Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1673

Chapter 1673
Ma Qianju thought that this litigator was promoting his idea of ​​"ruling the country by law" again, and said, "This is not good. The Ming Dynasty even said on the surface that the prince broke the law and committed the same crime as the people. You are so clearly written in the law." Come on, I’m afraid I can’t justify it.”

"Governor, this should be like this. To govern the country by law, there must be laws to govern the country. In the past, we had too many unclear laws and too much room for the use of power. This is in line with the spirit of ruling the country by law. Doesn't match."

Ma Qianju said: "I have no objection to clarifying this in terms of usage. I just worry about whether it is appropriate to use such a sentence in every law? I think the law on the status of elders can be included in the constitution, and there is no need for it." There is no need to put it in every law—speaking of which, you haven’t even drafted a constitution. The common program can only be regarded as the party constitution and cannot be confused with the constitution!”

"I also think it should be like this, otherwise the naturalized people would not be so curious about the content of this common program? After talking about it for another 50 to [-] years, it is clear that this clause is to stimulate the naturalized people—to attract people's hatred. One of them counts X Shao X Kuan who didn’t follow the law have been scolded for decades,” Wu Nanhai said, “While we talk about equality for all, we openly declare that the elders are superior to others and will last forever. This is not only schizophrenic, but also Give the future opposition a lot of excuses. Confucius' meaningless sentence "You can't punish a doctor, and you can't treat a common man" has been scolded by people. It is more equal for us to be a veteran, except to set up a target for the It's meaningless except for naturalized people. I don't think it should even be written in the constitution. Everyone just operates it in secret. Anyway, there is a common program and the setting of the court of honor. Court, why write it up?"

In the end, I decided not to write this article, but it is written in the constitution that the Senate is the lofty status of the founder, leader, defender and guide of the country.

Then they discussed the plan proposed by the Planning Council to relocate some factories to Qiongshan.Bopu Port itself is not considered a good natural port, and the current cargo throughput has reached saturation.In order to further increase the turnover of goods, large-scale port construction must be carried out.

"Now only 12 tons of steam coal is imported from Hongji every year, and this does not include the import of coking coal and other bulk commodities. There has already been a phenomenon of goods being pressed against ships and ports. An evacuation."

Because there is already an industrial relocation plan after the capture of Guangzhou, the main evacuation is the shipyard.Except for a small part of the equipment and workers in the current Bopu Shipyard to maintain ship repair and small shipbuilding capabilities, the rest are all moved to Hong Kong Island to set up a new factory.In addition, the Lingao glass factory and porcelain factory that consumes a lot of coal and have both raw materials and products outside; paper mills that require a lot of straw and water, and wood processing factories that basically rely on imported raw materials will also be relocated to Qiongshan County as a whole.

This will not only make use of the transportation capacity of Haikou Port, but also reduce the non-agricultural population density in Lingao County, ease the housing pressure, and facilitate food nearby: both Qiongshan and Wenchang are large agricultural counties.

"I have no objection to the relocation, but it's a pity for those factories and kilns that can't be moved." Cheng Dong felt somewhat regretful.

"Actually, there is nothing to regret. Most of these kilns are rushed, the standard is not high, and there are great hidden dangers. The remaining factory buildings can be used by other factories." Zhan Wuya didn't care, "Besides, after so many years of use , Even if the life span is not up, it will have to be overhauled. Just take advantage of the opportunity of relocation to upgrade the industry."

Then they talked about the details of the mainland strategy, and finally about the arrangement for the elders to go to the countryside to conduct investigations.

"The general principle is that veterans who serve in industrial and mining enterprises should not arrange them to stay. The main thing is to do 'visiting' and it will end within three days. The veterans of the administrative department will stay in groups for social research and stay for a week; I apply, and the work is arranged again. If it is longer, it can be longer. Zishan has already set up a watch, who will go where, and how many days will be there. Each department must also keep people on duty..." Ma Qianzhu said.

"Everyone is going?"

"All of them will go. Of course, each department should arrange veterans to be on duty. About one-fifth of the veterans will be assigned to conduct research each time, and everyone will go there in turn." Ma Qianzhu said, "We should go down to see the real situation more, don't Always reveling in the report numbers."

The autumn wind gradually became chilly. In Hainan during the Little Ice Age, there was still light frost in the morning when the cold wave hit.At this time, it is the stage when the busy autumn harvest is coming to an end.A group of freight carriages - one of which is a two-wheeled carriage dedicated to the elders is walking on the Lingao-Chengmai-Haikou highway.

In this weather, I will go to the countryside for a long stay. The weather is sunny and the temperature is suitable.Going out for a long time and then staying in the countryside for a few days will not have too much resistance for the elders.

