Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1684 Accumulated Habits

Chapter 1684 Accumulated Habits
Yun Suji did the math, if not counting the children, it would be 400 catties per person.The elderly are old and do not participate in labor. This figure is not low, but the older the children, the more they can eat.Furthermore, this can only meet the rations, and there must be expenses for daily life.He did another calculation. According to Fan Twelve's report, the village's grain yield per mu, equivalent to a standard mu, is about 300 catties per mu for two seasons, and 30 standard mu is 9000 catties. 800 catties is less than [-]% of the harvest.Even if they have to pay for seeds, fertilizers and public grain labor, it is very cost-effective for sub-farmers.What's more, the farming households on behalf of the farmers are equivalent to one family paying the taxes of two families. If they occupy more land, they pay taxes according to the basic tax rate and do not need to be progressive.This abacus is really good!
He went to a few more "pension households", except for the old lady of Cao's family whose son died, it was said that the "relative relatives" were not at home, and all the households said the same thing.Yun Suji saw that their complexions were not bad, and there was no sign of being cold or hungry.I am quite satisfied with the village administration: no matter what the village chief Fan is up to in private, he still does the minimum work.

Yun Suji randomly went into several farmers' families along the road to see what was going on in the houses.Generally speaking, the appearance of each household is passable.Hygiene is also good.Fan Twelve said that all standard villages have unified public toilets and excrement dumping stations, which are not only easy to maintain hygiene, but also good for manure accumulation.

The basic production tools of each household are also roughly complete, and most of the tools used are improved farm tools promoted by Tiandihui.Fan Twelve said that people generally commented that the new farm tools are light and easy to use, but they "bite their hands" when they are bought.As the first batch of allotment farm tools gradually began to break down, the purchase of new farm tools has been put on the agenda.

Almost no large-scale animal-powered agricultural machinery was seen, and the few households that entered did not tie up their animals.It can be seen that the scale of production is very small.

"What about people who don't have cattle during spring plowing?"

"According to the old method," Fan Twelve said, "those who have money will rent cattle, and those who have no money will change jobs."

Yun Suji asked again: "There will be cattle loans in the world. Is there anyone who can borrow money?"

"No. Everyone said, 'Now I don't have to worry about food and clothing, my life is stable, and I have my own land, so I don't dare to mess around.'."

Yun Suji thought it was all the same!
Looking at the living standards of various households, some households are obviously better than the average level. Not only are there more tables, chairs and furniture, but also daily-use industrial products such as thermos bottles, and bedding is not a simple straw mat. The bed blanket is enough, there are sheets, and pillows of kapok or bean shells-very elegant.Many people also equipped with mosquito nets.

He asked about the food situation in the village. Han Daoguo said that each person ate about 330 catties a year because of the large amount of labor.Working out labor is to provide food on the construction site, so the amount of food eaten is relatively small.

Yun Suji learned that the food here is mainly pancakes with miscellaneous grains, and the proportion of refined grains is very low, less than thirty or forty catties.The reason is that various grains and vegetables can be used, and there are also many people who are not used to brown rice.In addition to paying public grain, most of the harvested brown rice is sold at the market in exchange for living and production materials, because farmers lack cash.

Most of the Shandong immigrants here originally had a sideline of cotton spinning and weaving homemade cloth. When they did not plant cotton in the local countryside, this sideline naturally disappeared.Because local ready-made clothes are cheap, farmers are now generally wearing ready-made clothes, which further increases the cash expenditure.

"Buying farm tools, buying clothes, buying salt, and tying up livestock... all need cash, and everyone feels that money is not enough."

"Who do you sell the food to?"

Fan Twelve said that most of them were sold to Delong. In addition to the fact that Delong purchased grains in a fair manner and did not use scales, it also had a lot to do with the fact that the purchase points were located in various markets.

"Apart from farming, do you have any other income? Do you have a side job?"

"Some people go out to work, and they get their wages back to supplement the family." Fan Shier said, "There are vegetables in the fields all year round, fish and shrimp in the river, firewood and wild fruits in the forest...but it is far away from the county town and market town. It’s all far away, so it’s not worth it to sell—the price of tofu meat. Tiandi will promote everyone to raise chickens, but you have to sell the eggs to exchange for salt. You can’t go to the market for a few eggs and a handful of vegetables for half a day .”

"There are no small traders coming to the village?"

"Yes, the price is too high!" Fan Twelve said, "He doesn't take anything, so he wants cash. How can a farmer have so much cash?"

Yun Suji laughed when he heard this, and said: "You really don't know how to use your brains. Of course, everyone can't do it on their own. Why don't you find someone who can write and count, and everyone can trust to go to the market?"

Yun Suji had read Jiangcun Economics before, and knew that there was a special class of farmers in the Jiangnan countryside engaged in the "shipping" business, that is, "going to the streets" to sell agricultural products and buy back daily necessities on behalf of the villagers.

Fan Twelve said: "Chief, how many things can one person carry in a cart, if there are too many people, it won't count..."

