Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1666

Chapter 1666
Chang Qingyun smiled wryly: "Ming people don't speak dark words. Last night, the Governor's Mansion received news from Gaoyao County, saying that the general surnamed Cao led dozens of people to make trouble outside the city, and he even got involved with Jin Yiwei. Xiong My lord was afraid that if the two sides froze and I would lose face, he told me to hurry up and be a man in the middle. Before I got to the pier, I heard the sound of gunfire, and then the group of gangsters retreated back to the city like ducks. It’s time to go, I’m already clear-eyed——When I escaped my life among thousands of troops, the sound of this burst of gunfire is all too familiar. On the ground in Guangdong and Guangxi alone, dozens of soldiers can be dispatched so easily with the strength of a boat. For a soldier, there are only chiefs.”

Thorpe nodded, not only extending friendship but also praising the other party. It seems that Chang Qingyun did not stay in the Lingao prisoner-of-war camp in vain.

"I immediately reported to Mr. Xiong, saying that Lin Baihu of Jinyiwei has a large group of people and strong martial arts skills, and they have already dealt with dozens of Qiuba. However, Cao's surname is not a good one, and there are probably men and horses waiting for him on the upper and lower waterways." I am afraid that I will not let it go, so Lord Xiong sent me here early in the morning, either to ask you to raise your hands and hand over the woman to Mr. Cao, and Lord Xiong is willing to give 500 taels of silver here; or please bear with me a little bit and change your appearance , I’ll send someone here to take you all back to the provincial capital on a mountain path, and just empty the boat and go back.” After speaking, Chang Qingyun smiled self-consciously, “But I’m afraid the chief will not agree to these two conditions.”

Thorpe laughed and said, "Since you know there are repeating guns, let's not talk about handing over and escaping."

He asked again: "Do you know who that woman is?"

"Students don't know."

"She used to be Mrs. Ru of Gao Shunqin, the censor of Guangdong Province," Thorpe said, "Speaking of which, she is also the same kind as you, and she has been reduced to such a level. Not to mention saving her from the fire, it is impossible to push her back to the kang. .”

Chang Qingyun said: "She is just a woman, besides, she is just a concubine."

Thorpe secretly despised it in his heart.I saw Chang Qingyun looked up at him: "Cao Bazong is a trivial matter. Forgive me for being a villain. As a leader, I came to Zhaoqing in person. I am afraid that Zhaoqing and even Guangdong and Guangxi will suffer from unreasonable military disasters."

With a sound of "swipe", Lin Ming immediately pulled out the Xiuchun Knife in his hand and blocked the exit of the cabin.Xie Peng also drew his revolver.

Chang Qingyun didn't look back: "Chief, although the students don't understand military affairs, they also know that Zhaoqing can't withstand the blow of the Song army. They just treated their crimes as a defeat, but they have received the kindness of Lord Xiong. There is really nothing to repay If Lin Baihu is successful and buried here today, he will be loyal to Master Xiong. I just want to say something for the sake of these two souls. If the chief can listen to it and then deal with it, the students will die without regret."

"Go ahead," said Thorpe. "You know the policy."

"Yes." Chang Qingyun seems to have returned to the years when he shaved his head and wore coarse clothes and was called "9763". "Master Xiong has long admired..." He seemed to be thinking about his words, "The demeanor of the chiefs—"

"What? The old bear wants to treat us to dinner?" Cummins interrupted and asked.

Thorpe laughed and said, "Old Bear's guest has been invited just now. Don't hesitate to talk about it. Come on, what message does Old Bear want you to pass?"

Chang Qingyun calmed down, and his speech became fluent: "Master Xiong has long praised Lingao for everything, saying that you are people with 'benevolence and virtue', and you are by no means ordinary merchants..."

When Thorpe heard it, it meant to recruit security.Listen patiently now.

"...All of you are descendants of Chinese descendants, of the Yanhuang lineage. You are all loyal and commendable people who ride iron boats to break through thousands of miles of waves and return to your motherland. If you can rest your swords and serve the court, you will naturally have a bright future..."

What Chang Qingyun brought was indeed a message of recruitment!This, Thorp thought, was nothing new.Xiong Wencan started his career by recruiting the "Juqu". As the biggest "pirate" in Guangdong and Guangxi, it is impossible to say that he does not use this brain.

Originally, he planned to reorganize the military affairs of Guangdong and Guangxi before gradually drawing up the plan, but the conflict on the pier yesterday made his plan have to be advanced.True kuns are not uncommon in Guangzhou, and there are quite a few of them who are aboveboard, going in and out of the city, dealing with officials and merchants.However, this is Zhaoqing, a battleground for military strategists from Guangdong and Guangxi, and Zhen Kun has traveled thousands of miles to this place, so there is no need to say what his intentions are.

Xiong Wencan's ability is limited, but self-knowledge is still there.Back then, he couldn't beat Zheng Zhilong with only one province in Fujian, not to mention the gangster who was more than ten times stronger than Zheng Zhilong and ruled Hainan separately!
Sooner or later, the matter of the Kun thieves cannot be concealed. Now that the Eastern captives and the rogue bandits are arguing fiercely, the court is so anxious that it does not care about the matter of Hainan. If the court calms down, there must be an explanation.

