water, you have to weigh your own family."

"Four little wives? Really capable." Cummins said casually.

"This Lin Baihu is famous for having beautiful concubines. But this is not unusual." The instructor said, "The key is that other people's wives and concubines do not get along, and fighting is common. Only his family is the most beautiful. Outsiders say that the lady of the Lin family is virtuous."

"Xianhui? Hehe." Thorpe smiled, "Let's not talk about his family affairs. When will Qiwei's ship be ready?"

"The boat has arrived and is mooring in the outer river, waiting for orders." The instructor said, "Six masters have come from the Escort, and they are all serving on the boat. The boatmen are also selected by the Escort, and they are familiar with the road, and they are all reliable."

(End of this chapter)

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