Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1682 Symposium

Chapter 1682 Symposium

Fan Twelve saw that there was something in the chief's words, and he smiled all over his face, knowing that something was wrong.Seeing the four soldiers standing at the gate of the courtyard, the chief said "Take it!" and he had to carry his luggage to dig the sand.I can't help but sweat hot and cold together.He hesitated for a long time without uttering a word, but his body couldn't help sifting through the chaff.

The accountant in the village was still very quick-witted, and hurriedly said: "Cunchang Fan is good at fiddling, and I can't speak clearly, so let me explain."

Yun Suji asked: "Are you..."

"I'm the accountant in the village, Han Daoguo." The accountant got up and nodded.

"Oh, it's an accountant." Yun Suji knew that the accountant was not an official, but he was a key figure in grassroots organizations. The cadres depended on him to do a good job, and he also relied on him to make troubles. He knew more about the basic situation in the village than ordinary cadres. Much deeper.Seeing the accountant's style, he probably came from a store clerk or something, and he spoke Newspeak with a southern accent, so he said, "Okay, let's talk about it."

"Yes, Chief!" Han Daoguo bowed and cleared his throat, "Our village is a model village in the county, and it's all thanks to the leadership of the Senate, county, and township..." He looked at Yun Suji's face The face turned pale, and I quickly got to the point, "If there are problems, there are quite a few. Now the biggest complaint from everyone is that there are too many labors."

"How many ways?"

Han Daoguo took out a small notebook from his pocket, flipped through a few pages with some saliva on his face, and said, "Reporting to the chief: last month, our village had a total of 1566 working days of labor. Less. On weekdays, it would take 2000 working days!"

Yun Suji calculated in his mind that there are 192 full-time laborers in the village, that is to say, each full-time laborer spent more than 8 days of labor on average last month.If there are more than 2000 working days in a normal month, it will be more than 10 days.That is to say, even in the busy season of farming, the labor force in the village has 2 days of hard labor a week.In normal times, it will reach the level of nearly 3 days a week.

Yun Suji had read political and economic history, which talked about the exploitation of the peasants in the serfdom manors who gave labor to the landlord. Generally, 3 days a week was a threshold.And according to what I learned from chatting with the villagers earlier, there is an unfair distribution of labor here. If some people escape from labor, their labor will inevitably fall on the heads of other villagers, and the burden is far more than this.It is normal for farmers to complain.

He nodded slightly and said, "It's a little too much!"

Seeing that he had no objection, Han Daoguo became more courageous, and said, "As for this month, it is considered a slack season—in fact, you have seen it too, Chief, and there is nowhere to go—a notice from the county is to transfer half of our village's staff. It takes a month to work hard on the construction site."

"Not counting winter slack and busy farming, how much labor is required on average every month."

"It's all around [-]."

Yun Suji took out a pen and wrote down the data in his notebook.asked again:

"What about the content of the service?"

"I can do everything. Water conservancy and road construction are the most important things." Han Daoguo said, "Planting trees, unloading, transporting wood, digging sand, fetching soil... as long as it is physical work, I will send it out."

"Where are the assignments bad? What procedures do I have to go through?"

Fan Twelve calmed down a little now, and hurriedly said back and forth: "The county also sends, the village also sends, and the mine. The procedure is to send a notice."

Yun Suji knew that the "mine" was the Jiazi Coal Mine, which was a state-owned enterprise directly under the Planning Institute.This mine now not only supplies low-quality lignite to Lingao, but also transports a large amount of mining by-products such as coal gangue to Qiongshan for processing into building materials.Cargo throughput is large.

"What about the counterpart department? Which department will issue the order?"

"In the county, it's the county's human resources department. In the township, the township government issues a note and stamps the official seal." Fan Twelve said, "In the mine, the mine office issues a note. When the notice comes, you have to arrange people. If you don't go, you can't do it. "

Yun Suji thought this was too casual, a typical abuse of people's power.

"Do you pay for labor?"

"Take care of the food. It's just clothes." Fan Twelve said, "The last time the construction site was worn out, the clothes were worn out. Now the county can give some subsidies to the laborers who are out of the county, which can make up for it."

"Has there been any accidents in labor?"

Fan Twelve hesitated for a while, and said, "Before..."

"How many casualties? Are there any disabled?"

"One died, and three were disabled." Fan Twelve hurriedly said, "The county has given them a pension. They can get by."

"Can the disabled work?" Yun Suji said, "What arrangements does the village have for them?"

Now Fan Twelve was in trouble, he hesitated, "Arrangement... always works..."

Han Daoguo quickly picked up and said: "These households are the masters of the village, and their land has been arranged to be cultivated by others. During the holidays, the village will replenish some food and cloth. They can live well. They will never be cold and hungry."

Yun Suji felt that such an arrangement was acceptable, but Fan Twelve's words were vague, which made him suspicious of Han Daoguo's statement.He decided to visit these families later.