Xiong Wencan knew very well that the current imperial court was rotten, and the emperor had to work hard to govern, but he couldn't use his strength—or in other words, it was not used properly.He is well aware of the way of being an official, and he knows that if he wants to continue to be in the officialdom, he must not follow the emperor to "do his best to govern", otherwise it will only make things worse. Irritable temperament, in case something goes wrong, he is not a tolerant monarch...

You can only whitewash it as much as possible: as long as you don't cause trouble when you are in office, this official can continue to work peacefully.

The downfall of Zheng Zhilong was a big blow to him.Although he has an attitude of "attacking thieves with thieves" towards Zheng Zhilong Group, Zheng Zhilong still worked hard to wipe out other pirates after he was appeased. It can be said that the two sides have reached a "win-win".Xiong Wencan was promoted to Guangdong and Guangxi, thanks to Zheng Zhilong's "performance".

The demise of Zheng Zhilong is also tantamount to announcing that the Kun bandits have become the largest "giant bandits" along the southeast coast, and it also makes Xiong Wencan's previous strategy of "controling bandits with bandits" completely bankrupted by the mutual restraint of sea masters in the Fujian and Guangdong seas.As a rising star, the Kun thief not only easily destroyed Zheng Zhilong's main force, but also made an emergency landing on Liu Xiang's men.Originally, Xiong Wencan had almost reached an agreement with Liu Xiang to recruit security, but it was destroyed by the Kun thief's fleet in several armed parades in Chaoshan.

As a result, the bandits, the largest sea power in Guangdong and Guangxi, became the most concerned object of Xiong Du. He had already learned a lot about the situation in Hainan from the merchants who had been to Lingao, and he had sent spies there. worry.

What is worrying is that the Kun bandits in Hainan are already an enemy country. They openly call themselves the Great Song Dynasty, and they levy taxes and train troops unscrupulously.The officials of the imperial government's yamen are like decorations.The most critical point is that the huge appetite shown by the Australians somewhat scares him.

The so-called huge appetite is not "be the emperor" - this kind of slogan is not worth mentioning. In the famine years, hundreds of poor peasants rebelled with hoes and shouted a few words, "The emperor takes turns, come to my house next year". People take it seriously.

The problem is that this group of Australians have this ability but are not in a hurry to do so.According to Xiong Wencan's experience, if he can pull up thousands of troops and conquer several county towns, the leader will become emperor immediately, and he will be king for sure.However, the Kun bandits obviously have tens of thousands of horses, and the largest large fleet on the southeast coast did nothing. Even the officials of the court let them hang around in the yamen—this made Xiong Wencan hesitate: Building walls, accumulating grain widely, and slowly becoming king are the purposes of Long Xingshi, the Taizu of this dynasty.

I am happy that the Kun bandits are now entrenched in Hainan, which is like a separatist regime. However, the taxes have been paid and the government orders can be uploaded and issued.

If the Kun thieves can be recruited, it will be a big problem for the already battered court-Guangdong, as the only source of salary for the court, can no longer stand the toss.It is a great achievement to appease the place by yourself.

Naturally, with Xiong Wencan's knowledge, he knew very well that this group of thieves was definitely not something in the pool, and they were not something that could be trapped by high-ranking officials and rich salary. Sooner or later, they would raise their flags to rebel—however, it would take at least a few years. What happened after that, I may not still be in charge of military affairs in Guangdong and Guangxi in Zhaoqing.

So he decided to appease this "giant canal" at any cost this time, in exchange for a moment of peace.As for the future, let's talk about it in the future.

Chang Qingyun's recruitment conditions are very generous: as long as he accepts the recruitment, the imperial court will set up Qiongshan Deputy Commander in Hainan.Appoint Wen Desi or Ma Qianzhu as the deputy commander-in-chief. If the two of them do not want to take up the official position, they can also designate other real men to take up the post; 3 people can be registered as officers and soldiers, and the imperial court will pay them monthly; Australians can continue to be stationed in Hainan, except for taxes payable, appointment and dismissal of local officials, and post pass, the rest of the government will not ask.As for Australians, they can also freely enter and exit Guangzhou.

Thorpe thought, boy, this is tantamount to a full admission of a fait accompli!It's completely cleared the way.He knew very well that this condition could have been discussed a few years ago, but now Hainan Island is to the Senate what clothes that are too small are to a developing teenager.Many inherent bottlenecks in Hainan's industrial development have begun to be exposed, and the Senate has already had the potential to win over Guangdong. Under this situation, I am afraid that few people will negotiate the issue of peace.

Thorpe shook his head slightly: "Although I can't make the decision on this matter alone, I am afraid that the kindness of Mr. Xiong can only be appreciated by the Senate."

Chang Qingyun had stayed in Lingao before, and he was not surprised by this result, but Thorpe's statement made his heart sink, and he said in a trembling voice: "So, the Senate is going to..."

Thorpe nodded: "Since Mr. Xiong voted me papaya, we will naturally repay him with Qiong Yao. Mr. Chang please tell Mr. Xiong that Guangdong and Guangxi are not only hot in Australia, but also full of miasma, which is not a safe place for officials. The sky in Guangdong is different, and there may be heavy snow and severe cold that never happens in a century. I pray that everything will be safe and that you will be promoted to a nobleman."

Chang Qingyun nodded and said: "Students understand, thank you for your kindness."

(End of this chapter)

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