Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1655 Sixianjiao

Chapter 1655 Sixianjiao

After eating this long mooncake, lunch is over.Lin Ming only felt that his stomach was full, but he also felt empty, as if he hadn't eaten anything.What kind of food is this!
"How is it? Does it taste good?" Cummins looked at Thorpe who kept drinking tea.

"It's okay." Of course, Thorpe understood the teasing in Cummins' words. This grassland compressed ration has become a topic in the Fubo Army since its inception, and countless jokes and witticisms in the army have been based on it.Nobody says it's delicious except for recruits who haven't had enough to eat before enlisting.

The reason why it is not delicious is not the so-called "emergency dry food must be unpalatable, otherwise soldiers will eat it as snacks", but that its main ingredient is dried sweet potato powder.Not to mention the cellulose-rich dried potato powder is hard to swallow, and the army can't get more oil supply.Therefore, it cannot give the same aroma as compressed ration fried noodles.

But for Thorpe, the key problem is that grass rations are too low in calories, less than half of PLA traditional compressed dry food.This means that the same supply standard has to be doubled.So this time, an "energy bar" was added to the grass ration, which used a lot of sugar to increase the calorie supply.In order to understand the tiredness, the supply of pickled mustard was added.

"You should pay more attention to when you will be hungry. This is the first time to experiment with the new suit."

"We are transporting by boat, and the calorie consumption is not high. I guess I won't be hungry until seven or eight o'clock in the evening." Cummins rubbed his belly, "Xie, let's continue working!"

Thorpe watched Cummins continue to guide Xie Peng's combat staff work, and his attention was on the geographical scenery along the way.In another time and space, he has been to many cities in the Pearl River Delta, but here and now, where are the scenery he is familiar with? On the horizon, apart from the intricate river branches, harbors, and puddles, there are rice fields, fish ponds, and mulberry fields. Cane gardens, lychee groves... A small village sits in it, and the common people wear blue cloth gowns and bamboo hats, and move their boats to and fro... a rural scene in Guangdong that has rarely been seen in old times and space .

The river in this area is very wide, and the boats on the water are staggered and busy.Thorpe noticed that more than [-]% of the boats here are small boats, and there are very few big boats.Regardless of whether the boat is big or small, it gives the impression that it is dilapidated. Almost none of the bamboo curtains of the canopy are intact, either with holes or patched with a small piece of straw mat.The sails are also mostly riddled with holes.The material used for the hull is not particular, and the processing is very rough.

He noticed that many small boats here had tattered clothes to dry, and there were stoves cooking food at the stern. From time to time, naked toddlers could be seen—all tied around their waists with ropes.I thought this was probably Danhu.

But I saw a small boat fishing in the bend of the river. I saw the women on the boat standing at the stern and rowing the oars, and the men were hauling the net at the bow.Both of them were unkempt, and the woman only had a sarong, which was so tattered that she could no longer see its color. There was a baby wrapped in cloth behind her, who was probably hungry and crying loudly.But the woman didn't pay any attention to it, she was concentrating on rowing the oar, and from time to time she called her husband to pay attention to the fishing nets.

Thorpe sighed secretly, and suddenly saw seven or eight small boats coming out of the river branch in front of him, gathering towards this side as if under a unified order, but after getting closer, they suddenly dispersed and left separately.Thorpe was a little strange. Just as he was about to ask a question, Lin Ming had already opened his mouth:

"This is the Danhu water bandit. They probably belong to four surnames. Our boat looks good, and they originally wanted to rob us." Lin Ming said, "But they still know how to do it."

Hearing that it was a water bandit, Thorp couldn't help feeling a little nervous: "So your amulet is working."

"They're not that stupid," Lin Ming said, "There are so many cargo ships and merchant ships that have no backing, so why bother with us?"

"So that's how it is." Thorpe was secretly surprised, this is not a wilderness, but the essence of the Pearl River Delta, densely populated, and water bandits are actually robbing during the day!
"This place is not far from Foshan Town, and water bandits are so rampant?"

"Foshan Town is nothing, and it's only more than ten miles away from Sanshui County." Lin Ming laughed, "These people usually fish and weave bamboo. If they have the opportunity to steal and rob, they won't let it go. The scoundrels are erratic. Uncertain, no fixed place to live, and the government has nothing to do."

The Senate is no stranger to Danhu.There were quite a few Danhus in Lingao itself, and later several pirates were recruited, and there were Danhus among them.They live on the water all year round, mostly fishing and weaving bamboo, and because they are untouchables, they rarely have contact with the people on land, forming a closed social group.

Although the government discriminates against Danhu, because they are good at water and have a strong physique, they often recruit Danhu to act as water warriors.During the Hongwu period, there was also a proposal to serve as a navy in Danhu, Guangzhou.During the intrusion into the Pearl River Estuary three years ago, the Navy fought Danjia Shuiyong more than once.According to the estimates of the Great Library, there are about 50 Danhus in Guangdong.The social and economic status is low, and there is an urgent need to stand up, which is a force that can be used.Thorpe therefore paid great attention to their condition.

