Lin Gao Qiming

Chapter 1700 Training Team

Chapter 1700 Training Team

In a barracks dormitory in Maniaobao, Tan Xiaoqin silently looked at the playground outside the window.The trees around the playground are as tall as a person. When she and the villagers from Yanchang Village planted trees here, the saplings were only as tall as seven or eight-year-old children.

It's winter now, and although the leaves on the trees are green, they look gray, and the vegetation is not as lush as in other seasons. The playground is empty, and she also feels empty in her heart.

After the new year, I will be 24.Tan Xiaoqin thought silently, feeling inexplicably terrified in her heart.

Tan Xiaoqin has never read any books, so naturally she can't recite poems that hurt the scene, but her mood is the same as that of a literary girl who can eat enough in ancient and modern times, full of melancholy.

At the age of 24, women in the village have already been the mother of several children at this age, and even if they have no children, they are already married.If any daughter is still in the boudoir at this age, she is a real old girl.

Since Tan Xiaoqin entered the training class of Ma Niao Nong Lecture Institute and became a women's cadre, she has learned a lot of "Australian principles". Spread the word to them.Therefore, she knows that 24 years old is still a "good time to be young and vigorous" for women, and it is the time to "do business".She still remembers Du Shouchang saying to them earnestly: "You have caught up with a good era. When I fought like you, I could only stay at home and read and write articles. I couldn't do any specific things. Not to mention being able to work independently like you! You women cadres in the new era must cherish this opportunity!"

It is true that Tan Xiaoqin has been promoted since "Conglong". She has been promoted all the way from the women's committee member of the small Yanchang village. Now she is the chief of the industrial economics section of Chengmai County. Due to her young age and old qualifications, Also from the Agricultural Institute, she has been included in the ranks of "key training".During the Northern Expedition, the organization department dispatched cadres from all over Hainan to prepare to go north to accept the regime, and she was the first to be selected.It is said that she will be entrusted with important tasks, and she might become a county magistrate.

Her father and her relatives were all very excited. The Tan family has been a miserable person carrying water and drying salt for so many lives, and now they are going to have a "county master"!Although she is a girl, she is from the Tan family after all.The elders of the Tan family still have the idea of ​​the so-called one person attaining the Tao and ascending to heaven.

But her mother thought differently from the men. Before she was selected into the Beishang cadre training team, she had a holiday to go home to visit relatives. After the noisy compliments, her mother pulled her into her room and asked her in a low voice: What should I do about my lifelong event?
"...You are not too old anymore. Now you are a real old girl. If you want to pass, this age can only be used as filling formula for others."

The reason why I say "the past" is because there are too many young and vigorous men in Lingao who don't have wives.

"...Your father, your uncle, and the others are all looking forward to your promotion—you are the fastest among the people from the Tan family who go out to become officials. They all point to the fact that it is good for everyone if you become prosperous. I didn't think about it for you. You spend so much time year after year, are you going to remarry at [-]? Girls can’t afford to wait, old people are worthless! Don’t think that mother doesn’t know what your father thinks, he is counting on you to be an official and chief executive. When we meet, there is a chief who can see you as a young man—he doesn’t even think about it, if the chief wants to marry a young man, he must marry a young man, can he marry an older man?"

What she said made Tan Xiaoqin's face very hot. In fact, not only her father and uncle had this idea, but she herself had this idea for a while.But in the end, no chief took a fancy to him. If he wanted to say that among the elders, he was the one who valued and liked him the most, but Chief Du was the only one, but she was a woman.

Then my mother began to talk to her, she said that the child of a relative of her natal family, also 28, was burning boilers on the Lingao City Railway—in Lingao, this is an authentic "skilled job" with a considerable income.

"...The family is very well-off, and people are straight-faced. This child was raised by his mother. His parents are not picky. The two families are still relatives. You won't suffer when you marry..."

In fact, she was a little moved at that time.In the past few years, she has been working as a cadre outside, and she is getting older day by day. Even if she has no thoughts in her heart, the hormones in her body always remind her of the physiological needs of a normal woman, especially when working alone in other places, those long nights, lonely Sleeping in the dormitory will inevitably feel empty, lonely and cold.Besides, the man's conditions are quite good: naturalized civilian skilled workers are very sought-after in Lingao's marriage market.

But when I thought about the conversation with the organization department, the superior had already clearly announced that no matter men or women, they could not get married before departure, and female cadres could not get pregnant.Anyone who violates the law will be suspended from work and sent to "study class" and "re-education".