Now, except for a few people, none of the veterans are willing to go out on a hot day. After all, only Lingao has ice, water and air conditioning.It is the elders who will go out, and it is their turn to go to a place farther away and with a smaller population.

Yun Suji was very happy when he heard that it was Qiongshan who arranged for him to go.For the past three or four years, he has been nesting in Lingao. He works all day long, not zero distance from the farmland and water conservancy, and when he rests, he falls asleep with the whistle of the food factory.I have never even been to Haikou, so I have the idea of ​​going to Qiongshan for research
Although he is in the Ministry of Light Industry, he has a deep relationship with the agricultural port because of his business relationship in the food factory and his part-time job as an agricultural technician for Tiandihui.Wu Nan asked Wu Nan to submit a research project to investigate the state-owned farms in Haikou and the production and living conditions of immigrants. Unexpectedly, it was approved smoothly.

Before leaving, he said to Wu Nanhai: "Old Wu, we still have a lot to do in Haikou."

He was referring to the Ministry of Agriculture's well-crafted blueprint for land reclamation on the islands of Taiwan and Hainan.

Historically, Hainan Land Reclamation, founded in 1952, is the third largest land reclamation in the country after Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps and Heilongjiang Land Reclamation.It has a total population of 105 million, including 21.30 employees. In addition to rubber and tea, production bases all over Hainan also grow coconut, betel nut, pepper, coffee, sisal, cocoa, oil palm, cashew nuts, southern medicine, More than 20 tropical economic crops and famous fruits such as litchi, longan, mango, grapefruit, jackfruit, grape, guava, rambutan, etc.

"That's right, that's right, that's right. What we want is a single-crop economic belt like the United States." When he heard him mention the land reclamation plan, Wu Nanhai immediately became energetic.

For the agricultural sector, after three years of development, they believe that the Tiandihui, which mainly improves and upgrades traditional agriculture, has already matured. Although the potential of the Tiandihui system is great, it will take hard work to reach a higher level. After the planning cadres can independently undertake the work.The few veterans who have achieved fruitful results in agriculture began to think about another direction of agriculture: how to build large-scale plantations, or to copy Hainan's agricultural reclamation system in disguise.

Plantation is a large-scale intensive commercial agriculture that grows a single cash crop in the tropics. It was widely distributed in Latin America, Southeast Asia, South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa in the old time and space.Plantation agriculture is often engaged in large-scale production.The park has a complete set of production and living facilities.There are many special plant resources in these areas, such as natural rubber, coffee, cocoa, tea; banana, pineapple, mango; oil palm, sisal hemp, tobacco, cotton and jute, which occupy an important position in the world's economic crops.

Nongkou believes that the small-scale peasant economy can solve the food problem, but the plantation model represents the future development direction in order to contribute to the senate’s great cause of conquering the sea of ​​stars.All plantations have a complete set of production and living facilities, only agricultural and transportation machinery, as well as road systems, agricultural product processing plants, agricultural machinery maintenance plants, power supply, water supply, education, and sanitation facilities. irresistible.For the Senate, they worked so hard to transport people to the south, not to let them live in the countryside as farmers, but to become human resources.The direct operators of the plantation are the managers and employees hired by the company. This is obviously different from the farms run by individuals. The plantation produces industrial workers instead of traditional farmers. Industrial workers are good whether they are soldiers or colonists. use.This is also the reason why the human resources department used the agricultural port as a human resources reserve after the engine operation.

At the beginning of landing, when the first commune was established in Bairentan, they implemented the state-owned farm model and adopted enterprise management.However, due to limited conditions, until today these farms - except for a demonstration farm in the South China Sea - including the farms that were later established around Kaohsiung, are still not large-scale plantations that meet the standards.

In addition, because the policy has long advocated "enterprises' professional focus" and "enterprises run society" is not allowed; therefore, the supporting facilities for plantations have not been complete. There is still a long way to go.

This is also something that Wu Nanhai is brooding about. This general meeting merged state-owned enterprises under the Planning Institute, solved the ownership problem, and stopped mentioning the "professional management of enterprises". Policies are also conducive to agricultural exports to absorb private funds, which is a good opportunity to make a big move.

In his opinion, the Tainan Plain is the most ideal place to build plantations, followed by Hainan Island, especially in the southern counties, where there are many people and few lands, and the water and heat conditions are suitable, which is suitable for large pens.

Due to limited resources, Nongkou has just established several large-scale plantations in Sanya, and adopted a scattered resettlement method in several traditional counties with good agricultural foundation in Qiongbei, resettling 3 immigrants.

(End of this chapter)

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