Seeing the sun slanting to the west, a city emerges from the rice field and river network in the distance. This is Hekou Town where Sanshui County is located.The terrain of Sanshui slopes from northwest to southeast. There are many high hills in the northwest and alluvial plains and low hills in the southeast. Beijiang, Xijiang and Suijiang flow into Sanshui, hence the name Sanshui.And Hekou Town, the county seat of Sanshui County in Daming, is where the three rivers converge.

This place is the swallowing area of ​​the Pearl River Delta and the gateway to the west of Guangzhou. It has always been a battleground for military strategists.In history, the warlords of Guangdong and Guangxi, and the Chinese and Japanese armies fought around this place.

"Master Suo, please look, this is Sixianjiao." Lin Ming pointed.

Sixianjiao is just opposite to Sanshui County. This is a river channel connecting the Xijiang River and the Beijiang River, about 1.5 kilometers long.It connects the Xijiang River and the Beijiang River, plus the Suijiang River that flows into it three kilometers north of Sixianjiao.It has become the place of "Three Parallel Rivers" in Guangdong.The river here is open, mighty and boundless.Standing on the bow of the boat, you can see the confluence of the turbid water of Xijiang River and the clear water of Beijiang River.Where the two rivers meet, you can clearly see the magical landscape formed by the junction of the turbid and clear.

Thorpe has roughly known the hydrological data of Sixianjiao: the water depth is about 5 meters, the width of the Xijiao mouth is 100 meters, the width of the Dongjiao mouth is 200 meters, and the width of the middle is 500 meters.This jiao is like a natural canal, which regulates the flow of the west and north rivers and communicates shipping.Convenient drainage and irrigation.The development of production plays an important role.

The width and water depth of this short Sixianjiao can be used as a berthing place for ships.Thorpe probably remembered that in another time and space, ships of 5000 tons could berthed here.

"Sixianjiao, Sixianjiao, this name is really elegant." Cummins said.

"The name has a lot of background." Lin Ming hurriedly interjected, "This place was originally named Cangjiang. It is said that Mr. Baisha once visited here to visit his student Chen Mianbu. Named. This is one of the three rivers and eight sceneries.”

"Oh?" Cummins didn't know who Mr. Baisha was, and he wasn't interested, but he was still very interested in the landscape.

Seeing his high spirits, Lin Ming introduced that during the news period, when the West River or the North River floods rise, they will flow back to each other through Sixianjiao. This is often due to the large difference in water level, and the water color of the two rivers is obviously different, the west water is yellow and the north water is green. , Forming a unique "Sixian Hongbo".

"...At that time, I saw the green waves surging and the yellow waves surging. Howling and roaring, shaking the sky and shaking the earth, it was as if a hundred thousand yellow dragons and green dragons were making trouble in the river and sea. This spectacle, which resembles the mixed flow of rivers and rivers, is called "Mandarin Duck Water" by the locals.

"I see." Cummins nodded. He noticed that there was a small hill at the junction of the three rivers. Although the altitude was not high, the terrain was very favorable. Almost all ships traveling to and from the three rivers passed under its nose.Setting up a fort here can control the nearby river.He turned around and asked Xie Peng, "What kind of mountain is this?"

Xie Peng held the drawing board in his hand and was making marks. When the chief asked a question, he immediately replied: "This is Kundu Mountain. It is 62 meters above sea level."

Cummins picked up the binoculars and observed the hill carefully. He said it was a mountain, but it was actually a hill, neither strange nor dangerous.But it does suit their needs.

"Don't look at the inconspicuousness of this mountain. The former Minister of Rites, He Weibo, used to study in a hut in the mountain, and there are still remains of the study hall and the reading platform." Lin Ming is like a competent tour guide.

Then turn the binoculars to the direction of Sanshui County. In his opinion, these counties are almost all poured out of the same mold.City walls, city towers, urns... The county town is roughly a triangle along the direction of the river.If it is an army in the cold weapon era, Sanshui County is indeed a very difficult target, but for the Fubo Army, land and water are concurrent, and it can be captured in less than an hour.

"What is the name of the tower on the high hill outside the county seat?" Cummins asked.

"Oh, that's the Wen Pagoda, and the hill is called Kui Gang. Back then, the local gentry saw the good feng shui here, so they built this pagoda specially to take advantage of the water potential of the place to accumulate the four directions of culture."

"The name is auspicious." Xie Peng said, "It's Wen and Kui."

Since it was almost dusk, Lin Ming proposed to stay overnight by mooring the boat in Hekou Town.It is not safe to sail at night, especially a big river like the Xijiang River that has not undergone any waterway regulation, and the law and order in this time and space are also unreliable.

The boat berthed under the embankment outside the north gate. There was a Taoist temple built here. Thorpe and Cummins were not interested in praying to gods and worshiping Buddha.

Not long after the boat stopped, some government servants in the county brought food boxes and brought a table of banquets to show the friendship of the landlords.It happened to be a tooth sacrifice for everyone who was tossed by rations at noon.Among them, the blind burning of the sparrow has attracted a lot of praise: this is the time when the sparrow is at its fattest.

(End of this chapter)

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