Tan Xiaoqin, the magistrate of the county, was not very interested.But "violation of discipline" is a big deal for Tan Xiaoqin.Needless to say, the consequences are very serious, not to mention her personally, even the whole family, and even the entire Yanchang Village cannot afford it.In the end it didn't work out.The mother sighed again and again in disappointment, and she also felt very uncomfortable in her heart.

"I don't know when I'll be back." Tan Xiaoqin couldn't help feeling sorry for herself as she thought about her lifelong event.

"Xiaoqin, what are you talking about?" The door of the dormitory opened, and Lu Cheng, her roommate, came in. She met during this training camp.According to the content of the training camp, she guessed that Lu Cheng's job after arriving on the mainland was about the same as hers.

Lu Cheng is younger than her, but very mature.She is even more rigid in her work. Tan Xiaoqin heard from her that she originally worked in the finance and taxation department—no wonder there are people who are not commensurate with their age.

"It's a few days off, why don't you go to Dongmen City?"

The training camp ended yesterday. Starting today, the northward cadre training team will be on vacation for a week. The team members can go home and have a look, or buy some things they need after landing on the mainland.Then it will enter the standby state for battle, ready to go at any time.

"Too lazy to go." Tan Xiaoqin said boredly, "I don't want to buy anything. Besides, everything I need has been sent."

"Don't you go home and have a look?"

"My home is in Ma Niao, and you can walk out from the gate of the base." Tan Xiaoqin didn't want to say that she would have to listen to the nagging of her parents and other elders when she went home. And things already feel very strange, even a feeling of impatience.

"It's so convenient for you. I'll go home and take the city railway, but I have to take a carriage." Lu Cheng took out a bag of things wrapped in large leaves, "I bought melon seeds, just fried them, eat them. "

The custom of eating melon seeds was also initiated by the head of state of Australia.In the past, few people in Lingao ate melon seeds—it was a pastime for the wealthy and leisure class, and most people couldn't even eat enough.Now that the standard of living has improved, snacks such as melon seeds have become popular among the naturalized people.

The two sat on the bed and ate melon seeds.In order to change the subject, Tan Xiaoqin asked, "What happened to the commotion last night? I think the ambulances are here."

Lu Cheng is the little trumpet of the training team, well-informed and knowledgeable about everything.

"One person from the Fourth Squadron self-mutilated," Lu Cheng really knew, "I didn't want to go to the mainland, so I hid in the training ground and stabbed my instep with a training bayonet during self-study at night. It’s so fake, you don’t even need a doctor to look at it, but a nurse will tell you it’s wrong. In the clinic, all the wounds will be recruited before the wound is sewn up..."

"This is terrible. I'm going to be fired from public office."

"Not only was he dismissed from public office, but I heard that he will be exiled to the south to do hard labor." Lu Cheng sighed, "His family is going to be stunned now - I heard that he has only been married for half a year. His wife doesn't know what to cry for Sample……"

Tan Xiaoqin's heart moved, and it took him a long time to lazily say: "So that's the case, no wonder he was confused for a while."

"Who says it's not," Lu Cheng said, "The bright future is ruined..."

"He's pretty smart. He thought of self-mutilation to escape. Last time, the one from the second team cried and refused to go, and the whole family ran to the chief's door and knelt and begged. That would be stupid. "

Since the start of the training team, there has been an undercurrent among the cadres who were mobilized and selected to go north.Although most people are eager to try the upcoming mainland strategy, hoping that they can jump into the dragon's gate, but there are also many people who hold a negative attitude.They are not questioning whether the Senate can win, but they are unwilling to leave their families and familiar environment.I'm even more afraid of dying in the mainland strategy-this good life hasn't passed for a few years.

So since the beginning of the class, those who pretended to be sick, those who failed the exam on purpose, those who asked someone to ask for connections to find seniors, and those who asked their wives and children to come to the training team to cry and beg...the list goes on and on.

"Short-sighted." Lu Cheng said, "My father also talked to me, saying that there is nothing to worry about in a big girl's family. It's better to live as a small cadre in peace and stability. I don't even bother to talk to him. .”

Neither of them continued talking. Every naturalized cadre in the northward cadre training team knew that this time the northward reception was the beginning of the senate's "seizing the world", not to mention what they would do like this in the future. That is to say, right now, when they come to Guangdong, they will be promoted to at least one level. When the whole province of Guangdong is finalized, it turns out that it is possible to be a small clerk in Hainan, or a village chief to become a county magistrate-a lot of official positions are waiting for them.

For these people who were so hungry and shabby a few years ago, being able to catch up with such an opportunity is a blessing that cannot be cultivated in a few lifetimes!The elders changed dynasties and sat in the Dragon Court. These naturalized people are all meritorious ministers. Not to mention their own, even the wealth of their descendants is safe.

(End of this chapter)

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