At this time, a team leader stood up boldly and said tremblingly: "Chief..."

Seeing that he was an old man, Yun Suji said, "Sir, sit down and talk, sit down and talk."

"Thank you, Chief." The team leader said, "I've accepted the hard labor. Hurry up, the field work will be done in time. But now there are still various tricks..."

"What trick?"

The old man glanced at Fan Twelve and said, "The first is the night school. People from the county are sent to 'literate'. It's a good thing to learn to read at night, but everyone works all day during the day and has to work the next day. Everyone wants to go to bed early. Everyone has to go—from lamp-handling to learning. It’s all about children, will an old man like me be spared..."

"Oh, what else?"

"There are so many study classes of all kinds," said the old man. "My boy spends seven or eight days a month studying in the county, meeting and studying. The family's farm work cannot be done, and his wife is exhausted and sick. It would be better for him to go to a meeting than to do labor labor——to pay labor and take care of food, to go to a meeting to study and he has to bring pancakes!"

"What does your kid do?"

"He is the liaison officer of the Tiandihui in the village."

Yun Suji nodded, then turned to Fan Twelve and asked, "Are there many people in the village who often go to meetings for training?"

"There were not many at first, but recently the county has organized children from the village to go to training. Most of them are from the [-]th Five-Year Plan. Group by group, it takes half a month to go there."

Fourteen or fifteen-year-old children, regardless of gender, are considered half-workers in rural areas.Walking for half a month and a month is indeed a loss for family labor.

Yun Suji asked the old man to sit down, and then someone mentioned that there are many disguised forms of hard labor: making military shoes, unpacking and washing old military uniforms is one kind, collecting castor beans; preparing meals for troops and laborers, asking women Another way to make pancakes.There are also annual militia training, etc., and so on.

"We are really busy all year round. We are busy with our eyes open, and there are a lot of hard labor waiting for us when we go to bed." The team leaders complained, "The people are not happy, but the county and township are tight, so we can't do it!"

Seeing that the chiefs were talking to the team leaders, Fan Twelve said, "I'll go and relieve myself." He walked out of the yard, and instead of peeing, he called Liu Yuanhu, who was "maintaining order" outside, and said: " Yuan Hu! Hurry up and go to those households that have had accidents and get ready! Get clothes for them to wear, fill up the grain storage, and tell them not to talk nonsense! Maybe the chief will come to see it later!"

Liu Yuanhu agreed, and said again: "The other families are easy to talk about, what about the Cao family? That old guy has been fighting against us all the time, and he will never follow suit."

Fan Twelve said: "Find a place and lock her up first. Then it's okay to say that she went out to visit relatives? Anyway, there is no one else in her family."

Liu Yuanhu was about to leave when Fan Twelve stopped him again: "There are a few neighbors on the left and right, you remind them, don't talk about it! You also have to take care of the people who rented these lands. : You can’t talk about renting, but farming on behalf of you. Only [-]% of the grain is paid for hard work! The rest is given to the original owner. Do you understand? Don’t make a mistake!”

"I see!" Liu Yuanhu agreed, and hurried to go.

Fan Twelve took good care of Liu Yuanhu, returned to the yard, saw Yun Suji smiled and said, "You are a grain household? I wanted to talk to some grain households. Getting rich is a good example."

Seeing that Chief Yun was talking to Bai Puting, Fan Twelve was more than half settled.Lao Bai is not only very "knowledgeable", but also very cautious at ordinary times, and he doesn't talk nonsense.

"Supreme Daobao Tianzun!" Bai Puting is a new Taoist believer, and he is extremely devout to this religion that saved him from the death line and sent him to the "blessed land". , "The world in Hainan is peaceful, and it is easier to make a living and make a fortune. This is all thanks to the blessing of the Senate."

"How many people do you have in your family? How much land do you plant?"

"Reporting to the chief, there is a wife, two sons and two daughters in the family. More than 200 acres of land have been planted, [-] acres of which are allocated by the Senate, and the rest are obtained by asking the Tiandi Association to open up wasteland. I also cultivated a few acres of land myself."

"Your family is prosperous." Yun Suji nodded, "How old are the children?"

"The elder son is twenty, and the younger son is seventeen. The eldest daughter is thirteen, and there is a younger daughter who was born in Hainan and is only two years old..." Bai Puting said with a sigh, "Originally there was a little girl My son, I and my mother both died on the way while fleeing."

Yun Suji nodded, no wonder he was able to make a fortune: the three men in the family are all strong laborers.The daughter can also do half of the labor.The wife can still have children, probably not too old.There is no burden for the elderly at home.

"Has your son married a wife yet?"

"The entrusting person told me to combine one. Right now, we have just harvested grain, and money is tight, so we can't come up with a full set of bride price, so let's make a decision first. After the grain and local products are sold, we will go through the house after the first month."

(End of this chapter)

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