Yun Suji couldn't help but feel hot on his face, he really took it for granted!In the Jiangnan water network area, one person can transport hundreds of catties or even thousands of catties of goods by rowing a boat. The shipping conditions here are not as good as Jiangnan.He thought for a while, and then said: "Isn't it enough to take a bullock cart? How many big animals do you have here?"

"There are not many people who tie up big animals, and it's still a matter of whether people are willing or not." Fan Twelve was a little unsure.

"As long as there is money to be made, would you like it? It depends on whether the village takes the lead." Yun Suji said, "I can see that you are a very capable cadre."

Fan Twelve nodded quickly: "Okay! I'll think about what to do later."

Yun Suji said: "Speaking of sideline business, why are you not allowed to make tofu and sell tofu?"

Fan Twelve was stunned for a moment, thinking that Lao Meng is such a bad old man, he doesn't know what to arrange in front of the chief!He hurriedly said:
"I didn't say no to making tofu. But there are regulations in the county. I don't know what hygienic standards the tofu workshop must comply with. It's best not to do it at all, so as not to make mistakes, and it is difficult to explain to the county. Recently The matter of health and epidemic prevention is very strict, and the health police in the county come to the village every three days to check the health. They dare not make a mistake."

"So that's how it is." Yun Suji said, "This is a way to save trouble. Although you can't say it wrong, it is not a good way. There are hundreds of people in this village, and everyone grows miscellaneous grains. Beans are indispensable. Grinding Soybean milk is made into tofu, everyone has something to eat, and more bean dregs are used as feed fertilizer, what's wrong?"

"Yes, yes, what the chief told me is that I will ask Lao Meng to start a tofu workshop later." Fan Twelve said.

Just as Yun Suji was about to say something more, a woman's shrill cry suddenly came: "Don't hit me! Don't dare anymore! I don't dare anymore! Oh, oh, oh, father, please forgive me..."

Yun Suji frowned and asked, "What's going on?"

"It was Liang Zhu who took care of his mother-in-law." Fan Shier said nonchalantly, "He has a bad temper, and his mother-in-law is born with a sharp tongue..."

The young daughter-in-law sitting at the entrance of the village making shoes came to Yun Suji's mind, and he shook his head.

Seeing that Yun Suji was frowning, Fan Shier hurriedly said, "I'll call Yuan Hu over..."

"No need." Yun Suji thought that he didn't come here to be an old uncle. It's better not to ask about this kind of housework, and asked, "Is there a lot of wife beating in your village?"

Fan Twelve saw that his complexion was not good. He probably knew that women in Australia had a high status and they didn't like to beat their wives.He couldn't help but secretly scolded Liang Zhu for beating his wife when he was full, so he would only cause trouble for himself!

Now with a smile on his face, he said: "Everyone's old habits are hard to change, it's unavoidable! We have bad customs there, and I'm not afraid of your jokes, the chief. There is a slogan in my old life: I will ride the donkey bought by the daughter-in-law who married back home." If you don't call back your mother-in-law for ten and a half months, the neighbors will laugh at you for having no eggs. Even if you really love your mother-in-law, you have to close the door and take a broom to beat the edge of the kang, so that the mother-in-law howls a few times... Don't you Seeing her howl loudly, and take a broom to pump her buttocks a few times, she can't beat her."

Yun Suji knew the difficulty of changing customs without saying a word.But he was well aware that the issue of the status of women was ultimately an economic issue.How to attract women to participate in more social labor and participate in the distribution of labor results seems to be an important social issue.He remembered what Zhao Yingong mentioned in his report: Women in some areas of Jiangsu and Zhejiang had higher family status than those in other areas because of their silkworm rearing and silk reeling.At the end of the Qing Dynasty, a large number of female silk reelers appeared in Guangdong, who were able to earn money to support their families, and their family status also rose significantly.

He thought that we keep talking about industrialization, but in fact the scale of the industry is still too small.The prosperous civilization of Lingao is like an isolated island in the vast ocean, just like Kabul in the 20s and 80s, but it is only a layer of tulle covered with modern civilization.On the wider Hainan Island, the traditional production model and social order are still maintained
Speaking of which, instead of relying on state-owned farms to resettle immigrants, we had to set up many self-cultivated rural settlements where the land is divided into households. Isn't this a compromise between ideals and meager productivity?
Yun Suji strolled through the joints, and he felt that some farmers had an urgent need to go up and want to expand production.But there is no one to show them the way, there is not enough support, and there are even some policies that still hinder them.As for the majority of the peasants, they have not changed much and are still in the habit of small producers.Because these standard villages are essentially the same as the old homes they fled and abandoned except that the houses are neater and the environment is better.

They are still content with the status quo, thinking that their destiny is to be stable and have enough food.Even after experiencing too many turbulent waves and life and death, their thinking still has a sense of nihilistic slack, and they always feel that they can just enjoy the present.

Yun Suji made some calculations and asked, "Where is Bai Puting's house?"

Fan Twelve was startled: "Are you going to his house?"

"Yes, I want to go and see."

Bai Puting was chopping grass in the courtyard, when he suddenly saw Han Daoguo come in in a hurry, and shouted: "Old Bai! The chief is coming to your house! Get ready!"

(End of this chapter)

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